For me:

The Cat in the Hat

It's just so good. Not in a 'so bad it's good' way, it's actually just so good. 10/10.

edit: in hindsight from a year later, this poll is slightly cringe.

8 years ago*

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cat in d hat is gr8?

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8 years ago

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I love this one, specially the atheists, they get what they deserve! Great Jesus

8 years ago

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Shoot'Em Up. I don't know why some fuckers hate this movie so much. Anyway, NSFW gif ;)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Loved this movie. Didn't know it got that much hate. 67 on rotten tomatoes is not that bad I think

8 years ago

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very good movie :)

8 years ago

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I went into this movie without any prior knowledge.

Watched it with a family member.

Joy. (was a fun movie tho haha)

8 years ago

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So great. Monica Bellucci and a carrot chewing badass Clive Owen.

8 years ago

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If you get passed what it isn't (a faithful adaptation of the beloved comic) then what it is (a stylish, moody piece of urban fantasy) is quite good.

8 years ago*

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Same here. I loved that movie.

8 years ago

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+1 I really enjoyed it, but then.. I didn't read the comics beforehand. I totally understand why people who did might not like the film.

8 years ago

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+1 Great movie, great Keanu Reeves. I never read the comics, so I am unbiased there.

Btw, what do you think about the tv show?

8 years ago

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I still haven't seen it. I heard good things. Was it good?

8 years ago

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It was okay. A little bit like Supernatural without the cheesy "you're my brother and I would do anything for you"-stuff ;-)
I heard the comic fans liked it beacause it's much closer to the comics.

8 years ago

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There's a tv show? :3

8 years ago

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Wait, what? Who doesn't like Constantine? Everyone I know thinks that the movie is not too bright, not too bad, just good.

8 years ago

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Really? I get sidelong looks when I mention it. The comic people often don't like it, the people who make fun of Keanu don't like it, etc..

But I'm glad to know it has other appreciators.

8 years ago

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It might be because most people I know (including myself) don't like comic books and most movies made after them (Captain America, Batman etc), but as a movie, Constantine was pretty good. probably also the reason why I thought both "The punisher" movies were pretty good, even tho people of the internet seem to bash it.

8 years ago

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Same, I thought it was quite well received! I loved it! :D

8 years ago

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46% from reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes, and only in the 70s from audiences.

8 years ago

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A lot of comic book people dislike it for the changes they made. They took a blond, British, character and made him into a dark-haired, American, one. They changed a significant portion of his backstory. Also, people like to pick apart anything with Keanu Reeves in it. Also the movie had Shia Labeouf.

I bought the DVD and will start watching it almost any time I see it on TV.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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YES I loved Constantine.

I was sad when I found out that move he does isn't even in the comic books (afaik)

8 years ago

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The "into the light" thing? Yeah, I liked that too. It feels right, like a magical version of Wolverine's claw pop.

8 years ago

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The Resident Evil franchise. I'll never get why people hate those movies, especially fans of the game franchise. I find them to be great movies and I couldn't care less if they don't have anything to do with the games. Alice rocks!

8 years ago

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I LOVE them! :)

8 years ago

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Awesome! :)

8 years ago

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I thought there were some weaker entries in the franchise, Apocalypse and uhhh one of the newer ones, but I still like it as a whole and rewatched it couple times already.

8 years ago

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Yea, it seems to me that after they gave Alice special powers, people started really disliking the series...spoiler alert: and then they took the powers away (to please people?)

8 years ago

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Glad you enjoyed some of them.

8 years ago

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Movies make no sense and are constantly bringing the same plot elements over and over again.
I swear, im so tired of the cloning BS
It also confuses me they would use real characters name if these are not the same characters

8 years ago

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They make perfect sense to me. Sorry you dislike them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Was watching TV and this movie started.. saw Nicolas Cage and stayed... not sure why I watched the whole thing... :P

8 years ago

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Pretty boring movie in my opinion. The story is poorly put together, bad dialogue and ends in a nonsensical conclusion. I had no problem with the more maturity of the subject. That's just my opinion on it though.

8 years ago

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Southland Tales
Gentlemen Broncos
Not everyone hates, but these movies have pretty low rating.

8 years ago

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Sucker Punch.

8 years ago

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Some of Adam Sandlers movies
50 First Dates
Just Go With It
Anger Management
Big Daddy (don't know if this is so much hated as most others)

Don't care what anyone says, I enjoy watching them and yes the other ones not listed are absolute garbage. But these movies have something in them that sticks

8 years ago

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Click is reaaaally good, and the twist it has at the middle had me in tears to be honest. anger management was funny too, the thing is he doesn't even try to make decent movies lately.

8 years ago

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Blended is the most recent of those listed and I think it's great.

And yeah Click had me to tears also, the second half of the movie, that's when Adam Sandler's comedy stops and it touches on more sensitive stuff. Sure it shoves in some of them, but they aren't over the top as in his other movies and doesn't take away from everything else.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The Sound of Music.
It's not that everybody hates it, it's just that it's from 1965 and a lot of people haven't seen it theses days. I was born almost 20 years after it came out and used to watch it everyday as a child. Still love it. I love musicals. lol

8 years ago

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Lots of people bashed Prometheus, especially the fans of Alien saga. I love that movie ! I can't wait for the sequel.

Edit: Ah, thanks for your support !
Watchmen was also bashed by many. I don't understand why, it was a great and very mature movie in my opinion (I haven't read the comics though).
I also liked Night Watch (Russian movie), even if it's kinda messy.

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8 years ago*

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Prometheus was epic! :)

8 years ago

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I liked it.
The movie is kind of a mess and i think i enjoyed it more for that, its like you are trying to complete a puzzle

8 years ago

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I have to agree Prometheus wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. And I'm also a fan of the Alien movies. There are inconsistencies, but if you can get passed those it's pretty decent.

8 years ago

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I'm a big fan of the Alien movies, and Prometheus just clicked with me and I absolutely loved it.

8 years ago

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I think that nobody except me loves Cloud Atlas XD

8 years ago

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You haven't read the thread then?

8 years ago

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I've just noticed it, in this case well... it's good to know that I'm not alone

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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one of the best movies ever made!!!!

8 years ago

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Resident Evil (franchise)
Blood & Chocolate
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Chronicles of Riddick (franchise)

I've seen so many movies I'm probably forgetting a few.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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One of the coolest weapons ever

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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And it has a dolphin computer. It gets points for that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was under the impression that it was a moderately well received movie. Apparently I was wrong.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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YES! I fucking love this movie. With a bit of digging, you can find the Japanese cut which has a lot more Takeshi scenes and a much better score.

and they also don't cut out the part about Jones being addicted to heroin

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh it's all still English audio, Japan just got a different cut due to Takeshi being a huge star there and the production studio meddling with the western release. If you can't find it anywhere just hit me up on steam and I'll Dropbox it to you.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's the one! Also, I know I've given away Jazzpunk, but maybe I should have played it instead...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead.

There's just so much inheritly wrong with that, that it reaches critical mass, implodes into a singularity and comes out being hilarious.

8 years ago

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Definitely Beerfest, innit?

8 years ago

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Ughh since I'm german I was forced to watch this movie when I stayed abroad because they always quoted stuff from it and I hated it so much, yes :D

8 years ago

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I'm german, too. I loved how they exaggerate the german clichés :-D

8 years ago

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I like silly testosteroney stuff, like The Last Boyscout or Tango & Cash.
Something that got bashed (at the time I viewed it anyway, as a kid) was Ladyhawke.
Some of the Cronemberg fans will kill those of us who admit thinking Dead Zone was pretty great.

8 years ago

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but everybody loves inception :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Not everyone, there are too many inconsistencies for me to really enjoy it. I think it's an ok movie but not what everyone hypes it up to be. Same goes for Interstellar. Nolan is pretty predictable for me.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I took a look to see to which movie it lost, and it looks pretty good, haven't watched The King's Speech yet.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+2 for The Killer Inside Me and Killing Them Softly. Two ponderous, beautifully shot, yet consistently overlooked films.

8 years ago

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And here I thought that I was the only one who like The Killer Inside Me.

8 years ago

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Hardcore Henry !!!!!!!!
many People seem to hate it and i don´t know why

8 years ago

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Because it looks like an asinine live action crappy first person shooter turned into a crappy movie.

8 years ago

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maybe it Looks like this for some People (not me!) but it definitly isn´t a crappy movie!
have you seen it?

8 years ago

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Stay, 41% on metacritic.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wait... Someone actually LIKED The cat in the Hat? Oh, these must truly be the end times.

8 years ago

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The Happening

8 years ago

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Love it. One of my favorite comedies.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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The best part of that movie for me was that moment in the cave

8 years ago

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I like Smiley face, not sure people really hate it or they just hate the ending, I hate it too, it's a slap in the face for everyone who cares about the main character, but the movie is a lot of fun.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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