I know. That's why my family moved out of Ukraine in the first place: The corruption level of the government was getting too high. My parents were scared it would affect my well being.
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Don't mean to talk politics on here but do you mean the separatists or are you talking about Ukraine? If separatists yes they are just mercenaries after money and it's a shame what they are willing to do for a few bucks.
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I mean the Ukranian government obligating their own ppl getting armed and going to kill others from their same country who disagree with the current Ukranian goverment, so they just kill innocent civilians(even children) not only armed ppl, and everyone wants to take a place in this situation, Europe, USA, Russia, etc, everyone is just making money and lying on the news, making everyone think their position is the right. Ppl think the truth is in what their news say, but news lie.
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The leaders of the separatists have now announced that they are from Russia and a lot of the soldiers are also from Russia.
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you really believe russian news when it is funded by the government ?
Poll Finds 94% of Russians Depend on State TV for Ukraine Coverage
The views echoed among Russia's state-owned television networks have taken a firm grip on the country's population, according to the results of a poll published Monday.
The Levada Center, a Moscow-based independent research organization, revealed that 94 percent of the population relies on domestic television networks to follow developments in Ukraine and Crimea. The outcome of the poll, which was conducted in April, was based on the opinions of a representative sample of 1,602 adults across 45 regions.
Russia's television news landscape is comprised largely of state-owned networks that tend to support the Kremlin's account of the situation in Ukraine. The poll suggests that the views presented by state-run news broadcasts have shaped the Russian population's opinions on the situation.
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Wait, are you talking about the East Ukranian separatists? They aren't fighting for money, they are fighting because they don't want to be a part of the new Ukranian government. You're right, SG isn't the best place to discuss politics but I just want to know why you are calling them mercenaries.
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I was talking Ukranian Goverment is just killing those East Ukranian separatists by calling them terrorists, but how can be an entire big part of Ukraine be only terrorists? There are more ppl living there, but still no matter what say different sides, everyone is not telling all the truth, you can't just believe only what says Russia, or Europe, everyone tries to make themselves look the right and the only ones who say the truth.
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Russian forces attacked the Ukrainian soldiers near the village Gukovo (Russia,near the border with Ukraine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGXvZ0_BnZ0
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It's because of someone whose name that starts with a P and ends with an ution, just wants to watch the world burn and restore the Soviet Union.
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I disagree. Putin doesn't care about anything. I don't think he wants to restore Communism, where everyone is seemingly "equal". He wants to employ Fascism, where everyone worships him, and only the high upper class and the government get anything.
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Yea I agree I meant Stalin's kind of communism but even more unequal, and even Gorbachev has said how bad Putin is :P
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Never said that, but a lot of Russians know his real intentions some are supportive some are against just like any country.
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Like I said to him, I disagree with that statement in a way. However, I do agree that all he really cares about is watching the world burn at his fingertips.
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It's because many people including those at the top of mankind's leadership are still operating on the primal level. These are primitive people nothing short of a cavemen all in but appearance.
Mankind needs to develop its consciousness to be aware of the interconnected nature of all consciousness. Sadly many people will mock this out of stupidity and out of fear of the unknown.
When you have children and babes in 'palaces' the world becomes a mess.
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Again, I disagree. These people up on top aren't "cavemen". They are very very intelligent. They know how to operate a country, and they know how to manipulate EVERYONE. They aren't stupid or cavemen. They are just evil geniuses. They are people who use deceitfulness to get everything that they want.
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You are right on the money yuvy. I agree with you word for word on that. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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I agree these people doing this don't understand civilian rights or even a countries rights, just look at Chechnya.
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Yeah well.. but these things will keep happening. It happened in the past, and will continue, over and over again. No one will learn from other's mistakes, and will continue fighting each other with no real good reason, and you and me have probably nothing to do against it. This is the world we live in. Get used to it, this is it.
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And this is exactly the thing that I am disappointed and scared about. No one will change and nothing will change.
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Indeed. You got nothing to do but accept it. You don't have to like it, I don't either, but I don't have much choice either... this is how our world works. Power and money run the world. So unless something drastically happens that changes these things, this would go over and over again, until humanity will be gone.
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sorry on my bad english goofy but i must to say u few things . have u watched those videos from ukraine recently . have u seen all those young boys from Pravyy Sektor ? Do they fight for or against Putin ideology
? and who is real fascist in that story ?
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Does it really matter? He's not talking just about the Ukraine - Russia conflict, but about the world and all of it's conflicts. People just seem to like fighting each other for no good reason. Why can't 2 countries just live next to another without fighting and having conflicts?
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The world has always been a crappy place, mass communications just make it more obvious
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You see, I don't believe that. I believe that the world has the potential to be great and even perfect, but it is only fear that stops our progress as mankind. The fear of taking charge against these great evils that loom around our world.
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Of course there is potential for greatness, look at people like Mandela or Rosa Parks, but hatred and ignorance have much more funding
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Exactly, and that is because it is easier, and human nature tends to be lazy and to do the easiest thing.
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I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but in a way they are reminiscent of each other.
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He is on his way if he doesn't get his act together.
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Russian forces attacked the Ukrainian soldiers near the village Gukovo (Russia, near the border with Ukraine) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGXvZ0_BnZ0
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I feel you, bro. it's deeply sad to see incident where so many innocent people died.
I feel fustrated too, but just don't lose faith. Try to be nice to the people around you. I know it sounds cliche, but for most of us, that's the only way we can change the world, no matter how small it is.
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Ugh, yeah I know, but its just that I felt this tremendous build-up of rage and fear and I wanted to get my feelings out there.
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Ukraine got taken by facists and EU + USA are supporting them. Putin is not good either but at least he is trying to help the Russians within the Ukraine from getting killed and also trying to prevent World War 3. If Ukraine signed the EU association contract they would soon become member of the EU and then the NATO. This way jets and rockets would be directly next to Russia and make it easy to attack Russia.
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facist in Ukraine? really? Only Putin is facist. All russian speak people on Ukraine, forever live in country with out any problem, but now Putin want help russian speak?...Ukraine with out wars 22 years, buy Russia?
p.s. sorry for bad english, i'm from Ukraine
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I don't know how they are called in the Ukraine but the English translation would be "right sector". They are cooperating with Svoboda, a party which loves Hitler and supports the holocaust. The Svoboda chef once said "Get your weapons. Kill all the jewish pigs, Germans and Russian pigs and every other lesser form of human" (I don't know how to say that in English. In German itÄs "Unart" which refers to something not human and not worth to be alive).
And this party is now bound in the government and our German foreignminister is talking to them like they were normal people, they are also trying to forbid speaking Russian by law.
Russia was forced to take over the Crimean peninsula because otherwise the NATO would be right next to Russia as I explained in my first post. When Gorbatchow abandoned GDR he traded it for the promise that the NATO wouldn't move 1 inch closer to Russia but now we have rockets in Poland.
I know the Ukrainians don't want a war. They are merely a puppet in the hands of the USA.
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Google it. It is true.
They have memorial days for the founder of the Ukraine who supported Hitler and founded an Ukrainian SS to systematically kill jews.
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Actually not. He fought together with Hitler and then betrayed him to found the Ukraine as an autonomous state. But he still supported him at first and founded the Ukrainian SS.
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Actually in many countries were once ss groups: in Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, and other countries. So what? they were not officially supported in Ukraine! And I advise you to visit Ukraine, not read from suspicious sources on the current state of Ukraine
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Don't underestimate mass media 800 kilometres away. I was travelling by train with 2 old ladies(over 70), who were not only annoying with their old job stories, family problems, gossips and 120kgs of fat... they knew EXACTLY who is who, what to do and how long it will take. They'll probably argue with you even about your family or something. They're right because it was told on TV.
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That's why I decided to be an alien, humans suck
I'm way over them
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Exactly this. Greed is the cause of about 99% of the world's problems, either directly or indirectly (IE: People that suffer from other peoples' greed are generally going batshit with frustration).
The only way this cycle of selfish assholes will stop, is if the people that are being burned stop being so passive. We have become relatively lazy about fighting what is going wrong in the world, while the greedy people are happily taking advantage of that passiveness. For those that run around killing everyone, at least they are fighting, although not to fight greed, as much as to fight anything that moves, out of utter frustration with society.
Add to that the internet being so happy to troll and insult anyone that has anything to say, that everyone has to put up with, just because people will never care enough about each other to actually consider what they say, might affect the people that read it. Just my two pennies.
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I'll be the realist here. Nothing is happening to the world. This has always happened, and worse, too. It feels really decadent but that's because we are now ''civilized'', in theory. But we have always felt the need to screw some other nation or group over petty shit. Grab an actual history book (not a highschool one) and amaze at man's stupidity, greed and insanity.
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Indeed. The world has always been run by Psychopaths. They were those who went to war 'just cause', to invade, to conquer. Those were the leaders who used the weak to get themselves stronger, they just didn't care. All they wanted is to get more and more power.
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And what about this people . Is their suffer less important ??
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I have no idea if this story is true but here is something someone sent me yesterday, judge it for yourself. http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/07/i-was-a-pro-russian-separatist-fighter-in-ukraine/374411/
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Typical ukrainian nazi, if Putin died = Russia died, you really want to see it? You was be a part of russia before, but last 20 years ur country led anty-Russian policy. For me, i dont understand, why people so angry, why they want to see humans blood...
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Something everyone can agree on is its sad no matter what......
"I have begun to start losing all faith in humanity. I now truly feel that the only place I am safe is inside my home or neighborhood."
Not sure how really, not in America at least, we aren't really safe in our homes actually...anyone can invade, marshal law can be instated, our government can go bat shit crazy and gas everyone, you never know.
Oh yeah, and check my ebay, I am selling tin-foil hats in 4 packs for families because Aliens.
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I know, I was just using sensationalism as a joke on a bad situation I guess....
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Russian forces attacked the Ukrainian soldiers near the village Gukovo (Russia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGXvZ0_BnZ0 near the border with Ukraine
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Sorry to break this to you, but things have always been like this. Just check out the Spanish Inquisition, the World Wars, the Crusades (the Children's Crusade is particularly nasty), and pretty much all of the colonization of the New World.
The problem is not with mankind in of itself, but rather the acquisition of political power and resources by those in power. Unfortunately the masses are easily controlled by those in power through the use of religion and concepts like nationalism.
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I was born in Ukraine and moved to the USA (Minnesota) at 4 years old. I have always spoken Russian at home with my family, and with other Russian friends. I, however, speak perfect English without any trace of an accent and consider myself to be an American.
Recently, feuds have sparked up between Ukraine and Russia due to the conflict of the Crimean Peninsula, and separatist groups have been boasting to each other on FaceBook about how they shot a transport plane down with a missle.
One mistake is all it takes to change everything. That one mistake happened, as a missile stuck a KLM flight going from Amsterdam to Malaysia. That missile was shot by a separatist group and accidentally hit a passenger plane, causing the plane to crash. All 295 people on board are confirmed dead.
Why? What was the point of this? What is happening to the world. Recently, with all the events that have been occurring, I have begun to start losing all faith in humanity. I now truly feel that the only place I am safe is inside my home or neighborhood.
This event strikes me deeply because my family and I make a trip to Ukraine at the beginning of Summer every year to visit our relatives. We take a flight from Minnesota to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to Ukraine. Much like the plane that was shot down today.
All the school shootings, mall shootings, public genocides, and terrorism events are accumulating to a point where severe action must take place. Not "we need more money to fund this", or "we promise to help", or "this is a real tragedy and their lives will not be forgotten". Instead of regretting letting the incident happen because action wasn't taken due to the fact that it hasn't reached a "dangerous level" yet, we need to do something about it beforehand. Prevent these events from occurring in the first place, instead of trying to stop it when it's already happening.
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