First off I love this community which is why I'm asking here. You guys are great and between the lot of you it seems you know the internet like the back of your collective hand.

I'm looking for a new MMO but its going to have a few elements or I wont get hooked. First thing though it has to be Free to play. I like cryptic's game model of f2p (you can earn the pay currency pretty easily) but the specific mechanics of the currency aren't as important as the game not being Pay to Win. What I mean by this is there shouldn't be a plateau where you can't experience parts of the game without paying, I mean dungeons with gear scores too high to reach without paying or half your abilities don't unlock. I could care less if I can earn the currency easily enough or the majority of pay stuff is just convenience/cosmetic.

And the second thing is I loves me some crafting. I don't know why but a robust crafting system hooks me and keeps me in a game.

Thanks for the read

tl;dr want a new mmo, should be f2p and not suck, also has crafting.

11 years ago*

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Since you already said you like Cryptic why not play Star Trek Online? The crafting system is mostly useless for now but I love the rest of it. I've been playing for 2 years, have 7 max level characters, and there is so much content in the game that there is still stuff I haven't even tried.

11 years ago

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spiral knights

11 years ago

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The only F2P that Ive actually stuck with for a longer period is Lord of the Rings Online, Star Trek Online and Star Wars The Old Republic. SWTOR might feel a bit stale though if you dont like Star Wars.

Otherwise Id recommend buying Guild Wars 2. Its great fun with no subscription fee and Ive seen it on sale a few times. And I actually enjoyed the crafting mechanic.

11 years ago

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I played Realm of the Mad God for a pretty long while... Seems silly, but I got addicted. Played it everyday for a few weeks.

11 years ago

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It depends whot you like.If you like RPG go for Path Of Exile.If you like WW II stuff then i strongly recommend War Thunder.

11 years ago

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I recommend "Real Life". Unbelievable graphic, cool sound, best nonlinear gameplay. No, seriously.

11 years ago

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"Real Life" sucks. I'm always LFG, but no one wants an under-leveled warrior, so I just end up grinding alone on my couch.

11 years ago

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Full of hackers. Doesn't worth your time.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Mayby you look at Air Rivals/Ace Online - I play it over 1 year. But at higher lvl you must invest some money if you want win pvp's 1 vs 1 and both of you have the same dexterity. You still have chance to win, just others will have better stuf, but many depend who shoot more precisy and avoid some shoots from enemy.

11 years ago

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I played that game for awhile. At first it is fun but it turns into an absolute grindfest. There essentially is no plot and every single mission is a fetch quest requiring you to get items dropped by a particular monster or killing monster X Y number of times. Making it worse is that there is no instancing so every other poor scmuch that is the same level as you is trying to get the same item drops/kills. And then there is the fact that the items you need may have low drop rates requiring you to kill hundreds just to get 10 to turn in for a quest. All so you can return to base and do it all over again.

11 years ago

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Guild Wars 2 I found to be great; lots of crafting, pretty graphics and lots of fun. You have to buy the game initially buy there's no further cost than that.

Path of Exile if you're looking for more an Action RPG with a Diablo 1 or 2 feel.

11 years ago

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F2P I recommend either Tera or Rift

B2P I suggest Guild Wars 2

If you want to spend money on an MMO, I suggest Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

11 years ago

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Guild Wars 2

11 years ago

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hello kitty online

11 years ago

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World of warcraft , you'll never get bored.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MCage.