You haven't been to Asia, have you? And I don't speak about Arabic culture... Sure, the "White supremacists" have their guilty parties (doesn't look at Hillary at all), but does that mean that no other race has lawless gang violence, banking scams and terror rally attacks covered as "peaceful protest" ? Why blame one race when all are guilty of this? And why go make threads against ONE race when literally everyone who is HUMAN does it? Hmm? You think I'm like "he's white, let him go"? I live in one of the most white countries in Europe and I tend to ask for long time jail for white people pretty often, if not in a daily bases. Goes driving drunk and drugged and has no driver license and crushes at a bus stop, injuring/killing people and you think I'll be like "he's white he's innocent"? Nah. I always want him to be punished for a long period of time. And I do get really pissed off when they say "he's free for 500 bucks, but he has to collect trash from the streets for 2 months".
Every human is currently under this "Freedom to do what I want without punishment" and I am against that.
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Well, dunno in what country you live in, but here (European too) if you badly injure/kill people when driving drunk/drugged/w/o license you actually end up in jail in majority of cases. If your country is like that then I guess it is fine to call for stricter punishments for lawbreakers as long as it is not biased.
Having this opinion does not make you bigot/extremist. What does make you seem like that is the second half of your original post though.
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Why should moderators on a private side have to be neutral?
If cg, decides to permaban all users, that use the word "blue" he can do so.
I totally agree, that today everything a little right to left extremism is considered NAZI and Rassist, which is pretty bad. Still this side is owned by private persons, moderated by such and therefore there is no free speech whatsoever.
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Agreed on the private website part. As for the "labeling" this goes both ways to be honest, it's just that the majority of the western world swings more to the humane side which makes it seem as if "everything was ran by leftist" which is partially true but not due to some conspiracy but sheer numbers.
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Partially agree, but alot of censorship in the internet results from "expected punishment".
Especially for sites like twitter and stuff.
There are examples where hatespeech against black people got reported/removed/account banned and literally the same post against white people was not considered hatespeech at all (was some generic insult). That might result from the fear of beeing called rassist yourself as soon as you allow something controversial on your page(, which does not hold for insults agains whites, because thats ok....)
But I have to say, that you have to differentiate between "real" hatespeech which should be always removed and facts/debates that just trigger some snowflakes.
A good example of what I mean was a joke about deaf people some show produced. Even a club of deaf people said "that was pretty funny", but a person NOT deaf sued them for discrimination. I mean srlsy?
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Again, I can partially agree, especially with the fact that in general, people pursuing social justice have become overly-sensitive and attack totally harmless stuff that would go unnoticed couple of years ago or even make them laugh. But why do you think things escalated to this? !In my opinion! it's because of the increase in hateful comments towards people of different race/gender/beliefs in recent years. To me it seems like people started to think that what they say on the internet does not have any consequences which brought out the worst in them and things went beyond control.
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Public = huge community = should be neutral. Basic law of a community. If you want to be left specific or right specific you must label it in advance, to not confuse "gamers" that it's about gaming and not some random guy to spread hate and to get 0 punishment, but if you go against him to suddenly eat from years back post bans...
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It's not public, it's a private domain, you have to accept the site's rules to use it. You're seriously out ot touch with the whole problem, just repeating phrases taken from here and there without cohesion or understanding it - including the whole post of yours.
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So clearly this "Gaming" website, is just one more place where left wing can spread their propaganda.
I fuckin knew it !
All those giveaways are just a cover ! Rise the hammer and sickle comrades, we'll take the world !
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Comrade, don't forget to drop potato beetles from the airplanes, just like Americans did years ago to us!
Let us take our sweet potato revenge!
Image says: Potato beetle is your enemy! Everyone to fight!
Because totally, potato beetles were dropped from airplanes to mess up our potato fields, not that USRR was so behind with modern agriculture that they couldn't fight those insects in efficient way
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It's a website where rich high-level users gives things to poor level 0s for FREE. Of course it's the communist utopia. In Capitalist Steamgifts, you can charge people to enter your giveaways and instead of trains we have subscriptions. And the "obligatory GA" in threads is the opposite: You create threads to advertise your GAs. May the best economist win!
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It's a beard double. For the dangerous facial hair scenes.
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Have to admit, saying the "stop blaming" cause from a political side where everything is:
is rather funny.
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"The Mexican immigrants come here and do crime."
"The Chinese took away our jobs."
"The liberals closed down the coal mines and sacked you."
Trump's campaign in a nutshell.
Thing is, conservatives define themselves as what they oppose, not what they stand for. They declare the set of enemies to fight against, a set of decisions to go back from, a previous time period to emulate (in the US, it is usually the late 50s to early 60s), a set of groups to cast the blame on.
Just look at the entire Trump debacle on when he tried to exclude citizens of certain countries to set foot in the US. First, declare the enemy. Then, when the plans falls flat, find someone to blame (the judges and the media, because with Trump it is always the media). A real politician may have done the first part, but the second part would have been finding a back-up plan or a new goal to reach.
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Thing is, conservatives define themselves as what they oppose, not what they stand for.
says the anti-fascist?
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For starters before someone goes full "omg brain washed right winged slave", just stop it... My whole family is left winged, to the bone. My grandfather was part of the left winged socialistic party in a very high post, so don't give me that BS... okay?
I'll assume that renders you unable to support the other side because your family didn't, right? I didn't even read the post just stopped there, but I'll say that if you are following ideologies, beliefs and a moral system simply because your ancestors did, you are kinda brainwashed.
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It's not because your family is left winged that you cannot be brain washed right. You have evidence but it's deleted from the internet ? You are a conspiracist, dude, if that's not brainwashed...
You are defending yourself saying APE is not a racial insult. Well, it's still an insult and I don't understand why you should be allowed to insult people ?
And about ticket being read at the same time... Did you consider that support read ticket and then search other ticket about this person ? So that way they apply directly what is needed and close everything at once ? Conspiracy seems better, all SG is against you.
I never actually won anything here, it's not like you never gave away anyway. Maybe you should have particpated more to expect more ? You won twice what you gave in number, and more than 4 times what you gave in real value...
Trump is your president, give him a chance... and see what he does without random hate intents and you might be surprised. Hell I didn't like Macron at start, but he started to show as a proper lad... Even right wing is letting Trump down, maybe start there ? And please don't start on Macron, that guy is turning France in a "start-up nation" which has nothing to do with the French original values.
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okay you are right im brain washed ill qq in my left corner now. Macron is probly the only good thing france has recently rofl. Right wings who wanted to abuse Trumps post i their own views but failed. Conspiracy? check youtube. a lot of truth videos are cencored. whole channels shut down. And most the stuff i won are conspiracy theories anyway, so idk why u count them xD
and u r right. i should start making expensive giveaways to a community that clearly doesnt want me :D
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You're not the one who is going to be f¤cked once he passed his decree law about work, so I guess you can like him yes.
i should start making expensive giveaways to a community that clearly doesnt want me -> you're the one whining you didn't won "anything" (Portal 2, Payday, Two Worlds 2, Walking Dead, ST:Battlefront 2, GTA: San Andreas, Bioshock Infinite) from a community you are mean with in the first place.
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I've seen it happen for someone not activating a game from a giveaway way back when. That something is not immediately acted on because it was missed doesn't mean it isn't grounds for acting on later. SG has no statute of limitations, as far as I know.
Alternatively, consider it as marking those old issues over and done with as part of processing the most recent issue.
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There are, all the time. I still have pending reports from 2 years ago and someone could get a suspension from them when they get processed. (Assuming they haven't already been suspended for it.)
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"Trump is your president, give him a chance"
I had to check the news in case that happened while I was asleep last night.
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lol, please show me the evidence that supports that he was "most likely paid by the opposition". this is bullshit, and you should really know that. just browse the internet. there is lots and lots of evidence that he was a neo-nazi. i really don't know why people feel the need to invent stories to distance themselves from the guy. after all, neo-nazis want this violence. they want to remove everyone of another race by force. and now they are not proud of what Fields did, but instead try to spread lies that he was a left winger paid to kill (which is more than ridiculous, if you really think about it)?
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in other words: you have no evidence whatsoever for your claim. thought so.
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being neutral means being a bystander lmao. we've got views and we're gonna support em, and we're going to argue
also we aren't supporting her cause it's politically correct to do so, it's because she gives valid points while you just spill out awful shit
and being a member of one minority does not mean you cant be awful to another. you can be a homophobic black person. you can be a biphobic/transphobic/aphobic gay.
trump raped his ex wife, has admitted to grabbing contestents by the p*ssy, was going to be put on trial by many young women but the case was dropped because so many of them got death threats, quite CLEARLY does not want to be potus considering he's golfing/holidaying/NOTWORKING nearly all the time. not to mention the fact that he's firing people left and right, even the most right winged conservatives are dropping him and regretting all their choices in life that lead to this point
u are entirely capable of leaving all on ur own you know lol, don't have to force the mods to give u a dramatic exit so you can wail about how wronged you are. literally just leave. you can do that. you'd probably find modern technology incredible if you could pull your head out of your own ass
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Everytime anyone talk/discuss, a lot, over politics it give trouble. The most humans are dumb and so never the "mainstream" will change. Complete uninteresting was you or others say. That's a fact. It's a waste of time and energy to discuss, with the most people, over politics.
Why you do it on a GAME GIVEAWAY Site is not clear for me....
For me it is not interesting if anyone is, in SG, right or left.
Each one that insult(s) people should be punished.
When you qq that you punished 1 year later is this OK for the late punish but WHEN you insult people a punishment was right (or left ? sorry my black humor... i cant do anything against it).
Have a nice week
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Simple answer. Don't talk politics, religion or general bigotry on a "gaming website" and you won't have moderator issues.
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Alternately, if you do, check your post before you click submit. If it happens to contain sweeping generalisations that happily slip into mania (such as Kapy's previous "jews own all the big banks so draw your conclusions!" line that seemed to be at a root of a suspension), then perhaps edit them to be less prejudiced and more rooted in civility.
SG has always been lenient when it comes to moderation. There have been some really nasty arguments where the participants never got suspended because they never quite crossed certain lines. You can usually say whatever you want to, provided you keep yourself on somewhat of an even keel. This is what Kapy doesn't really grasp. They have been able to trickle out their bile for a long time, but only ever seem to get suspended when they cross the line. Naturally, this is seen as oppression and not responsibility catching up to them. \:3/
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why not? we have lots of serious topics here. that's what the offtopic section is for. discussing politics or religion is not a reason for a ban. never has been. hate speech or racism is very different from that, of course.
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First of all, all the politicians I've seen are total crap. Their job is to steal money, not help the people. So, supporting some politicians is like supporting your doom. But I really we'll see some good politicians eventually in the future.
The word "ape" is mostly used as a racist derogatory term. It can also be used to show that someone is lacking intelligence too, of course.
Thing is that there's nothing that disgusts more than a far-right wing supporter. I'm NOT saying you're a far-right wing supporter, so please let me finish. You hate left-wing supporters, but I don't see why you need to feel like that. You hate ANTIFA, but why would you hate someone that is against fascists? Of course, there are many stupid and hot headed left-wing supporters and ANTIFA members and nobody will deny that. Their ideology isn't bad though. On the other hand, the ideology of a fascist is inherently bad - they're meant to hate others and think that they're inferior.
Also, while I'm not American, there's no need to give Trump more chances than the ones he got. He has helped the far-right wing supporters and KKK members to find courage and protest, he doesn't care about the climate and doesn't believe it's in danger, he made weapon deals with Saudi Arabia, he keeps threatening for wars, etc. Like, why would someone keep supporting him?
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Let's make a wall around steamgifts and put the rule-breakers outside of it. xD
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There's literally people that want to keep others out of SG based on nationality though. And they're quite well liked and respected by the community. Ugh.
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Not gonna say their name because calling out but currently the only person on my blacklist was like "99% of rule breakers on SG are from Russia. I really want a region lock option to just not allow people from CIS region to join my giveaways. That would filter out most rule breakers". They were also convinced that this would be an option most people use, effectively cutting out all Russians from the community. I'm not even Russian nor do I particularly like Russia, but targeting specifically Russian people just seems discriminatory to me. They did not choose where to be born. I sent a support ticket about this actually, but it was ignored.
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I honestly don't care much how accurate it is. I will never accept judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a few of them. And you know the old "I would rather a hundred murderers walk free than one innocent person be executed for murder"? I would much rather a few of my public giveaways be regifted than exclude such a large part of the community from them based on their country of origin. It's discrimination, plain and simple and every bit as disgusting as the other kinds. Try to think of how you'd feel in that case: You are being denied a chance to participate in the community based on circumstances outside of your control. You are being denied that chance because people think that you are a thief and dishonest, based on something you cannot change. I really really can't stress enough how disgusted I am by that way of thinking. I mean, the giveaways and lost entires themselves are obviously not the issue. I've entered maybe one giveaway per month for the past year, I don't care that much about them. It's just the feeling of being hated and feared. It's alienating. It's wrong and I can't and won't stand for it.
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Why you keep telling me about Hillary? Is she supposed to be less "right" than Trump? Please don't tell me that you actually think that this is how you think that the left wing looks like. xD Or don't tell me that you Americans think that they were the only 2 options the whole time.
As I said before, not all ANTIFA are good, that's obvious. Their ideology isn't bad though. And their ideology doesn't ask them to destroy public property. And, to be honest, if I see them hitting fascists, I won't even complain.
The fascists, KKK, and all the other shits, have gained courage after Trump got elected, and you can notice it by seeing them protesting more often. Just because he denied his ties to the KKK, doesn't mean he isn't tied to them or at least that he doesn't support them. Believing a politician is like trusting a thief with your money.
Uranium has many uses, by the way. Not trying to support anyone about this trade, but I'm just stating this fact. :P
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it's called whataboutism :)
used to attempt to make the argument about something other than themselves or the thing people are trying to defend - I am told it is very common at the moment in USA politics :P
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hillary sold uranium to russia...
Trump tweeted, "Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia..." on March 27, 2017, but that's not exactly true.
TL;DR: In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia's purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operation in several U.S. states. Uranium One produced about 11 perecent of America's total uranium production in 2014. But even with control of the company, Russia is not allowed to export the material from the United States. As one of nine agency heads who signed off on the deal, she did not have veto power over the deal. That decision ultimately rested with Barack Obama.
antifa mostly do vionce and destroy public property...
You are correct in pointing out that left-wing extremists have a tendency to destroy public property to send a message, you might also want to consider that right-wing extremists are far more active and far more deadly in how they choose to send their message.
TL;DR: Consider that Trump has repeatedly said that radical Islamic terrorism is the biggest threat to the homeland. The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute examined that claim by looking back over a nine-year period, from 2008 through 2016.
There are 201 incidents in that time period, sorted broadly as Islamist, right wing (including white supremacists, militias and members of the so-called Patriot and sovereign citizens movements), and left wing (including animal right militants, environmentalists, anarchists and Black Lives Matter sympathizers). Most of the Islamist incidents are thwarted plots, indicating a significant investment of law enforcement resources. Most of the others are successful acts in which attackers damaged property or inflicted human casualties
TL;DR: From January 2008 to the end of 2016, they identified 63 cases of Islamist domestic terrorism, meaning incidents motivated by a theocratic political ideology espoused by such groups as the Islamic State. The vast majority of these (76 percent) were foiled plots, meaning no attack took place.
During the same period, they found that right-wing extremists were behind nearly twice as many incidents: 115. Just over a third of these incidents (35 percent) were foiled plots. The majority were acts of terrorist violence that involved deaths, injuries or damaged property.
Right-wing extremist terrorism was more often deadly: Nearly a third of incidents involved fatalities, for a total of 79 deaths, while 13 percent of Islamist cases caused fatalities. (The total deaths associated with Islamist incidents were higher, however, reaching 90, largely due to the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas.)
Incidents related to left-wing ideologies, including ecoterrorism and animal rights, were comparatively rare, with 19 incidents causing seven fatalities – making the shooting attack on Republican members of Congress earlier this month somewhat of an anomaly.
Want to know more?
trump denied any ties to the KKK and the KKK leader actually hates Trump...
In an exchange on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Feb. 28, 2016, CNN's Jake Tapper asked Trump if he would unequivocally condemn the Ku Klux Klan, Trump said he would have to research them before making a decision. I admire a person who is able to admit when he or she doesn't know something and needs to learn more about the subject before coming to a decision, but be reasonable. This is the KKK. What social benefits do they bring to their communities that need to be examined in closer detail before you say that maybe, just maybe, you aren't on board with their message?
I want to believe that most Americans in that situation wouldn't hesitate to condemn the KKK. Some 99% (or so) of the KKK's message until now has been really focused around that whole "racism" thing. That shouldn't be hard to condemn. (Even if the world turns upside-down and it turns out that the KKK has reformed and now hosts weekly puppy parades and community fundraisers, you can always publicly apologize later for your ignorance on the subject. Maybe even stage a photo op with a presidential candidate, a grand wizard, and a cart full of puppers.)
When you say "the KKK leader actually hates Trump", I'm not 100% sure I know who you are talking about. But since "KKK leader" isn't something most people like to show up on their résumé, so there is really only one former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard in the public eye: David Duke. He's got a long history of praising Donald Trump. He was an early supporter of Trump when the Republican primary was still an open field. And here's a comment from David Duke regarding Trump's handling of recent events:
Hillary said she will war with Russia if she wins...
Dare I ask for a citation or source? Because I certainly don't remember hearing her say that!
i mean... ok
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I provided what I considered to be a polite point-by-point rebuttal of your claims, and all you can say is essentially, "fake news"? You didn't actually use the words "fake news", of course, but I think I see a hint of that in your answer, and I know I've heard it somewhere else, too. There is value in a free press, and MSNBC and CNN should be as respected as Fox News and Breitbart by a government official at any level of office. Donald Trump is quick to trumpet his defense of the second amendment, but the right to a free press is the first amendment, damn it!
(As a quick side note, I just want to point out that the media and newspapers of the time did try to inform the people of the horrors of the Nazi regime, but were simply dismissed as Lügenpresse, the "lying press". Consider the implication when you hear "fake news".)
Whatever you think of CNN's possible bias in reporting, it is a legitimate news corporation. But bias claims aside, I didn't reference a report made by CNN. I referenced an interview between Jake Tapper and Donald Trump that aired on CNN in which Trump, in his own words, repeatedly refused to condemn the Ku Klux Klan. And then I linked to a discussion about recent comments made by a former KKK grand wizard regarding Trump's handling of state affairs. And while the accompanying discussion about the comments may have inherent bias due to conscious or unconscious intent on the part of the commentators, the comment itself was given as stated by the grand wizard himself. I suppose I should have linked directly to the tweet itself, but frankly, I didn't want to go digging through David Duke's Twitter account.
Take a quick look at the comment to which I was responding:
hillary sold uranium to russia...
antifa mostly do vionce and destroy public property...
trump denied any ties to the KKK and the KKK leader actually hates Trump...
Hillary said she will war with Russia if she wins...
i mean... ok
Take a look at my full response to that comment. Please tell me why you think Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia, or the KKK leader hates Donald Trump. Let's have a discussion about the issues. I will do my best to be polite, hear your point of view, and explain my own. If you sincerely care this much about the subject, then you should be willing to do the same. Even if you're a troll, maybe someone else reading this might someday decide to reconsider their own opinions.
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I did speak. Now I'm offering to listen. I would hope you would extend me the courtesy of doing the same. It's not an impossible multi-page dossier of information. It's a few paragraphs. 30 seconds or so of reading.
Tell me, where do you get the information that informs your worldview? What media sources do you trust?
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got to love how you put snopes, revealnews, politfact, and a full duke education report in the mix - but all kapy saw was cnn "...and daughter companies" :P have a blue heart :)
(edited - to add and daughter companies - yep, it makes all the difference /s)
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So CNN's has many affiliates and bureaus around the world, but doesn't really have any daughter companies. But perhaps you meant the sources I cited were related in some way to CNN's parent companies. CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, which is in turn owned by Time Warner.
Let's look at each of the citations I offered: is a project operated by reporters and editors working for the Tampa Bay Times, which is published by the Times Publishing Company, which is owned by the Poynter Institute, a nonprofit journalism school in St. Petersburg. No association with CNN. is a well-known resource for validating and debunking such stories in American popular culture, and published by Proper Media. No association with CNN. is published by the Center for Investigative Reporting, an independent nonprofit that relies heavily on foundation grants and individual donations. No association with CNN.
This was an academic study from the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, a collaborative effort between Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and RTI International. No association with CNN.
And there it is. The dreaded CNN. But like I said in an earlier post, the real news was in a white supremacist's Twitter feed, and I don't have the time or energy to go hunting through that right now. But if you do, have at it. And that, of course, has no association with CNN.
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True. Also, blue is blue, soft is soft, and one is one.
If you are calling me naïve, then say that. Don't speak in riddles. It just makes me think you're projecting.
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i call myself a right side guy but i totaly disagree with op. The Problem is youre not a right winged slave youre a right winged socialist it is basicly not much different from your left winged socialists family, the only thing you have a different view on it is immigration. the rest is the same sick ideology.
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Agree on disagreeing with OP. I wouldn't want OP to represent me anywhere, given this rant.
And I've found the moderators to be pretty fair. The community, however, does have its share of unpleasantness, but that's how the world is.
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The mods are pretty chill here. Kapy has been able to spout their nonesense just as much as the rest of us, but they fail to grasp that there is a limit, and if you cross the line you'll get a temporary suspension while you cool off. Kapy apparently believes this is oppression that is politically motivated, despite stuff like one of the moderators openly saying they don't support gay marriage, etc.
If anything I'd commend the moderators for keeping their cool despite how heated our community can get sometimes. I'd be more tempted to hand out longer suspensions given some of the behavior but I appreciate giving the benefit of the doubt and forcing themselves to try stay neutral.
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right side, left side, pro -anything, against -anything... its all the same bullshit that all equally contributes to all the shit that exists in the world, i dont care what side anyones on, it all feeds the same cycle of shit. the real heroes, the ones who actually will improve the world, are the ones that just say fuck it, enjoy your war, enjoy your flaming, enjoy your protests and your tweeting, im just going to go watch tv and ignore all the bullshit, and clean up after the idiots have all finished destroying themselves and each other.
learn to tune out all the bullshit, and those of us who do will be the ones capable of happily coexisting in the world, while the left and the right tear themselves apart with equal levels of toxic bullshit. It doesnt matter what side you pick - if you pick one, youre part of the problem and not the solution.
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No, but in the face of a problem surrounding you, adopting a position of utter non-involvement does not contribute to its resolution.
Daring to speak your mind and engage appropriately with the issue does not make someone automatically part of the problem. Black and white binary thinking with no allowance for gray zones, dissent or tempering is more the problem. I hope that's what you're getting at, because 'pure centrism' is often akin to a mix of apathy and agnostic poverty. On the sliding scale of values, reasonable people rarely fall dead center or all the way to either side, and those who do are usually quite unhealthily detached.
I'm all for taking a more chill approach to these matters, but you can't claim real impartiality when you throw a blind and total false equivalence over it all. It's a complex barrel of shit, so I don't begrudge people keeping it at arms length, but it'd be great if the fence-sitters wouldn't throw their beer cans at folks and claim to be uninvolved. ;P
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For starters before someone goes full "omg brain washed right winged slave", just stop it... My whole family is left winged, to the bone. My grandfather was part of the left winged socialistic party in a very high post, so don't give me that BS... okay?
Okay. Dear moderators, as it's clear that you support left wing views ONLY and no other, I would like to just say. I had proof that the whole "neo nazi" accident, was actually ANTIFA and left wing propaganda, obviously I had 2 weeks ban and that proof was magically removed by the internet, because it was considered racist.
Which leads me back to a memory moment... I am racist for using the world APE to someone who I don't even know the race of? Strange, I used the world as the original meaning. Aka a monkey, or comparing someone's intellectual level to such, not by race or any bs you might think of... Basically you're the racist for thinking it's a racial slur, because some random wiki page said so... The same wiki page that claims that "Apple" is a racial slur... Meanwhile I don't see you banning iPhone users... I mean Apple after all, racial slur and stuff... GO go you wiki page using as proof!
So clearly this "Gaming" website, is just one more place where left wing can spread their propaganda. 5 years, never got a punishment suddenly, I talk against the left and I get 4 bans! 3 from which are from over an year ago posts... MIRACLE! And later you go with the "We got lots of reports which go back a year"... BS, there's no chance all my reports to end up in the same period, especially if the dates of each had 6 months difference, just GTFO with your lies.
I never actually won anything here, except few friends which I still talk to... But for the 5+ years I'm here, never saw anything else, guess that's the limit of this website.
I know I'll get perma banned, so just do it. Wasnt planning to return here anymore. I don't plan to be part of a left wing supporting community. Your job is to be neutral, instead you support a transgender left winger, because it's politically correct for the left.
You know what's your issue? You're all spoiled brats who got what they wanted for too long... Now fuck off with your scrub political whining and blaming on white and right. Trump is your president, give him a chance... and see what he does without random hate intents and you might be surprised. Hell I didn't like Macron at start, but he started to show as a proper lad...
P.S IF you plan to give me any bans, make it perma quit wasting time with 3+ 3 + 1 bans... 100% sure you'll find other JEST threads and abuse them for "reasons". Goodbye you left winged terrorists :p
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