I really liked how Caesar was portrayed in Fallout, quite a shifty guy...

Hail Cthulhu, defending his dungeon! Qovwz m um, q'u Rcab bitsq vo vw Vamva m, DsGmL N wz mf Ixutm

1 decade ago*

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Caesar the game or Julius Caesar?

1 decade ago

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Gaius Julius Caesar.

1 decade ago

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Okay game over, i don't get it.

1 decade ago

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I'm interested in the results of the riddles, so would you solve them please if the giveaways ended?

1 decade ago

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And the giveaway has ended! 49 managed to solve it... now what was it?

What you are looking at is called a Caesar Cipher, Caesar Encryption, Caesar Shift. It was used in AC:B recently. In theory it's one of the most simple encryption methods. You simply "shift" the alphabet by X amount of letters. For example: "Hello World" turns into "Ifmmp Xpsme". Added with random spaces you get a mix that throws people off easily. You could have done it either manually (some did that) or used various internet scripts to do it. And you would have gotten the following sentence in return:

Ignor e me , I'm just talk i ng no ns ens e , VkY eD f or ex apml e

(yes, I had a typo in there hehe... sorry about that).

So using VkYeD as the passcode you got to http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/VkYeD - Where you would find the giveaway.

If you want to know more about the Cipher, http://www.richkni.co.uk/php/crypta/caesar.php lets you encode and decode text, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher has more info on it.

I hope I got you interested in the earliest methods of encryption, and trained your brain a little =) Keeps you from getting old after all they say!

Also, congratulations EvilMoo, you won =) Hope you like the game!

1 decade ago

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Ah dang, only tried ROT 13 and other forms. Well teaches me right to trust my computer tools to much. ^^
And I was expecting the outcome to be two codes. Good one :A
Back to the sheets and building a chiffre wheel :D Gratz to the Winner :A

1 decade ago

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Thanks a lot! Very happy to get my first win here. :D

1 decade ago

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damn I still think how ool would it be to have game combinating Fallout with Lovecraft fiction.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Towyn.