I guess some of you thought I was full of shit.

13 years ago*

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Yeah, sure is mistake-ville around here

13 years ago

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I have no idea what you are talking about

13 years ago

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fixed it, my boycott of get games go for bad steam keys.

13 years ago

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tldr - They blocked the activation keys for games he purchased, blacklisted him without providing reasons from their site because of an issue on their end and then gave him crap in customer service. He's bring it up because of This Thread having more issues with their poor quality service.

13 years ago

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Well I took a quick look at his thread and actually they provided some reasons : They accused him of trading the keys. And I guess they refunded the money for bad keys. Well I really don't wanna sound against you or bad but only reason we're not having such issues with steam they just have too many users/traders/scammers to deal with... I didn't even read their user agreement but I guess it might be similar to steam and they have all rights on anything u buy bla bla.

Such mistakes happen, even worse happened with steam : Developers got bad rep coz of mistakes in pricing, millions of users' info, credit card etc got stolen from their data base, cd keys got stolen... Actually GGG make some really great deals from time to time and as far as I know you don't take any real risks of losing money if you'r buying them for yourself. But yeah if you're trading or giving them away it can be really bad when you face with bad keys, either you'd need to buy them for higher price later or get ur rep ruined..

13 years ago

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dude stop using the tv you bought for games. i actually care what you do with it after you bought it.

He orders item
they charge him
gives him item
invalids his item
refunds him calling his card the problem, even after they charged him.

13 years ago

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Yah I'm still blacklisted and they are still sending out bad keys = bad company. and with them seein my forum and then not doing shit about it means they don't give a shit about us, the people who they want to give our money to them. FUDge them.

13 years ago

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They corrected that, Shindo, and said that it wasn't any of their business what he did after his purchase. The issue that they really had was with their service viewing his credit card as suspicious. They never tried to fix that and simply blacklisted him without telling him "This is the issue...<blah blah> Please contact your bank." They brought it up in the thread to try and save face and put all of them blame on him, but they failed miserably.

13 years ago

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plus my card is good.

13 years ago

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was considering buying deus ex: HR there... but i don't knonw now...
Too many f*** ups in a row...

13 years ago

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i bought 2 times from them everything went fine..sorry turned out that way for you

13 years ago

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So why does it deserve a sticky? I googled get games go boycott and I found was this thread

13 years ago

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Personaly i think if the price difference is small there is no need to buy on sites etc... Steam ftw. :c

13 years ago

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Get Games isn't that bad :/

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by schalart.