I know similar questions have been asked (not recently as far as I can tell though). I'm just curious about what everyone thinks about the progress being made on each of these titles. How are they coming along? I want to try something from this genre with a friend and I'm just trying to find the best investment in terms which game will end up being the nicest finished product. I'd really appreciate some insightful answers on this subject. Much love, SG.

9 years ago*

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I expect The Dead Linger to turn out better than any of those three.

9 years ago

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worth a buy compared them for me, best ome was RUST


9 years ago

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worth a buy compared them for me, best ome was RUST


9 years ago

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Last I heard, DayZ is rarely updated, Rust was abandoned and they're making a new game, and 7 days to die doesn't seem to get updated too often either but even then it just looks like another clone of a certain blocky friend only with guns ( Which there is, in fact, a gun mod for it).

9 years ago

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I thought Rust was the new game that they abandoned the last one for. Or maybe its just the Alpha Reboot they did this month. Early Access stuff can be such a mess.

9 years ago

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this is so wrong. all they do is rewrite Rust, because the code was crappy (and originally the code of another game). you can even choose, if you want to play the old or the new version.

9 years ago

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If they're rewriting the code, it's a completely different game.

9 years ago

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This Summersale Gabe made me buy 7 Days to Die, Beasts of Prey, Dead Linger and State of Decay. Tried only 7DtD at the moment and it's gorgeous! Can't wait for the next update with all the new stuff. One of the most fun features in this game that you CAN'T craft everything you want/need. You gotta find blueprints for stuff. Until that moment - enjoy killing stuff with club or randomly found weapons. Tried to play online - found somebody's fort surrounded with traps. Died on a landmine. Great game.

9 years ago

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If you want to play in a giant city then i'd recommend Nether. DayZ is awful right now, i'd recommend not touching it until vehicles comes out. Rust is kinda like a job. You'll need to make sure that your house is safe all the time or you'll get robbed/the house will decay. It's great fun, havn't tried out the new version yet, but it's fun ^^. I know nothing about 7 days to die though, havn't heard anything about it lately.

9 years ago

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Haven't played 7 Days to Die, but if I had to choose between DayZ and Rust, I would've chosen Rust.
Not that Rust is really good (right now) but it's just better than DayZ. To play DayZ, you must have good friends with you all the time. Plus, it's not that well optimized for PC either.
Rust is not THAT hard to learn, you just need to spend some time. Also, I found crafting stuff and making houses more interesting than killing zombies (which was all I could do).

9 years ago

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In this moment, nothing, wait for release, but DayZ.

9 years ago

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In my opinion, I think DayZ and rust are more interesting than 7 days to die in general.
If you want to become a character survive with zombie like in The Walking Dead, DayZ is the best choice.
And if you just want to survive, rust is good.

9 years ago

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There's really no way to say. At this point it would just be pointless speculation due to how unfinished the games are.

It's like saying a movie is going to be good based on it having a good cast, when the script isn't even finished yet.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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All are trash.

9 years ago

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Neither. None of them are finished.

9 years ago

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Stranded >> all! http://www.strandedonline.de

Hint: Stranded III is in development! http://www.unrealsoftware.de/game_stranded3.php

9 years ago

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+1 Best survival game ever.

8 years ago

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Aren't all of those a giant grief-fest? And unfinished?

9 years ago

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For me,

The Forest > Rust > DayZ

And you can wait for H1N1.

9 years ago

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7 days to die: The only one of the 3 games I ACTUALLY liked. It wasn't exceedingly difficult when you are able to make a proper base. At least, that is what I thought. I ended up running out of supplies and forced to try and grab some more. I was armed with guns and ammo. Suddenly on my trail, I see a zombie. No problem. I pull the trigger and kill the zombie. I continue on my path to a local town. I look up and see the sky turning a deadly-black shade. I begin to run, knowing what will follow. Zombies tail me and I sprint. I run into a house and try to garner some supplies. I board the house up a bit and know that I am safe. I raid the house, and I quickly jog into the basement to end my raid. Suddenly, I see a single zombie walk down the steps. I know that this is gonna be a bad time. I fire as many bullets as I can into my pursuers, but know my time is limited. I am promptly killed and I sit back in my chair, fuming from my death. With the press of a few buttons, I spawn back into the world and begin my uphill battle to regain my supplies.

DayZ: The first word that comes to mind when I first played this game was, "Meh." I honestly didn't enjoy the game that much. Then again, I never enjoyed the mod. The spawn-killing was bad, but not as bad as Rust.

Rust: No. Just no. I cannot even begin to say how much I dislike this game. A user previously on this thread stated, "there's a great tension between 'we could help each other' and 'That's some nice metal you got there...'" It is 99% of the time the latter. The worst part is, the majority of the time, people you meet will be in groups and will be OP. It is frustrating to me and I think this game is the worst of the three.

9 years ago

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imho 7 days to die is the only survival game out of those 3. The other 2 are just sandbox shooters and the survival part of those games is as big as in counter strike

9 years ago

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Those games are still in early access, it's like they had an unfinished product & they decided to sell it on steam under " early access" without even fixing the most common & annoying buys. That counts for all 3 of them, every one of those games have bugs that haven't been fixed from the moment they released it on steam. Shame on me for buying in to those games at the time, I should've known better.

8 years ago

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Wow nice thread ressurection

8 years ago

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What is dead may never die but rises again harder and stronger

8 years ago

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The best game will be the one that gets out of early access first. Early access survival games almost never come out of EA and the ones I have seen, came out badly.

8 years ago

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Rust one of the most advanced early access games in this genre with weekly massive updates that adds tons of brand new features and items not to mention performance improvement with each new update.The game is still in alpha stage but i think it's complete and the creativity has limit been reached yet the dev. surprise me with their endless ideas to make this game a true Survival simulator.I mean seriously they're about to add electricity to the game in the next update. O_o

8 years ago

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Ark beats them all. Dinosaurs win every time...

8 years ago

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7 Days to Die and Project Zomboid

8 years ago

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Resident Evil ?

8 years ago

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