assuming the circumstance that, i am told, a random person somewhere in the world will die unless i kill my "beloved pet".
sounds harsh. but let them die. I know, it's not a particulaly nice answer. but the way i see it. Don't know them. never will know them, it won't keep me up at night.
And for those who are getting so worked up over a hypothetical scenario. Grow up. It's not real. Nobody is asking you to kill your dog or cat, or whatever tame beast you may have.
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harsh? i dont think so. The person in question is a complete stranger to us, we have no emotional or physical bonds/attatchment with them. therefore we have no feeling for them as a "relative" or someone who means something to you. The more you know about a person, the more they creep up on your "personal level" where you are valuating things.
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i would save the stranger, and for all those who would save the pet FUCK YOU! your pet will live something like 14-20 years depending on the pet. Let me ask you 1 question: If the stranger have children can you replace the love they had for his mom/dad? (If you kill your pet you can buy another one but you cant buy a new dad/mom for his/her children) Sorry for my bad english im brazilian
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No I would not be able to replace it, but I would not give a fuck either.
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Buying a new pet is not the same as replacing it. That's like saying yeah you could give the kids to a foster family, that's how you replace the father.
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What if the stranger was a woman & now that you're wearing her skin, her husband is "in the mood"? Keep in mind before you say that couldn't happen.
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What if your pet is a cat?
Cats got 9 lives, they can go with 1 less...
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Another one; what if the stranger gives you an offer you can't refuse?
(note that I'm personally for the pet saving, though currently I only got fish and a bird, so hard to imagine, but personal gain ftw)
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If you CAN'T refuse it, then you won't refuse it because you can't.
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most of this post is speculation
After I thought about it, if I were to react emotionally, I will possibly be more likely to choose my pet. If I were to react logically, I will likely choose the stranger (although by a small margin)=7
A pet has a strong personal attachment and while pets usually have a much shorter life-span than humans, the lost of a pet will possibly have a stronger effect on you than the loss of a stranger when you have the chance to change the outcome (however the death of a stranger which you could have presented will likely have a really strong effect on you). I won't go as far to say that animals are more important than other human beings but I believe that they should be near there. However I am a hypocrite and eat meat and kill insects that invade my house <_<).
On the other hand, a stranger is a human being. While I can't say for certain and believe that animals may have more cognitive abilities then some people believe, right now the understanding is that humans are unique with their knowledge of the inevitability of death and thus can fear it. The stranger will have more value to the human race if saved (assuming that he turns out to be an average person, neither extremely evil or good, nor extremely smart or stupid.
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And yet I'd choose my pet without even thinking of it. I don't give a shit for a stranger's family.
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With an attitude like that, one can assume that pet is your only family. I'm truly sorry for your neighbors.
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You can assume whatever you want, doesn't mean you're right. I'd choose the life of any member of my family, including my dog, over the life of a random stranger. I probably wouldn't even feel sorry.
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A pet is only loved by one person? That person would only be sad for a month?
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How little reasoning? Yeah, it's pretty strongly indicative of that. How little empathy? That's shown not so much by the responses to the -question-, as the responses to -each other-.
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Your statement says "you all" and blanket statements are not very helpful. I've read a number of very unreasonable responses, but I wouldn't go so far as to say everyone here is unreasonable.
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a stranger is no more to me then a fly that bugs me on a hot afternoon. an indivudal life's worth, regardless of the species can only be decided by the person making the call.
I'm not religious, so I don't consider humans to be above any species in any sense. my dog is worth more to me then 99.99% of all living and deceased creatures.
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This. I can't think of a single reason I'd pick a stranger over my dog.
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Then I hope I don't get cancer until someone else finds the cure :)
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so you live a bit longer, big deal. the experience you get out of companionship with your pet is worth 10 lifetimes.
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You are implying that this stranger would be the only person in the history of humanity to discover a cure. You are also wrong in thinking that I give a shit for any of those millions of people.
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You won't have time to play the what if game when there's an immediate, life threatening situation. Even if you did decide to play the what if game, what do you know about this stranger? If you know they have a cure for cancer, then that could be expected to change someone's response. If you don't know, then you could just as easily assume they'll go on to kill millions of people rather than save millions of people.
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I'd save the stranger, i really can't see why he/she would be less important than the pet. I don't believe the lives of animals are just as worth as those of humans, if you do believe that that's your choice, but then you must stop eating all meat and using any leather or other animal-derived products, your love for something does not make it more important for anyone else but you.
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...Hyperbole. A love for something, singular, as implied by the question ('beloved' pet, remember), doesn't make you a vegan.
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By this same logic, we'd have to stop using any product that harms the environment because that's harming humanity's future as well, and stop doing business with any company that has business practices that harm people such as those sweat shops where Apple employees were killing themselves, etc.
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My pets are trained to work with me, protecting or saving strangers or stranger's belongings...
If they or me have to die to save someone, our training and instinct don't let us judge on that time if it's worthy it... We just act, period.
After they're safe, if they act like criminals... we're also trained to deal with that.
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A beloved pet...and I probably wouldn't feel anything for the stranger.
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but...what's going to kill them? I going to kill one of them?
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This entire thread is pretty entertaining to me, actually. It starts with a false dichotomy framed as a moral quandry, and encourages emotional thinking--which is functionally useless. Moreover, the nature of the question is vague enough that a great number of assumptions must be made before it can be answered. How long do you have to make the choice? What qualities does this 'stranger' have? What is the nature of the danger they're in? Due to these necessary assumptions, you're all effectively answering different questions. Moreover, due to its emotional nature, it's -implied- that by saving one, you've killed the other. This is pretty much the heart of what's wrong with this question, because you aren't killing anybody. That'd be whatever twisted individual, or drunk driver, or irresponsible construction worker, or whatever, is endangering both the pet you know and the human you don't at the same time. But because of the implication of fault, no choice is right. They're both wrong. On the one hand, you're being forced to sacrifice a 'beloved' pet, a creature you've shared your life with and have made a member of your family. On the other, you're forced to sacrifice the nigh-limitless positive or negative potential of a person you've never met, who isn't even described. A pet isn't "just an animal" any more than the stranger is "just a guy" or even "another sacred human being". This isn't a moral choice. Morality doesn't even enter into it. It's an emotional question designed to evoke a powerful, irrational reaction. And y'know what? Screw the stranger. If I'm in a position where I have to -choose- to save someone else, and they can't save themselves? In a way where the alternative is to throw away years of companionship and understanding with a domesticated animal I've come to love? Pff. Stranger should've been looking out for -himself-. And if he couldn't in this instance? Clearly he's just a bit survival-challenged, and saving him would be just a temporary stay of execution.
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You sort of contradict yourself in the end. You're assuming the stranger in question has some sort of troubles in surviving by himself and that he's clumsy, which are by themselves bad qualities, but still are qualities being given out through misconception. People often forget to put themselves in the shoes of others before spewing out things about the person next to them.
I, for one, would single handedly strangle every dog, monkey, horse, cat and parrot in the face of earth if I were to save one of you goddamn assholes. Either way, this particular thread plus your text left me a feeling which tells me that there are no heroes left in man.
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Contradict myself? No, I further cement the argument. I'm still not answering the question you think I am, because I've interpreted it differently.
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I skimmed through your text and read the initial part wrongly, giving me a different interpretation of it. That only renders the first sentence invalid.
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There's a lot of missing information that's needed to make any kind of intelligent decision. The scenario, as-written, requires certain assumptions. I at least recognize that I'm making them. The quality of the stranger is unknown--he could be the next great anything, or he could just as easily be a great crack-addicted hobo. Or just a great average Joe with an unremarkable 9-to-5 job. Meanwhile, the quality of the animal is known--you love it. It's not just some random animal, it's a friend of yours. Without knowing more about the stranger, it's not a person--just a word. Or a statistic. There's still no right answer.
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Not knowing who that person is, is the beauty of the question. There's no need for assumptions for the decision. You can picture whatever you may want about the question, you'll still have pick one of two, which will live, while the other will die. Poof. Adding any other aspects to is not necessary in any mean, and having misconceptions affect your answer in a hypothetical question such as this one is a sign of cowardice more than anything.
The answer is based on your views of how much a single human life is worth, independently from that life being a waste or a valuable one for it's still a human life. Psychopathy comes in hand in situations such as this one.
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That's quite a shortsighted view you have. Humans can't survive on their own. We need other species, and if you're going around strangling all of them you're harming all of us in the long run as well.
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Pardon? Are vegetarians somehow making things worse, or was I supposed to infer something else from your statement?
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Vegetarians are known for being able to survive without the aid of other animals, which are the things I seemingly promised to exterminate taken that it would save somebody.
But you're clearly over-thinking over my hyperbole and analyzing it fully. I said what I said to make sure the point that I care more about people than animals was well fixated. It's humanly impossible to single handedly strangle every chimp on earth. They're pretty fast.
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I realize you wouldn't literally try to kill every animal, but you clearly place the most value on human life. The problem is we're not the only animal on the planet & I don't see any reason for us to have the most value. In fact we may be the least valuable as we don't really fill any role in the balance of the world. We have almost unrestricted population growth, and consume the world around us. I know that's a whole other issue, but it's why I'm ok with other animals having as much or more importance than humans.
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I just hope I never need your help in anything.
If you are dying, though, come to me.
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One has to die and you can save the other. Who will it be?
I obviously hope this never happens to anyone.
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