EDIT: I put it on Fiverr, will also put it here. If you are interested, please check Fiverr

I am unsure if this is the right category or not. I want to ask this because I don't want to lose my account or even get a strike. I like my +rep as it is.

My question is: am I allowed to sell services for PayPal / TF2 keys? I saw someone was making poetry for TF2 keys, so I thought to try my luck.

Please read the next part with an open mind and don't go bashing the comments if you haven't read it all

I am studying tarot, and I'd like to offer very low priced 1 card / 3 card readings (maybe 2$ / 1 TF2 key // 5$ / 2.5 TF2 keys). I will of course emphasize that tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and should be treated the same way a horoscope is. Cards can't influence someone's life. I myself don't believe that cards have some kind of mystical powers. Instead, I believe it all works at a psychological level (but it takes me a while to explain it, so I won't post it here, because time is important and that's not related to the question) I began studying tarot because I was fascinated by the psychology behind the cards.

I will also state clearly why I am doing this (to get GTA V :)) ) and will have a counter to show how close I am to my goal.

So, am I allowed to do such a thing? I know the site is Steamtrades, that's why I am asking. My introduction would be something like this: "Do you want a brief tarot reading regarding some aspect of your life? Or do you want to disprove that fortuneteller that says some cards can read your future? But you don't want to pay full price for an 1 hour reading? Or you're not sure what tarot is, but you want to try it out? Or you just want to help a fellow trader out? Then you are in luck!" The price for an 1 hour consultation is about 30$, or even 30$ for 30 minutes. I would spend about 10-20 minutes interpreting each card, so I guess my fees are reasonable.

Also, I want to know if I will be able to get the negative rep removed if I am allowed to post a trade selling services for TF2 keys, as some might -rep me because it's not a game trade.

Thank you very much! Please don't go bashing the comments or trolling, I just want to know. I respect everyone's belief and I believe that every religion tries to teach us to be better persons. I, in no way, intend to make fun of any religious person that dislikes tarot, so I'd like to be treated with the same respect. Thanks!

10 years ago*

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Totally wrong category. TL;DCTR (didn't care to read)

10 years ago

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Bartering for goods with a service as the trade. I like this, this is how it used to be.

10 years ago

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I think you can, since people are trading their bumping scripts on ST I think everything's possible except when it's about account trading.

Also that's the first time I see someone doing tarot stuff for TF2 Keys.

10 years ago

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I know you don't want people to "bash" your idea, but you better expect it. :P

10 years ago

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I know :)) Still, I try to be as respectful as possible. Maybe they'll present their opinion in a respectful manner.

10 years ago

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Well, all I can say is that you're likely to have a very hard time finding anyone willing to pay for tarot readings on Steamtrades...
Gaming communities aren't really liable to spend their money on this when there are games to be hoarded. :P

I'd recommend trying somewhere else. Fiverr, perhaps?

10 years ago

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Will look into that. Still, it can't hurt to also have it posted here :)

10 years ago

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Try fiverr. Bunch or random services that people can do for 5 bucks.

I've used it before for resume/CV

10 years ago

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My 2 cents: Keep things somewhat game related for the trades. While I don't have a problem a problem with someone offering tarot readings as a service if there's an audience, I'm just not sure SG is the forum for it. Perhaps use one of the numerous other sites to sell for a monetary currency, then bring that back here for games.
Otherwise, do we need to start a list of what services are allowed or not? Yes: tarrot, proofing resumes, carbon offsets. Not allowed: power-leveling, nude webcam shows, or private investigation.

10 years ago

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I will be yours for 20 tf 2 key/hour, I'm capable for anything ;)

Oh, you weren't thinking about this kind of "service"? Sorry, my bad. Anyway, if you change your mind, my number is: +1 (786) 519-3708 I am waiting for your call :)

10 years ago

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I put in on Fiverr if anyone is curious about it. Thanks :) Didn't know about Fiverr

10 years ago

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What would be the criteria of a service given/received? Will you return the keys if the reading will prove untrue or I just won't like it?

10 years ago

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There could be readings you don't like because of the negative aspects, In that case, I won't return the key or give another reading, as it is advised to give advice to those who receive negative readings as to how they might avoid such a situation. And about the untrue part, I see tarot cards not as some objective rulers that tell you what will happen. They deal with the psyche and most of the times tell how you would feel. For example, say you are going on a job interview and want to know what will happen. I draw a card that means you would feel sad. That could either be because you won't get the job or because you will, but you will not feel satisfied by it, it doesn't align with what you thought it would be like. In that case, I'd tell you this, but I'd also tell you that life doesn't end here, and will also tell you what the card also means (for example, even though you will feel sad about it, you will find that it will bring new opportunities in your life). And, in unclear cases, I draw another card for clarification, no fee added :)) Now, a reading, in my opinion, can't prove "untrue" because they just tell you how it may go. It is up to you to go that road or go another one. Cards can't influence your life and can only tell you the probable outcome of your actions if you don't change them.

10 years ago

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And if I actually feel happy? Will you refuse to return the key just to make me feel sad about lost money? :D

10 years ago

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:)) As I said, they are just cards. Unfortunately, timing is difficult with Tarot. But, of course, if this happens, I will return your key.. I have to be careful with this refund policy because I can't know for sure what's happening in someone's life, so people might say that the reading was untrue just so that they can get free readings.

The main idea in tarot, as I see it, is not finding out what your future will be, but highlighting problems that may exist in your actual behavior and correct them.

Also, even if I refused to give you the key back, you would feel sad about the money, not the job, so the reading wouldn't prove true anyways.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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In some countries prostitution is more accepted than Tarot. Pays better too.
Dont know if you are allowed to do what you asking though, im not very good with all the trading stuff.
By the way the Fiverr title you have isnt a bit contrary ?

I will do a mumbo jumbo free tarot reading for $5

Free tarot reading for 5$?, 5$ isnt free i think, or i understand it the wrong way, if so dont mind me.

10 years ago

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Mumbo jumbo free... I guess I should edit the title then.

Edit: Done

10 years ago

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stopped reading @ Tarot, loada shite. but good luck to you anyway.

10 years ago

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