This is getting out of hand. We really need to start outlawing kids. They're out of control.
Seriously though when I was a kid I'd act out characters from movies and the like as well. It's normal. The difference was my guns and knives were toy ones because I didn't have access to the real things.
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Seriously, right? I'm surprised that children even get their hands on those weapons. It-s like the parents don't give a flying damn. I live in a country with many firearms (for hunt, though) and I've never heard about a child (especially at that age) taking a gun to school. It's outlandish to me, stuff like that just doesn't happen here. Gah.
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Honestly the large majority of America is the same. We have firearms for hunting and are well aware of gun safety. The rest of America think they are just as outlandish. My main issue is why the neglectful parents and the media keep blaming games!!! THAT pisses me off.
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Yeah, it's really just the dumbasses who have no business being parents. They sit around paying no attention to their kids and never discipline them or educate them on the hazards of weapons or the differences between video games and reality. Though I'm sure it's not just America. that shit happens in every country
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Media marketing. It's easy for most of those dumbasses working there to make an article/report blaming everything on videogames, it's way harder to produce something worthwile and factual. It's a shame that only a handful of people working as journalist or reporter have any brains. Most of them, even when working in a big news network, have the tabloid mentality...
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Did you also see the part of digging with hammersXD?
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Yeah I've never played minecraft and even I know how retarded that was.
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Yeah, I saw this article on another website and the father supposedly mentioned that you get handguns in Minecraft to protect yourself from zombies.
I still wonder why nobody wants to find out why the kid really brought the gun. My guess is that he was being bullied.
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Well, the knife in question most certainly could be used it inflict harm but it also isn't intended to be used as a weapon. Same goes for the hammer. And since the firing pin was removed from the gun it was essentially nothing more than an inefficiently shaped club.
I'm not saying the kid didn't need his butt beat for it but it sounds a lot more like an idiot kid trying to show off to friends that a kid planning to hurt anybody. Either way I can't see that it has anything to do with minecraft. Let me know when a kid gets in trouble for showing up to school with a pickaxe.
As for having weapons at the age of 9 it used to be a very common thing. At the least it was a BB gun and often something like a small lever action or bolt action rifle. Of course those kids weren't in the middle of large cities, they were taught how to use and respect the weapons, and they knew that if they did something stupid they were going to get something much more effective than a stern talking to. Pain is a VERY effective teacher. I'm not saying children should be abused but a justified swift smack on the rear can help discourage a kid from doing stupid things.
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The dad says it was removed, but I dont actually even believe that.
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Especially as this is the same dad that failed to secure the ammunition for his gun. As for saying Minecraft made his kid do it, more than likely the guy was searching his brain for a computer game to blame (the media would get all worked up about that and ignore his parental incompetence, which unfortunately seems to have worked) and that's the only one he could come up with.
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Assuming he was telling the truth about the firing pin there really isn't much of a reason to secure the ammo. Of course the article is light on useful details. I suppose it is possible that both the gun and ammo were kept secure in a safe and the kid either found the combination or key. The article makes absolutely no mention at all of where in the home the gun was kept or how it was stored.
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Well I read in another article on this that they were in a drawer, cant find it anymore though so you cant confirm it:S
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Mature content:
How about outlawing those dumb asses that store their weapons in the fridge or so, so their kids can get them easier as the cookie jar, which is wisely placed out of range for them?
Also, what about the fact that the father doesn't even know what the games his son plays are about?
Wtf, just place all the fault on some games, that's easier than admitting that you are an retarded creature, natural selection would have sorted out long ago.
And if I begin think about the fact that this piece of virtual toilet paper is actually written by a paid journalist I have the urge to grab some weapons and go on a slaughter. (I mean the original article this one is based on)
Games do not make psychopaths, these articles do!
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I'm 22 and i never got the chance to handle a weapon in real life, neither i saw one except for a couple of officers.
If a 9 years old boy could even bring a firearm to school then there's a serious problem, not in weapons, not in the boy, but in the entire country.
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I did, twice.
But the first time is under my father observation, he brought his old hand gun from the war time ready to turn it in as new gun control policy.
The second time is a broken gun that has been removed all essential part like trigger and stuffs. It was very shiny and heavy, i used to have it a paper weight.
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I highly hope so... I don't believe that people can really be this retarded.
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... So basically some idiot kid can't tell the difference between a game and reality? Parents should talk and play with the child instead of leaving him to his games thinking it's some BabySitting machine. Lack of human interaction in the real world will cause that in children...
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According to Wikipedia, my country (Serbia) is in the 2nd place on the number of guns per 100 residents list (58.2, US has an incredible score of 94.3) and I don't think I've ever heard of any similar incidents. And even if there were some, the parents would be blamed, not games. But to be honest, if the awareness of the gaming scene was bigger here, it would be the same, because people always try to make new types of entertainment look bad (before that they blamed books, certain music genres, movies etc.).
What boggles my mind is the fact that 94.3/100 residents in their country posses some sort of firearm is not that relevant to their media as much as video games are. But that again, that same media is the source of all other bad things, they advertise and glorify other people's crimes on daily basis.
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Am I the only one who's starting to get bored with these accusations? They used to be hilarious, but now it's getting old.
Also, didn't someone on the forums predict this happening?
EDIT: I was right
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During my military service I was taught how to maintain and use a G3A3 assault rifle which uses 7.62mm caliber cartridges capable of completely ruining a persons life. I was never a gun enthusiast and it didnt inspire me to become one either but it made me realize that guns are not toys to be played with because I've seen the end result of getting shot with such a rifle both in the field and in photos, it's not pretty.
A person, equipped with the full knowledge of what guns are capable of, doesnt leave such things lying around in easy to reach places when you have a kid in your house and you dont let them see it because they will search for it. What this boy did, I do not blame him because, I quote, "The boy was so tiny that his detention uniform engulfed him and he could barely see the judge over the podium Friday." We are talking about a small child here, he's obviously curious as befits a boy his age, therefore he takes the gun along with other "toys" and goes to school. I dont know what his intentions were but he probably wouldnt be able to fire the gun anyway.
On the other hand we have a "parent" who owns a gun but doesnt even care if his children find it. That kid could have shot himself or others while playing with it. Therefore child services should immediately take custody of the child away from the parent. Making babies are easy but being a good and responsible parent requires more effort than that. On top of everything he blames a game which doesnt have anything to do with what's happened. I wish I could look this guy in the face and say "Nope."
Shit, the kid is an idiot, no doubt about that but it's the parents responsbility to keep that idiocy in check. There are always telltale signs, you dont just decide to take weapons to school. Hopefully this endeavour will instill enough fear in him that he'll stay away from such things for the rest of his life. Hell, this is nothing short of social suicide, kids in his class will all avoid him and he'll have to change school or become a loner which will cause psychological problems in the kid.
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minecraft blamed because a parent its too stupid and irresponsible to hide a fucking pistol, a knife and a sledgehammer from a 9 YEAR OLD
also considering the fact minecraft doesnt even have pistols or sledgehammers
seriously this generation is full of pansies, i played fucking twisted metal when i was four and i didint think i was a racing mania who could ran over people and shoot innocent civilians.
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Hah, if he played Counter-Strike he would bring an AK-47 to school.
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When I was a child, there was an unlocked cabinet with like 30 to 40 shotguns, rifles, and handguns in it in my basement. I never brought one of them to school. Hell, I never even touched one of them, until I was allowed to do so under close supervision. Why? Because I wasn't a dumbass.
Stupid kids should be killed, so they don't grow up to become stupid parents that raise even more stupid kids. It's the only way to ensure a prosperous future for humanity.
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I gotta say that that kids parent(s) are freaking stupid for not having their weapons placed away safely from the kid.
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Of course I acknowledge these parents are fucking idiots for letting their kid get hands on dangerous shit like that. However, I wonder if kids would want anything to do with real guns if they were still allowed to bring harmless things like nerf guns into school, or if kids didn't get suspended for shooting each other with finger pistols, etc..
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another parent blaming games when the responsibility is their...nothing out of usual.
A few weeks ago a family of cops in Brazil was killed. The little man left the home, went to school, gone back home and just suicides. Guess what media blamed: Assassin's Creed!
But a neighbor after hearing the shots went to the window and saw another "cop" coming out of their home after the kid left and said everyone inside is dead and he called 911 and his police department to go there investigate. This in the morning. They just came at night...
and guess what: nobody cares!
besides the fact some "cop" inside is trying to destroy all proves against him(my Brazil never changes) the media only cared about video-game because everybody likes a good story about murders and video-games... pretty much this.
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This is really sad. I'm crying.
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