cat in d hat is gr8?
unless you deem your opinion the only valid one, the scores/ratings have usually hand and foot ...
"controversial" and polarizing movies usually land on 5 point something to 7 point something
therefore safe to say, The Cat in the Hat with 3.8 idbm, 19 metacritic, is trash lol
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It was even better than 2nd time. #BoycottRottenTomatoes
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Completely agree. I agree the 1st time was a bit overwhelming but you can't blame them with the amount of things they had to accomplish in the movie. I got WAY more the 2nd time.
They had to do all of these things as well as keep up with the hype. (Potential Spoilers)
Re-introduce a new Batman
Set up the Justice League
Create a legit reason for Batman and Superman to fight
Setup a series villain AS WELL AS have an immediate villain for the movie
Get Wonder Woman a meaningful reason to be in the movie
I think they NAILED it.
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I think what you're pointing out there are the weakest points of the film.
Set up the Justice League
Setup a series villain AS WELL AS have an immediate villain for the movie
Get Wonder Woman a meaningful reason to be in the movie
It spent too much time trying to set up sequels and whatnot, and not enough time setting up an enjoyable movie. This being said, there were parts that I did enjoy.
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Ugh that film was meh for me. Personally felt there was a lot of bad acting and not a strong enough plot.
But that film seems to about 50:50 in terms of whether people love it or hate it.
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People who read the comics it was based on, since the characterisation of most characters got butchered in the transition to the screen.
(The biggest change being taking Mina Harker out of the leader role.)
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oh right yeah most movies based of books don't please the readers
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when, did it became such a issue
The Shining was very different to the book and yet got great reviews and was miles away better than Stephen King's movie
Tim Burtons batman is just a reimagining from someone who most likely didnt even read the comics and yet was so polarizing it changed the franchise for many years to come
I though League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was decent enough
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idk I haven't read many books which have been turned into films, there are heaps of films having good reviews yet the people that read the book feel like the movie doesn't depict the book very good & gives it a bad name
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I enjoy that one too. I wouldn't say it's great, but I liked it enough to own it.
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Man of steel is sooooooooooooo boring imo. I couldn't ever get into superman, also that neck snap. mfw
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battlefield earth
oh...i get it now...its a joke!
EDIT: weren't you the one who liked the star wars prequels?
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Didn't even knew there was a second Riddick movie, I guess I'll have to watch it now.
I don't have high hopes anyway, I liked Pitch Black but the Chronicles of Riddick was kinda meh.
You managed to extract some enjoyment from battlefield earth? Then I guess you get juice by squishing rocks (that translates awfully/mai inglich es bad)
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The Three Caballeros (1944)
Air Doll (2009)
But these arent even near to such a low score
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José, caramba! Now we're three gay caballeros!
We're three caballeros
Three gay caballeros
Three birds of a featheeeeeeeer.
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i have to admit most of the movie is on LSD
You belong to my heart
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Forgive me for that, but I actually found the first Twilight movie good. (I had pleasure watching the sequels but did find them sub par)
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I would highly recommend this version if you have not seen it:
It adds a lot to the story as well as restoring very significant parts cut out of the ending. Even the chronological order of a few things was changed.
ThePirateBay has DVDrip of it but I can't vouch for the quality. I got an iso of it instead a long time ago and burned it but that might be hard to find at this point.
P.S. - I bought and own the movie on DVD so it's not piracy. This is the version that should have been released as the extended edition though and not the censored shit that the studio actually did.
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I've watched this at least 20 times, very good movie.
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I saw this crazy movie about 15 times!
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Sounds amazing! I will definitely check that out, thx :)
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I am gonna go with "Upstream Color".
In my opinion a strangely low imdb-rating for such a wonderful movie.
And I say wonderful because of story, depth and not in the least for cinematography.
It's likely noone here ever heard of it let alone saw it. Hoping I am wrong.
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+1 for Upstream Color
If you want some time travel mind trippery then check out the director/actor's first movie Primer. Ultra low budget, only enough money for one take of each shot, and it's not exactly action packed... but it's actually a great take on being able to alter time.
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I saw and I liked. Saw multiple times too even.
Still like Upstream Color better :)
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I loved Upstream Color. I don't think it's widely hated though.
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Cloud atlas was nice.
Not the "Tykwer-movie" I like best though.
That would probably be "Der Krieger und die Kaiserin" ("The Princess & the Warrior" in English)
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I'm also a fan of Heaven, but Princess & The Warrior is fantastic. Also, for those new to Tykwer you must watch Run Lola Run.
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Same here, haven't heard of anyone hating it and it's got a 7.5 on IMDB...
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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Look, I am not blind and I don't think I am super stupid, only a little. I get what qualms people have with this movie. I just don't think it's so much sillier than the other sequels. It's definitely the weakest in the series, by far, but I still really enjoy it as an Indy movie.
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I kind of hate it...but i do not think its worse than the Temple of Doom, people just decided to ignore all of the faults, over the top scenes in that one and all the women jokes.
I had a friend who had a gripe with the refrigerator scene, as if that was the first time indiana jones had jumped the shark
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The movie was definitely not great, it was just a little bit disappointing.
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I had fun with that one too. It's funny to me how everyone moans about how "bad" it was but no one can really give a specific reason why that stands up to scrutiny and comparison to the other films.
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I didn't really understand it much, the visuals and the battles are good tho.
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Sucker Punch - Besides CLASH OF THE TITANS it's the best trailer I've ever seen
It's just mindblowing. There are a dozen ways to interpret the movie.
Style with substance FTW :D
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it's technically the most accurate cat woman, right?
If you are presented with the script where you play catwoman, it kind of makes sense to meow every once and awhile and act like a cat, that makes sense :P
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Another one I would like to mention is "Antichrist"
Such beauty. Not for everyone however!
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Boondock Saints, John Wick, Postal. There is more, but I don't remember
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who doesnt like John wick, even if you dont like the plot, it has some of the best gunplay ive ever seen in a movie
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i think people see ninja and yolandi and just dismiss the movie out of hand. they dont want to really give it a chance because they already see the movie as beneath them :(
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And they're the best part! It's such a great love letter from Blomkamp to Die Antwoord
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10,000 BC. I loved this movie so much, but when I started talking about it to other people, they were all like: "Are you stupid?". Meeehhhh. :/
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Movies most people hate that I loved:
The Bonfire of the Vanities - IMDB grade: 5.4, My grade: 9
Sphere - IMDB grade: 6, My grade: 9
Last Action Hero - IMDB grade: 6.2, My grade: 9
And the other way around:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - IMDB grade: 8.9, My grade: 4
Pan's Labyrinth - IMDB grade: 8.2, My grade: 4
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - IMDB grade: 7.3, My grade: 2
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And that's why you should only trust Rotten Tomatoes. Pan's Labyrinth is awesome, by the way. :P
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On Pan's Labyrinth that is.
I do not trust any critic but myself. I almost never check for rating or reviews or even trailers before watching a movie.
EDIT: Actually not entirely true. I usually check for premise / plot and notice the rating then ofc.
But I really mean: I do not let ratings or reviews anywhere influence me watching a movie or not :)
There a small but(t) there, maybe. The more hyped and or box office succesful a movie is, the least likely it becomes I am going to watch it :o
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And that's the best thing to do. Still, most of the times, the reviews on rotten tomatoes are realistic. On IMDB, they're hardly realistic at all. Aaaawww, what an awesome movie Pan's Labyrinth is. I really like a lot of European movies. :D
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But if you don't see a trailer or read a resume of the plot, how will you know if you're gonna like it or not? You blindly decide to watch movies? :O
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IMDB grades are a good starting point. There is pretty good correlation between grades and the quality of a movie, but as you can see it's not fully reliable. In general though most movies graded 8 or higher are usually worth watching. There are many gems that don't get such high grades, but I have other ways to find them - e.g. getting recommendations from people I trust, and checking out movies by favorite directors.
Bottom line: I don't read anything about the plot, and in some cases I'm sure it makes a huge difference. Dogma is one great example of this. Memento is another.
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Naaahhh, I can't go blindly to watch a movie. And IMDB's grading system is totally incorrect. As I said, rotten tomatoes is a better site. And you could at least watch a trailer. For example, if you won't see the trailer, how will you find out that it's another stupid Hollywood movie, like Gods of Egypt, etc.? XD
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Naaahhh, I can't go blindly to watch a movie.
Well, that's fine. I don't expect my preferences to fit others. Though whether you can or cannot, or whether it works for you or not, you'll only be able to tell if you give it a serious try.
And IMDB's grading system is totally incorrect.
My experience is very different. It's been a (long) while since I watched a movie that received 8 or higher and felt it was a waste of time.
As I said, rotten tomatoes is a better site.
I know the site and rarely use it. I don't feel it provides me more reliable data than IMDB. But that's me. I don't tend to fix things which I don't consider to be broken.
And you could at least watch a trailer.
I did it in the past, until I learned better. I wouldn't watch a trailer now if you paid me.
For example, if you won't see the trailer, how will you find out that it's another stupid Hollywood movie, like Gods of Egypt, etc.? XD
Easy. Gods of Egypt received 5.6 from IMDB voters. For me to give it a chance someone I trust would need to heartily recommend it, and that hasn't happened.
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There are movies that I would have never watched if I haven't seen a trailer before. For example, Sweeney Todd (because I never watch musicals), The Last King of Scotland (it didn't look like a good movie in the beginning, so I had to watch a trailer to find out it was a good movie), World's Greatest Dad (the movie's description made the movie look like a bit boring, but it was actually very good), Trainspotting (yes, I actually had to watch a trailer to see if it's good, because I thought it was only about some violent drug addicts that the only thing they do is drugs in the whole movie :P ), In Darkness (dunno why, but I thought in the start that it was a boring movie), American Psycho (I had to watch a trailer to find out that it was actually an awesome movie), V for Vendetta (yes, I'm stupid, because I had to watch a trailer to decide if I was going to watch this masterpiece), etc. These are just a few examples. ;P About the 2 movie sites, we agree to disagree. :P I remember seeing a lot of movies on IMDB that had a far higher rating than they should and movies that had a far lower grade than they should. I mean, who went to IMDB and rated Jackass with 6,6? And it had a far higher rating in the past, I seriously remember it. Anyway, both sites have incorrect ratings sometimes.
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My movie backlog is so long, that I don't need to worry about missing out on movies that got poor reviews and aren't on the list. I don't have enough time to watch all movies anyway. I prefer to watch movies tabula-rasa, so that not a second of the movie is spoiled by a trailer. To me this far outweighs the possibility that I might miss out a few poorly graded good movies. The movies that I do find time to watch I enjoy more thanks to my "system".
I wouldn't watch a movie graded 6.6 like Jackass unless it was strongly recommended by someone I trust or was made by a director I like. This movie doesn't meet any of these requirements, so I didn't watch it and don't plan to anytime soon. Did I miss anything? ;-)
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Naaahhh, I can't go blindly to watch a movie.
Someone once wrote "skepticism can be detrimental to experiencing the good things in life". I think it applies nicely here :-)
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That happens. Have to admit tho, for a lot of movies I do the same as you. Especially the ones I know I want to see because of director, producer, cinematographer etc. Sometimes tho I just don't know what to watch and go by what people, sites etc recommend. To prevent me watching something I am sure I won't like I have to check at least genre.
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I'm the same. with books, games, movies and TV I always find it more enjoyable if I go into them knowing as little about the story as possible. sometimes I pick a movie just because the title caught my attention. it does make for some disappointments but even those aren't so bad when you go in with no expectations
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Of the european movies I tend to enjoy spanish and scandinavian most I guess.
With the obvious exception of Kynodontas :)
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Oh, hehe, the Greek movie. So awesome. I'm proud to have this director in my country. :P Spanish and German. ;) Don't forget Die Welle, Das Experiment, Das Leben der Anderen, Der Untergang, etc. And let's not forget the Italian movies too, like La vita e bella, Amici miei, Cinema Paradiso, movies from Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, etc.
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German, you forgot "Der Krieger und die Kaiserin" and "Lola Rennt" :P
Italian? Nothing comes to mind :)
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I've never seen the 2 German movies you referred to. o.O But well, that's why I used the word "etc". :P From Italian movies, there are many examples of good movies (I forgot to include Malena too), but you could watch the movies I told you above. ;P
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La Vita e Bella: Mwah, Ok, decent movie, not a fan, sorry. Don't know what it is. Something put me off.
Bud Spencer and Terence Hill: Saw a number of them like a 100 years ago. Just not my genre I guess.
The other two sound familiar but I don't recall. Will look into that :)
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Trust me, you're going to love La vita e bella. I have never found anyone that didn't like this movie. xD It's mostly a comedy. Benigni is an awesome actor.
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Ho yeah, I saw Die Welle, it's really interesting. And Der Untergang is a gem, not really funny, but a true gem.
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Der Untergang isn't supposed to be funny. o.O And you're going to love Die Welle. ;)
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Are you sure you're talking about the 2004 movie? How could you find it funny? o.O
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I was only joking, of course it's not a comedy. By "not really funny", I meant it's not a movie you watch when you need to chill out from the horrors of the world... Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Love polizie and giallo, as well as the "westerns". Much of this is now regarded as art and/or cult. Though at the time - it was trash.
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The spaghetti westerns, you mean? Yeah, they used to be really good. :P
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There's like 1 Spanish movie worth watching a year, to be honest. and the genres are either Civil War or braindead comedy.
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I must have missed the civil war and comedy ones I guess?
I suggest you look into movies made or written by Erice, Medem, Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar and Almodovar among others (those are the most well known) Especially from the last 2 I at the very least liked most of their movies a lot.
And as for 1 movie a year. How much truly good movies does any other country produce a year?
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He's Mexican, but isn't Pan's Labyrinth a spanish movie? I don't know the other movie. :O
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I didn't love Last Action Hero very much, but I wouldn't say it's trash. Bonfire and Sphere are very good, I agree.
On the other side... Pan's Labyrinth is, for me, a very very very good movie :)
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Maybe I should watch Pan's Labyrinth again. There's at least one precedence of a movie I hated on first viewing and for some odd reason gave another chance, and loved it - The Triplets of Belleville.
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I didn't know the Triplets were famous outside of France. I love it too, including the awesome soundtrack
As you can imagine, I'll not try to stop you from giving Pan's labyrinth another chance :-) I love how the poetry of an imaginary world (which you can read as real or not, viewer's choice) mixes with the horror of dictatorship. But now that we are talking about it, I can remember that I wasn't fond of it after the 1st view. I had to view it again to really love it. Definitely not stopping you :)
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Why didn't you like Steve Zissou? I'm not really into inde wanking offs, to be honest, but Wes anderson movies kinda have a spot in my heart. Watch The Fantastic Mr Fox if you haven't, it's cussing great!
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Yes, very good movie. And awesome funky toons in this movie, even the menu screen music was good lol.
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Never knew Sphere got such bad ratings, I quite enjoyed that movie as well. Last Action Hero sits pretty well around 6 I'd say, it's not terrible but it's not a great movie either. How can you hate The Good, the Bad and the Ugly :O that's a classic :O I'd say around 8, IMDB's rating of 8.9 is pretty high. And like many people before me already said Pan's Labyrinth is pretty good, I'd say around 7/8, but it's pretty artsy so I can understand not everyone would like it.
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Last Action Hero is on my list too. There are some issues with it that keep it from being really great- mainly involving the kid- but I thought it was very clever and fun.
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For me:
The Cat in the Hat
It's just so good. Not in a 'so bad it's good' way, it's actually just so good. 10/10.
edit: in hindsight from a year later, this poll is slightly cringe.
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