Yeah, you have several options. Create a private Steam group, and decide what your invite criteria will be. It could be "no more than x amount of site wins", "account value under $x", etc. Make a forum thread and invite those who meet your requirements. Do your giveaways, and monitor group membership to promptly remove members that no longer meet the group criteria.
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You can always ask for a new winner? Or make a private giveaway or have a certain amount of CV (how much they've given to the community). There are ways to drain away the free loaders but not completely.
It's nice to know there are some still people who genuinely try to make others happy, unfortunately this world preys on people like that :/. Just keep on doing what makes you happy Ranef and welcome to the community :)
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to request a reroll winner must break site rules, or special rules PREVIOUSLY approved by support. Winning too many games is not against the rules as long as you activate them all on your account.
Before giving stupid and false advices, get your facts straight.
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Yeah, that sucks, I'm hoping to win a game since 3 monthes, but well, my lucky is -100 whatever. I'm not saying that i deserv a game, because i actually have 10, someone there should have some problems to get games, but the rules are that you should give the game to the one that got picked.
PD: A Rust giveaway would be fucking awesome.
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There is no way ever to know whether you make someone happier by giving them a game. Whether they own 1, 10, 100 or 1000 games. There is no way to know if the person with 10 games will be any happier than the person with 1000 games if they win a game. The 10 game guy might be a pathological liar and in fact he absolutely hates the game you give them. Maybe he even leaves the game running in the background for a few years to make it appear he loves it. The guy with 10 games might not be that much into games in the first place, and the guy with 1000 games might have lost their job and they specifically only want to play the game they have won. Maybe they dream about getting it every night and wake up crying.
The point is, the point of giving is to make yourself happier by making someone else happier. Since you have no way of knowing with this kind of digital stuff, I suggest you just feel good about the giving itself and not overanalyze the matter<3
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Why does it matter to you what about the game makes a person happy? It's entirely possible that just winning the game and never playing it makes someone happier than another person who plays it every day for the rest of their life. I respect the idea of helping others but if you help a granny cross the street they might think "what a stupid idiot he should be killed I'm gonna stab him if I get the chance".
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I don't see what this has to do with me? I haven't had time or motivation to play games lately yet but don't worry, it's in the back of my mind to play the games I won first.
Anyway, to me it's perfectly logical. What matters is the act of kindness, not whether it creates happiness (since impossible to know) or what exactly causes the happiness. Same thing with misery. Famine is not objectively worse than a split end hair. Everything is subjective.
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I could have 100+ games (not, i have less than 50), but I would be REALLY HAPPY if I won a copy of, lets say Half-Life 2. Even I can have a LOT of games, but not what I really want. So it's impossible to know how happy would be somebody only by his owned games...
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Welcome :) Like suggested by the others, put CV on the giveaways or create a private group. Though even then you will probably end up with people who have a decent amount of games already.
I used to make more of an effort when I wrote a "thank you", but it is a bit pointless, because it is quite likely that most contributers don't even read it. And yeah, sometimes you have maybe 200+ entries and only 37 comments. And most of the time, you won't get a personal thank you. But that's just how it is at SG. And that's ok, imo, because it is a sort of lottery here, not a charity ^^ So I don't expect people to be especially greatful. They just want to win..and so do I ;)
Personally, I think most people here are well off enough. Everyone has at least a dozen of games. And not everyone actually plays or completes the games. Philanthropy works better "offline", in my experience.
If you really want to feel like you make a difference and see that people are glad that you made that happen, try volunteering. They always need volunteers and you probably get more satisfaction out of it (especially because you will get positive feedback).
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I think it's a wonderful idea, but to accomplish your goal of finding a deserving recipient of your gift, you will have to make a group / private giveaway.
I think you want to find people who love to play games, but can't afford to buy the fancy new ones, i.e. not give it to some guy who can just buy it for themselves. I think it can be done, but you're going to be doing a lot of annoying work to make it happen. :(
One idea that occurs to me, think of some criteria for how you'd define who's worthy and who's not, ask people to apply to join your private giveaway group (and expect a lot of time wasted on people who can't read and just want a free game.) Then invite whoever's a good match, and make a group giveaway only for those people.
I don't know how you'd determine deserving people. Some random ideas: a person who has a fairly active steam account, that's been around for some arbitrary length of time (say, a year) with hours played per week > something (and not just idling for tf2 drops or cards, that could mean it's someone's alt.) With a total library value < $whatever, or total number of games < whatever. Perhaps someone who's had the game in their wishlist for a while - but not everyone uses wishlists. Maybe check any of their previous wins here to see if they played them, or just added them to the library to collect virtual dust.
Oh, one note about comments on giveaways - if you've noticed, many of them are quite vague and form letter-ish. It's because some people paste or use a script to automate the same generic thanks in every giveaway they enter.
Hmm, one last idea, be careful about giving a game you really love - it can be discouraging when the guy who wins it doesn't love it too. Maybe find one that's good, but not necessarily a favourite of yours. :)
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If you're doing public giveaways, that's what's going to happen. If you're looking to target specific individuals/types of gamers/steamgifts users, you may want to do private giveaways.
You could always create a thread here on the forums asking ppl what game they want most and why, etc... then pick the top X posters and invite them to a group you made on steam and then create a giveaway for that specific group. That way ONLY those X people can enter (compared to a private giveaway which can be leaked).
Those are my thoughts. Keep being cool :)
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That person sounds kinda like me :/ lol, but i enjoy winning games, but time is a big constraint. I play a few games with friends that get a lot of hours over time, but the single player ones usually need a longer sit down time and i don't get much of that. Even though i might not have played a lot of my games, it doesn't mean I'm not going to. Just might take me a while to get to it :D
PS: I know how u feel, i feel the same way sometimes when my public giveaways end, but u never know the situation.
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I think you have every right to feel that way, and that's probably the reason there's a "choose a new winner" button, I haven't used it yet (I've only created 3 giveaways so far, 1 hasn't ended if someone wants to check it out) but I think it's to avoid this kind of things... to give the giver the chance to give it to someone who will actually enjoy the gift. By the way, it's really awesome that you do this kind of things with your opportunities, thank you n.n
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The choose a new winner button needs more of a reason than "I think the winner would not play it". There needs to be a legitimate reason such as "the person now owns the game and i would like to give it to someone who does not own it", or "the person has refused the game due to such and such".
Doing it the "i think the winner would not play it" way is similar to you drawing a name out of the hat and then putting it back in b/c you dont like the person. Pretty unfair.
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I dont think your example is accurate. The point of my giveaways are to make a person happy, which includes that person playing and hopefully enjoying the game. Drawing a random name out of a hat on the other hand, would have the goal to get a random person where any name can do the job as long as its random. It ruins the sole perphas of my giveaway if my intention is not fullfilled, and the person will just grab his game for his rather large collection and not enjoy it at all. It's like donating money to charity, but it ends up in the dictator(who is a billionare)'s hand instead.
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well in my previous post i kinda explained that. but you can't say that person wont enjoy the game even if they have a lot of games unplayed. You can assume that, but then you are technically robbing them of the opportunity.
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It's not only for that reason. There are many reasons to use the Request a new winner option. One of them is for when the winner has the game already or the winner refused to accept the game. Another reason is when there is no contact from the winner after 7 days AFTER you tried to contact him/her through email or Steam chat.
Also, if the winner had already won the game previously in here, or he/she was suspended, you could also request for a new winner. So, you can have lots of reason to request a new winner, but you must have a legitimate reason to do so according to the rules.
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that's how this site works. ultimately it benefits the people that spend more and have more, not the ones that have a handful. I can't complain because everybody gets a shot at a free game. I get where you're coming from, it's a good thought, the only way to make it is in a group with restrictions. users with more than X games get kicked at a certain point. just a thought really, it's up to you ^^
And welcome back!
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huh...are you sure you know how this site works? The amount of games someone already has or the amount they have spent with steam has absolutely zero affect on any chances of winning a giveaway.
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^ To the two above me, I think he is talking about contributor giveaways and contributor based groups/private giveaways. You have higher chances of winning if you are in one of those, and most groups take people who contributed a fair amount.
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My best idea for you right now would be to create a private giveaway and set some specific rules.
Example, the winner must not own more than 50 games on Steam, the winner must leave a comment...
This way, if someone break one of those special rule, you can ask support for a reroll. Also, don't forget to get your special rules approved by support. To do so, leave them a support ticket.
Cheers. :)
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i have 19 games and 150 dollars steam value. you are too dumb
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Right because all giveaways should have the majority of people on SG enter right?
Also calling someone immature because they call someone else dumb is... oh right, it was because they disagree with you, never mind.
Making giveaways for people with few games is perfectly alright, there's no reason every giveaway absolutely must have thousands of entrants - if there are 10 people who qualify to win the game in the giver's eyes, why invite the others?
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We are talking about requirements for joining SG not entering giveaways hence I was talking about majority of people on SG. Try to read before you jump on someone. And if they call someone dumb for expressing their opinion, it's very mature right? I am not the one calling names, just pointing something out to him.
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I owned only 15 or 20 games when I signed up on Steamgifts. You don't necessarily need over 50 games if they're value is enough.
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This is a great idea and your best bet is probably a group of some kind or private giveaways with mod approved rules.
As an aside, I will say there are a large number of my steam games that are unplayed but largely because I usually pick up bundles for one or two games and the rest get played whenever I feel like it. I only enter giveaways here for games I would love to have but just can't afford right now.
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People buy bundles, and later not play it. It is the reason, why have many games, which not play. You should look also, how long, they have steam account, if you want tell something about play/or not games, which they have.
Some buy games, at sale to play it later, but still have some, which not play. I have few games, which want very much, some more, which I want, but they are too expensive. I buy most of them on sale (daily, holiday, or from cheaper seller) to play later, when I buy anything (most of the year). It is impossible to play all games evenly. I play 1, later next (something different with multiplayer - which I play, some rarely, some often, but probably after some time I change it to another). I have also non-steam games, which I play.
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Welcome (back) to SG! That's a great idea and I don't think it's been done before. To make a private group for people who will actually play their games; who don't leave 75% of their games to rot, would be interesting to see how well it would do. I also agree, I find it so gratifying to see people actually play the game they win - what's the point otherwise? The initial warm fuzzies of gifting aside, there's a meaningful part that's missing if they don't even touch it after many months have passed.
I've bought a handful of Dark Souls copies recently to share - finishing that game was so satisfying! So I'm hoping that they will be appreciated or at least attempted by people who want to play it. Gifters can't be choosers, though, the closest we can do is refine the entries a bit :)
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You seem like a good dude, i admire that.
And yes; private/Group giveaways, feel like i got late to the party and started beating a dead horse...
Anyways, if this helps, i think there's a way of seeing how many people have a game on their wishlist, maybe there is a way to make a giveaway for people with that game on their wishlist? I couldn't really say...
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1.) Welcome to SG, hope you enjoy your stay.
2.) Having a lot of games doesnt have to mean they are all major titles or at all interesting. There have been a LOT of bundles where Ive bought the bundle to get the higher tier game/s but had not interest in the lower tier games, so they sit in library. I probably have 1/3 my library like that filled with games I dont like for one reason or another.
3.) Just because someone posted a thank you, doesnt really mean they care about the game anymore then the next guy. This site is moving onto 3 years and its still a hot button issue when comments and thanks are mentioned. Some see it as spamming a page up, while others see it as a requirement.
4.) Private/Group giveaways were mentioned, yes thats a valid option that many take, but it leaves out a lot of other people who are either not popular to get invited or well off enough to giveaway a few thousand dollars worth of gifts or part of some niche group. My 2 cents.
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I have felt exactly the same when i started doing this. I hated seeing that those that won already had won loads of giveaways had loads of games and never said a word in the giveaway, not even a thank you....And so.... you know what i did.....I went around my 3 previous giveaways and invited all those who said "Thank You" to a private "Thanks for saying thanks" group giveaway. (originally done by my mate Tigerfish1974) It made me feel a lot better knowing that i had people entering my giveaway that were actually truly "thankful" for the giveaway, regardless of whatever they said, they actually bothered themselves to comment on the giveaway in the first place and not just enter for the sake of it. It pays to be thankful and it pays to be noticed that you were being thankful... Next one i do i might invite all those from that group to another private group giveaway for "Those that haven't won one yet" Removing the newest winner from that giveaway and whittle it down until everyone from the original "Thankful" giveaway has actually won something. The last would have something from their wishlist bought for them. That way all those who said "Thanks" in the first place had all won something from me :D Thankful is as Thankful does :D
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Just a heads up. Thanks in giveaway doesn't necessarily mean they are 'thanking you' per say. There are scripts that do that automatically. So I'm sure even those who didn't say thanks was thankful to you. But typing it is meaningless for some because of that reason.
E: Also, people usually enter 10 or 20 giveaways everyday, it becomes a hassle to personally thank everyone. You just have to assume they are thankful for your giveaway (why wouldn't they be?). I take all 'Thanks' comment with a grain of salt in my giveaways. And only pay attention to non thank you comments because those are more likely 'real' comments. Not saying everyone uses scripts, but most do simply because it's too tedious to type each and everytime.
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I added them to the private giveaway "regardless of their reason" for saying thanks. Botted or otherwise, it really made no difference to me, the fact that it was copied and pasted, auto generated, etc. They still said thanks, they were being thankful unlike the other hundreds of others who just entered for the sake of entering a giveaway and were not thankful, i check alot of profiles and see "entered giveaways" - thousands, "won" - hundreds, "comments" - 2. That kind of behavior to me seems ungrateful for the fact that someone is willing to give you something, and highly ignorant, if they have the time to enter they have the time to be polite and courteous even if it's copied and pasted, That's just how i feel. Say thank you for the opportunity, not just enter everything win a lot and say nothing, that is the attitude of a taker and who has no manners in my opinion. I have never entered a giveaway and not said "thank You" for the opportunity.
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There are literally 100 reasons why people haven't played most of the games in their inventory, so you shouldn't judge them as if they are undeserving of your gift. Some people might have a busy lifestyle, some people might be away from their main computer, some people might be mourning over the loss of their beloved hamster etc. When I gift a game, that game is no longer mine so it's no longer any of my business whether they play it or not. The only expectation I have, is that they activate the game for themselves. Regardless of who the game goes to, I'm certain I've made someone happy.
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All my games show as I haven't played them. I did not have internet for over 3 years... I would bring my laptop to a library download the steam game and then play it offline mode at home. Steam never counted the hours..
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Hey, i started ding giveaways here less than two days ago. The reason i wanted to do giveaways is because i'm sorta wealthy and want to make someone's day by giving them an awesome game they may not be able to get since they dont have enough money or something like that. I really love the feeling of making someone happy that way. The "problem" came when someone won my giveaway, and he had more than 200 steam games (havent played over half of them) and won A LOT of giveaways in here. That sorta feels like giving $100 to bill gates. And it dosent make it any better when the giveaway has more that 3 pages of tankful commenters, plenty with a little story about how much they want this game and why. Im just pretty annoyed, since it feels like my thoughtful move is a big waste.
I would like to hear your thoughts about this.
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