Tetris, World of Warcrack, Street Fighter 2(arcade), Borderlands 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 are my probable favourite 5.
So many others very close and worthy of a mention including Nier Automata, NBA Jam, Fallout 2, Civilisation series, Deus Ex series, Sensible Soccer, Super Mario, Bubble Bobble, Xcom series.
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Happy Cake Zarddin!
Sooo hard to pick top games. I don't play favorites :P but I'd say all times faves would have to include KOTOR, the Mass Effect Trilogy, the Dragon Age games and quite a few Telltale. (Now the Witcher is looking at me funny so hm yeah also these)
Recently, I've most enjoyed Detroit Become Human, Gris, Northgard, Abzu and Whispers of a Machine
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happy early cakeday, well my top 5 ...
Need for Speed prostreet ... yeah one of the more hated need for speed games but i fricking love this game, no neons, no hydraulics, no police, just your car, that is built for one of 4 disciplines and with only racing orianted parts. i must admit i don't like the drifting because you're riding on rails and can't really use your own line. grip and drag is fine in this game but i love the speed challenges. nothing feels so rewarding than to nail the track with a hard to control car :D some honorable mentions are juiced because it was one of my first racing game ever and midnight club 2 ... i finished this game the first time 3 years ago. juiced got a more realistic gameplay but it is hard to control espacially all the rwd cars with 600+ hp and the concept to build your own crew, to race pink slips and managing your crew in races are unique for me in an arcade racer ... midnight club is a arcade game where you drive in 3 different location against some street racer and the city champions. i really like, that you can see some of the real life attractions in the game :D ... i really miss the arcade racing genre
terraria ... this one caught me by suprise, i never liked minecraft, espacially the losing your stuff when you die or building in many games. at first i digged without structure, found a nice looking eye, wanted to see if i can use it and then spawned my first boss without any accessories :D then i played more with the wiki to learn how to play and now i got more than 500h and almost 100% again. i espacially recommend that game for 2 to 4 player coop. another game i liked as a honorable mention is stardew valley, got it gifted and played 2/3 of it solo
mario party ... i am a big sucker for this game series, got the original 1 to 3 for the n64 and played it mostly against my siblings on the evening. i really love games, that you can play anytime without a story and i remember those minigames where you got some burning marks on your palm for using the stick too fast :D ... damn the n64 controller was weird.
Itadaki street / streets of fortune ... back then when my wii had a defective drive i had a sd with homebrew and a hdd with games on it and got and looked up what games got on there when i first got it, I saw this game and thought why tf is there super mario and dragon quest in one game :D played it and my first impression was monopoly, then it got more intense with buildings in the same districts, investing in stocks, investing in your district for your profit with the stocks and sell it. you can force buyout from your competition, dump their stocks with market manipulation and so on :D it hooked me that i showed this game to my friends and i got some to play it on dolphin :D
grand theft auto 4 / grand theft auto vice city ... i love both games equally, vice city was my childhood and i prefer gta 4 over gta 5 espacially in the single player. i personally see gta as a open world sandbox and played it so. i love the island in vice city and driving in gta 4. one thing i espacially loved on both games is the radio because i'm a sucker for 80 pop and rock and the russian radio ... the only things i dont like are the phonecalls and the lack of weaponery but i apprechiate the more realistic approach in the gta 4 ... honorable mention is sleeping dogs, well i know true crime la and oh boy its sad, that this studio isn't around anymore. hong kong as a city was great and it had some own characteristics as the lack of weapons because of stricter weapon rules and the fighting in this game, i love it when you jumpkick your opponents or finish them off with your surroundings.
well i find it really hard to nail down 5 games, there are atleast 70000 games on so many plattforms ,so many genres, so many great ideas, memorisable things and preferences. well my writing skills aren't the best and it took me 1/2h just for approx an half din a4 paper :D
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Happy Cake Day and thank you for the nice giveaways!
Don't think I have a top five, or even ten, favourite games. Titles picked would depend on the current mood, really. But classic Doom games and first two Thief games are the ones closest to my heart and I revisit them regularly.
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happy cakey!
I don't think I can narrow it down to top 5 lol, but here is my top list as of November:
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Happy cakeday! My favorite game is CS series. These series have lived with me for my whole life😍
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I enjoy JRPGs a lot! A few months back I completed this game called Suikoden II. I really enjoyed the writing and the world-building, and overall, it's just a really charming game with lots to offer. It's emotional without being over the top, and it really draws you in and gets you attached with the characters. I think it might even be my favorite JRPG so far. It was released on the PS1 and there's no PC port for it, (or any of the Suikoden games for that matter.... shakes fist Konami!!) so I used an emulator on my phone. Still a wonderful experience nonetheless :D I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to get into retro RPG games.
Happy early cakeday, early congrats on level 7, thank you for the gibs, and do keep safe~ [ ^-^]/
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I heard that 1 and 2 are fan favorites, but I've yet to play Suiko 1. I'm really looking forward to it. :D
I do recommend FFX though! It's my personal fave out of the FF franchise but I'm probably just biased for nostalgic reasons. The soundtrack is also pretty iconic if you ask me... [ ^-^]/
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There are so many many great games that have come out in the last ten years, it's amazing. Too many to keep up with! And in so many genres! And so much innovation! I consider it the new Golden Age of gaming. So coming up with a top 5 or even top 20 is too much for me. But here are a handful of games I have played and really enjoyed and have talked up to my friends.
Supraland - a 3D first person perspective metroidvania made by one guy. It's got retro charm (you pick up coins and they ding!) and it's all very child-like, but it's meticulously made and ingenious. Wonderful and hours of fun with lots of secrets to discover.
Sinking City - Tied up in developer hell, but if you can get a copy, play it. It's the best Lovecraftian setting I've played in a long while. And it's a true detective story. You investigate cases, you encounter the mysterious void, you teeter on the edge of madness.. Just tons of fun!
Wilmot's Warehouse - A warehouse organization game. Stock comes in and you organize your inventory around the warehouse in limited time before customers come and place their orders. Then you have to fill their orders in limited time. Not only is your time limited, but so is the speed you can move at and the amount of stuff you can carry at once. Categorization and efficiency challenges. It might sound like work, but I think it's marvelous fun and creative and challenging and just perfectly made.
And, oh, hey! It's my cakeday! So here's a giveaway for anybody reading this: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/GvpTm/the-secret-order-7-shadow-breach
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Pozostaje życzyć wielu kolejnych lat na SG oraz wielu wygranych!!! :)
I'm a huge fan of point 'n' click games, so as all-time favorites I have to mention at least one game from that genre - Secret of the Monkey Island, and Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck Revenge (ok, two of them :)). I spent a lot of hours playing Fallout and Fallout 2 (especially the second one), and I love them. The same goes with Baldurs Gate 1 & 2. I've also enjoyed FFVII very much.
From more recent-ish titles I would highly recommend you to play Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I never thought that I would enjoy them sooooo much. Great games!
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I recently encountered a traffic accident.
I'm not confident in my memory.lol
For earthlings.
Fall out 3
For non-earthlings.
There are other selection criteria, but you can get something around here.
1D100=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞ 🎲
Well, Earthlings you roll the dice of fate.
Early Happy CakeDay( *・Θ・)σ 🎂
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20 February 2019 - 9:04 PM was the moment when I did create my account here and started to look around to understand how everything works.
Almost 2 years have passed since then and that means that cake/factory day is upon me.
That means this site demand a sacrifice in games from me as per tradition.
I had great fun here and also many interesting discussions and meet many interesting people. Also during these 2 years some people added me to their BL and 16 times more people added me to their WL. Thank you all :)
My math tells me that lvl 6 / 2 years = 3 so GAs are for level 3 and up and if my math is correct these GAs should make me level up and reach level 7 :)
GAs (lvl 3+):
If you want you can BUMP but if you really want to BUMP write something about your favorite or TOP 5? 10? favorite games. It is always nice to read what other people enjoy and think and to add some new games to wishlist because of that :)
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