Granado Espada Online :
control three character at once ;)
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Warframe is great, even though it may not be a traditional definition of an MMO.
Also, if you're really up for trying everything, maybe give Wurm a shot. Notch worked on it and it's kind of like Minecraft mixed with didn't draw me in but it's very unique, and it also has a great community.
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TERA and Aion have alreayd been mentioned. I could also recommend The Secret World. It's not Free2Play but Buy2Play (€30 on Steam but cheaper on eBay for sure) with a couple of chapters (4 I thought) added already for €10 each. It has also crafting (a bit like Minecraft), dungeons and a pretty good community. Big PLUS TSW has compared to other MMOs out there is it's own leveling and skill system. Biggest CON is that you're up to your neck in zombies for the first couple of days/weeks (depending on how fast you level your skillwheel)
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I played Voyage century online years ago. a hell of a lot of crafting and ship boarding
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Even within MMO, there are a variety of game styles.
If you're looking for something WoW-like, Rift is alright.
More into Diablo? Play Path of Exile.
Or, or FPSs more your game? Firefall.
All three of these meet your critera (MMO, F2P, Crafting) with Rift having the worst F2P model, and PoE the best, but all playable without spending money.
Honorary mention: Robocraft. Not technically an MMO (more of a 3PS-MOBA) the crafting system is also highly non-traditional but you might find it interesting.
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Phantasy Star Online 2...oh wait it's not out in English yet :/
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I used to play Flyff a long time ago. It's F2P and stuff you can buy with real money (stuff like costumes, high level armor upgrading stuff, pets etc) can also be bought from people in game with in-game currency. Not much of a crafting in it though. Community is good, very mature people, last I checked. Good music, lots of places to go and you are never disadvantaged if you don't spend real money. The quests though suck, it's mostly kill this monster and collect whatever they drop. This stuff might have changed by now, it has been a long time since I last played it. Take a look around if interested.
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+1. Can't wait for it to come out, it looks amazing. its like a mix of lineage 2/wow and wurm online
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This is the game I would recommend for you, too. I mean, sure, there's other stuff out there right now, but AA looks set to blow them all away.
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I played wow to death, I was In a top tier raiding guild (we were #3 on wowjitsu for a while) I got almost every class to the lvl cap but this was all before cata. My account got hacked I lost 11k gold (was saving for the 3 person mount) and they transferred one of my characters to another server.
Now if you're a wow fiend you might call bs on that last statement. Turns out the hacker was a Blizzard Employee, they fired the guy but still refused to return my items, or even move my character back, so can go to hell.
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I know you asked for f2p and a new one but wow. I mean WoW. Why not? The only game I quit 5 times and decided to start again.. It was, is and always gonna be the best MMO imo. Also, if you have friend to play with, It's gonna be the game taking most of your time. However, if by any chance you decide to start WoW, be careful with your realm choice. Whichever game you choose, Have Fun!
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Guild Wars 2, once you buy it you don't have to pay anymore, and the crafting system will have you hooked for months/years. And let me add that by paying the initial price you get so much more than you would if you played a F2P, it's completely worth it, and you can get it for around 30 bucks on GMG, or even cheaper some times.
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Old server ,new name server "TARANTULA" LINEAGE 2 INTERLUDE ;- ) 2k poeple online... server start 15.01.2014 ; - )
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Warframe, it has a good bit of grinding if you dont intend to pay real money, its free, and you can get all weapons/frames the hard way, besides cosmetics witch are, as far as i know, useless
there is also spiral knights, good game, fun, hasnt got much to do when you reach the endgame, but theres an ingame market where people sell the real money currency, however its not a necessity you can get everything via crowns if you use the auction house, doing runs is free, 5* gear can be a pain to level at the moment, but its gonna take a while to get there anyway, theres 4 bosses and a fifth one is on the way, i suggest you try the game see if you like it or not, also most armors/weapons/shields are acquired by crafting them (or getting them as a reward from missions but thats just starting equipment)
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Since the account-wide unlock that allows you to even equip artifact (the highest quality) gear is beyond a F2P player's credit limit and the expansion also 100% requiring you to pay real money, TOR is a big no for someone looking for a strictly F2P experience. Seriously artifact authorization pissed me straight off. Why in the hell should you have to pay just to be able to use purple gear? Ridiculous.
Granted you can buy plenty of unlocks from the AH, but they'll require 200-300k credits each which means you'll have to sink a lot of time and virtual currency into the game before you can even come close to enjoying the game's full potential.
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Just went on the website and looks like all the restrictions are still in place. You have to buy passes if you want to play in any operations or play in more then 5 pvp battlegrounds per week. They even limit your UI if you aren't a subscriber, how fucked up is that?
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First off I love this community which is why I'm asking here. You guys are great and between the lot of you it seems you know the internet like the back of your collective hand.
I'm looking for a new MMO but its going to have a few elements or I wont get hooked. First thing though it has to be Free to play. I like cryptic's game model of f2p (you can earn the pay currency pretty easily) but the specific mechanics of the currency aren't as important as the game not being Pay to Win. What I mean by this is there shouldn't be a plateau where you can't experience parts of the game without paying, I mean dungeons with gear scores too high to reach without paying or half your abilities don't unlock. I could care less if I can earn the currency easily enough or the majority of pay stuff is just convenience/cosmetic.
And the second thing is I loves me some crafting. I don't know why but a robust crafting system hooks me and keeps me in a game.
Thanks for the read
tl;dr want a new mmo, should be f2p and not suck, also has crafting.
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