Pretty sure it was a PS3 exclusive DLC until it got released on everything. Don't know why its hidden though.
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Just out of curiosity: I've seen a trader who has what seems to be a ROW gift of this... Are there any countries where this is purchasable that don't have region lock or must that gift have been purchased before region restrictions were introduced ?
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Interesting... Thanks :) Luckily it was included in the Complete Edition I bought a few weeks ago although I didn't notice at first today.
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Can't buy it anymore error at the payment option. Even though we could buy it before all the region locks and Mafia 2 being removed from store etc.
Guess they finally realized we're not part of CIS :D
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You can buy it here in the UK -
Edit: I have the same problem as the guy below - "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance".
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Can you finish the transaction? Because pretty much all of us can see it and also add to the cart but when you try to complete the transaction (after the step where you pick if you want to send it or store it in your inventory) you get an error message on that screen where you select a payment method.
Edit: Should have refreshed before I posted :D Happens to me all the time.
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Actually it was released for pc in Checz Republic, I remember seeing it for download somewhere and it did work fine on the Steam game.
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Yeah. I'm from Brazil too and I couldn't buy it =(
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Can't see this page, I'm redirected to the Steam store page.
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I screwed up the URL. Try it now (
According to steamdb this should be the Brazil depot.
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Same thing. When I click the Steam Store I go to the main store page.
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Have you tried buying it yet because it looks like it's available in Austria as well (although it's hidden in the store but with the link above it would appear you could buy it) but when you try to buy it you get an error message.
I'm just trying to make sense of Steamdb.
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It's nice to see a fellow Austrian :D With only a little over 2000 registered users and hardly any of them active on the forums we're a rare breed here on SG.
Yea this DLC seems to be really tricky to get. Somebody stated that people in Estonia might be able to purchase a ROW copy, but other than that it seems to be only available region locked in RU/CIS countries or as part of the Complete Edition.
At first I was a little confused because it doesn't show up on the Mafia II game page but luckily I already have it as I bought the Complete Edition a few weeks ago but for most people that's not really an option because they already have the main game :(
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Do you expect me to actually buy it? :P Probably I can, but I won't even try. :P
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Χάθηκες λιγάκι απ' το φόρουμ - τουλάχιστον με το ρυθμό που σε έχουμε συνηθίσει :D
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Όχι, εντάξει, έβριζα προ ολίγων ωρών και κάτι ομοφοβικούς. :P Ανέβασε κάποιος ένα topic με κάποιον dev που είπε κάποια άσχημα πράγματα για τους ομοφυλόφιλους και κάθισα και κορόιδευα σε αυτό το topic τούς ομοφοβικούς. Δεν είμαι ομοφυλόφιλος, αλλά είναι καθήκον μου να υπερασπίζομαι τους υπόλοιπους. Και όσον αφορά το "ρυθμό" που με έχετε συνηθίσει, άλλες φορές έχω χρόνο να μπω να σχολιάσω, ενώ άλλες φορές όχι.
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Καταρχάς η παραπάνω πρόταση ήταν μια χαριτολογία. Καλά κάνεις και το ίδιο κάνω κι εγώ μια ζωή με σένα. Χωρίς να είμαστε ομοφυλόφιλοι, υπερασπιζόμαστε ως καθήκον μας τους υπόλοιπους.
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Κατ'αρχάς, αντιδράς λες και σου την είπα για κάτι. :P Εγώ απλά μια εξήγηση έδωσα. :P
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Αν μια χαριτολογία γίνει αντιληπτή δεν χρειάζεται "σοβαρή" απάντηση γι' αυτό και το επισήμανα, δεν αντέδρασα :)
Και όσον αφορά το "ρυθμό" που με έχετε συνηθίσει, άλλες φορές έχω χρόνο να μπω να σχολιάσω, ενώ άλλες φορές όχι.
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There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
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I can't buy it here in germany. Can add it to my cart, but then bla bla transaction failure. :-\
Mafia II is one of my all time favourite games, so this was a no brainer, but like I said: Error. :(
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Just because you can add it to the cart doesn't mean you can buy it.
I'm from Austria and I can add it too but once I try to finish the transaction I get an error message (same thing in Canada and Brazil).
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Well I'm seeing a German trader with it -
But then it's tradeable which would normally suggest he's had it a while.
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So since it's tradable and Mafia has only returned today that would suggest it's been purchased before it was removed from the store, right? I was going to say that would put it before region restriction became a thing but apparently Mafia II was removed not that long ago.
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I get that :D Valve managed to create an economic microcosm that often appears at least as complex as the real economy.
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I got the gift from a Czech a few years back, before region locks were introduced.
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When I get to select the payment method I get an error.
So probably you can buy it.
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If you can buy it you could probably almost certainly make a little something over in the trades section as long as it wasn't region locked or anything.
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I wouldn't even know what I'd want to trade for it. It's 1,60€ for a DLC with unknown content, so I'd rather
safe that money for summer sale (altough I have the feeling I won't anything then as well). And we don't
know if it's region locked either.
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also from germany: not possible to finish the buying
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will you play it soon? then buy it
i don't think it will get much lower but mafia 2 was given away for free and in a bundle before
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I am in USA and have Betrayal of Jimmy on my PC Steam account. You can buy it in USA.
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It's available here in the Malaysian Steam store. Maybe I'll pick it up later along with the other story-based DLCs.
Can't actually complete the transaction :c
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Welp, I take that back. After actually hitting Purchase for Myself, I got this, "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."
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This package is only purchasable in specified countries
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I own that DLC. Traded it with a guy from Russia way back when there was no region lock. As far as I'm concerned, it can only be bought in Russia. I remember trying to buy and looking into that matter and that's how I found the guy to trade with. Remember he did that for a lot of people since nobody could buy it.
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Same here, had a Russian friend get it for me before the region locks... wasn't available for me in the US
.... psst... hail hydra
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I believe so. :/
Since they implemented the region locks no purchase is ROW anymore in those countries.
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u.k googled link
This item is currently unavailable in your region
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I bought it in USA and it is in my Steam Mafia II DLC list
It is a 297.3MB patch for me.
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Wat is dis?
Why is hided?
Thanks everyone!
Edit: Looks like no one can buy it.
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