Yes it sucks, had that too.
But that's how the humans are, sadly.
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Some ppl dont have unlimited bandwidth so they cant download and play all games. as an example, in canada most ISP's give you 40-60 gigs a month which is easily used (without downloading a game at all). Take me as an example, I ahve 300 games but only have maybe 30 of them downloaded cuz I reach my cap often and its $2/gig after cap $50/month for the 40-60gig plan. Although lots of ppl join giveaways without even wanting to play the game, not all ppl who haven't installed the game do this is pretty much what im trying to get at.
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To be honest I probably haven't played quite a few of my games simply due to how much free HD space I have. It sucks. D:
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Which games are we talking about here?
If it's singleplayer games some plays them offline, so that they won't get interrupted.
(Offline play isn't counted on their playtime)
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The use gmail 2 step signin. It resets a password every minute and requires a phone.
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I'd say the likelihood of getting your password stolen by a virus is much higher when you type it every time you log into Steam, rather than having it saved. If someone really wanted to get your Steam password, it's much easier to use a simple keylogger than to decrypt the ClientRegistry.blob and winui.gcf.
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Except you don't have to store your password to Steam if you want to play offline. As far as I can tlel though, you do have switch to offline mode from being online mode to avoid being nagged for the pass / locking yourself out from gaming in case your Internet connection dies. I don't care much about logging time, maybe even better not to log the time xD
Offline is only annoying for achievements, you may sometimes lose out but luckily some games deal with it, like Faerie Solitaire if you view achievos within game, or Deus Ex: HR if you load a save with the achievement unlocked.
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Maybe they just don't have time at the moment or they have other games as priority, you know, it's not nice to start playing more games don't finish even one. I am sure that they will play the games someday, as you said, these games are pretty good.
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Not necessarily. Now I don't know about other people, but I have a HUGE backlog of games to play. Not just on the PC either. Also, I do have a life too. I like going out with my friends and families. I'm pretty sure those people also have a social life that they must attend to. Not everyone sits at home playing games.
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Actually i'm in the same case, i'm far away from home due to a new job, and using a 5 years old laptop and 3G internet provider. Not the nicer way to play. I wish i had my computer gaming.
Fortunately, i'm here only to loose giveaway. Doing a great job so far :D
I even bought like 10 or 15 games during the sales, knowing i'll probably not play them before fall
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Yeah, how dare he giveaway things for free and expect people to use them. What a selfish little prick he is.
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Not sarcasm at all. When I gift people things like underwear I expect them to keep it 24 hours 7 days a week sealed in a special compartment where it will be forgotten and will never see the light of day from the moment I hand my gift to them. It would be entirely moronic and selfish of my part to expect the thing I had gifted to be put to use, because it would've clearly made a lot less sense to hand my gift to someone who would actually use it, and would definitely make even less chance if I kept the gift up my ass and never gave that thing away in the first place.
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What's the point of fucking gifting then, so they can just put it aside as if it doesn't exist?
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Pretty hard to tell these days with the amount of retards in this world, honestly if I wanted to be sarcastic I wouldn't bother writing an entire paragraph to prove a point
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I haven't gifted or been gifted underwear for about a decade now, so it is pretty hard to tell. Take this as an opportunity rather than an embarrassing situation and buy me some.
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Yeah. What's the point of entering a giveaway when you're not gonna play the game.
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So, in your first sentence, you say you got a job, then you ask why people haven't played the games you gave out?
Maybe they, too, have jobs. Or girlfriends. Or are students who have just graduated, and are looking at grad jobs? Or maybe they really wanted the game you gave away, but have a backlog of Steam games?
Yes, it sucks. But complaining about it is just childish. You have to accept that a gift is a gift, and as long as the winner plays it before they die, then you have no right to complain. As noted above, if you don't like it then gift to a group, or just gift to people you know irl.
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I have a job and play games all the time, plus I see gifting should be someone that wants it and instead of grabbing it and never using it.
Its like IRL, getting a birthday gift from someone and then you feel like an asshole for not even opening it.
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I don't have a job, but college and other things I rather not mention take up most of my time. Casual games are fine if you have a minute or two, but some games you'll want to dedicate more time to. Thus, sometimes you decide to wait a couple of months because you know then you'll be able to play it as it should be played. With enthusiasm, with focus. I have bought games I wanted to play REALLY badly, but sometimes there's other priorities or bad things happen in life and they just have to wait for a while.
I get the rage, I really do. It makes you feel like you could've given the game to someone who "wanted it more", but just because the person hasn't played it while not offline doesn't necessarily mean it's a game the person didn't really want. After all, isn't that one of the great things about steam? That the games don't just go poof, that they're associated to your account for when you can really devote yourself to them?
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I have games from sales, games won & games given for birthdays still in my backlog. Doesn't mean I won't get to them or haven't given back to the community. There are always a few leachers and if this is your first time understanding that then I wonder what insulated environment you grew up in.
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There can be many other reason.If you dont have proof that they are not interested in, you may be wrong.
Somepeople can have limited internet connection to download or their connection is not speedy enough to dl so fast... And many other reasons can happen.
There is a old proverb about giving away " You may have thrown a bread piece into the sea/lake, fish eats but doesn't know it is from you. Only you and conscience" (middle east proverb)
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That's pretty sad. I won some games on SteamGifts and am trying to play all of them when I have some time, so I don't understand those who don't play the games they win (... even a little bit).
I, too, have given away a game only to see it shoved in the winner's game library with 0 hours played, 0 gratitude of any kind given and a game library that makes mine pale in comparison... but I believe that there are many who truly want to play these games, so I made another giveaway (which was greatly appreciated, from what I saw :) ) and will continue to make others in the future (if my budget lets me :P).
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Agreed. While it's not good to enter to win if you don't intend on playing the game, you have to look at it from the perspective of the people entering as well. Sometimes life gets in the way, and sometimes your backlog is just too great to play and install the game in that first day. And other times, you just can't install or play the game because you don't meet the minimum requirements. I had that trouble with Magicka.
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So true. I spent half a day trying to get Bioshock to run on my PC. Only to find out it was in german. #FML
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How is playing a game for just one minute any better than waiting for when you actually can devote to it, though?
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This. And also, some people have slow internet and a somewhat limited space on hard-drive. For example, i would totally love to win Max Payne 3, but it would be hard to me to play it, because i dont have that much space(30gb) available right now on my harddrive, and a 30 Gb download would take me a week or more.
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That's true, I guess, but that's unfortunately not all of the cases.
If someone doesn't even bother to install a game that's 500MB-1GB in size and has played various AAA 5-10GB+ games in the past month, then I think there'd be no excuse. They prefered to play the newly bought 1.5GB Trine 2 but couldn't be arsed to give a 15 minute spin on the game you gave away to them.
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You won Scary Girl and it's not even on your account. How come you didn't play a gift you won or even activate it?
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Oh, sorry. Thought if it showed your name in the "Congratulations Nfreak, MidnightRave, you're the winners!" that means it was marked as received.
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I thought that too. The system doesn't let other people see the winners until they have marked it as received :/
Nor should it show in your account as a win if you marked as not received afaik.
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You won Scary Girl but i dont see it in your libary ...
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I honestly admit i often enter giveaways of games when i know i will never play those games
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Well, some people gave me games during the Summer Sale and before, and I don't have time to play them (I played a bit like 10 minutes for each game), even if I have free time, because I don't just play. I'm actually watching all the season of Breaking Bad, it's 45 minutes each episodes, plus I watch some animes that come out every week. I also like to browse Reddit and I don't spend all my free time on the computer so yeah, give them some time.
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I won a game. About kicking an ugly baby.
I feel bad, because I can't play it, cause it doesn't want to work.
And I don't want to play it so badly that I'd try contacting the support after I've tried the usual newdrivers/check problems that are out there already/ and such. I really feel bad about that.
Also, I feel bad because I've won Half-Life and I'm not playing it until there are more news about HL3. (I've played through it back when it came out, and don't have the keys for it anymore, so it was pure luck for me that I won it here ^^ )
There are many reasons, and there are game hoarders.
I think that the point of this site is to give games, not get them. I love the community around here, so do you, probably, as you are not one of 'em, leeches.
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Most (if not all) people will get to the games they buy or win eventually. Now, if people want to stipulate that "you must have played this game at least 10 minutes by X date" then go for it. But I've always been taught a gift should be freely given, and freely received.
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Personally i've won several games here, and i try to play them all, but sometimes i just don't feel like playing some games i have on Steam, as of right now, i'm in the middle of getting the components for my computer, and having a borrowed 4850 doesn't cut it much.
Now that i mention that, i don't mind if the person who won my giveaway hasn't played the game, as i tend to do the same; they'll play when they like to.
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Well, I have won some games and never played them too. But not because I don't want them and I don't like them. My computer just can run them good enough for me to actually enjoy (and play normally) but since I know I will get better computer this Winter or next Spring I told giveaway authors that and said I'm sorry that I don't play the games at the moment.
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Do you play all games you get? (Gifted or bought) This is the same thing. I haven't played all the games I've bought during summer sale (Heck, I've only played 2-3 games) and its games I've bought. It could time problems, it could be they're interested in playing other games at the moment, it could be hardware problems and thats just to list few. Just think of it this way: you've bought the game to support the developer, you liked the game so much that you had to support their game. Yes, it sucks that some might not ever play the game, but didn't you feel good supporting the devs behind the game?
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I've bought some game in the summer sale, but I gave precedence to the games I won here on SteamGifts. As much as I'd LOVE to play Legend of Grimrock I'm going to enjoy some other indie titles I won instead... it's the least I could do to the gifter, apart from thanking him and contributing to SteamGifts.
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"they were some quite good games" - Metro 2033, Fortix (!!!), King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame
Seriously, don't you have bigger problems? If you want possible reasons.
Playing other games they're right now more interested in
Playing offline (steam don't count those hours you may have played)
Suddenly not having much time to play
To be honest I didn't play yet 2 games I won because one of them is not out yet and the second I happened to watch LP of and I don't want to remember solutions to puzzles.
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About 80% of my Steam gaming is in Offline mode, and the only time I am in Online mode is when I am playing and chatting with somebody who is also playing or the game has achievements.
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It's kinda easy, instead of making public giveaways, if you are sure the game is going to get used, do private giveaways with extra rules, like playing at least an x% amount of hours to prequels ( if it's a sequel ), playing a certain amount of hours each week, etc
You can be pretty imaginative. Some people might see it a bad move, but I also don't see the point of people with 0 hours played last two weeks, or with less than 25% played ratio entering giveaways.
I doubt I'll ever do a public giveaway, not only for that huge chance of someone who won't never ever use that game, because of the existance of many idlers, fake accounts and so on.
But thats my opinion, If I gift something, I hope it's going to be used. I have to admit tho, that of the games I won, I still have to beat two of them, and two others are because I wanted them for the future. Anyway, I don't enter games I NEVER will use, so 90% of the time I'm sitting at 300points
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I only enter giveaways for games I want to play and I do play every game I win but sometimes it can take some time until I play it (yes, even a month or two). My HDD isn't very big and I need most of it for non-game related stuff, so I only install new games after finishing and uninstalling old games (at least bigger games, I usually play games smaller than 1GB rather soon).
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So I use to make giveaways about every week since I finally got my first job and I gave 5 games out. I waited a month to see the end results of the people that won my games.
And apparently, its a huge fad to win a game and not even bother trying it. 3 out of 5 games I gifted were not even played and they were some quite good games.
I do not understand why people bother joining a giveaway for a game they do not even want, its like they join randomly and if they win, they keep it without playing. Does having more games enlarge their epeens or something? Because of these results, I feel that I should no longer gift to the community.
I was wondering, does anyone else get this result?
Edit: I would say taking a long period of time to play a game is explainable as long as they have a backlog or rarely login to steam or if a game is unplayable due to bugs. I've seen some examples though and all they do is play the same multiplayer game which doesn't have any advancements other than the multiplayer ranking system. Should have added this earlier.
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