For me:

The Cat in the Hat

It's just so good. Not in a 'so bad it's good' way, it's actually just so good. 10/10.

edit: in hindsight from a year later, this poll is slightly cringe.

8 years ago*

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cat in d hat is gr8?

View Results

Sunshine (2007)

8 years ago

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It's really good. And the soundtrack is great.

8 years ago

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One of the best flicks out there. Such a beautiful tribute to 2001, but not afraid to flip the narrative on its head

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8 years ago*

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That movie was well received:

8 years ago

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I loved that movie except the ending (no spoilers)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I have one that I hate but everyone else love ;p
won't tell title, blacklist will be comming my way! :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For me is Howard "The Duck", god... I love that movie.

8 years ago

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A Night at the Roxbury

8 years ago

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Girlfriend LOVES that movie. She doesn't even like Will Ferrell... I myself prefer Talladega Nights over Roxbury

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Terrorvision Sure, the acting, budget and story are quite bad, but that just adds a charm of its own!
The Hexer (the Witcher movie) Same thing here as for Terrorvision
50-60% of all my big horror movie collection

Aand, that's about it out of the movies that I can remember right now.

8 years ago

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there's a witcher movie ? i only knew about the TV series (and of Course books and games)

8 years ago

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Yeah, though the movie is just scenes from the tv series put together (don't ask me why), and there's another Witcher movie coming out in 2017 as well just an fyi if you didn't know that ^^

8 years ago

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I thought the Witcher TV series was quite nice.

8 years ago

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it was okay, but nowhere near the quality of the books or games

8 years ago

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Yeah, nowhere close to that good.

8 years ago

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Alexander, 5.5 on imdb lol

8 years ago

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For real! I know I'm an ancient history nut, but it's a masterpiece

8 years ago

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Moonrise Kingdom with a 7.8 rating on IMDB not that bad I guess but I know my family's making fun of me loving that movie because they (my dad + brother) couldn't find "a deeper meaning" from it :D I love all Wes Anderson movies, his style is amazing.. cineaste

Les amours imaginaires 7.2 on IMDB, that should be fine as well but people who only watch huge action movies would most likely hate this little gem.

8 years ago

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Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette".

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8 years ago*

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Completely agree. I don't understand the hate. Not only is the aesthetic beautiful and the soundtrack amazing, but it accurately captures the warped perspective of monarchical royalty. I really love the current trend of filming period pieces with modern techniques (check out The Knick for more of that).

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8 years ago*

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About Sofia Coppola.
It's been a long time but I absolutely adored "The Virgin Suicides"

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8 years ago

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Gotta be Starship Troopers and Pitch Black for me.

8 years ago

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They are both awesome D:

8 years ago

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People hate Starship Troopers?

8 years ago

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Who the fuck hate those 2? They are amazing

8 years ago

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I know people that do. I don't like them.

8 years ago

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I had no idea people hated Starship Troopers - it's one of my all-time favourite movies

8 years ago

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You just give me the address of the people who dislike starship troopers

8 years ago

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Yay no one mentioned one of my favorite movies: Van Helsing

I love it so much XD
I even bought the bluray >.>

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8 years ago

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Not bad, but Solomon Kane was more interesting.

8 years ago

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I have to watch that, I'll rpobably do it this evening :D

8 years ago

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Tree of Life. It's a film about everything, and it's perfect.

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8 years ago*

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who says Tree of Life is bad? Nobody can't

8 years ago

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It had some critical acclaim but was widely panned by audiences, flopped hard at the box office. Anyone I've talked to never even finished it. In recent years it has finally been getting the respect it deserves.

8 years ago

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The Thin Red Line is one of my favorite movies. Tree of Life reminded me of it minus the guns. I guess all of Malick's works look alike.

8 years ago

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Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the guy only releases a film every ten years and consistently knocks it out of the park.

8 years ago

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Caymmi do cinema

8 years ago

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I dont want people to blacklist me to death me

8 years ago

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Malick fans are definitely a niche audience. He's a terrific film maker, but he kinda loses me after Badlands and Days of Heaven.

8 years ago

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Batman vs Superman

Also Transformers 2 (all others suck ass tho).

8 years ago

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cloverfield and Scott pilgrin... both movies I have to whatch alone... but I think they are great movies.

8 years ago

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Well, cloverfield was kind of suckish imo, but mainly because of the unfinished story...

8 years ago

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Scott pilgrim is a fucking masterpiece! Also not really hated: 82/83 on Rotten Tomatoes. So heads up buddy, it's not you who is strange, it's your friends :-D

8 years ago

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Alien 3 & Resurrection
The Hobbit Trilogy
Last Action Hero
The Godfather Part 3

8 years ago

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Star Wars.

8 years ago

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i don't know which movies that i like are hated, but i watched some "joke movies" like "Star Leaf" and enjoyed them :)

8 years ago

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I have no idea.

babadook? nah, thats good

And... The Rover, but again, I think its pretty good.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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-5000 dkp

8 years ago

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Maybe not necessarily hated, but what the actual fuck, RT?!
Please bear in mind, that Twilight has a higher score (48%)...

8 years ago

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I might actually give this one a go :)

8 years ago

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It's really worth it, if you're into melancholic vampire movies (like "Only Lovers Left Alive" for example), that touch rather interestingly upon existential themes.

8 years ago

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This one? ;)
And no, I don't watch movies on the computer.
Will let you know, tomorrow or so I expect :)

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8 years ago

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Yus. <3

8 years ago

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OMG. The Hunger is one of my faves. Bowie!

8 years ago

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Might get flak for this, but for me it's
Green Lantern

It's not the best portrayal of the character, but I enjoyed the theme of digging deep to find courage & willpower within yourself.

8 years ago

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Matrix: Reloaded. My favourite of the franchise.
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. It's a cult classic in my country. :)

8 years ago

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The postal movie... i know is uwe bowl and shit but i fricking love that dumb humor i LOVE dark humor

8 years ago

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Idk, After the first 15min it feels like evey other uwe boll movie
Except for and I do feel ashamed for saying this but the job interview scene was amazing

8 years ago

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Same here. I loved the job interview scene and the jew-joke in the end. The rest of the movie was painful Uwe Boll style rubbish

8 years ago

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Patch Adams with Robin Williams. Always loved it, even though its cheesy and extremely inaccurate

8 years ago*

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Tiger Woods It was an authentic documentary, but my faculty of film professor had his doubts,such a hypocrite lol.

8 years ago

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The Star Wars Perquels. I really enjoyed watching them (although episode 2 was a bit meh). They're not as great as the original trilogy, but they're still very good movies.

8 years ago

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I really enjoyed the Star Wars prequels too, they're not as bad as people make them out to be. The worst parts for me are the pod racing and Jar Jar Binks (of course). But I really liked the romance between Padme and Anakin, and the way Anakin struggles with the rules of the Jedi. Not too big of a fan of how they portrayed his turn to the dark side though, but all in all the prequel trilogy wasn't too bad.

8 years ago

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I actually think there was too much focus on the romance. At least in episode 2. That movie had some unnecessary parts in it.

8 years ago

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I guess I'm a romantic,and it was done pretty well. But in this case it's also pivotal to the plot, because if you didn't see Anakin and Padme having a connection it would be completely unbelieveable that he betrays everything he believes in later. It's a good transition movie that shows why Anakin starts to turn from the light side and that his reason for doing so is quite understandable. So I have to disagree that it's the worst one of the three (although I can understand if you don't like romance), for me the worst one is the first movie. I think all three prequels had unnecessary parts, but my biggest problem with them is that they don't really fit wel together as a trilogy unlike the original. But the core story is done pretty well overal, so that's why I enjoy them.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty much same. I thought they were enjoyable, I'd just say the 2nd was the least fun I had. Aside from the Yoda and Dooku battle I couldn't really name a single other thing that happens in that.

8 years ago

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A lot of romance, Anakin's mother dying and the Clone Wars starting, not much else I can remember....

8 years ago

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Oh yes~
Anakin angsted after the mom dead. Which makes sense. Still hard to believe I don't remember much of it.

8 years ago

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Well, it was a lot of time, for very little progress. The movie could have been half the time and still could have told everything it needed. It is the least iconic and memorable Star Wars movies in my opinion.

8 years ago

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Agreed! Like every other one had something iconic about it. One was Anakin's start. 3 was his fall. The original series more or less speaks for itself, and 7 was episode 4 2: Electric Boogaloo.

8 years ago

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Yeah exactly. The only thing in Episode 2 was the start of the clone wars, which was only the final part of the movie. And they didn't really cover the clone wars in any movie, so it was still not that big of a deal.

8 years ago

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Same here, i think that all those kids whose first Star Wars films were the prequels have grown up, and so we remind the with some nostalgia.
They had Darth Maul and Qui-Gon come on!!!

8 years ago

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They did introduce Darth Maul, which was an interesting character but i really dont remember anything with him aside from one of the best fight scenes in the prequels.
thats the only good thing i can say about the prequels, if you remove jar jar, they did have some of the best action in the entire franshise. Except for the fight between obi wan and anakin, that one was pretty lame

Then again ive watched these movies for the first time less than a year ago, so nostalgia didnt really factor in

8 years ago

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