So it's going to be 10 years already... time flies for sure. But! In my case, it's actually only 7 years of activity! I suppose I repeat myself with this, but I really don't remember my first first time here. Do you? o_O My second first time hooked me and dragged me down to the depths! And even though I reduced my presence here I still lurk around from time to time as there are events I like to return to and giveaways I can't resist entering. Oh well, the backlog fight continues.

All those years here gave me a lot - new friends, new games and new skills! I learned how to make puzzles, crack a cipher or dedicate my time to write reviews for games I completed. So thank you Steamgifts community for having me all this time. <3

I have prepared a little something for you - two jigidis of my tomcat Gabriel chilling out and my blooming orchid. It's nothing much, just a few bundle leftovers that the majority of you already own, sorry for that. ^^ Giveaways are open to 16.6.

A little side note. The turn of the year wasn't exactly happy as our Maine coon cat Fibi got diagnosed with kidney cancer. Sadly we learned late about it from the second doctor we visited as the first one didn't find anything wrong with her even though she wasn't basically eating and lost her weight very quickly. The prognosis was bad, so we decided to ease her suffering. It's still very hard to talk about it... We arranged for her cremation and we keep half of the remains at home and half of them we put around our cottage where she loved to be.
Anyway, why I am bringing it up here. Well, Stars In The Trash is running a contest where your pet can win a spot in the game. I thought that maybe I could get Fibi immortal like that, hah. ^_^ You can check her photo (and of other cute pets) in the contest gallery. And if you find some pets appealing you can maybe toss a vote for them or even submit your own! :)

Edit: Thank you for all the bumps! <3

4 months ago*

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What picture you like the most for a jigidi puzzle?

View Results
Cats, dogs, animals!
Flowers as I can only smell them throuhg my screen. Thank you allergy!
Give me beautiful sceneries!
Potatoes in any way.
People... real, unreal doesn't matter.
I don't do jigidi...
Fantasy, sci-fi, anime... everything out of this world.
I like something else.

Happy 10th cake!

Sorry to read about Fibi. Vets can be totally useless sometimes (but then again so can doctors for humans)
That's the worst part of sharing your life with a furry (or feathered or scaly) friend. They leave us too soon and we're left with the memories.

4 months ago

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Thank you. :)

Yeah, it's all about how lucky one can get with the doctors. We can only hope for the best for us.
You are right, it's important to remember the good memories. <3

4 months ago

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b00p and happy cakeday...

4 months ago

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Thank you, Maya. :3

4 months ago

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Thanks a lot man, sorry to hear about Fibi, i went to the site and voted for her, will try to vote again tomorrow, idk how much time is left, but yeah, for her :)

I dread the day something happens to my cat, Garfield (I know, how original). Once, a neighbor hit him over the head with a stick and left him impaired on his left eye, i almost went crazy, still hate her to this day, i cannot imagine what i'd do if he passed away, so i can expect it was horrible for you, i am very sorry to hear about it, my condolences.

4 months ago

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Thank you for your support! :)
Ah, forgot to mention the ending date - the contest is running until 6/23, so there is enough time. ;)

Sorry to hear about such a horrible event. Hope that you are both doing fine (and Garfield is a very cute name)! <3

4 months ago

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That's one vibrant flower and one comfortable cat.
Thank you bump!

4 months ago

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Thank you for participating. :D

4 months ago

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Sorry to hear about Fibi's story, but your family did the very best and I'm sure she's enjoyed a lovely lifetime with you all. <3

4 months ago

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Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot. <3

4 months ago

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My condolences! Rest in peace little fluff <3

Happy cake decade Kyrrelin. :)

4 months ago*

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Thank you, Mitsukuni! :3

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Sorry for your loss. I miss my childhood pets as well, but time has helped a lot.

4 months ago

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Thank you, I try to not concentrate on her last few months and only remember our happy moments. <3

4 months ago

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Bump ;)

4 months ago

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I'm sorry for the loss of Fibi. I'm sure she had a great life with you. I've lost many cats as well and it is never easy. Anyway, Happy 10th cakeday.

4 months ago

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Thank you for your kind words, Cole! <3

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Bumpity :)

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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My condolences.

4 months ago

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Thank you. <3

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Happy cake-factory day!
Would usually post a cat or dog pic but the host is now defunct and I'm too lazy to re-up, so:
Edit: Duh, forgot to write sorry for your loss.
Our dog died in Dec 92 and I still miss him like crazy.
Sometimes I still see him lying in his corner or imagine him sticking his head into one's face because he wants cuddles 😉

4 months ago

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Haha, thanks for the cute emotes. ;D
Yeah, I think I will never stop seeing her at her favorite places. <3

4 months ago

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Happy Cakeday! 🎂

View attached image.
4 months ago

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View attached image.
4 months ago

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Happy Cakeday!
Have a nice day =)

4 months ago

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Thanks! You too. ;)

4 months ago

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Congrats and thanks for the beautiful jigidis! Sorry about Fibi

4 months ago

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Thank you. <3 I am happy you enjoyed the puzzles. :)

4 months ago

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Happy decade on Steamgifts.
And commiserations on the loss of your cat, Fibi. I think she would have had a wonderful life with you. The our family still laugh over some of the things our two cats did. The female used to escort my two little ones to the local swimming pool and then wait outside under a bush until we all came out. I used to try locking her inside, but sometimes she was already outside, waiting - I worried about the cars. (was only 3 houses away, but there was a road to cross). She tried do that in the mornings when we walked to school, but would just go to the end of our block (about 6 houses) , and then wail when we proceeded on. Yes, she regarded us as her charges :)

4 months ago

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Thank you, Delisper. <3
Haha, what a sweet story. :D To be honest I think that even if I lived in a house I would still keep my cat indoors. xD

4 months ago

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Our laws have changed now - it is mandatory to keep your cats inside (in our council area). Helps keep native birds and animals safe (if the owners keep to these rules :)

4 months ago

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so much interesting.

(fantasizing about the actual ability of cats on being hunters)

4 months ago

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They are prodigious hunters - they are one of the dangers to our small mammals, reptiles and birds. So lots of cat owners object to the new rules and some don't comply. With my two, my male loved being an indoor cat and my female was definitely a hunter - she actually killed a rat once, was huge!! Little scary too, we live in a suburban neighbour hood, so I can only guess it came from the storm water drains (shudder). My male once hid in our grass catcher (which was usually attached to the lawn mower but was sitting on the edge of our patio) when a large galah landed in our backyard. Bird seemed to be fairly tame, they are large birds and this one started towards the patio, then sqwarked loudly - our male cat panicked and ran into the plastic grass catcher, lol. Then our female shot out from I don't know where and the bird fortunately flew off safely. Mitten only just missed catching the galah, maybe because my daughter yelled at her as she leaped.
Yeah, I like cats, but most can be deadly in certain circumstances.

4 months ago

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lol and the so much love... please say "galah" again

gone bed thinking about this (this tells much... :P) and my "solution" was one word, a big one: Australia = you're d e a d l y different. but kept on showerthinking it, and thought about italian cats. 2 or so years ago i was fixing the room where i live and it was in quite bad conditions. a rat. huuuge one (took a pic, once dead, if interested!) was sitting, very calmly, on the top of the TV. despite the terror (it was quite big, and screaming while i was killing him, was t e r r i f y i n g) i've made to, yes, kill him. but, the 2 (two) cats i've quickly called for some help were little jumping behind the rat that was escaping --> my <-- killing instinct. little jumps that's all they were capable of. love animals, adore cats, but these are very, the so very far from a killer. cats, felines are awesome killers, but these are not. not anymore.

so, answer is based in wonderful, gorgeous and hella deadly Australian lands.
please say galah again. eager to hear everything you mite want to share.

grazie Del, hugs.

4 months ago

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I need to learn how to post something with sound, am sure an Australian saying galah will sound silly to most others. And if you call someone a galah, it will mean you are calling them silly, or stupid (but in a nice way) :)
Glad you survived the rat event too - those rats are nasty, carry all sorts of horrible diseases. So you were the hunter in your family :)

4 months ago

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My male once hid in our grass catcher (which was usually attached to the lawn mower but was sitting on the edge of our patio) when a large galah landed in our backyard. Bird seemed to be fairly tame, they are large birds and this one started towards the patio, then sqwarked loudly - our male cat panicked and ran into the plastic grass catcher, lol.

Haha, sounds completely like my Gabriel. xD He gets so easily scared.

But yeah, cats are still predators. Fibi hunted a lot around our cottage, but there it was welcome as she caught mouses that would otherwise destroy everything inside - be it furniture, clothes, food. She tried to catch some birds, but luckily they always managed to fly away. We gave her a bell so she would give a hint before leaping.

4 months ago

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I agree, certain areas should be off limits to some domestic pets - they can cause harm to native wildlife. But totally agree about the mice catching cats. In Australia, some councils have enacted laws to have cats confined to inside areas. I believe the cats are supposed to be wearing collars with bells too. My cats tended to be inside with us mostly, and I did try my female with a bell collar. She did not cope (lol) - after being wrangled to put the collar on, she went a little wild inside, dashing here and there. I think she was trying to escape the noise. After just a few minutes she stopped, and sort of flattened herself on the floor, tried a couple of times to move but the bell sound made her hug the floor again. When she started to pant and wail I just took it off (a two person job, involving a towel - she could be dangerous :). My cats have been gone for nearly a decade now, and my female, Mitten, was nearly 17 when she went. I miss them as they were a large part of my family, especially for the kids growing up. The photos are precious and bring back a lot of lovely memories.

4 months ago

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Haha, oh gosh, this gave me a good laugh. xD My two rascals don't like anything on them either. We tried to give them wings during Halloween, but they would just frantically run around the apartment until they lost it. No fun with them xD
Thank you for sharing your memories. <3

4 months ago

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dedicate my time to write reviews for games I completed


4 months ago

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120+ and still counting. 🙂🥰

4 months ago

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Your cat is adorable <3

4 months ago

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Thank you. :3

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Sorry for your loss.
Happy belated Cakeday!

4 months ago

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Thak you! <3

4 months ago

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Closed 4 months ago by Kyrrelin.