As you said: Be a fucking man and ALL IN!!
Don't be a slow stupid shit like me. ;_;
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That's somewhat good, you know. She had a relationship with someone like you in the past, so she can also have a relationship with you too. ;P
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You look like him, but you aren't him. xD She didn't mean you look like him in the cheating part. :P
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Well, I guess this is what usually happens (not necessarily the marriage though). :P
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I'm far from having the experience or knowledge you require to have this question answered, but just a friendly tip, don't always rely on an online community to make such decisions. Sometimes it's a good idea, sometimes it's not. I'd suggest asking about this to friends or people who can understand your situation better.
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thanks for the tip,i just want to hear different opinions about the situation,i asked to my friends too,some of them said that i have to pass some of them say that i just have to wait until when she wants to talk and be not sure,about all because of the strange personality and i dont know what to do to be just nice talking with her a lot of(is like this with nice mood) and make her talk and smile and she has bad mood :/
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imo the best thing to do is to listen.
To listen and just be there.
Good luck!
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If you love her but your parents don't like her, then bring the girl to every occasion and your parents will eventually enjoy her presence. Same goes for when the girl's parents don't like you. As long as she doesn't have conflict with your parents and you don't get in conflict with her parents, everything will be alright.
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Nooo, tell me or I'm gonna freak out. I want to know why. xD
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Some Mysteries can't be exposed, how old are u btw?
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What's sad? :O That I asked about your fap secret? :B
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Yes, because my trolling makes my life sad. You're so smart. Give me an autograph now with the hand that you fap with. xD
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You are lucky im not currently using meme comments. :p
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1st time great comment talk with someone on sg, glad to see there are humorous people too :)
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visit Malta sometimes
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Can I please watch a version of this video made by someone older than 5 years old? Thank you. :P
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As someone who has been through this, I can tell you this can have undesirable and mid-long term consequences. But I don't know her so it is up to you to make a choice.
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oh there i got you (you are in love with her inner side)
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If the "crazies" make u uncomfortable then maybe try to find out wtf is rly going on and then ask yourself if u can deal with it?
If you're really that into her then /at least/ try to feel the terrain (this was not a "if you know what I mean" thing). Exposing your feelings through words might be tough but at least you'll get the respite of knowledge. Either it works for u both or it doesn't. But you'll get out of the "I want her but idk what do or if it'll mess things." limbo.
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i think i can deal with a crazy girl(if its very crazy),but what happens if i told her all when she had a "friend" but she long on answer and later said not(telling me before that im like her exboyfriend and she liked the other guy) but she didnt want to lose people and we keep on talking like nothing happens? she looks afraid of in my opinion,she thinks too much about date and make excuses but she told me too that she wanted to ask me to date until her mood went down,bipolar - - he told me that in 3 weeks after the exams could be,but she made like excuses to avoid a date
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Like the other guys said, people generally have a type they end up being interested into; if she says you're like her ex, it doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing. She was with him for some reason, maybe you also have the things she enjoyed in him.
If she seems afraid then, perhaps forcing it is not the best idea.
Idk, but if you really think she's bipolar than at least reading up a bit on how that works and how to deal with ppl like her is a good idea? Even if she's not it might help you get a better idea of what her thoughts on the situation might be.
(I'm sorry I can't be of much help, I'm just a girl with 0 relationship experience lol)
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i think is more about the physical appearance...then do u think is better if i dont ask her about meet ? or talk too much about same things ? perphaps is better just talk lower about normal things...
is a way to talk,she told me that she is because she can be happy and in a sec sad,i just want to talk with her like we do when she is with good mood,but i dont know how can i do when she is with bad mood and doesnt even answer....
anyway thanks girl...why T44?
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I'd say ask her out, when he seems more likely to accept at least XD
About conversations, well, that's pretty much the same as with friends, isn't it? Can you keep a good friendship just with talking about every day stuff? If you have common interests or like debating then go for it too. Just don't overdo it I guess. If she isn't replying is it worth bugging her more?
I'm not saying to shut up as soon as she gets in a bad mood but I believe giving her a bit more space in those times won't hurt.
Oh, why the name T44? I use Temary44 in a couple other online places and I wanted something less conspicuous so I shortened it.
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Not quite sure on your story cause your english doesn't seem great. But from how I always see it is there's no harm in trying. If you really do like her then go for it. You'll never know how she feels unless you try.
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I would combine two of the choices: "Wait until she wants to talk and be there [for her]."
Give her space, but show that you care about what she's thinking. Then listen to her and try to figure out what she needs-- comfort, support, just somebody to talk to...who knows. Then try to find out if she would accept any of these things from you.
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romance only helps maintain what is already there, you can't win the heart of a girl.
ideally you want to meet a girl that proposes to you.
otherwise keep money and gifts out of a relationship because girls who aren't interested in you will string you along for goodies and you will ultimately end up friend-ed, which in this context means she never really liked you.
also beware of girls who like you but don't love you, they will play along because they don't want to hurt your feelings, then one day you will find her engaged to someone else and she will say she was never interested in you.
also remember guys always have to marry down, if she is equal or better quality than you your relationship doesn't stand a chance.
also if you two are only texting on weekends then there is no relationship; a good sign is if you two are texting each day, this has to be something SHE initiates, by that I don't mean she has to txt you first each day, what i mean is that she wants you to text her each day after you are out from work/school and that SHE initiated the whole wanting to talk everyday thing.
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What he means by proposal is when the girl is the one moving forward with her feelings. This is rare to see, yes. But when a girl does that, it means it's your best chance for a long term relationship with less stress for the both of you.
Of course, if a girl proposes to you and you don't feel attracted to her minimally, then i guess it won't work out. Men are more open minded when it comes to partners most of the time. Not that girls can't be that way, it's just what i see most of the time.
I've had girls interested in me in the past in highschool, they never directly proposed to me, they just conveyed their feelings in a way or another. What did i end up doing? I ended up ignoring most of them, kept communication with a few of them and long term disconnect from them. Some years later i felt like a dumbass, some of the girls were either too young for my taste (me being 18 and some of them being 14 to 16 with the exception of 1 being 1 year older than me).
Basically the lesson i learnt, never skip opportunities like i did. If the girl is too young, guess the best way to solve the problem is to hold on to her for a few years untill she is ready.
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are nice advices,i know about the girls that only look money or play with the guys but this one looks nice girl,just is difficult sometimes understand what she thinks or what u can do,and u cant know if she likes u or not
and about marry down...mostly in the couples ,one is some uglier,stupider...u havent to search an ugly girl to be sure,but u have to know the possibilities and dont search a victoria secret model neither xD
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"also remember guys always have to marry down, if she is equal or better quality than you your relationship doesn't stand a chance"
that is the stupidest thing i have heard in a long time. so you don´t want to have a partner that is equal to you in every way? you need someone to look down on? that´s not how relationships work.
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have fun with your divorce down the line when she marries up then,
our current society is geared to destroy marriage with marriage financial penalties, in some cases trying to convince people love is co-dependence, and encouraging people to dilute relationships by having lots of "friends" instead of a few real ones.
do you really want someone that will leave you when the going gets tough?
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i would be serously interested in what gave you that opinion on marriages and relationships. How is our the society triing to break up couples? yes it is now more easy to get a divorce as it was like 200 years ago, but that doesn´t mean that this is a bad thing, why would it? If anything it helps people getting out of something that is not good for them (i mean both man and woman). And i don´t even want to start on the guys who marry a younger woman every time the old one starts to look less attractive, so yeah woman leaving the man is totally the only thing happening...
The thing with having friends - some people prefer to have many some are more comfortable just having a handful of really good ones, to each his own, but why would that make the relationship less meaningful?
and having someone that breaks up just because the ride get´s bumpy? yeah well, the thing is both parties have to work together to make a relationship work and for that part they have to be able to depend on each other. If there is no trust (and really if one of the two looks down on the other there can be no trust) then there was no relationship to speak of anyway. Love and relationsships are things you work on together and see through bad and good parts. there is no easy way to do them. and there is no easy way to find a good partner.
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The best way to talk your way it will be if you knew someone that can help you guys link, if you dont know play your plan B and try to find something that u guys might have in common and start there, don't over flow the conversation with "me me me " , let her talk so u have a chance to know her better and link stuff so u can talk about things she likes and so so, that will be my advice :3 i hope u like it licks
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Girl advice, just be up front. If you like her then tell her, if you want to know more about her problems then ask. And be genuine about it, she may push you away at first but if she cares she'll open up.
Even the crazies deserve love, it sometimes helps with the craziness.
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haha nice last sentence,and she is open with me but doesnt rly want to meet,she said that think about ask me but later she hadnt nice mood :/
dont know what to do when she doesnt want to talk,do u think that ask and talk(maybe a lot of) is bad there?
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She might need professional help. All I can suggest is be up front and honest, a relationship (even just a friendship) is a two way street. If she's not there for you while you try to be there for her it could be a problem.
Mental illness is incredible hard to deal with, dealing with someone who is suffering from it is also difficult. When your brain is working against you things really get messed up.
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Go all in man. The entire steamgifts support you.
PS: Don't let her go, because it will be too late in the future.
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If you aren't completely fine with her being "almost bi-polar," then don't go beyond the "friend" stage. Nothing is worse than being in a relationship with feelings of resentment.
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He was married to a bi-polar girl? (rereads the OP) Ah. It was very difficult to understand his English.
So, yes, if you are "just friends," now, keep it that way. Don't do anything to/with her that one of her girlfriends wouldn't do.
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Depends what do you want to achieve?
I know that if I start giving advice from the seduction community that I'll probably be viewed badly by most people or just trampled over.
So my advice would be just be or act (if you aren't) confident around her, show her that you care (not like I love you confession) through talking and going out with her to do stuff together.
Don't do stuff with her do them together, I know it sounds a bit stupid but trust me there is a difference :D
And while I did read a lot of female opinion who like people being upfront and honest with them, you have to understand that there are certain rules that govern our social interaction just as there are when it comes to seduction. These rules are deeply rooted in our psyche and we can't really go against them unless we break ourselves.
A good trick is to go watch a horror flick or just do roller coaster rides where adrenalin will be pumping, this will allow both of you to get closer and connect quicker since fear can be easily mistaken for love :D
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Today I will talk about relations with girls (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
I met a girl a few months ago and I cant remove her from the head, it's what you could say something bipolar and sometimes seems very cheerful talking to and then gives a downer mood and is silent as if she was angry with you, especially now that has cut his relationship with his "friend"... (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °), it is difficult to be with her, she not usually encourage you to go out with anyone but also wants to be someday with me after exams
what you think guys that is good to do in these situations? talk a lot or a little? ask about problems or talk nonsense?
Here you have a a game for men(and women) to enjoy!
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