
Let's end this week with a BANG. So, tell me you're a gamer without telling me you're a gamer.

Make it fun, you can use meme's as long as they are appropriate and don't break the Guidelines.

Here's an example: "I'm extremely violent according to the media."

Thank you and have fun! 😄

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2 years ago

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a quote "Your Face, Your A**, What's The Difference"


Another settlement needs our help!

2 years ago*

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I had to search this two up as I didn't know what they were until the last one seemed familiar. 😆

2 years ago

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I got my start killing rats, but now I'm world-famous.

2 years ago

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Sounds like a Bethesda game, or am I mistaking?

2 years ago

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I had BioWare in mind, but I think it's pretty common.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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oh I don't know what is this one 🤷🏻‍♂️

2 years ago

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Cheat codes for 3 different games:

Warcraft 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 2

But I notice now I have misremembered them a little :D

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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One of my top played songs this year on Spotify is GHOST by Camellia

2 years ago

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Is it because of this?

2 years ago

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Are you talking about the thread or something else? I'm not sure what "this" is referring to.

2 years ago

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I thought you listen to this song because of this game?

2 years ago

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Are you referring to Beat Saber? If not, which game are you referring to?

2 years ago

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Yes, that's right!

2 years ago

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The worst meditation is a "guru meditation".

2 years ago

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This was the "blue screen of Amiga?

2 years ago

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Yep, indeed. A blinking red frame with error code "guru meditation" in it :P
Of course it hit you only at the most important points xD

2 years ago

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I don't remember having it on my Amiga computer. 🤔

2 years ago

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i remeber that vaguely, but i think i've seen it on the start, before the game launches, where all crackers left their mark, but i can be wrong

2 years ago*

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I say "congrats!" everytime I hear the "Ding" from my microwave.

2 years ago

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GG Well Played! 🤣

2 years ago

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Well, jokingly fueling stereotypes:
"Things I don't have: A washing machine and a 1440p screen. And guess what I am saving up for?"

"Wait, what? There were several lock-downs in recent years? How come I didn't notice?"

Seriously though, e.g. on AStats ranked 19th, that says some I suppose without really saying "it".
But as disclaimer, it isn't as bad as my by card-farming inflated "total hours" might suggest. In weeks with nights shifts, there just doesn't seem much a point to stand around with a beer somewhere after work at 8 am - and similar after late shift at e.g. 11 pm here in Europe, which is when evening begins in the U.S., so a lot of folks online there.

2 years ago

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"Things I don't have: A washing machine and a 1440p screen. And guess what I am saving up for?"

I can relate.

"Wait, what? There were several lock-downs in recent years? How come I didn't notice?"

I can super relate to this. I didn't even mind the lock-down. 🤣

2 years ago

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My co-workes in lockdown: "what to to do? I GOING INSANE!"
I in lockdown: May 2020: "+200hours in game..." and 3 maga read

2 years ago

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+200 hours per game 🤣 with many games finished aside that were between 30 to 80 hours alone.

2 years ago

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Sometimes I surprised how many hours I can drop in single game when I cheek "play time"

2 years ago

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I tend to check it more often now than before because I am very mindful of the time I spend with each game. If a game absorbs me easily that I crack in 20+ hours and I'm just in the early phase it's a very good game for me because it managed to distract me easily.

Besides this, I am mindful of the mark I tend to write a review, depending of the game itself. I've made once the mistake of writing a review 6 hours into Dying Light 2 and although it got a godly amount of engagement a lot picked up the fact that 6 hours review isn't enough to justify my review. So, now I either finish a game or at least put 40-60 hours in a game before I call it for reviewing.

2 years ago

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I review game after:

  • full complete (in my sense)
  • start to be to irritating (when I drop full complete)
  • or just become unplayable or too greed
2 years ago

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My way of reviewing is as follows:

  • Full completion to 100% achievements and grind, if I enjoy the game.
  • Game is a sandbox experience and I've spent at least 40-60+ hours until I figured out what the game is all about.
  • Finished the game's campaign but didn't like the overall game.
  • If I finished the game that has multiple endings, I do one and then review it.
  • If the game is in early access and I want to cover it, I spend enough in the game to get the idea what it's having, what is lacking and how much is it worth spending in the game and generally, this review gets updated once the game is fully released (if that's happening).
2 years ago

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Its good way!

2 years ago

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Everybody has their way I guess. It doesn't really matter as long as you share your thoughts.

2 years ago

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I'm banned from the local pottery class workshop :/

2 years ago

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It took me about 3 seconds to get it. 🤣🤣🤣

2 years ago

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  • Replying to someone talking about a conflict with: "War never changes" vs "War has changed".
2 years ago

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Both are absolutely correct.

2 years ago

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I see arrows when I listen to music at all times.

2 years ago

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ROFL this happen to me when I buy VR and Beat Saber...Good to know

2 years ago

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^^;; Been a Stepmania / Etterna / Flash Flash Revolution player for going on 15 years now. The arrows just never stop!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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At least you don't lose your sense of direction. 🤣

2 years ago

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I sense a soul in search of answers.

2 years ago

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A craving desire to learn and learn isn't a bad thing. I hope that hunger never dies.

2 years ago

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Whenever I use a PC, even during work, I place my fingers on W, A, D, Shift and Space

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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There's no other way to have your fingers. 🤣

2 years ago

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what the password?


2 years ago

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From where is this one? 🤔😅

2 years ago

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splinter cell tutorial

2 years ago

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I couldn't remember that lol 😅 Btw, this game still looks good for it's time.

2 years ago

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this game is a masterpiece for 2001, now ubitrash throw this licence away

2 years ago

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2001? I thought it was out a lot later. Damn! 😱

Yeah, I wish at least remastered would come out for their old titles. They could do so much more with the technology today.

2 years ago

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Yeah, a good splinter cell remake. But its sad when you Saw that your country (fourth biggest editor) can't make games other than downgraded glitched open World..

I remember when the first assassins Creed was release it was insane ! and now the trash we got..

Now i will never buy a ubistrash game.

And it's a shame to be a french editor that can't provide french translation appart from external download. ( Assassins Creed origins)

2 years ago

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I understand the hate of the players when it comes to the changes, but as a fan of both RPG and Action-Adventure, for me Assassin's Creed changes are not as hurtful as for others. I personally love Assassin's Creed Origins for it's setting and the performance of Bayek. It has been my most adored character from the franchise after so many years Ezio has taken the first spot. I loved his voice-acting and passion and rage in the game.

I am loving also the world that Ubisoft has built, although the games do feel a lot more shallow on the assassin's creed department.

They are not the same, but for me, I enjoy them for what they are now and stopped looking to compared them to the old games. I wish there was more parkour elements and assassination would be worked more. They can keep the open world as long as it's not as big as the most recent ones. Took me 200 Hours to finish Origins and almost 300 Odyssey.

2 years ago

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"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite website on the Citadel."

2 years ago

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Mine too, does that make me Shepard too?

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2 years ago

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I once left my house after a night with mates over, looked at my mates car parked and thought about jumping on its bonnet then onto its roof and from there onto the nearby verandah roof and then running along that to the main house roof.

2 years ago

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Just Cause you can?

2 years ago

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It was caused by waaaaay too much Duke Nukem 3D, we'd played it for nearly 24 hours straight.

2 years ago

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I don't think I've ever gamed more than 18 or 20 hours. That's crazy!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Is this from Pool of Radiance? I've never played the game or heard of it until now. 🤷🏻‍♂️

2 years ago

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Yeap, I had it on a Commodore 64.

It was a puzzle you had to decipher from some runes, you actually had to use a cardboard wheel that came in the box which had cutouts to show the real letters once you matched them.

2 years ago*

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So you interacted in the game using the cardboard wheel?

2 years ago

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It was just for decoding a single game puzzle if I remember correctly, but people then used it to right full letters to each other in elvish and dwarvish haha

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2 years ago

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That's so cool! 😮

2 years ago

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Today me at work looking at road after rain:
My gamer™ mind: "RTX: ON Reflections: realistic"

2 years ago

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We've got so far in technology that it looks like real world. Or is it that we upgraded our GPU? 😅

Idk if it's just me, but before graphics were more interesting in the world. Everything fascinated me. Maybe because I've not upgraded my GPU in real life for a while.

2 years ago

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Probably because in 30 years we came from 8bit to "photo-realistic", we start appreciate how our real world and virtual world are beautiful. But sometimes artist (all of kind) made me drop my jaws.

2 years ago

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For sure, and it keeps getting better and better. Have you've seen MetaHumans new program? My jaw dropped on the potential of quality in trailers and character animation is amazing. About 10 maybe 15 years ago the character barely moved their mouth while talking.

2 years ago

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MetaHumans I see it now and look like photo.
I still remember Halo CE on Xbox (2001) and mouth move just down and up.

2 years ago

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Hahaha yeah. 🤣 I've played the Remastered and swapped between the old and the new. Such a good upgrade. I've never played Halo before but recently and although it's not the most complex shooter I've played it was hella fun. I am going to have to play next Halo 3 as I've played them chronologically.

Halo Reach - Halo CE - Halo 2 - Halo 3 - Halo 4.

I wish Halo 5 was included in the Master Chef Collection.

2 years ago

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Halo 2 Anivesery even better remaster than Halo CEA < my opinion
Good choose to play chronologically to understand story
For me H3 (and for 2007 game still look good) and H4 is great and yes I wish H:MCC become full collection too (with H5 campaign and MP)

2 years ago

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Halo 2 was really nice for sure. I enjoyed all of them, man. I got hyped to see an old game like CE still look and feel close to Reach and Halo 2 in looks. It sure didn't feel the same, but it was a great job on their performance.

Halo 5 should come as a stand-alone if not, but I'd love to have it on Steam.

2 years ago

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That`s I like in halo series: didn't feel the same (game by game) like COD or OW2 (were some times I fell like I buy DLC not a sequel)

2 years ago

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Most recent do for sure and it's because there's less of a gap between their releases you know? Halo takes more time to develop.

2 years ago

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For me last 3 CODs look like reskin. I happy with year skip.
Overwatch 2 better not talking.

2 years ago

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Why not talk about Overwatch?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Oooooh! Thanks for the video! Really appreciate the feedback.

I've never played Overwatch before but I was very much confused of the news when it was announced. Now this may be that they may have decided to maybe use a much better engine and maybe change a little bit the way it runs under the hood? It's so strange that they could just call it Overwatch 2.0 and not slap it aside to the first one.

2 years ago

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I played OW but lost interest, when started drop team play to fast class FPS now for me is lost it soul. I check ow2 pve after reviews and discount.

2 years ago

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It's sad, because it used to be loved by so many and brought more diversified competitive FPS's before Battle Royale became the new trend.

2 years ago

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Yep is sad how great game can fall
It is ACTIVISON blizzard a.k.a.: Just copy what is popular approach

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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THAT mission...And I plan replay full MGS series + MGR

2 years ago

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yeah same i switch to pc recently so i need to do the full saga

don"t forget A DUD?

2 years ago

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I have MGS on
1-4, Peace walker on PS3
5, GZ, MGR on Steam
MGA 1,2 and portable ops on PSP
My brother reaction to my plan to replay full series: "you have too much time"

2 years ago

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MGR got a loooooottt of memes !

2 years ago

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Yep MGR is meme'ed to hell almost to level of TES Skyrim but music is God level

2 years ago

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Where is this from?

2 years ago

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MGS 2 (metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty) mission with Emma (swimming hell)

2 years ago

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I've not played it yet, that's why I don't know about it. 😥

2 years ago

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Full MGS series and metal gear rising is worth play

2 years ago

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I do and will play it. I wish they were all on my Steam. I would enjoy having them there.

2 years ago

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emulator for the entire saga

2 years ago

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Probably I will do that at some point if I won't play them on the playstation

2 years ago

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Pc port of first and second MGS is on GoG
MGS 3 is on console only PS3 and xbox360
MGS 4 is still PS3 exclusive
5 is on Steam
On psp is portable ops and acid (spin-off)
On PS3 and PSP is peace walker
To Experience full series you need PC, PSP and PS3 (console or emu) That why I don't like exclusives

2 years ago

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Thank you. I would really love to have them all on Steam or at least in one place.

2 years ago

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No problem

2 years ago

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dude you are really new to video game world ahahaha

2 years ago

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Not really. I've never had my hands on Metal Gear and a lot of the consoles games that people played back in the days. My game tastes back in the day were more towards Strategy and RPG's and less on action or FPS. So I couldn't recall that. 😅

I've played since 1995 or 1996.

2 years ago

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GOOD JOB (campbell)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Out of contest is funny but on other hand is super hard job to swim under water with hydrophobic person on clining (HARD) on your back. I remember my "answer" to that call:" ok where my medal and rise?"

2 years ago

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Someone call for de docter?

2 years ago

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I've not played Dota 2, but am I correct, it's from there?

2 years ago

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It's from Warcraft 3 and from DOTA 2
It was used by the witchdoctor in both games! :)

2 years ago

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I knew it sounded familiar with Warcraft, but I wasn't sure.

2 years ago

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We never die, we`re just missing in action!

2 years ago

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"Spartans never die, they just respawn"

2 years ago

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i swipe right with zero criteria and i'm still regaining my virginity

2 years ago

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Someone needs to help you with this. But be warned, as most people that lost is, lost their ability to stay in front of the computer as they used to. It's a trade you have to choose. 😥

2 years ago

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Closed 8 months ago by Vasharal.