Small prelude of context:

(You can skip this part if you want)

Hi everyone! :)
So, it's been a whole year since i joined this great community and i decided to make something (hopefully) a little more special for you guys.

So, my Cake Day was on the 20th, when this was supposed to have happened. Long story short... hard drive partition going belly up screwed my plans big time, hence the delayed cake day celebration.
My Birthday is on the 7th of next month (which is also when all GAs end), hence the somewhat early birthday celebration.
It was merely meant to be a cake day celebration, wasn't that keen on advertising birthday date, but given the circumstances, seemed fitting, given the day, the number of trains, GA per train, etc.

The main reason i wrote the above text is because there is a plot. And it's mostly... well... thin / shallow some times (if not often times).
I had a comic strip done for this (yes, i had made a cartoonish comic strip for the whole thing... that went completely belly up, fml), and as they usually say... a picture is worth 1,000 words. Especially pictures that require quite a bit of describing through text. Let's just say my patience wore thin very early on, trying to sub what was accomplished with the images with just plain words. Not to mention how incredibly dull i felt it would be for most people to read through as well.

As for the plot... it's a silly parody.
A very silly one, maybe you'll find some of it witty, i am quite disappointed with the end result given what i mentioned before, i just find it dumb.
But oh well, it was what was possible and i grew tired of postponing this.

The parody includes names of SG users that have been altered one way or another, some in a goofier way than others.
All the users being mentioned are mentioned as a homage.
Nothing is meant to be offensive or insulting, but if you happen to be one of the users mentioned and feel offended, just tell me and i will remove the altered form of your username entirely. And i obvisously apologize in advance, if that happens to be the case.

That's it. That's all the context. I hope it wasn't too much. :)


There is a total of 58 GAs. And yes, there is a Puzzle for every GA.

Trust me, seems more daunting than it is.

The vast majority of the puzzles are NOT that hard.

27 of the 58 GAs are level 1+ (should have been 28, but i screwed one up making it level 2+), and 31 of the 58 GAs are level 2+.
The GAs are spread into 7 trains of 7 GAs (total of 49). The first 4 of each of the 7 trains (barring the one i screwed up) are the ones at level 1, the rest are all level 2. At the end of each train you collect a bit of info for the 50th GA.

You need to complete all 7 GAs to have the info you need to access the very easy Puzzle for GA #50.

After you've accessed GA#50, you have an additional harder puzzle for #51.

There are also 7 additional easter egg GAs for the grand total of 58.
The info to access the Puzzle for those 7 easter eggs is scattered across the other 49 Puzzles / GAs.
There is a pattern that you will uncover (somewhere) to make it easier for you to know how to combine the scattered info so you can access the easter eggs.

There may or may not be red herrings. You have been warned. Don't hate me.


There are no hints added as of the start of this thread. I decided to make the hint process a bit different than what you're used to, to make it more interactive and hopefully a fun process as well. Also, it's not convoluted, it's quite simple, if you just read this not so tiny section.

Hints will be added TO MY 2ND POST as described below when the criteria also described is met:


  • If you are one of the first 7 to finish any puzzle leading to a GA, you can choose from 3 small hints scattered randomly all across the several puzzles OR you can take your chances in 1 single roll in the Wheel of Fortune (WoF) which will be described at the end of this section and illustrated with a picture.

  • If you are one of the first 7 to finish one of the last 7 puzzles from each train (1-7, 2-7,... 7-7), you can choose from 3 small scattered hints AND 1 single roll in the WoF... OR you get 2 rolls in the WoF.

  • If you are the VERY FIRST to finish one of the last 7 puzzles from each train, you get 1 additional roll in the WoF.

  • If you are the very first to finish at least 7 puzzles total, regardless of which, you also get an additional roll, per each 7 (yes, that means tough luck if it's 6 or 13, sorry).

Just post in the respective GA to reserve your hint choice. You don't have to choose immediately, but only the 7 first to post get to choose - there is no other way for me to know who finished first, unless people post to reserve that right (i strongly suggest you post something like a single character and edit it afterwards so you don't get ninja'd while typing :P - just edit it afterwards to Reserved or to the choice you wish if you don't want to wait).

The Wheel of Fortune:

The picture is pretty self-explanatory for the most part.
"Nothing", "small hint", "big hint", "hint on finding an easter egg" and "full answer" are exactly as it says.
The "1/49th of a hint on Puzzle 50 / 51" mean there have to be 49 rolls landing on either so you can get a hint on the respective one. The reasons being that Puzzle 50 is stupid simple and is more than doable without any hints at all and that Puzzle 51 is logic-based, so even being a bit harder is still pretty doable without 0 hints. So yes, the chance to have a hint added for any of those has to be very slim.
The hints are also global, obviously.

Now... the Jackpot! The Jackpot means you get to choose selfishly or selflessly:

  • SELFISHLY: I add you and give you a bundle game from whatever i have spare (i'll do my best to go through your wishlist prior to today - October 14th - if at all possible), but you get no hints whatsoever added to the puzzles.

  • SELFLESSLY: You get either 3 additional rolls and whatever you get from those rolls is obviously shared with the community. Also, no "Double-Jackpot!"... If you get a Jackpot! and choose 3 additional rolls and you draw another Jackpot on one of those rolls, all that happens is a simple re-roll.


I only considered this, because i've had at least a couple of folks suggesting they might want to add GAs to this.
You don't need to, i don't expect you to and most importantly, there should be no need to just for the sake of having enough hints. The simple draws of what is mentioned above should be more than enough for the vast majority of folks to solve 90-95% of it all (yes, including 50/51 and easter eggs).

That said...

If you do wish to add a GA to this, i ask merely the following simple rules for them to be eligible to help hints being added:

  • Do so by replying to the third post (the one saying POST GA LINKS REPLYING TO THIS POST).
  • Leave it open for more than 48h (to give me ample time to add it to the respective post to keep it more organized - bear in mind comment notifications are disabled as of the start of this).
  • Make it no more than level 2+.
  • Doesn't matter if it's public or private (group/whitelist isn't obviously accepted), but do ask in the description for folks to bump this thread.

You can still ignore all of the above, but i just can't count them for the hint section.

Should you follow all of the above...

  • For every 7 total GAs added to this, 1 small random hint is addded to 1 question of the 49 puzzles.
  • For every 49 total GAs added to this, 1 small random hint is added to 1 question of the 49 puzzles and 1 WoF roll is done. Should a Jackpot be drawn, 3 rolls are assumed as choice.
  • For every 7 GAs added by the same user, 1 additional big hint is addded to 1 question of the 49 puzzles.
  • For every 49 GAs added by the same user (LOL, gotta account for the crazier than me :P), 1 additional big random hint is added to 1 question of the 49 puzzles and 1 addition WoF roll is done. Should a Jackpot be drawn, 3 rolls are assumed as choice.

I will not join any GA that is added to this thread, if any is chosen to be added.


Posted in the 1st post, you will find:

  • The initial very thin plot;
  • The departure links for all 7 trains;
  • Some pictures that may or may not be of help to either solving the puzzles, or finding even more red h... ahem... finding the easter eggs... :P
9 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

The plot:

You find yourself in a bed. You wake up, find some fresh clothes hanging next to the bed, get dressed and exit the room.
You seem to be in a space station. In front of you seems to be an odd furry creature and a man with a 5'o clock shadow beard.
His face looks oddly familiar. You address him.

You: Shepard?

ZooZ: No. -.-'' why does everyone keep... nevermind, i see you have awakened, Traveller. About time. And time is of the essence here. The fate of SG depends on you.

You: Wha... The fate of...

ZooZ: Yes, long story short... the time-line has been corrupted by an evil force.
I have chased this force all across the galaxy and barely managed to find out its source of power just before he made his escape to the dark future that he created.

You: Ok...

ZooZ: We fought and in the battle, his power source was shattered and divided into 7 fragments. They have all spawned an alternate reality, even more vile and corrupted, through 7 different dark portals. He still had a portal open to his dark future to which he fled, which also closed right behind him.
Since i could not risk going into only one of those 7 alternate realities, i tethered the location of all 7 to my data collector.

You: That's a lot to take in. :/

ZooZ: Well, there's more. Tethering the location was just one step. This reality is collapsing.
You have a little over 3 weeks before it collapses permanently. On the 7th of November, your time is up.
You will have to travel through those 7 dark portals to find the missing fragment that created that reality.
The portals are like wormholes, except sometimes they move you forward in time, sometimes back in time, and sometimes they move you to a different location. Sometimes both.

You: Oh boy... :/

ZooZ: I've sent a probe through one and managed to realize that once you go through one of them a new portal will open everytime someone or some creature near you dies.
You will not be able to control where the new portal leads you, unless the person or creature dying has been tethered to a specific location.

You: So how will i come back?

ZooZ: Well, this odd one beside me is Bear. Let's just say... he's expendable. I've tethered him to this point in the space-time continuum.
If he dies, you must enter the wormhole that opens and come back here or you will be trapped for good.


You: That's not what he... -.-'' ... nevermind, i think i see what you mean, ZooZ.

ZooZ: Yes.

You: Ok. But didn't you say there were 7 portals? Do you have 7 expendable bears?

ZooZ: God, no! One is enough to have to put up with.
But once you travel through the portal that leads you back to where you yourself came from, time will be erased for you and him.
Meaning you will have no recollection of what happened and he will be alive and kicking... sadly. :/

You: But the fragment?

ZooZ: I've programmed your data collector to retrieve it and store the info, even with you losing you memory of what happened.
One fragment is twice the size of the other 6. All 7 combined should open a portal to follow the evil force to where it fled.
I am sadly too weak to do that myself and we don't have much time. So we're depending on you. The prophecy says you will be known as SteamGifts SuperPuzzler.

You: Prophecy as well? -.-'' ... This feels more and more like a bad movie knock-off...

ZooZ: Also, i've set up 7 different containment chambers for the 7 dark portals. Just by stepping into the chambers you will notice things already feel... err... off.

You: Hmmm... :/

ZooZ: Anyway, good luck Traveller! And hurry!
Oh and don't forget to inspect our data collection facility, some of the data is probably just junk, but there is a possibility that more portals have been open, other than those 7.
Some of our top scientists say another 7 were open and that each had the data needed to access them scattered across the first 7.
They also believe data may have been scattered across wormholes as well as specific time points. I think it's rubbish, but keep an eye out.

Data Collection Facility

Data Shard 1
Data Shard 2
Data Shard 3
Data Shard 4
Data Shard 5
Data Shard 6
Data Shard 7

Containment chamber 1

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has long curly hair, a beard and a fedora hat. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Weird Al Zoozovic: Well, hello there. Ready to party? ^.^

You may enter wormhole 1.

Containment chamber 2

You notice a robot waiting at the chamber for you. The robot seems to have a small beard though and has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Very odd.

You: Hi...

HAL Z-0-0-Z: Greetings. You may proceed.

You may enter wormhole 2.

Containment chamber 3

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has a beard, a ponytail, a kimono and a samurai sword. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Zoozo Kojiro: Konichiwa. Sayonara.

You may enter wormhole 3.

Containment chamber 4

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has a beard and a sombrero. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Juan Zoozito: Què? Si, señor.

You may enter wormhole 4.

Containment chamber 5

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has a beard an armless shirt and quite the muscles. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Arnold Zoozenegger: You'll be back.

You may enter wormhole 5.

Containment chamber 6

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has a beard, tribal clothes and a spear. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Zoozaka Zulu: Strike once and for all.

You may enter wormhole 6.

Containment chamber 7

You notice someone waiting at the chamber for you. He has a beard, one bottle of vodka in one hand, a shirt with suspenders on top and a gun holstered. He has striking resemblances to... Shepard though. Odd.

You: Hi...

Alexander Zoozov: Dasvidaniya.

You may enter wormhole 7.

9 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

HINTS ADDED (Everything swept fully):

P50: Hint unlocked! (Extras will go to P51 2nd hint unlocked)

P51: Hint unlocked! 10 extra lands to be spread as small hints manually.

Egg hints:

  • One egg's 1st shard is M;
  • One egg's 2nd shard is r;
  • One egg's 3rd shard is 8;
  • One egg's 4th shard is L;
  • One egg's 5th shard is k;
  • One egg's 6th shard is e;
  • One egg's 7th shard is Tm;
  • Quite a few of the eggs can be found entirely through the wormholes (not the GAs);
  • One of the eggs snuck its shards into the plot;
  • One of the eggs has invisible shards;
  • One of the eggs is posing as a red herring;
  • One of the red herrings is also posing as an egg;
  • One of the eggs likes bold letters;
  • One of the eggs likes the same as bear;
  • One of the eggs likes diagonals;
  • One of the pictures in the Data Collection Facility (DCT) shows you exactly where to find the shards for 5 easter eggs;
  • The orange egg's last shard is wD;
  • The blue egg's last shard is Ez;
  • The yellow egg's last shard is Kd;
  • The purple egg's last shard is tf;
  • The green egg's 2nd shard is b;
  • Data shard 1 in DCT doesn't really help you;
  • Data shard 2 in DCT is probably trying to tell you something, but nothing to do with eggs;
  • Data shard 3 in DCT only really helps you with one egg... and might not even be necessary... hmm;
  • Data shard 4 in DCT doesn't really help you;
  • Data shard 5 in DCT doesn't really help you;
  • Each egg has either 1 shard per wormhole or 1 shard per wormhole-GA, but at least one GA has 2 shards (for 2 different eggs);
  • One of the eggs has the order of its shards backwards... his last shard can be found at GA 1-7;

General Hints:

Small hints:

10 manual hints from extra rolls landing on PZ51:
4-5: 3,4,5,8,9,12,14;

Other rolls:

1-1: 2,4,5;
1-3: 1,2,3,4;
1-4: 1,2,5;
1-5: 1,5,6;
1-6: 1,2,7;
2-2: 3,5;
2-3: 1,6;
2-4: 3,5;
2-5: 2,7;
2-6: 3,4,5,6;
2-7: 1,5;
3-1: 2,3,7;
3-3: 2,3,4,6;
3-4: 1,3,4,6;
3-6: 1,2,3,4;
3-7: 1,4,5,6;
4-1: 7,7(2),7(3);
4-2: 1,2,3;
4-3: 1,3,4,4(2),7,9,11,12,13,14;
4-4: 2,5,6;
4-6: 1,3,3(2),5,6;
4-7: 1,2,7;
5-1: 1,2,5,6;
5-2: 2,7;
5-3: 2,5,6,7;
5-4: 4,7;
5-6: 4,7;
5-7: 1,2;
6-1: 5,6;
6-2: 1,7;
6-3: 3,5,6;
6-4: 2,4;
6-5: 4,6;
6-7: 1,4;
7-1: 3,4,7;
7-2: 5,7;
7-3: 1,5;
7-4: 3,6,7;
7-5: 1,3,5,7;
7-7: 4,6;

Big Hints:
2-3: 3,4;
2-4: 1,6,7;
2-6: 1,2,4,7;
3-5: 2,3,4;
3-6: 5,6,7;
4-1: 3,5,5(2),6;
4-3: 8,11,13,14;
4-5: 7,14;
4-6: 2,4,6,7;
4-7: 5,6;
7-6: 1,6,7;
7-7: 1,7;

Full answers:
2-2: 2,6;
2-4: 2,4;
2-5: 1,5,6;
2-7: 3,7;
3-1: 4,5,6;
4-1: 1,2,4;
4-5: 1,3,6,11;

Rolls (1-3):

1-jb W: 1/49-P50;
2-JD W: Full-A-3-1-6;
3-K 3 S.hints: 4-3-1; 7-5-7; 7-4-3;
4-A31 3 S.hints: 4-2-1; 4-4-6; 5-2-7;
5-kat W: 1/49-P50;
6-jh W: 1/49-P51;
7-Yu 3 S.hints: 5-7-1; 1-1-4; 2-6-4;

1-jb W: 1/49-P50;
2-JD W: 1/49-P50;
3-A31 3 S.hints: 7-1-3; 3-4-4; 5-6-7;
4-kat W: 1/49-P50;
5-jh W: B.Hint-2-5-3;
6-Yu 3 S.hints: 1-3-2; 2-7-1; 4-3-3;
7-mug W: S.Hint-3-1-3;

1-jb W: B.Hint-7-7-7;
2-Ld W: Re1, Egg-hint;
3-JD W: 1/49-P50;
4-A31 3 S.hints: 7-5-1; 3-6-4; 6-4-2;
5-kat W: 1/49-P50;
6-jh W: 1/49-P51;
7-MrW W: N0;

1-jb W: N0;
2-JD W: S.Hint-3-3-4;
3-m3 W: N0;
4-A31 3 S.hints: 1-1-5; 1-4-2; 1-6-7;
5-kat W: 1/49-P51;
6-DAJ W: N0;
7-jh W: B.Hint-4-1-5;

1-jb W: Hint on egg;
2-A31 3 S.hints: 1-2-1; 4-5-2; 7-2-7;
3-JD W: N0;
4-Mat W: Re2, 1/49-P50;
5-jh W: 1/49-P51;
6-MrW W: B.Hint-1-6-3;
7-kat W: Full-A-4-1-4;

1-jb W: Re1, N0;
2-jh W: B.Hint-4-3-5;
3-MrW W: Re-roll 1x, S.Hint-1-6-2;
4-poo W: Re1, 1/49-P50;
5-kuk W: S.Hint-7-5-5;
6-Ali W: B.Hint-2-4-7;
7-Ld W: B.Hint-2-6-7;

1-jb W1: 1/49-P51; W2: S.Hint-1-5-5; ExtraW (1st-1-7): B.Hint-5-4-2; ExtraWoF (1st-7total): 1/49-P50;
2-jh W1: B.Hint-1-3-7; W2: B.Hint-2-4-1;
3-MrW W1: 1/49-P51; W2: N0;
4-C17 W1: Full-A-4-4-7; W2: N0;
5-Ld W1: 1/49-P50; W2: Egg-hint;
6-poo W1: B.Hint-7-6-7; W2: 1/49-P51;
7-m3 WoF 1: Re2, 1/49-P51; W2: B.Hint-4-6-2;

1-Yu 3 S.hints: 1-3-1; 3-7-1; 4-3-9;
2-AZ W: Re1, S.Hint-6-1-5;
3-jb W: Full-A-7-2-2;
4-Dom W: B.Hint-4-3-13;
5-C17 W: Egg-hint;
6-JD W: N0;
7-aa W: 1/49-P50;

1-jb W: 1/49-P50;
2-AZ W: B.Hint-5-6-1;
3-Yu 3 S.hints: 1-3-4; 1-4-5; 6-7-4;
4-Dom W: Re2, S.Hint-4-4-5;
5-C17 W: 1/49-P50;
6-aa W: 1/49-P51;
7-kat W: S.Hint-7-1-4;

1-AZ W: B.Hint-2-6-2;
2-jb W: Re1, S.Hint-7-5;
3-Dom W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
4-C17 W: S.Hint-5-4-4;
5-aa W: Re1, Full-A-3-1-5;
6-kat W: N0;
7-Ld W: Re1, 1/49-P51;

1-jb W: 1/49-P50;
2-AZ W: S.Hint-7-2-5;
3-Dom W: Full-3-3-5;
4-C17 W: Re1, N0;
5-aa W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
6-Et W: 1/49-P51;
7-Ld W: B.Hint-4-5-7;

1-AZ W: S.Hint-6-3-6;
2-aa W: Full-A-2-5-1;
3-JR W: 1/49-P51;
4-jb W: Re1, N0;
5-kat W: B.Hint-4-6-4;
6-Et W: Full-A-5-3-4;
7-Ld W: Egg-hint;

1-AZ W: 1/49-P51;
2-kuN W: S.Hint-7-4-2;
3-per W: B.Hint-7-6-5;
4-jh W: 1/49-P51;
5-Et W: Egg-hint;
6-m3 W: S.Hint-4-4-2;
7-lm W: Full-A-1-6-6;

1-Et W1: B.Hint-7-4-5; W2: Full-A-5-5-3; ExtraW(1st-2-7): Full-A-2-1-3;
2-f13 W1: Egg-hint; W2: S.Hint-3-4-1;
4-per W1: 1/49-P51; W2: S.Hint-4-7-2;
5-jh W1: Full-A-3-7-3; W2: S.Hint-2-7-2;
6-AZ W1: 1/49-P51; W2: N0;
7-Cae W1: 1/49-P51; W2: S.Hint-6-1-6;

1-kat W: Egg-hint;
2-Dom W: B.Hint-2-1-1;
3-jb W: Re1, B.Hint-3-6-7;
4-mug W: 1/49-P50;
5-C17 W: 1/49-P51;
6-MV W: B-Hint-5-1-7;
7-m3 W: 1/49-P51;

1-kat W: 1/49-P50;
2-jb W: Full-A-5-7-1;
3-C17 W: S.Hint-6-7-1;
4-MV W: 1/49-P51;
5-m3 W: Full-A-4-1-2;
6-Ld W: 1/49-P50;
7-AZ W: N0;

1-Ld W: B.Hint-4-3-14;
2-kat W: Re1, N0;
3-MV W: Re1, Full-A-4-5-1;
4-AZ W: 1/49-P51;
5-aa WoF: N0;
6-m3 W: 1/49-P50;
7-Dom W: S-hint-4-1-7;

1-Ld W: 1/49-P50;
2-kat W: N0;
3-MV W: Re3: Jackpot! (Selfish :P).
4-aa W: 1/49 on P50;
5-AZ W: S.Hint-4-3-4;
6-jb W: Re2, 1/49-P50;
7-m3 W: S.Hint-1-3-3;

1-AZ W: S.Hint-5-1-1;
2-kat W: Egg-hint;
3-MV W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
4-aa W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
5-jb W: Re2, N0;
6-m3 W: S.Hint-5-2-2;
7-Dom W: Full-A-4-3-6;

1-AZ W: S.Hint-5-1-5;
2-kat W: Re1, Full-A-3-1-4;
3-aa W: 1/49-P51;
4-jb W: N0;
5-MV W: S.Hint-4-3-13;
6-m3 W: Full-A-2-7-7;
7-Dom W: N0;

1-AZ W: Re1, N0; W2: 1/49-P51; ExtraW(1st-3-7): Full-A-6-4-1;
2-aa W1: Egg-hint; W2: S.Hint-2-3-6;
3-kat W1: S.Hint-1-5-3; W2: N0;
4-jb W1: Full-A-5-6-3; W2: Full-A-1-6-5;
5-Dom W1: Re1, B-Hint-1-1-3; W2: B-Hint-4-5-10;
6-Mee W1: N0; W2: B.Hint-4-6-5;
7-m3 W: Egg-hint; W2: 1/49-P50;

Everything swept for hints.

9 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Rolls (4-7) (Last sweep 02/11/15):

1-m3 W: Egg-hint;
2-AZ W: B.Hint-5-5-3;
3-kuN W: B.Hint-2-3-1;
4-p66 W: 1/49-P51;
5-per W: 1/49-P51;
6-Et W: S.Hint-4-7-7;
7-PS W: N0;

1-m3 W: S.Hint-7-7-6;
2-AZ 3 S.Hints: 5-7-3; 5-6-2; 3-5-5;
3-kuN W: B.Hint-3-6-5;
4-p66 W: N0;
5-per W: S.Hint-2-3-5;
6-Et 3 S.Hints: 3-7-4; 4-7-1; 3-6-3;
7-PS W: B.Hint-2-6-1;

1-m3 W: S.Hint-3-2-4;
2-AZ 3 S.Hints: 6-5-6; 7-7-4; 3-6-2;
3-p66 W: B.Hint-5-4-3;
4-kuN W: B.Hint-2-6-4;
5-Et W: 1/49-P51;
6-PS W: Full-A-2-6-6;
7-per W: S.Hint-6-2-1;

1-m3 W: B.Hint-3-5-4;
2-AZ 3 S.Hints: 7-4-7; 5-4-7; 3-3-3;
3-p66 W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
4-kuN W: Full-A-2-2-2;
5-Et W: S.Hint-5-5-6;
6-per W: Egg-hint;
7-PS W: S.Hint-5-3-6;

1-AZ 3 S.Hints: 2-2-3; 7-5-3; 3-4-3;
2-m3 W: Full-A-2-7-3;
3-kuN W: Egg-hint;
4-p66 W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
5-Et W: B.Hint-3-5-2;
6-PS W: S.Hint-4-1-7;
7-per W: B.Hint-4-5-14;

1-p66 W: Egg-hint;
2-m3 W: 1/49-P51;
3-kuN W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
4-Et W: Re1, S.Hint-1-5-6;
5-per W: N0;
6-PS W: Re1, B.Hint-2-3-3;
7-AZ W: B.Hint-4-3-8;

1-p66 W1: Re1, S.Hint-4-3-7; W2: 1/49-P51; ExtraW(1st-4-7): Egg-hint;
2-m3 W1: N0; W2: 1/49-P50;
3-kuN W1: Full-A-7-1-5; W2: 1/49-P51;
4-Et W1: S.Hint-4-6-3; W2: Re2, Full-A-4-5-13;
5-per W1: Re3: Jackpot! (Selfless) W2: Full-A-4-3-10; 3 Extra WoFs - W1: 1/49-P51; W2: Full-A-5-4-1; W3: N0;
6-PS W1: B.Hint-1-5-4; W2: S.Hint-4-3-4;
7-TRK W1: S.Hint-4-6-6; W2: Re1, Egg-hint;

1-Yu 3 S.hints: 2-5-2; 5-7-2; 2-1-7;
2-kat W: 1/49-P51;
3-Dom W: Egg-hint;
4-m3 W: Egg-hint;
5-jb W: 1/49-P51;
6-mug W: S.hint-1-1-2;
7-C17 W: Full-A-2-2-6;

1-kat W: B.Hint-3-5-3;
2-Dom W: 1/49-P51;
3-Yu 3 S.hints: 6-6-6; 2-7-5; 3-1-7;
4-m3 W: Re1, B.Hint-5-3-1;
5-C17 W: Re1, B.Hint-7-3-6;
6-jb W: 1/49-P51;
7-Car W: S.Hint-2-6-6;

1-kat W: 1/49-P50;
2-Dom W: Re1, Full-A-5-1-4;
3-jb W: 1/49-P51;
4-C17 W: N0;
5-Car W: N0;
6-Ld W: 1/49-P50;
7-AZ W: 1/49-P51;

1-kat W: S.Hint-4-3-7;
2-Dom W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
3-jb W: S.Hint-1-3-6;
4-C17 W: B.Hint-3-7-2;
5-Car W: 1/49-P50;
6-Ld W: N0;
7-AZ W: Full-A-6-6-4;

1-kat W: Full-A-2-4-4;
2-Dom W: 1/49-P51;
3-jb W: 1/49-P50;
4-Car W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
5-Ld W: Egg-hint;
6-AZ W: S.Hint-5-7-6;
7-MrW W: N0;

1-kat W: B.Hint-5-2-3;
2-Dom W: S.Hint-2-5-7;
3-jb W: 1/49-P50;
4-Car W: S.Hint-7-3-5;
5-Ld W: S.Hint-4-3-11;
6-AZ W: S.Hint-2-4-3;
7-MrW W: Full-A-4-1-1;

1-kat W1: Full-A-6-3-3; W2: S.Hint-1-6-1; ExtraW(1st-5-7): B.Hint-3-3-2;
2-Dom W1: 1/49-P51; W2: N0;
3-jb W1: B.Hint-1-1; W2: N0;
4-Car W1: B.Hint-4-6-6; W2: N0;
5-Ld W1: N0; W2: Re1, 1/49-P51;
6-AZ W: 1: S.Hint-4-1-7; W2: 1/49-P51;
7-MrW W: S.Hint-4-2-2; W2: 1/49-P51;

1-kat W: N0;
2-Car W: 1/49-P50;
3-mug W: 1/49-P50;
4-jb W: S.Hint-5-6-4;
5-AZ W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
6-aa W: 1/49-P51;
7-C17 W: 1/49-P50;

1-kat W: Re1, 1/49-P50;
2-Car W: B.Hint-6-4-4;
3-jb W: Re1, S.Hint-2-6-5;
4-AZ W: 1/49-P50;
5-aa W: Egg-hint;
6-C17 W: B.Hint-5-1-2;
7-mug W: 1/49-P50;

1-kat W: Egg-hint;
2-Car W: B.Hint-2-3-4;
3-jb W: 1/49 on P51;
4-AZ W: S.Hint-6-5-4;
5-aa W: B.Hint-3-3-1;
6-C17 W: 1/49-P51;
7-mug W: B.Hint-2-7-6;

1-Car W: N0;
2-kat W: S.Hint-1-4-1;
3-jb W: S.Hint-2-4-5;
4-AZ W: Re1, S.Hint-6-3-5;
5-aa W: Re1, N0;
6-C17 W: S.Hint-5-1-6;
7-mug W: Egg-hint;

1-kat W: 1/49-P51;
2-jb W: Re1, N0;
3-Car W: B.Hint-2-4-6;
4-AZ W: Re2, 1/49-P50;
5-aa W: N0;
6-C17 W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
7-jh W: Re2, B.Hint-7-6-7;

1-kat W: B.Hint-4-1-3;
2-jb W: Egg-hint;
3-Car W: N0;
4-AZ W: N0;
5-aa W: Re2, S.Hint-2-6-3;
6-jh W: Egg-hint;
7-DAJ W: Full-A-3-2-1;

1-m3 W1: Full-A-4-3-2; W2: B.Hint-4-6-7; ExtraW(1st-6-7): B.Hint-7-7-1;
2-kat W1: 1/49-P51; W2: 1/49-P51;
3-jb W1: S.Hint- 3-1-2; W2: B.Hint-7-6-1;
4-Car W1: Full-A-2-5-6; W2: 1/49-P50;
5-AZ W1: Re1, S.Hint-3-4-6; W2: 1/49-P50;
6-aa W1: Re1, B.Hint-4-7-6; W2: 1/49-P51;
7-C17 W1: 1/49-P51; W2: S.Hint-7-3-1;

1-Car W: 1/49-P50;
2-Dom 3 S.hints: 3-3-6; 1-5-1; 3-7-6;
3-kat W: Egg-hint;
4-DAJ W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
5-mug W: Re1, 1/49-P50;
6-Yu 3 S.hints: 5-3-5; 6-2-7; 4-6-3;
7-MrW W: Full-A-2-4-2;

1-Car W: 1/49-P51;
2-Dom W: 1/49-P51;
3-kat W: 1/49-P51;
4-Yu S.hints: 7-1-7; 5-1-3; 3-6-1;
5-C17 W: Re1, S.Hint-2-3-2;
6-AZ WoF: S.Hint-1-4-6;
7-mug W: 1/49-P51;

1-Car W: S.Hint-5-3-2;
2-kat W: 1/49-P51;
3-Dom W: B.Hint-4-3-11;
4-C17 W: 1/49-P51;
5-AZ W: B.Hint-7-5-6;
6-m3 W: Re1, 1/49-P51;
7-MrW W: S.Hint-2-2-5;

1-Car W: 1/49-P50;
2-kat W: 1/49-P51;
3-Dom W: 1/49-P51;
4-C17 W: B.Hint-3-6-6;
5-AZ W: 1/49-P50;
6-m3 W: 1/49-P50;
7-MrW W: Egg-hint;

1-Car W: Re1, 1/49-P50;
2-kat W: Re1, 1/49-P50;
3-C17 W: N0;
4-AZ W: B.Hint-4-7-5;
5-Dom W: R1, B.Hint-4-1-5;
6-m3 W: S.Hint-1-7-3;
7-MrW W: Re1, N0;

1-Car W: S.Hint-7-4-6;
2-kat W: Egg-hint;
3-Dom W: Re1, N0;
4-AZ W: 1/49-P50;
5-jb W: S.Hint-4-2-3;
6-MrW W: 1/49-P51;
7-Ld W: 1/49-P50;

1-Car W1: 1/49-P51; W2: B.Hint-3-4-2; ExtraW(1st-7-7): Full-A-2-5-5;
2-kat W1: S.Hint-4-6-1; W2: Re1, 1/49-P51;
3-Dom W1: Full-A-4-5-11; W2: 1/49-P51;
4-AZ W1: 1/49-P51; W2: Re1, Full-A-2-3-7;
5-jb W1: B.Hint-4-1-6; W2: N0;
6-lou W1: Egg-hint; 3 S.hints: 3-7-1; 4-3-12; 5-3-7;
7-MrW W1: N0; W2: Egg-hint;

AZ ExtraW(1st-7total): S-hint-4-6-5;
kat ExtraW(1st-7total): Re1, S-hint-4-3-14;
Car ExtraW(1st-7total): Re1, Full-A-4-5-6;

Trains 4 to 7 fully reswept (02/11/15 last sweep).

9 years ago*

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Stick RPG 2: Director's Cut - YunieRozier - Added October 15th, 4 days deadline upon creation.
The Original Strife - ahar010 - Added October 23rd, 6 days deadline upon creation.
Frederic: Resurrection of Music - TheZooZ - Added November 2nd, 2 days deadline (flash GA).
Frederic: Evil Strikes Back - TheZooZ - Added November 2nd, 2 days deadline (flash GA).
Contagion - whitywind - Added November 3rd, 2 days deadline upon creation.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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Many thanks Yunie. :)

9 years ago

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eh... cannot enter someone BL me :(

  • Time to add someone to BL
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I need hints :) The Original Strife

9 years ago

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Thanks, was abroad since Friday, just got back, already added it to the list. :)

9 years ago

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Adding one here.

9 years ago

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Thanks, added it to the list. :)

9 years ago

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Cheesh, ZooZ.

9 years ago

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Too overkill to read it all? :'(
The pictures helped so much. Without them, the lengthy walls of text i had to put in... :(
But i gave up on re-drawing the whole thing... it was just too much... i just hope i don't scare most people away... :/

EDIT: 1 puzzle-solved already, though, LOL, that guy was fast.

9 years ago

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At first sight, yes, a bit of an overkill ;)

Gonna read it all, promise! Will have to wait till tomorrow tho.

9 years ago

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Oh, it's ok, no worries. It's still gonna last till November 7th.
The timing of the day was not ideal for me either, but i just got tired of postponing it.

But take your time and i hope you have fun, that's what matters.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I have not forgotten about you, sweet ZooZ. I was reading through your wall of text, then clicked on the first puzzle link and ... well ... really sorry

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Awww... :3
"Sweet"... blushing...

1-1 is probably the least fun of the whole wormhole 1 puzzles... and there's a few other wormholes, just saying. I'd steer clear of wormhole 2 though, probably not fun at all either.

But it's ok, eeev, i don't want anyone to feel forced to try them. :)
It's supposed to be fun, and if it's not really doing it the trick for you, oh well, it's a pitty, but what you gonna do, right? ;)

9 years ago

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Not at all, and if some are scared, better for the rest )

View attached image.
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Idk, sample is too small.
TLDR doesn't do that for sure, or there would be much more cats

9 years ago

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Glad it doesn't scare you. :)

9 years ago

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I'm stuck on puzzle PZ-1-5 question 6.

Would you mind taking a look and verifying that the question is correct?

Same with puzzle PZ-7-1 question 7, I have what I believe to be the correct answer but it's coming back as incorrect.

9 years ago*

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Will check them both, try not to include the full puzzle tags in the future here... cuz reasons. ;)
Just shorten it to PZ-1-5 and PZ-7-1, if you don't mind. ;)

Be right back, gonna check.

EDIT: 7-1-7 was indeed wrong, already corrected.

9 years ago*

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Sorry about that.

The third of the trivia puzzles, PZ-5-3, the answer to question 7 is spelled incorrectly.

9 years ago

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Thank you, yes it was, small typo. :/

9 years ago

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Also, not sure you read the hint section, but by not posting on the GAs, you're potentially missing out. ;)

9 years ago

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Managed to reserve on all the giveaways thus far.

On puzzle PZ-3-2, the image for question 6 is incorrect. One of the signs should be different.

9 years ago

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Thank you, that is correct. Ugh, sorry.
Fixed as well!

9 years ago

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Sure about PZ-7-1? Something doesn't make sense then

9 years ago

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Yep. Positive.
You have to figure it out for now, till i add the hints for the rolls tomorrow. I'll mass-sweep for the requests tomorrow, super tired for now.
There was an error on on 7-5 on one of the questions, but it was fixed.

9 years ago

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I still believe PZ-7-1 Question 7 is incorrect but I managed to stumble across the correct answer. You'll have to explain the pattern to me if it really is correct because I just don't see it.

Also, I'm having some trouble on the formatting for the answer for PZ-1-6 Question 5

9 years ago

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I finally got it by brute forcing, I don't see the pattern either, maybe the OP can explain it in the giveaway

9 years ago

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Answered below, 7-1-7 fixed now, but too late for you, it seems. Sorry about that.

EDIT: 1-6-5 is deliberately like that, one small hint dropping there should crack it.
Sorry, had to make at least 1 or 2 slightly more obscure. I can tell you it's a matter of how you choose to answer the question, but without hints may require a bit of bruteforcing, yes.

9 years ago*

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Super-derp, 7-1-7 was wrong, yes, my bad.
This is what happens launching a puzzle train late at night. Dunno how i managed to not carry over the 2nd bit of the formula.
Got sloppy considering there were solvers. Sorry about that. :/

Thanks once again. Fixed!

9 years ago

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No problem, you made a zillion puzzles, mistakes were bound to happend

9 years ago

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PZ-3-3 Question 1 and 7 are both impossible to complete.

9 years ago

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And derp again. Sigh.
Sorry once again, and thanks for pointing it out.
Looked at wrong picture for #1 (and uploaded wrong picture, fml) and #7 had 2 numbers swapped that i didn't notice the first time i checked after you pointed it out. Both now fixed!

9 years ago

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Some of the puzzles on PZ-3-5 have multiple solutions and you don't account for all of them. I have solutions for Q2, Q3 and Q4 but they are not being accepted

9 years ago*

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have 2 solutions not accepted for PZ-3-5 Q3 :(

9 years ago

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Do you still have unaccepted solutions for Q3?

9 years ago

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humm dunno, i've find another working solution by myself few days ago, and delete all traces of my others solutions... sry :(

9 years ago

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Ah it's ok, i just meant i added quite a few more, so was checking to see if it was still blocking you, that's all. ;)

9 years ago

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Umm.... Wow. Maybe I'll come back. :D I couldn't even focus on that much text after work.
But I'll come back for sure tomorrow if I don't work. :D

9 years ago

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Hehe, i understand, take your time. :)

9 years ago

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8 days to go, just a small reminder. ^.^
Also, tons of hints added (some full answers as well).

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Heh, you crazy. Thanks man. :)

9 years ago

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Heh, I have no idea about number 3 in the first ITH =D.

Thank you very much for this event. Dat amount of work O.o

Edit: Hmm, found it by guessing (with a little help by google), but I still don't understand it =)

9 years ago

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Heh, it was a bit of work.
Will have been worth it if folks have fun, though. :)

9 years ago

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You really put a lot of work into this event, kudos for the thoroughness .

9 years ago

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Thanks. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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But all iz important...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Unfortunately I'm too lazy for puzzles ;_;

9 years ago

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If you hit the right trains, some are the easiest you'll find.
Some you might even think as fun. Unless every kind of puzzle bores you, nothing i can do about that, if it's the case. :P

I tried mixing it up with all sorts of puzzles, though, best i could do.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I'm glad you're liking it Pete. :)
I did go out of my way to try to make it not too obscure.

9 years ago

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Hi! Having fun, but can you please check puzzle 7-6 as I think there might be some errors with Q4. I was also stuck with Q3 for a while but it all makes sense now.

9 years ago*

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I see Q4 is fixed - thanks!

9 years ago

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1/6 q5 I'm having fits trying to figure out what format you want the answer in and wondering how four people have figured it out.

Edit: well 3 besides you

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Sorry about that one, was intentionally put that way not to be obscure, but to maybe require the hints to hit it and get most people unstuck.
Not that is absolutely necessary. 7 people have solved it in under 3h. This does last 3 weeks and some change. :)

9 years ago

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Wormhole 5 first question... ITS HIS NAME, I PUT FIRST AND LAST, I EVEN GOOGLED TO MAKE SURE, you did something wrong. No idea how the other people got it.

9 years ago

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Also the number sequence one is messed up as well, the very last question.

9 years ago

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As replied to poster below, 7-1-7 is correct.
You're probably using the wrong number sequence.

Derp, wrong question (i think i checked 7-7-1 -.-'')...

9 years ago*

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Yes 7-1-7 was wrong, i had checked wrong question. Sorry about that, it's fixed now.

9 years ago

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I'm positive you have the wrong answer.
Most people get that one wrong, that's all i can tell you. ;)

9 years ago

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Q7 of Puzzle 1 of Wormhole 7 might be borked.

9 years ago

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7-1-7 is correct, already double checked.

9 years ago*

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You were right, it was, corrected now, sorry about that.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Oh, there's a special plot treat just for you Add... Student. :P
It's gonna be a pitty if you don't find it.

But i'll be posting the solutions for every puzzle on November 7th when this is over, so people can check the whole thing anyway. :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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You will probably enjoy the ones on train 3.
And you should check the ones on train 4, for reasons that will be obvious, after you solve the 1st. :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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Ditto here! ^^

9 years ago

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Have you managed to try some more?
How far did you get? :)

(tons of hints added now, btw)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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And thanks. :)

9 years ago

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I give up for now. I'm stuck on Q1 of 5.3 and there is no right answer.
I've found a few mistakes so I'm not sure if I'll ever find the correct answer :/

9 years ago

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I did mess up a few that i've been correcting. Too many puzzles, sorry.
But all i can say about 5-3-1 is it is correct, maybe you're giving an incomplete answer.
Until the hints start falling into place, that's all i can say for now.

9 years ago

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More likely too complete ;)

9 years ago

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Too much text... I can't compute... I read a cake day reference in the title so happy cake day, and birthday. (Actually I tried to read it all but only reached some paragraphs, so belated cake day and early birthday! And too much puzzles......................)

9 years ago

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Aww. :'(
It's last for 3 weeks and 2 days more though, so if you find the patience to go through at least some of it.
I mean, every puzzle gives access to a GA, and some are stupid simple.

Just as long as you don't reply to the first 3 posts you're good to go without reading the rest.
The rest is there merely to assist you, nothing else. Especially the hints section and the data collection facility.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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I burnt out after Puzzle 1-7and I won't have time tomorrow, so good luck everyone :3

9 years ago*

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It's still open for 3 more weeks, take your time, the puzzles aren't going anywhere for now. ;)

9 years ago

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I was having too much fun. Gotta get them all :3

9 years ago

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OK, here's where I'm at:
Chamber 1: complete
Chamber 2: stuck at 2-6 Q1, 3 and 6
Chamber 3: stuck at 3-3 Q1 and 7 complete
Chamber 4: stuck at 4-1 Q1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Chamber 5: complete
Chamber 6: complete
Chamber 7: stuck at 7-1 Q7 complete

9 years ago*

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  • 2-5-2 is i think a matter of finding the right format, if you know what i mean. But it is correct.

  • 3-3-1 and 3-3-7 had a mistake, already uploaded right pictures, so now they're fixed, sorry about that.

  • All those on chamber 4 are correct, just a matter of fiding the path of knowing the usernames, hints might be added, if you use your rolls. Gonna do a roll check in a bit, after i've checked all comments about possible mistakes.

  • 7-1-7 had a mistake, my bad. Already fixed. Again, sorry about that.

9 years ago

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Making progress. 2-6-1 and 2-6-6 are still stumping me, and 4-1 is just really hard! :P
If I haven't said it anywhere yet, I'm having fun though! :)

9 years ago

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Still? :P
The automated hints system is driving me nuts. Hints for all the wrong questions. I'm stuck everywhere but at the sudokus and those are not my thing...

9 years ago

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Well, you're still the only solver on 4-1, so at least you have that! :) I'm kinda dreading what's behind it in 4-2 through 4-7.... :\

I'm just crossing my fingers that we get some useful hints on the ones I have left...I've been doing WoF the whole time, mainly because it was too hard to think about another choice.

9 years ago

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I didn't read before solving so for the first 10 or so GAs I didn't reply. Oops! :P
Too late now.
4-2 was okay, but 4-3 is very annoying, it's like Student123 did a Revilheart puzzle, I'm close to giving up entirely, I'm no longer having fun.

9 years ago

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The multiple small hints is tempting, especially since some of them can be just as good as the "big" hints, but I've been going for wheel in hopes of adding more "full solutions".
And as M3rc said, 4-2 isn't so bad. I can see 4-3 stumping a lot of people though.

9 years ago

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Glad to hear that. :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Have you found some err... familiar NPC? :P
Or did the puzzles scare you away? :P

9 years ago

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I got busy. D:

9 years ago

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Oh, ok... :)
Still 8 days to go though. :)

9 years ago

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I'll think about it. :P

And I have my own puzzle event to manage this upcoming week.

9 years ago

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Oh ok... i understand.

Tons of hints were added though, for the record, just so you know. :)
They should be much, much easier now.

9 years ago

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Never said they were hard. :P

9 years ago

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True. ^.^

9 years ago

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