Hello everyone!

Its June again, which is what many of you already know to be Pride Month.

For the uninformed and those who wish to learn more

June marks the beginning of a series of events that take place over the month ranging from MASSIVE PARADES to small informational kiosks. with people all around the world uniting in standing up for the LGBT+ community, no matter their nationality, race, age, or even sexuality. Well , due to Covid19 there has been some changes. Most events have been moved online , delayed , or out right cancelled.

Upcoming confirmed events

Please post your GA info like this... just copy / paste and adjust accordingly:

[game](GA link) | [name](profile link) | June 26 | level 1 sgtools
Giveaway by ends level
Undesd Horde igel2005 June 12th lvl 2, sgtools
place holder place holder place holder place holder
3 years ago*

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Closed 3 years ago by igel2005.