Well look who has come to cause chaos to S Gifts Forums...
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I hate questions like these because they have no context.
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honestly this question is flawed.
The only time this could possibly apply is if your a forcibly given the choice. the only way this would happen in real life would be if someone... IE. a serial killer ala- saw... set up some elaborate contraption and told you to choose.
If it were not a fabricated situation there would be little to no way of knowing that one would die while you saved the other. Therefor my answer would be both starting with the furthest away and ending with the closest for the shortest trip regardless of which (the pet or stranger) were further. And I think most people would do the same under the unknown circumstances.
absolutes rarely appear in real life...
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I don't think its a cop out... I am giving my answer: I would TRY to save both because how would I know that one would die while saving the other.
sure one may die while I'm trying to save them but I will live with a clean conscience and I will have treated them both equally.
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Because the only context of the question is that one must die and you must save the other. You can't try to save both because you don't know the situation. There is no situation. All you know is that one dies and the other lives. Changing the question to suit your answer is a cop out. This isn't some question I just thought of myself, it's been done on other forums and is designed to be vague.
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alright so the question is pointless then, cool. everyone who takes any value in the answers people give are just being fooled into thinking that is how they would actually respond in real life.
(edit: didn't mean for that to come out as pissed as it sounded was just jokingly saying it)
just saying...
it's almost like a unanswerable philosophical question... almost, like:
"prove to me your not a figment of my imagination" - Solipsist.
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You're just missing the point of this exercise. It's all about the answers, not the question. You're exactly right that in most cases, the answers people give is not how they would act. People can interpret anything they want from the question but can still only give one answer. One is still their beloved pet and the other is still a complete stranger they know nothing about.
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If you truly love something then it's a no brainer, because you'd choose the creature you love. Your going to feel really guilty regardless which you choose and that will likely remain on your conscious for a very long time if not forever. I'd save my cat because he trusts me and would be depending on me to save him and not saving him would be like a betrayal. My cat would almost certainly die, while the human might be able to make it out alive.
I'd likely die trying to save both, but the life of a loved one will always come first over a total stranger. In the end they are both creatures with an equal right to live, both are likely loved by someone, and lifespan doesn't make much difference either since the cat could out live the human. We live far more dangerous lives than our pets
Yeah this person might some day cure cancer, or create something amazing but at the same time he might not ever do anything useful, in fact in the future he could KILL the person that would have cured cancer or built the first warp engine. Who knows the pet I saved could be immune to cancer or some other disease and he could be the cure.
Dogs have been known to save their owners, and if it came down to a dog having this choice i'm almost certain it would choose the owner instead of some stray dog it doesn't even know.
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Way to judge people, congratz lol. I would imagine that a lot of people would pick killing a stranger over pet. I mean if you love something, you love something. I mean people you dont know die everyday; I'm sure that many people would rather save something that they care about. Its not the same as random animal vs. human stranger.
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You think that humans have a soul? You're a fool.
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hahaha Xp omg this is so funny. I'm guessing anger isnt an emotion. Dont say your not angry because you clearly are. Lol the only emotion im having from my conversation is happiness cuz you've given me some pretty good laughs. Thank you haha. You got some serious people issues you need to resolve :b
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When have I showed any anger? I just called you a precious little flower. That doesn't sound very angry to me. You're the one that's getting laughed at. Go practice some beastiality as you think it through. It may take some time for you to process how irrational you are being due to the lack of intelligence you seem to possess.
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Dude all you're done is attempt to insult me for half an hour, that is anger.. If you think your an intelligent person than you've got another thing coming. All your responses have been totally irrational, in fact you have once to tell me why i should pick the stranger. Hell you dont even know my opinion, all i was trying to say is that people have different opinions for different reasons and you were like WTF!?!?! some one has a different opinion than me!!! FUCK YOU! Yeah your the most intelligent person on Steam Gifts, possibly on the internet. Congratulations.
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Why are you dropping F-Bombs? I don't think your mother will be very happy when she finds out her innocent 12-year-old daughter is using this sort of foul language. And you're wrong... I'm not angry if I'm calling a pussy a pussy... I'm just stating the obvious. You'll understand as you get older.
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implying i will not shot both dog and owner first, then claim self-defence at court. the point is, as humans we are self centered beings that only do things thinking on ourself,like insulting other people to show that we are right, i will choose to save my pet, because is mine, and i will feel bad if it dies, im savig it for myself, and in the end thats what make us humans
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I agree that choosing the stranger is the better choice, but some of the arguments supporting the stranger are downright terrible.
Don't downplay the love that one can have for a pet, people. Don't make assumptions that people who'd choose their pet do not feel love to other people. Come on.
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MY pet or a strange person? I'm not trolling or whatever when i say i would never hesitate in saving my pet. He's a member of the family and I love him.
I also don't inherently place human life above that of an animal... life is life... and to be perfectly honest, I'm far less disgusted by the actions of animals than I am in how the bulk of the human race behaves. Humans aren't any more 'worth' saving than any other animal on the planet... if anything, id say animals are our DUTY to look after, because we've put them in a position where we've claimed ownership and responsibility for them through our actions in claiming the planet as our own for sole ownership.
...but if it was an animal I didn't know, and a human I didn't know... id naturally be more rational about it and pick whichever one was closer (or easier to save).
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100 hardcore animal lovers just gave their lives for someone's pet chihuahua.
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Myself to let them both live? I love my pets, they ARE my children, no matter what anyone else says. Especially since I may never have children. I recently lost Saydee. She was my world, there when nobody else was, slept beside me in bed, curled in my lap with me while I played on the PC or 360. She watched movies with me on the couch. She would jump up at me for me to pick her up in my arms and hold her. She was crazy about tennis balls, and would chase them all day never getting tired of you throwing them. She played chase in the yard, letting you chase after her while she kept the ball away from you. Her best friend was Magyk, the cat you see in the second picture. To this day, about six months after her death, it still hurts like crazy when I remember her and see her pictures.
That being said, I have a high regard for human life also, I am still the one that holds open doors for random strangers, letting them go first. I still help pick up stuff when it is dropped. I am one of the ones that does a good deed, then gets yelled at for it, just to do it again. I still try to respect everyone, no matter what they look like or who they are. You never know what they have been through, or who they may be.
Honestly, without being faced with the situation at hand, I could not tell you what I would do. To those that don't have pets or don't think of them as part of the family, they will never understand the true emotional attachment you get. I also have Mouse, Tigger, Silver/Gray, Magyk, Black cat with best friend Saydee, Skully, and our newest addition, Sookie.
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And there I was, thinking you couldn't be more fucking stupid.
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He was just pointing out how fucking dumb you are. It wasn't needed though.
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Seriously, just stop posting, every reply makes you look dumber and dumber. Obviously he was being sarcastic, and obviously you were too, but he actually replied to your question in a way you didn't expect him to, and hence you had no more choice than to say something fucking dumb, even if it was sarcasm.
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I guess responding in a way to appear as if one cannot recognize obvious sarcasm is unexpected. I didn't expect anyone to try to make themselves sound retarded on purpose. Now get off his dick and go away. You don't even have a valid point on this thread so why are you here? At least admit you're into beastiality or something...
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As oppossed to you who made so many valid points that a book could be written.
"Hurr animals don't have souls but humans do." Compelling argument.
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Depends on the situation. If the stranger isn't sentient, I'm saving the pet. If the stranger IS sentient, but, say, is standing in the way of an oncoming train, and the only way to save him is to divert the train onto a set of tracks where the pet is standing, I'm saving whoever is smart enough to not stand in front of an oncoming train.
Otherwise, I'm probably saving the stranger.
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@Major Joe: I never said smarter that me, i just say a "smart" guy.
And it's simple the lack of a moral system in the animals makes them take and fight only for what they want/need. In us (humans) a moral system also has it's dark side, the greed, envy. All those "bad feelings" that after all are feelings and thus part of the morality.
If animals lack morality they also lack of this dark or "corrupted" feelings, making them better than humans to live in peace at long terms
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If someone or in this case something is to stupid that means that lacks intelligence.
In other words:
"Animals aren't smart enough to have morals and values"
Someone can have in different quantities this things. You for example.
You have an opinion that (of course) you are defending, thus you have intelligence.
You have a moral system based on a conservative religious cult, thus you have morals.
Yet you lack the value of tolerance.
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I think I am being extremely tolerant. I'm actually reading your opinions and thoughts no matter the irrationality of them. I'm not ignoring your posts and just posting myself. I'm actually trying to understand the little logic your points have and responding to them.
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That's laughable considering most everything you have said has been very irrational. All the arguing you have done was not arguing at all. Saying "your stupid" doesn't make your opinion any righter. Saying oh you used a v instead of an r doesn't make you always right. It just makes you look like an ass who can't even defend his opinion. A lot of us just gave up trying to show you our opinions and just started making fun of your ignorant way of thought.
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See i would actually respect your opinion if it was more of this "Are you saying that a stranger isn't beloved too? " and not this "There are actually people in this world that are loved by others. Not including you of course." <This is mostly what you have done. I am not saying they aren't beloved but to that person who is holding the gun; I would not be surprised if they picked something that they loved over some random stranger.
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I would not be surprised either because there are so many idiots who think that way. I guarantee you, if you were the stranger and you were at the end of that barrel, you would not be able to justify that animal lives are more important than human lives.
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I know I can't; I never tried too. But when you really love something or someone, its going to be really hard to pull that trigger. Even if its just an animal. Like I said before, it's not really the same as random animal vs random human. If somebody picked the stranger, I can't say I'd blame them. Even if its me at the end of the barrel, I can't say I'd be happy but there isn't really much I can do when somebody cares so much about an animal and doesn't even know who I am.
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Well I mean you've seen him talk. He's an idiot and he's in denial. He can call other people "dumb" all he wants; he lacks intelligence completely. You shouldn't let him read this, he gets all worked up. It's actually pretty funny. He very clearly doesn't understand that his whole basis of intelligence, on everyone who has replied to him, has been on their choice of whether they agreed with him or not. Oh well not much you can do about ignorance.
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"And it's simple the lack of a moral system in the animals makes them take and fight only for what they want/need. In us (humans) a moral system also has it's dark side, the greed, envy. All those "bad feelings" that after all are feelings and thus part of the morality.
If animals lack morality they also lack of this dark or "corrupted" feelings, making them better than humans to live in peace at long terms"
You sure have an idealised and ignorant view of animals. It's weird how many people think that animals are these perfect beings who never do wrong or are greedy.
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Hard choice as many already stated... but hell... I would save my beloved cat, instead of a complete stranger...
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The stranger, obviously.
Pets are worthless for me, in comparison to a human.
A human's company cannot be compared to that of an animal's company. Humans may be flawed, but they have intelligence. Its simultaneously our greatest gift and our greatest curse.
(And please, no more "but humans are animals too" bullshit.)
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One has to die and you can save the other. Who will it be?
I obviously hope this never happens to anyone.
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