I created a GA and the GA ended 20 hours ago..
I sent the gift ASAP and the guy didn't confirmed that he received it..
I added him on steam but he didn't accept me while he was online,
I whould pick a new winner but I'm not sure that he already used the CD key..
Any ideas about what should I do?
Thanks :)

11 years ago*

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Create as many topics as possible, all asking the same question. Or wait 7 days. Your choice.

11 years ago

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patience young padawan

11 years ago

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I guess ur next question will be "why my cv did not go up"

11 years ago

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Support won't rerroll if you've already sent a key.

11 years ago

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he sent a gift not a key...

11 years ago

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Post says otherwise. Gift was used in the generic sense.

11 years ago

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Patience young grasshopper.

E: That's why you should add them and send it through chat.

11 years ago

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One of the first things you want to do as someone new to SteamGifts is to read the FAQ. It is there to answer this very question and many more.

Also, if--after seven days of waiting--you are given a re-roll by a moderator, you can only hope that your first winner has not used the key you sent him or her. Should your re-roll result in a second winner and the key has already been used, you will have to provide a new key for your second winner.

This is why I only give keys through Steam chat. That way, I have a record of receipt and usage (i.e. screenshots of the Steam chat log).

11 years ago

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Actually they won't allow a reroll in this situation.

11 years ago

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Unless his steam profile is private you should be able to check if he has the game on his inventory already...

11 years ago

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You can't do anything and you shouldn't because it's only been 20 hours and the winner may not have seen your add or even your e-mail

11 years ago

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168 hours

11 years ago

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You already sent the key, so they won't accept picking another winner. That's the rule.

11 years ago

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I have the same issue and the guy still hasn't made any attempt to contact me besides adding me on Steam and then going offline for 2-3 weeks...

11 years ago

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Not everyone lives in the internet, 20 hours isn't even worthy of mention.

11 years ago

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You need to wait 7 days before doing anything, sometimes it can take people a few days to realize that they have won something. Specially by e-mail.

Suggestion for the future. When making a giveaway with a key from somewhere, add the person to your steam friends first. Then once you are able to talk to them then send the key and then gently remind them to hit received.

This is what I do.

I add them to steam, once they have accepted me to their friends list I wait to see that they are online.

Then I type Greetings.
If they don't respond, I wait till I actually to get a response.
Once I do, I type Congrats on winning my steamgifts giveaway.
Usually at this point they say COOL! or thank you or something like that.
Then I type Give me a sec and I will send it along.
This is when I go and make sure the steamgifts page is open on the created page, I copy the key and send it to them in chat and hit sent for the game.
Then I say, There ya go, don't forget to hit received once you get a chance.
95% of the time they hit it right away, the other bit sometimes takes a bit because they are in game or something is up with the steamgifts website.
Most of the time they confirm that they hit it, I type Thank you and enjoy the game.

And then after that I usually remove them off the friends list after a bit.

Doing it this way allows you to take screen captures of your conversation and be able to show the admins here that you actually did send it.

11 years ago

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Thank you all, i will wait for him, i can see he is online right now on SG..
I checked his games on Steam and i didnt see the game that he won..

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by bensissman.