
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
for: windows, mac, desura
for: windows, mac, linux, desura
Master of Alchemy - Rise of the Mechanologists
for: windows, mac, desura
for: windows, desura
Wimp: Who Stole My Pants?
for: windows, mac, desura
6180 the moon
for: windows, desura

12 years ago*

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all desura... no money from me...

12 years ago

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Was going to buy until you pointed this out, thanks a lot.


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Screw them? Because they sell something you don't want?

Grow up.

12 years ago

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Yeah i have to agree. I don't hate victorias secret just because they don't make anything I want to buy ;)

12 years ago

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"Screw them" isn't exactly what I meant, believe it or not.

It was more a quick rage moment. What I meant was:

"This bundle comes with no Steam codes, so I will not be buying it."

12 years ago

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NO Steam NO buy.

12 years ago

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Pfff ..

12 years ago

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Indie Royale practically always sucks.

12 years ago

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And even when they have 1 or 2 games that are OK, the price is too high.

No "bonuses", no 2nd week add ons, no true PWYW, no "Happy Hours". I rarely bother with them.

12 years ago

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It is pay what you want; you simply pay more than the minimum, which is always a strong discount over buying each game separately. They are honest about what you are getting and you can get all of it on day 1 of the bundle's sale. They offer bonuses in the form of music at $7/$8 plus the ability to lower the minimum for others. (This is SG, so we all hate altruism, right?) The costs are crazy cheap because the bundle is designed to support the devs.

12 years ago

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I agree. For me, Indie Royale seems to be one of the most up front, and trustworthy PWYW sites out there. They've provided steam keys for games that later went to steam too. FYI, I know that "Cognition" is in Greenlight right now, though I've heard nothing about steam keys being given, if it is green lit.

12 years ago

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Actually, the Cognition devs said it multiple times, for example on their greenlight page (comment from Mar 7, 2013 @ 4:16pm):

"All existing PC/Mac customers will be eligible for Steam keys when we are Greenlit! :) "

12 years ago

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Awesome. Thanks for that!

12 years ago

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They do also occasionally add extra titles as well.

12 years ago

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Ridiculous. There is no sane reason to dislike Desura.

Eat my dinner off a red plate? Are you mad??! I only eat food served on a blue plate! Fuck you red plate!

12 years ago

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It's reasonable to want to minimize how many services you are using though. Or how is your capsule account doing?

12 years ago

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Desura is fine, but I'm not buying the bundle if there's no Steam codes.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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When your plates are responsible for solely dishing out your food to you, do you really want to have to remember that your red plate serves you hamburgers, hot dogs, potatoes, pork, while your blue plate has your steak, carrots, chicken, and then you have a yellow plate that may have your hamburgers and hot dogs as well, possibly some carrots..

I could go on and on. But really, all I'm saying is there is some valid logic in trying to keep everything in one location.

12 years ago

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Yes, there is some truth to that, however the argument is somewhat mitigated by the fact that those games are not currently offered on Steam (and we can't be sure if they will be). The point is that just because it's Desura you shouldn't let it stop you from giving a game a chance that you might actually enjoy. Completely writing off or disregarding anything that isn't on Steam for no real reason other than one's own irrational 'prejudice' is an ignorant way of thinking. I wonder how many people have been guilty of this, yet they later discovered a game that they wish they had not simply ignored?

12 years ago

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That is definitely a very good question. I've been trying to break myself of the habit lately, because I don't want to miss out on great games that just aren't available on Steam yet, if ever. In fact I'm still on the fence about this bundle, because I'm semi-interested in a few of the games. I just wish there was a simple way to keep track of all the games I owned online, like a central website that can track all purchases and make them easily accessible without needing separate clients for every single one.

12 years ago

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Desura? My choice is no.

12 years ago

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Am I the only one that thinks Indie Royale bundles are getting worse and worse?

But thanks for the heads-up.

12 years ago

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Nope, they are getting worse

12 years ago

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The Evolved Bundle was pretty good, but... yeah...

12 years ago

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Nope :< Was all happy that I could see the bundle in the minute of going up, so I could buy it for the low price, but then I saw the content and was like "okay..." >> The only interesting thing for me was already on the indiegamestand >>

12 years ago

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This one is pretty good, what are you talking about?

12 years ago

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Personally I am uninterested in all but one of the games. In my opinion the bundles aren't as good as their previous ones.
The only good thing about this bundle for me, is it is helping promote Desura.

12 years ago

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I don't know if it is getting worse, or just that Indie Royale is chasing an audience that I'm just not in.

Like with the recent bundle vote. Not only did I want the St. Patrick's bundle less than the alternative, it would have been near the bottom of my list of "early" bundles. But, when given the choice, the majority of voters wanted St. Patrick's.

12 years ago

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McDROID is great :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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already got mcdroid in indiegamestand


12 years ago

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I got both, and when it comes to steam I'll give one of the keys to a friend.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Wow...terrible bundle lol.

12 years ago

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Said someone who never played any of the games in the bundle and its saying that its of bad quality merely because they are not on steam.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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There's a difference between an opinion and a judgement though.

Opinion: "I am not interested in this bundle."

Judgment: "This is a terrible bundle."

Opinions are obviously personal and it is almost always foolish to argue about them. They are rooted in the inexplicable. Judgments on the other hand can, and should, be questioned. Unless supported by more than opinion, the transition from opinion to judgment is a deception; an opinion masquerading as a fact. Note how in the first example statement above the individual would necessarily be taking personal responsibility for his or her opinion, while in the latter unsubstantiated judgment there is no agent. It is simply stated as a self-evident fact, which it is not.

12 years ago

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How about, I think this is a terrible bundle as well.

12 years ago

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I should've explained myself better, the bundle is terrible because.

1) Reused games from past bundles / IGS
2) All desura's, not a fan of that platform, same goes with Origin, Gamestop app, and Onlive.
3) Not all the games in there are good
4) I have the feeling some games from there won't even see Greenlight, same goes to other bundle, but at least on other bundles the price of Greenlit games is worth more than them.

12 years ago

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There's just way too many bundles too often, so reused games much of the time are inevitable.

12 years ago

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Bundle quality is not solely determined by the quality of the games contained.

12 years ago

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This amuses me. If they were all Steam keys I bet people would hold the bundle in a higher regard.

12 years ago

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definetly :)

12 years ago

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Indie Royale has a track record of always providing Steam keys if their games get greenlit though.

12 years ago

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this, and I think its very likely that at least Cognition will get greenlit in the next months.

12 years ago

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oh yes please, it's been on greenlight like forever and it's so good it deserves to be on steam

12 years ago

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That's reassuring to know, because I've now bought it twice and haven't had a chance to play it yet :P

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+1 Yes.

12 years ago

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McDroid and Cloudphobia are probably great
but i already got McDroid from IGS

12 years ago

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Same here. McDroid it's great

12 years ago

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meh. pass

12 years ago

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I'm not judging the bundle based on the games, just going to pass due to lack of steam keys. I find myself having trouble keeping track of games that aren't linked to my steam account.

12 years ago

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I think many of us do. The only thing interesting for me is Cognition. I can wait for -75% on Steam if it gets there, if not - I wouldn't touch it anyway without all episodes available, I hate waiting like this.

12 years ago

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Indie Royale has always given Steam keys for all of its games that ended up Greenlit. What's more, these are new games to Desura and to bundles. It's an opportunity to be some of the first to try these games.

Some people actually like Desura, and some people like having the opportunity to buy games in anticipation of their eventual greenlight. Deal with it.

12 years ago

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Why is everyone assuming that people are saying the bundle is bad only because of Desura? I'm a Desura user and i don't like this bundle. It's personal choice.

12 years ago

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Of those people that have given some explanation of why they do not have interest in the bundle, many have pointed to the fact that the games are non-Steam.

Obviously there are some that have other reasons for not liking the bundle, like yourself, but I see a strong knee-jerk reaction going on because, oh no, no Steam keys!

12 years ago

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well obviously it's their problem - while at some time we others will enjoy getting steam keys for some of them

Oh and the Desura Client is not so bad anyways, I'm using Steam and Desura parallel and it works out fine so I can play all the games that I want

12 years ago

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Nothing for me here. Hoping the groupees wadjet eye bundle will appear pretty soon though.

12 years ago

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So... Anyone bought it except for me? ;_;

12 years ago

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I bought it. I am looking forward to trying all of them, especially Master of Alchemy.

12 years ago

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Yep, I did.
Mainly for Mcdroid and Wimp (I already have Cognition but am hoping for greenlight so I would have a spare steam key to give away)

12 years ago

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Indeed I did. Great bundle.

12 years ago

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i bought it and voted up a couple of the games on steam greenlight. probably won't play any of them unless they make it on steam and even then probably not for quite some time due to all the other bundle games i still haven't played...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Indiegamestand had Cognition for (whatever you wanted to pay) a month back .. I passed only cause where its the first episode I wanted to see if the game would end up making the rest etc.

The games in this one (other then Cognition) do not interest me. Part of it is Desura.. I have it with my keys in there but I find I never load it. But as I said above the other part is most of these I dont see me ever playing.

EDIT: Just wanted to say I tried Cognition last month, and I did enjoy it. Has alot of potential

12 years ago

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they've got mcdroid to

12 years ago

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Is Cognition only episode 1 or all episodes as they are released?

Edit: it's only episode 1...

12 years ago

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I'll Pass.

Paranormal - KRZG9-68BA2-6KA7P-S44X3-L4ZQU (Desura)

12 years ago

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Thanks! :)

12 years ago

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mcdroid looks good but haven't heard of any of the others...anybody have strong opinions on whether this is worth it?

12 years ago

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Alway didn't liked Indie Royale bundles :S

12 years ago

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Watching the trailers for them Wimp actually looks pretty fun. Might as well throw another eight dollahs at them...

12 years ago

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Not for me

12 years ago

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Stupid Bundle.

12 years ago

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May end up buying this for that Alchemy game, and the rest is a bonus. It's so nice that the price is gonna stay nice and low for me though since not many people are buying it due to their prejudices.

12 years ago

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+1 for the prejudice part

12 years ago

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It's not very uh.... Steamy.

12 years ago

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To be fair there's a reason it's called "Debut bundle"

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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O.O I'll pass.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ariadourden.