20 February 2019 - 9:04 PM was the moment when I did create my account here and started to look around to understand how everything works.

Almost 2 years have passed since then and that means that cake/factory day is upon me.
That means this site demand a sacrifice in games from me as per tradition.

I had great fun here and also many interesting discussions and meet many interesting people. Also during these 2 years some people added me to their BL and 16 times more people added me to their WL. Thank you all :)

My math tells me that lvl 6 / 2 years = 3 so GAs are for level 3 and up and if my math is correct these GAs should make me level up and reach level 7 :)

GAs (lvl 3+):


If you want you can BUMP but if you really want to BUMP write something about your favorite or TOP 5? 10? favorite games. It is always nice to read what other people enjoy and think and to add some new games to wishlist because of that :)

4 years ago

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Carmageddon 2, Heroes 3, Skyrim, final fantasy IX, duke nukem 3d, slay The spire, football Manager(in general), hotline miami, giants citizen kabuto, and worms(but only with hot seat). Thats it :) thanks for giveaways, and happy cakeday!

4 years ago

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Carmageddon series, Heroes series, worms series and giants citizen kabuto = my childhood :)

I need to get my hands on the newest edition of Skyrin and Oblivion and Morrowind and then make a Elder Scrolls marathon :D

4 years ago

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Muszę Cię mieć w mojej białej liście :)) poprawiles mi dzień jeszcze bardziej. Miłego brachu ✌

4 years ago

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Wielkie dzięki ;) Też Cię dodam na przyszłość ;) Miłego wieczoru :)

4 years ago

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Are my latest favorites.

Thanks for the GAs and congrats 😉

4 years ago

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Stardew Valley was great. Almost 200 hours but still not 100% it :P

4 years ago

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Great taste!

4 years ago

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Thanks (;

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday and congrats. Not thinking too long about my ratings lets give 5: Football Manager, Dominions, Fallout 2, Master of Orion/Magic, Baldurs Gate 2.

4 years ago

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Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and Fallout 1 and 2 and tactics - the reason why I am and forever will be an RPG fan :)

4 years ago

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Happy cakeday, Zarddin! :)

View attached image.
4 years ago

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All time favorite games include Knights of the Old Republic, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Red Alert 2, Half Life and Gothic. Happy cakeday!

4 years ago

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Ahhhh KOTOR 1 and 2 - I will have to 100% these games in near future to get that nostalgia feeling :)

Gothic - 1st game that let me cook meat and craft swords :)

Half-Life - still waiting for Half-Life 3 :P

4 years ago

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BUMP! happy cakeday!^^

4 years ago

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Not necesseraly my favorites games but still very enjoyable and less famous than an elder scrolls or a FF I'd say :
Clandestine. Must obligatory played in vocal coop. On field gameplay is pretty rough but great assymetric coop game. In the same genre the We were here serie. First is free. And again in the same genre Tick Tock: A Tale for Two

Another hidden gems are the Zeno Clash 1 and 2. Very weird atmosphere, very oniric. Great fighting gameplay.

And finally Sunset Overdrive. A little repetitive but incredibly fun gameplay and incredibly stupid world.

4 years ago

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It is time to watch some Clandestine and Sunset Overdrive and other games you mentioned gameplays :)

4 years ago

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Clandestine looks really interesting, as does Tick Tock. I'm always looking for more good co-op games. Do both people need a copy, or is it possible to play these co-op with just one copy?

4 years ago

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Unfortunately both players must have a copy.

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday :o)
This 2 years run, i know exactly how i observed you from the first week on that you were active at sg and how fast you were at my WL.

This War of Mine
XCOM - Enemy Unknown (in general the XCOM Series)
Shadowrun Series
12 Labours of Hercules Series
Pixel Puzzles Japan and the rest of the Series
Minion Masters
Total War Series
Hearts of Iron Series
Blitzkrieg Series

4 years ago

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How many of these are hentai? :P

4 years ago

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Of this ones ? None

It don't give much "Hentai" games that are worth a "all time favorite" ;o)
They are like "Enjoy the tits as long as they are hot and before they reach the knees^^"

4 years ago

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I love This War of Mine and XCOM and Shadowrun Series :)

4 years ago

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I have been holding long with Gothic, Skyrim, Wizardry 8, Ultimate fishing simulator, Dragon age, Elex, Resident evil, Risen, first Witcher (others sucks) and Zoo tycoon, which can be never replaced by Planet zoo until they add possibility throw visitor into tigers exhibits and marine + dino pack.
But I am known for being trash person which tries to find nice aspect in every game. Except Arcania, may that failure of technics burn in hell.

4 years ago

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Gothic and Wizardry 8 bring back memories :)

Dragon Age: origins was great :)

Elex and Risen series are on my wishlist :)

4 years ago

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Early happy cakeday! 🎂
It's a bit hard to say which games are my favorites, I like most games :D
For now I can think of Gothic, Hotline Miami, Prince of Persia and Bioshock, I enjoy playing them!

4 years ago

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Bioshock games had a great atmosphere :)

4 years ago

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and many more good years

favorite games ? s.t.a.l.k.e.r. en borderlands series

4 years ago

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It would be strange if Axton would not say he loves Borderlands :D

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Many RPG games that are close to my heart :)

4 years ago

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Very happy 🍰 day!
I'm pretty new here and pretty new in games (last summer I finally got myself a computer I can play decent games on) so my wishlist and to-play queue is much larger than my actually played top but from what I've gone through already - The Witcher (fanatic here 👋), Death Stranding, Gothic (esp. 3) and the Ori series is what I'd recommend. How about you, any recommendations? 😁

Pozdrawiam krajana! Wielu następnych owocnych lat tutaj! 😉

4 years ago

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Metro series
Bioshock series
This War of Mine
Torment: Tides of Numenera

4 years ago

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Dzięki! 💖
From those I've played Vampyr. Really cool game, I loved the climate and the story was moving, although I can't help but feel that it didn't live up to its full potential. I'd really like it to be more multi-layered.

4 years ago

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Uh my memory is awful so i only remember stanley parable,spaceplan ,bloon tower defense,clicker heroes 2 i can't remember other ones(and a web game giants and dwarves td)

4 years ago*

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happy factory day! thanks a lot for GAs!

4 years ago

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Happy cakeday and congrats on 7 soon~

For games I like maybe not top 5 but:
One piece world seeker
Bloons td6
persona 4 golden
Slay the spire
Disgaea 5 Complete

4 years ago

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Happy almost 🎂 day friend!

I am still sticking with Spelunky as my favorite game.
Other really awesome Steam games include: Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Enter the Gungeon, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Ori. I seem to always come back to this list...
Also the Yakuza games are great too. There are so many good games out there, among all of the bad, of course. I wish I had a longer lifespan so that I can play them all.

4 years ago

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Probably Shadowrun: Dragonfall.

Happy early cakeday! 🍰

4 years ago

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It's not a top, but I really like the GTA series [Vice City being my favorite], because I can do mostly whatever the fuck I want; Just Cause 2, for the over the top action movie feeling [And grappling hook]; Wolfenstein: The New Order for the alternate history setting [And I can shoot nazis]; Brutal Legend and it's awesome fantasy world [And soundtrack]; and Barony, that give me that tabletop RPG feeling [It's not even close, but it's better than nothing]

4 years ago

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happy cakeday

Ive been playing a ton of war thunder lately and loved it

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday !!
Well i enjoy alot Alan Wake and L4D2

4 years ago

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Happy Cake day. My top pick would be the fallout series.

4 years ago

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Early Happy level 7 :)

My top 5 (hard to say if it's the correct order)
1. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
2. The Life is strange series (small preference for the episode "Before the storm")
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Firewatch
5. Raft

4 years ago

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It's a question that pops up quite a bit of your favourite games and its always so hard to just remember what you played. I've never said the same things because

FFX has always been my favourite
Quantic Dream is just a whole set of favourites
Tokyo Xanadu was a recent jrpg I played and loved
Fairy Fencer F was a very early jrpg I played which made me carry on with the developers
Saints row was a series I grew up with and still have fun with - mainly 3 and 4
Finally lets say Fable 3. I would love to own it still since I adored the game, I was very proud as a kid never dying somehow against the annoying sand people and wolverines! I tried so hard to save my money but noooo I had to be a good king and keep my promises

4 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

One of my favorite games is The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It was the first Zelda game that I really got into as a kid. The world being 2D left a lot for my imagination to fill in; not to surprisingly my imagination did a suspended job. It was a great game and still is. Every once in a while I revisit it out of nostalgia.

My most recent journey into the franchise took me to the island of Koholint in Link's Awakening. Which is a fantastic adventure and brought back so many memories. I've played almost every Zelda title out there (I missed a couple handheld games.) and I loved them all.

Some of my other favorite games (and series) include;
Borderlands - I'm playing BL3 at the moment. I'm not to far in, but I'm a little underwhelmed by the first level. I'm kind of tired of Pandora... I do love the games performance though. The engine is definitely a lot nicer and even though the frame rate is similar it feels smother. Anyways I'm hoping the rest of the games levels will be better. I'm looking forward to something new.

Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided - I never got into the earlier games, but the modern ones are great. I love the atmosphere. A lot like my favorite movies, it has perfected the extremism between a futuristic elitist utopian society and the dystopian world of the underclass. The blacks and golds contrast perfectly with the rest of the world. The story is compelling and believable. Unfortunately the ending of Human Revolution could've used some "work".

While Mankind Divided isn't quite as great as Human Revolution, I still enjoyed it and felt like it got a bit of a bad rap because of the DLC controversy at launch.

Prey - This is an amazing game. It has such a great feel to it. The station has a certain luxurious feel to it that's almost futuristic scifi meets 1960s luxury, but it's still functional. It creates a great backdrop for the story. The game play is spot on too. There's lots of different ways to approach each and every scenario.

I'm sure there's more, but those ones stand out the most in my mind right now.

4 years ago

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Happy early cakeday!
Pony Island, Rocket League, OneShot, Half Life 2, Evan's Remains, The House in Fata Morgana, The Song of Saya, Cat Quest, To the Moon, Nier Automata, The Stanley Parable, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered.
A mix of 4th wall breaking, stories and satisfying gameplay.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Zarddin.