Hello everyone,

I've been actively using this site for the past few months, and honestly, the thing I enjoy the most here is thinking over and solving the puzzles created by the community. While solving puzzles, I always had the thought that I should create something myself, and I’ve been thinking for a while about what I should do. As a result of my thoughts, I created a multi-layered puzzle and decided to present it to you. Since this is my first puzzle, your feedback is very important to me. Please leave your feedback below without any spoilers. Was it too hard? Was it too easy? What could have been added or removed? If you want to spoil, you can write feedback on the giveaway page. And please tell me if anything wrong.

I don't think it's too hard, I created something pretty straightforward. You won't need to strain your mind too much. I believe puzzlers on the site will be able to solve it easily.
The game is this (Not available in Albania, Bahrain, Iran, Kosovo, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Paraguay Saudi Arabia, Syria)

Ends in a week, good luck.

1 week ago*

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Bump! :)

1 week ago

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Ok. I encontered the fox. But I think I might have to give up, now 😆

1 week ago

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Bumpity bumpity bump

3 days ago

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Last day bump! :D

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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bump ;)

18 hours ago

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Bump for no solving.
Nice jigidi, easy nono and after several hours I can't figure how to decode the binaries. There are so many ways to encode text/numbers in to binary code. I don't know how I am suppose to know which you have chosen. I have tried googling as you suggest to no result.

EDIT after Solution: damn, I was on the right track with the binary. I was trying change them to ints/hexs and replace with ASCII coding, but the internet tools seemed like hard to do this, so I tried to do this manually... and give up too soon. Obv that dosen't mean I would solve the rest.

My final thought: about 60 people solved this, so I think it was overall good puzzle (not too easy, not too hard). Shame on me, next time I do better ;)

18 hours ago*

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I... did exactly everything your solution suggested, and it still didn't work. I tried starting with ABC... and then numbers starting from 012.. and then starting with numbers, then letters, and with numbers starting with 123... and then ending with 0. So, four possible solutions, and none of them worked.

2 hours ago

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I don't get why you started with ABC's or numbers etc. At what point did you do that?
You found the riddle right? Then there is numbers below. If number says 16 you are going to count 16 letter from the riddle not from any sorting as you did. (If i understand correctly what you did)

1 hour ago

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Oh, that was my mistake. I thought just "count the letters", which has been a cipher in many past puzzles. That's why I was so flabbergasted by the fox riddle xD
But seeing as only 60 people got it, I'm at least not the only dummy.

1 hour ago

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No not dummy at all, i realized most people stuttered there. But everyone who solves realized the FOx's "x" is lowercase and the first charater is "5" not "five"
But i can understand that these are very tiny clues to solve.

1 hour ago

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This comment was deleted 1 hour ago.

1 hour ago

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I tried to convert the binary straight to text and got a somewhat repeating Chinese phrase about law. XD

1 hour ago

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Which site did you used? Cause even if you convert it to text it just give the numbers

1 hour ago

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It might have been this one -> https://binary-translator.net/. I couldn't find the one I used to use. I think the link is on another computer for that one (it would convert from one format to multiple others at the same time).

1 hour ago

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The site you link works ok as i intended but as i said some sites may do some weird stuff.

1 hour ago

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