Yeah! Steam's screenshot requirements are letting customers see that artwork for free, taking money away from those hardworking artists! That is not okay!!
Joking aside, I don't think that's anything to get too worked up over, at least in regards to Steamgifts. It's really only here for completion's sake: if someone wants to give it away, the system can keep track of it in case of an unactivated win, etc. Your concern is better directed towards Steam itself.
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Leaving any opinion of mine out of this, if we are to follow the written guidelines of SG, it shouldn't be allowed. I'm pretty new to support so tbh I'm not sure if it's an issue or not. If it is actually allowed then this is one of several guideline rules that needs to be made much clearer.
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If we're to follow the strict letter of the guidelines, non-game apps such as RPG Maker wouldn't be allowed, either; see: "Giveaways should accurately reflect the game being given away.", etc. You will also notice that the title HTML tag of the SG main page contains "Giveaways for Steam Games. It seems clear to me at this point that, whatever the current wording of the guidelines, they were not meant to bar other giftable Steam library (note: library only, not inventory) content. So this doesn't seem like it should be excluded, either.
With that said, if the guidelines were meant to exclude that, then I'd have to ask why they'd be meant to exclude pornographic games (however that would be defined) but not the non-game apps, to say nothing of the so-called "troll" apps, as defined and so named by Valve, that have been banned from Steam on that very account but haven't ceased to be giftable here and don't seem like they will any time soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whatever the case, it seems clear that, whatever the current interpretation of the rules the SG team follows, it doesn't match the letter of the written guidelines. And in this case, I would say that that is a good thing. ;)
Edit: Though this specific case might not be in violation of the written word of the rules, depending, again, on interpretation.
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Terms utilized by any set of rules are clarified by the entity setting the rules. "Content" has been clarified to refer to any data of any sort, while "Games" has been clarified to refer to any digital product on Steam. While argument could be made that the help pages should include better clarification of the usage of either term, both terms just involve an intuitive reapplication of meaning to achieve a broader end result of the same function.
Meanwhile, the pornography element is explicitly prohibited, which means that instead of going along with the written guidelines and adding to their intent, you'd completely be reversing the listed guidelines to mean their direct opposite.
So "So this doesn't seem like it should be excluded, either." is just not a reasonable conclusion to come up with, based on those considerations alone.
Your second paragraph actually further supports the argument against pornographic content, rather than hinders it. "Troll" apps are an issue for Steam, but aren't prohibited by SG guidelines. The fact that SG guidelines seem to overrule Steam considerations means that yes, pornographic content should be prohibited, regardless of if Steam allows for it.
Whatever the case, it seems clear that, whatever the current interpretation of the rules the SG team follows, it doesn't match the letter of the written guidelines
Well.. when you phrase it in such a general manner, then yes, that's hard to argue, and will likely always be true for this site. I really feel cg should introduce a soft-edit system, where staff members can propose an edit, send it up the chain, and have cg simply click an [approve/deny change] on the proposal. Hopefully that'd make it simple enough that cg could more reliably attend to guideline updates.
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Terms utilized by any set of rules are clarified by the entity setting the rules.
The idea behind the argument you present is true, and I agree with the point you defend over the rest of that paragraph, but I'd like to note that the wording of that first sentence is only true within a given set of conditions. For example, any such rules are still subject to the applicable jurisdictions; while this is not what we're dealing with here, parts of such documents have been ruled illegal by courts in the past, especially in terms governing relations between vendor and consumer.
Whatever the case, it is also true that the letter of the law needs no clarification; the letter is the letter. It is precisely because the letter would lead to senseless conclusions that we interpret it, and thus clarify it.
Meanwhile, the pornography element is explicitly prohibited, which means that instead of going along with the written guidelines and adding to their intent, you'd completely be reversing the listed guidelines to mean their direct opposite.
"Troll" apps are an issue for Steam, but aren't prohibited by SG guidelines. The fact that SG guidelines seem to overrule Steam considerations means that yes, pornographic content should be prohibited, regardless of if Steam allows for it.
Just so it's clear, what I'm going to say here is high praise when coming from me: those are arguments that really got me thinking and had me revise my views.
The guidelines also forbid "other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience", which, according to many, will include gory games (let's not even get into the whole shooter can of worms and stay with gore), because of the whole think-of-the-children-and-video-games-cause-violence dance we've all heard to death and back. The interesting thing here is the choice of modal verb: "may". It carries a strong suggestion (one might say that, in this context, it carries an order) to the effect that, when in doubt, one errs on the side of caution and considers any potentially doubtful material to be forbidden.
This presents a contradiction: any reasonable person, when erring on the side of caution, would be forced to conclude that gory games may well be forbidden. Yet, gifting them is not only allowed, but considered perfectly normal; moreover, there has been, to my knowledge, no statement specifying that they're not considered inappropriate. If, as you imply, the guidelines have clear intent, that the lack of any such statement must mean eloquent silence, rather than mere absence of statement; that leads me to a different conclusion, which draws from but also deviates from a previous thought I had on the matter.
The guidelines (and terms, and any other SG document) are applicable to users. Users, one will note, have zero interference on the list of giftable games, an existing feature that already allows SG staff to control what is or isn't giftable; the most they can is suggest changes to that list, but such changes are entirely up to the discretion of SG staff, who may reject them without so much as an explanation if they so choose. Furthermore, should SG choose to curate what games are forbidden in its own platform according to whatever rule it chooses to apply, it would neither need nor want to follow those documents; it would instead follow specific documents on that matter, which would likely be also unavailable for regular users. Additionally, users are forbidden from posting specific material to the site; games posted to Steam by their publishers and subsequently made available for gifting on SG are not posted by users, but by their own developers and publishers; here, too, users have no interference. They have keys to games and they make them available. From those facts, it follows that guidelines, terms, and other documents about and applicable to users, are simply not applicable to games. Therefore, the guidelines are irrelevant for the discussion of game content.
One might argue that games should follow a similar guideline as users. That is a different discussion, to which .
I really feel cg should introduce a soft-edit system
Another one for the big list of things SG could use, right? :D
It just hit me that those uncensored screenshots are probably against Steam's own terms. But that's not SG's problem either way.
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Steam has checks for viewing games with Mature Content, Frequent Violence or Gore, Nudity or Sexual Content, and Adult Only Sexual Content.
Before you can view the DLC in question, or any similar content, you first have to 1) create or log in to your Steam account (which you must be 13 or older to do), 2) pass the age check, and 3) state that you are okay with viewing such content. If you get through all those checks and get to the page in question, there's even a disclaimer saying, "This game is marked as 'adult only'. You are seeing this game because you have agreed to continue to this page."
So one might ask, if the OP is not okay with such content, then why did they specifically tell Steam that they are okay with seeing such content to get to the store page in the first place?
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You post that question then a couple comments below you state you feel nothing is wrong with DLC if those games feature piracy, pornography, or other inappropriate material not suitable for a general audience.
And as mentioned above the rule in the guidelines is "Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site." So between these things you don't see why if we were going by the text that it shouldn't be allowed?
As I mentioned already I'm not giving any input with my personal opinion. I'm going by the direct word for word text in the guidelines.
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As I interpret the guidelines, "material ... posted to the site" includes posts, comments, links, and everything else other than the giveaways. Creating game giveaways is not posting material to the site, it's creating giveaways.
With every guideline, there has to be a measure of common sense in interpreting and applying it.
If those guideline are interpreted to prohibit any and all giveaways for games that contain "piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience" (which is very vague, and itself open to interpretation), then going by the direct word for word text in the guidelines we should immediately remove any and all giveaways for The Secret of Monkey Island, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Windward, Tempest, Risen 2: Dark Waters, and any other games that features piracy.
This is obviously a ridiculous thing that we should not do, but serves to illustrate why interpretation of guidelines is necessary. Because if we wield the guidelines like a giant club and just go by the word for word text, then we must ensure that none of the 189 Steam games featuring piracy are allowed as giveaways lest we find ourselves in wanton violation of the guidelines. Not only are we currently in violation of the guidelines, under such an interpretation, but we have been for years.
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But which piracy are we talking about? Attacking ships on the high seas for loot, murder, shits, and giggles? Or copyright infringement? :^)
Jokes aside, I actually have a theory on how the guidelines are inapplicable to games, which you may (or may not, idk) find interesting/useful.
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That's the thing, the guidelines don't specify, just like they don't specify that such provisions are meant to apply to user posted content and not the content of the games being given away. So if we put our blinders on and put away our common sense and just go by the direct words of the guidelines, all games featuring any sort of piracy are in violation. :)
And I think you could make a good case that pictures of people being brutally murdered qualifies as content that "may be inappropriate to a general audience", so better remove all first and third person shooters and most role playing games while we're at it.
Animal cruelty certainly seems "inappropriate to a general audience me", and Ori and the Blind Forest is filled with animal cruelty from start to finish. Ban that gorgeous, delightful filth! ;)
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To be fair the example you gave is kind of ridiculous. You're talking about pirates in a video game compared to real life digital theft vs material posted to SG that isn't suitable for a general audience.
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I agree, it is entirely ridiculous, but serves to illustrate that a strict reading of the guidelines with no room for interpretation leads to ridiculous situations.
If we can't interpret the guidelines to be referring to user posted content and not the content of Steam games being given away, than we can't interpret the piracy restriction to be referring to one type of piracy and not another.
It also serves to illustrate why while SG should be moderating what people post in their user generated posts, comments, and links, SG should not be moderating what Steam games should and shouldn't be allowed to be given away. That's a can of worms SG doesn't need or want to open.
And there was no "unsuitable content" posted to SG. in order to see the "unsuitable content" in question, I had to follow a link to Steam, log into my Steam account, pass an age check, and click to expressly state that I am okay with viewing such content. All of that is happening outside of SteamGifts, and I don't see how SG can have any responsibility for a user's actions outside SG.
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I could devise an argument along the "but is the violence that so many Steam games feature appropriate to a general audience" route, but that one is old and beaten, and I had a crazy idea for a devil's advocate argument that just might work. Or not, but it's the kind of crazy argument that tends to get us thinking, so I thought I'd toss it here for others to look at it and share some thoughts. I don't really have an opinion on it yet, it just came to mind and I'm writing it down while it's there.
When you make a GA for a game featuring inappropriate material (however we choose to define it), are you actually posting that material to the site? The point being, all game content goes through Steam, which, however related, is a separate platform; none of it is posted to SG. Even the game pic is loaded not via SG but directly from Steam itself.
And for a more important question, how long until someone smashes this argument with something far smarter? :D
Edit: those thoughts have been rendered outdated by a more complete theory on the matter.
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I think it's less a double standard, and more just common sense.
Game and DLC giveaways are okay. Posting about piracy, posting pornography, posting other inappropriate material, not okay.
Making giveaways for games is always okay, even if those games may feature piracy, pornography, or other inappropriate material. You may very well argue that The Witcher should never have had pornographic sex cards to collect in the first place, but I don't think anyone would seriously argue that The Witcher giveaways should not be allowed because the game contains pornographic content, or that such giveaways form a double standard.
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I think it's less a double standard, and more just common sense.
So much this. Unfortunately common sense isn't all that common, and so you end up with people who need every detail spelled out for them. Even then, some people actively seek out things by which to be offended or with which to take issue.
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Visit for help with your issue.
The Help site will guide you to self-solve the issue or send a help request to the Steam Support team.
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Presumably, as Gau noted above, the issue is in the potential violation of SG's terms of service, which prohibits offering any kind of content that is sexual, copyright-infringing, or hatespeech in nature. At best, it's a double standard between site and user expectations- which, while not necessarily an issue with something as minor (in its negative impact on others) as softcore pornography [versus asset theft or hatespeech], does introduce unnecessary confusion.
Well, in fairness, it's not like contacting Steam Support over an SG-based matter is any less likely to get a useful reply than contacting them about a Steam-based matter. It's basically just throwing pennies in a wishing well either way.
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There's a clear distinction, to me, between posting pornographic content to SG, and making a giveaway for a game or DLC that may contain pornographic content.
Embedding pornographic images or posting links to PornTube, not okay. Making a giveaway for The Witcher, all good.
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There's obviously a clear distinction between the concepts in the abstract, but that's not at all the focus of the topic. The site rules are rather firm in seemingly prohibiting such giveaways, and previous rule clarifications have already set precedence for the interpretation of the specific terms involved, hence stripping the 'seemingly' and turning it into an 'explicitly'.
If you comment or post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) material available by means of the Website (any such material, "Content"), You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content. [..]
By making Content available, you represent and warrant that: [..]
the Content is not pornographic, does not contain threats or incite violence, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;
While I can understand how Gao's quote from the Guidelines [versus mine from the Terms of Service] may have thrown you off the scent, there isn't actually any clear distinction, currently, between the two methods of presenting pornographic content, as far as the site rules are concerned. Hence, it's reasonable for someone to inquire as to why such content is allowed, and if it's intentional despite the contrariness involved.
Also, Witcher 3 isn't considered a pornographic game, it's considered an adult game with sexually themed scenes. By American movie rating considerations, a firm R, but not remotely close to an X. Gaming conceptions of what constitutes pornography are similar [which is why Witcher 3's scenes play out so similarly to that of an R-rated film (further, the game's offerings are actually much tamer than the usual R-rated film's scenes)].
Rather, even if the scenes were much less tame, one still couldn't classify it as pornography, as Witcher 3'd need to offer less narrative contextualization and much more in-depth scenes of anatomy being stimulated to be able to qualify for that label:
Pornography: The explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal
So Witcher 3 wouldn't be in any threat of being included within the site rules to begin with. Or, to put that in better perspective, anything that Valve would have allowed back when they were pretending at curation is fine, anything we've gotten recently is not; Which, naturally, is why we've only gotten such content recently, rather than previously.
Consider visual novels: While Valve got a bad rep at the end for seemingly just randomly assuming that visual novels were all pornographic in nature, prior to that they followed a clear structure: Nudity/sexual themes were acceptable with age gating and tagging [as per Witcher 3], eroge games [ie, those with in-depth, explicit sex scenes] had to have their sexual content handled by outside patches, and nukiges [full pornography games] were excluded from Steam altogether.
This subtopic revolves around the the questionable handling of the lattermost style of content, as [by typical standards in most every geographic region I'm aware of] such content is usually evaluated as being its own category and having its own separate organizational placement from other (movies/games). It's not unreasonable for a user to expect SG to also separate out such content (or to at least acknowledge their adult-oriented outlook as part of the registration process), even before accounting for the contradiction in the site's rules as to such content being allowed in the first place.
Discussion of ethical or personal distinctions isn't really the topic here; Rather, it's the contrast of site practices against social expectations and established site rules.
Though, in fairness, I'm not sure the content that the OP linked contains anything but nudity, which very firmly wouldn't fall under pornographic content to begin with, so this subtopic may actually be a bit of a hard tangent, and your comparison to the already more-explicit Witcher 3 would be a lot more reasonable a point of consideration [than pornographic content].
So, in a broader sense, the site may have some concerns that need to be addressed, but this thread's example may not necessarily be relevant to such.
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Actually, I was specifically referencing The Witcher 1, with the collectible sex cards featuring naked women. I mean, I guess you could argue that they're erotica and not pornography, but that distinction is very much in the eyes of the beholder.
And I would still argue that creating a giveaway does not fall under the "comment or post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make material available by means of the Website" clause. That clause, to me, is specifically governing non-giveaway content, such as the comments and posts and links that often accompany giveaways.
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How exactly does that not fall under 'make material available by means of the website'?
That specific line on its own would be a definitive match to the circumstances of creating any giveaway. :P
You could argue intent, but the grammar is rather clearly inclusive to giveaways, if desired.
Keep in mind also that it's in the ToS section, which covers general data usage and behavior, not within guidelines or FAQ, which deal more with specific site subareas. There's no basis for assuming specialization in intent, unless such is explicitly noted, as that's generally not the focus of a Terms of Service (which by nature tends to try and be broad in what its components can cover).
Besides, as I also noted, staff has previously clarified the utilization of "Content", and it definitely covers this matter. After all, the prohibition against "machine-generated content" was used as the basis for stating that auto-scripting/botting was against site rules. Content was established to mean any data presented by the user, to the site; As such, clarifying that the broadest interpretation of the "post material"/"make material available" elements within the Terms of Service was being used, and that "content" was not limited to only referring to posts or similar offerings.
Finally, if I recall correctly, prior to cg's update to the site help pages, the chat section at the bottom of the Guidelines page included elements that were applied to the forums and giveaways as a whole; Further, it has been established that giveaways are considered a part of the forums for all guideline purposes.
So even if we assume the grammar isn't intended as-written, precedence still suggests that we should assume that any non-ToS guideline may have an open application, meaning that we do have to ask for clarification on any uncertain phrasing, which is only further emphasized for ToS elements. Though honestly, we should be asking for such before any assumptions or precedences, so we're back to "taking it as-written", and thus justifying the premise for a thread such as this one.
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Well, technically, the only material I'm making available by means of this website by creating a giveaway is a string of letters and numbers. You win a giveaway, you get a string of letters and numbers.
Sure, you can take those letters and numbers, go to another website, and use them to make that other website make other material available, but SG can hardly be held responsible for what material other websites make available. ;)
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Everything on a computer is nothing but numbers, so looking too deeply into that kind of consideration leaves you with a rather silly premise to work with. Once you get past that, you move to data provision, where only the actual data you're presenting is evaluated, and past that, material/content provisions, where they're evaluated by the actual information and intent they provide.
By the terminology used [material as a term, lightly summed up, defines as 'something with substance'], it's hard to try and excuse one's content under the premise of it being one of the more basic forms within that chain. As far as simply not taking responsability for what kind of letters and numbers you're presenting.. there's just no way that's not thoroughly irresponsible. :P
Of course, as you noted, SG can avoid responsability via such considerations [nevermind the usual ToS clauses to avoid such responsability], but that doesn't inhibit them from also choosing to pursue moderation efforts based on such considerations.
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Well, I think SG's primary goal with the ToS and Guidelines is to create a welcoming place where everyone feels welcome, to minimize spam and marketing, and above all to not be sued. I don't think there's any danger of being sued for SteamGifts to give away Steam games, given that's the whole premise of the site, and I don't think anyone would seriously try to hold SG responsible for the content of those games.
And policing what Steam games should and shouldn't be allowed to be given away is well beyond the scope and ability of SG. Valve couldn't even police Steam games.
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That first quoted section of the guidelines just makes me laugh that anyone thinks they could enforce that. It's just about the most ridiculous group of words ever collected together.
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Speaking of which, does my sight deceive me or is that third screenshot particularly godawful? I felt like gouging out my eyeballs for that split second while I reached for the brain bleach, but unfortunately the damage was done. Life will never be the same. :(
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We were talking about how Gaben ruined children by allowing pixel titties in games for the first time ever.
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The issue is the game not having cards and it's definitely not OK.
Seems like I failed like a noob, Gaben is learning only about the nude patch, the game itself is so great quality it isn't restricted, time to buy it to remedy this mistake. So thanks for the ad for it.
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I've seen some passing it, but they were expansion/content DLCs for AAA games, the kind that people used to buy in optical media a decade ago, and those are actually worth buying when you like the game they're for. I'd be surprised if even one person actually buys this DLC on Steam for any reason that isn't owing everything on the store, though. :D
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What is the problem? It's not illegal so why do you take issue with someone making a GA for it? Block the games and move on.
Edit: Some people may object to violence in games but don't try to prevent GAs being made for them here.
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In the USA it's illegal for anyone under 18 to view pornography and as such the game in question. There are no age checks on SG. There could literally be legal issues regarding this, js.
As well, there are no age checks on winning a game from SG and activating it on Steam and then downloading/launching it.
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There is a thread also about a management game about being a pot dealer.
Well, it's not my thing, but I usually hide the games I don't like and don't make a fuss about it. Life is too stressful already.
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Umm, it's not illegal to be a pot dealer so what's your point?
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It still is in half the world. Let's not kid ourselves saying there aren't millions of people that would like to ban that game.
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Valve is HQ'd in Seattle, WA. In Washington it is legal to smoke and grow pot. Think about it.
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Wolfenstein New Order was published by Swedish video game developer based in Uppsala, Sweeden, published by Bethesda Softworks based in Rockville, Maryland, US, through many channels including PS3, owned by Sony, based in Kōnan, Minato, Tokyo Japan; Xbox, owned by Microsoft based in Redmond, Washington, US, and Steam, owned by Valve, based in Seattle, Washington, US.
And it still had to comply German laws banning the use of Nazi imagery and censor the game when publishing in Germany.
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It's also illegal to go around rampantly killing people, but that's the gist of most FPS.
Imagery of something isn't the same thing as an entire subject matter. Similarly Japan has bans on certain displays of violence and those are changed as well. If a country banned the imagery of cannabis, I'm sure that'd be respected as well. But I don't think any country has done that, however illegal it is to own/grow/buy/sell that says nothing of how it's depicted in entertainment products.
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the title of that screen... it's not logic with the rest...
the title show that you are in favor of anime...
but the rest show that you are against anime....
sooo... can you explain it?
and why you insult saying filthy weeb?
and confiscation of respect? why you have the "power" to confiscate the respect of people when you don't respect others??
anyway nice try of troll, but you are not going to get your daily dose of troll from my part :)
in any case, the opposite, you just look like a dumb person right now :).
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in any case, the opposite, you just look like a dumb person right now :).
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try look at
btw. On steam is cca 30 000 games, on vndb is 24 521 visual novels(..yes.. no all are hentai). And I dont count manga and doujinshi.
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Dude, the game has "Hentai" in the title. Get real.
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You can't block specific words, not every single DLC has "hentai" in the title. Not every DLC is a nude patch.
You may as well read the reason why she asked why it was ok.
Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site. If you're posting anything that may be considered NSFW (not safe for work), please prefix any links or images with a NSFW tag to warn others.
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I'm not talking about the semantics. I'm talking about the reality we live in and the common sense we use. If you see the word "hentai" you know it's porn. lol
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Once more, there is no option to hide only Porn and Mature content on Steamgift since such content is not allowed on the website.
The only option existing, as I stated is to hide every DLC and if you believe that every single DLC on Steam is a Porn, I have to tell you that you're wrong on that side: soundtracks, bnus missions, outfits, etc. are a thing too.
The point of the topic isn't to discuss the word Hentai or to block or not DLC when you don't own the game, the problem is that NSFW is not allowed on the website yet you can add a pornographic DLC right on the top of the first page without it being a problem.
I'm sorry, I reached my limit when it comes to my ability to explain things, maybe you should read other member's explanation about the topic if my way to explain to you is obscure or oblivious.
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We need not assume anything, we can just view your internet history.
We literally know.
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yeah, some guy took a dump in a jar and called it a art.
Art =/= it's good
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üks asi on mida mina pean kunstiks, teine see, milleks peab seda keegi kolmas isik; kasvõi see sama purkisittuja
enda arvamuse väljendamisel võib tulla valestimõistmist: sõna 'art' tähendab eesti keeles kunsti ning sellega võib tiba rohkem paralleele tuua kui oskaksin seda võõrkeeles teha.
kunsti kirjeldaksin ma ühe sõnaga kui omaloomingut
.. these are my own words, akzeriuth 😎
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so art for you it's what you and only you crated no???
you should be ashamed if you really think like this, because for you, basically the art don't exist, because i don't see any creation from your part, what a naive person you are :) , no offense it's just the truth.
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so art for you it's what you and only you crated no??
No. You got me wrong. English is not my mother language and I have difficult to express myself.
Just leave it
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Well that's the thing. can't give the meaning, it just translate words as they are. Like 'omalooming' - it is not just my creation but creation of anyone.
Well, I said I'm not good with English, so leave it. I can not translate it as good as you would like
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üks asi on mida mina pean kunstiks, teine see, milleks peab seda keegi kolmas isik; kasvõi see sama purkisittuja
enda arvamuse väljendamisel võib tulla valestimõistmist: sõna 'art' tähendab eesti keeles kunsti ning sellega võib tiba rohkem paralleele tuua kui oskaksin seda võõrkeeles teha.
kunsti kirjeldaksin ma ühe sõnaga kui omaloomingut
.. these are my own words, akzeriuth
i translate that from one of your post :). so please stop acting as if you said nothing, your own words are there. :). don't say excuses becasue here is the proof.
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Sure it is morally questionable and also misogynistic, but since Valve changed their policy regarding games with sexual content, it's something you will encounter more frequently.
There is not much you can do about it other than blocking those games.
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Its in the user settings under "giveaways", 3rd optuion "Hide DLC if you're missing the base game?" but you'll miss out on games that have more expensive dlcs. There are times when I see a DLC giveaway and the base game is having a sale so I bought the base game and joined the giveaway. Cheers~
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I think he means Steam's "Ignore" feature. If you ignore the base game it doesn't ignore the DLCs, you have to ignore them separately.
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Completely agree, why would anyone want to look at naked women if they didn't hate women?
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I think you read too many things in my comment. I wasn't implying anything about hate.
Look, Melisand is a woman and she doesn't like Hentai and just simply want to get rid of it, without censoring anything.
Misogynistic in this context means that women are exploited and reduced to sexual objects and this is arguably a disrespectful stance in the view of many women. But you don't have to necessarily be misogynistic if you like Hentai or the female body. ;)
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I didn't read anything into it and I'm not accusing anyone with anything. I was simply interpreting what you said with what the word misogynistic actually means: misein (“to hate”) and gynē (“woman”). I do appreciate that you called me names and sent me away ;)
But tell me, if you think hentai is disrespectful and is an exploitation of women, then how can someone enjoying hentai be anything but an exploiter and disrespecter of women?
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It all depends on your point of view. Not all Hentai content is exposing women in the same disrespectful way, and even some women may enjoy this stuff.
I'm not saying that Hentai lovers are automatically misogynistic, just because many females think they are. We should respect different opinions. ;)
It's up to you if you enjoy this type of content for whatever reasons you have, but you should also be aware that many women despise it.
Just imagine how you would feel if males are subject of this exposure, and you are forced to look at images or banners of impressive genitals and astral bodies. What comes close to this is watching a gay porn.
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Did you just assume my g... :D
Well, I don't see how anyone is forced to look at anything. And if you're asking how I'd feel if some gay porn game wiggled it's way across my field of view for some reason, I don't think I would feel anything but a vague sense of amusement.
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You're male, aren't you? Yes I did assume that. Sorry if I'm wrong. ;)
But I like your attitude and appreciate it cuz I know for a fact that many straight males cannot stand gay porn. :D
Edit: Of course you're right, you don't get randomly in touch with gay porn, but that was part of the idea I had in mind. Switching Hentai game banners and previews with gay porn images, to get the feeling that women might have whenever being forced to face such content.
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Well, then there's ad block and things like that, there is always a solution, if nothing else you can just stop paying attention. I appreciate that you aren't calling for censorship but I do think the whole objectification is an inflated non-issue at its core. That said, I'm not all that fond of the hentai banner thing myself when it happens, so I'll give you that one ;)
Also, I tried being deliberately cheeky and you didn't get pissy at me, I like that :D
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I appreciate your opinion on this but at the same time all that you're doing is trying to censor things for other people (this may or may not be your conscious endgame). We all have different tastes and thoughts and opinions. Some of them may not be socially friendly or even morally sound, but reality is there are people who enjoy these things, and can enjoy them without reeling in the negative effects they may or may not give off.
If each and every one of us tried to get something removed because we think of it as offending, we would be left with zero content because somebody, somewhere will find that one thing (whatever it is) offensive.
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I understand your arguments very well and I am all for free speech. But I am not convinced that that it applies here. This is a curated site, not an open public forum. As stated above, I actually have self-censored such games via Steam, just didn't work. And since this got through on a highly visible portion of the page, I am interested in what other think.
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When you mention it being a curated site, I can kind of see things a bit different too. Now that we're discussing it, I'm kind of willing to bet there's users her who may not be of age to view pornographic material (even though partially undressed women isn't pornography) and are a bit taken aback by seeing that first thing.
Having said that too, if it is a private site then the owners would be free to run it as they please, no? Certainly discussion such as this can also bring up serious questions that may not have been thought of previously.
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Yes, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of parents on this site who would understandably want to control the content their kids are exposed to. If you click on the link to Steam, it becomes apparent that the subject matter is pornographic, unless a ball and chain passes for clothing these days.
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just because kids do stuff, that doesn't mean it should be allowed
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I think she meant more that people would be looking at the site and their kids might see it, at least that's the way I understand it.
I know my kids often come around when I'm on the computer to talk or look at what I'm doing and while I never had any problem on SG DLC for games I don't own are hidden anyway there are things I would rather my 8 years old not come accross...
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This game is marked as 'adult only'. You are seeing this game because you have set your preferences to allow this content.
go here
Click the appropriate checkbox and you won't be bothered by this again.
Steam also has family view that allows parents to control the content however they see fit
Family View can be used to restrict access to content and features while in a PIN-protected Family View.
There is no problem here.
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unless a ball and chain passes for clothing these days.
Well, that sounds pretty normal for someone on their honeymoon, actually.
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You can only do so much to stop somebody from signing up to things with age locks on them. There's absolutely no way to verify that a user on the other end of a computer screen is the age that they say without any sort of live action verification.
You're completely correct that at the age of 16 they are likely to be exposed to all kinds of things good and bad, but again, when it's incredibly easy to sign up for a websites by simply saying "yes i am 18" without any real world checks things can fall through the cracks all too easy.
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Partly right but should the sg staff check each game and each DLC manual if it is NSFW ?
All are automatic linked from the steam api as far as i know
They haven't the needed staff numbers for that + a US one will "censore" a game with a nipple to see a EU one not and i think it give much much much more important stuff then pixel tits/pussy/ass.
If you block your childs/teens possibility to find a erotic game at sg then it use the normal browser that everyone have and find all he/she wants there without a problem after SECONDS.
So why build here at sg "a wall" that can't close something out in a effective way ?
And besides of all that .... all the gore, killed and tortured, people are still in all the games and that is much more harmful for a MAYBE child/teen then normal anatomy and reproduction stuff.
Make LOVE not war :o)
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Partly right but should the sg staff check each game and each DLC manual if it is NSFW ?
Considering like 85% of pornographic content on Steam has "hentai" in the title, and the fact that that term isn't utilized in any other manner, it'd be rather simple to add an automated block of any game with that term within its title. So, up to a certain degree, that's a non-argument. :P
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It's not only about kids, but also NSFW. I'm sure there are many users who browse to SG at work as well. Now explain to your superior, what the fuck he/she/whatever just accidentally saw on your screen.
Partly right but should the sg staff check each game and each DLC manual if it is NSFW ?
Create a NSFW tag within the giveaway creation page which leads to a unrecognisable game picture. Most users would activate this if needed and all others could be changed by mods after getting reports. Done.
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End of the second paragraph:
The Website is available only to individuals who are at least 16 years old.
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no, they are not naked. they just wear printed clothes that makes them look naked ;)
proof: if they would be naked, they had to censore genitals. but as they just wear clothes, they dont need to censore anything^^
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First, trash developers relied on their games having cards to make them money, then they relied on 5000 achievements for their trash games to get sold. Now, since Steam changed the system, their new strategy to make money is to put hentai and porn related things into anything and everything. Unfortunately, as long as people buy and add their crap to their accounts and as long as Steam doesn't hit them with a major hammer, it will continue.
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It is a floodgate Steam opened. It is also just the tip of the ice-burg. They should not had placed the games inline with the rest of the games. If you did not restrict your daily Q enough, they'll appear in your Q. There should have a sister site or external link if they want to sell sexual explicit products. If I am a parent, I am most likely to not let my kid use Steam as I do not have the time to check on them all the time while they explore the site. GOG or consoles are probably a better option in that manner.
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They should not had placed the games inline with the rest of the games.
100000000000% yes.
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It just gives the "I Dont Care!" they want the $$$ from the "Devs" more than the users of Steam weirdly with their recent update on the changes on reviews too to counteract against Review Bomb. Although I agree to a certain extent, the major benefactors are the Publishers/Devs not the users as I am pretty sure we can all read the reviews and make our own decision whether to buy a game or not.
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Child has a PC and your concern for porn is Steam?
Ever heard of this mysterious application called browser that is present on any Operation System?
Guess what…. with this application you have Access to real porn! Mind blown
At least the client let you regulate via the Family view Option what you allow a child to do with the client. This includes not allowing to access the store.
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There are browsers for children
And just programs to block adult things (if it's effective is another thing).
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Or you can delete the browser or files that will render the browsers useless. No, I am not here to argue. I am merely stating what I had thought at the moment and those 2 are pretty good options to grow the child with. Thank you for mentioning the Family Option, since I do not use it, I do not know its function. At the end of the day its the culture of the app you are using so no, I'll still probably exclude Steam. Eg, I do not use Facebook at all except having an account if there's a need arise.
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They do. It's called "do you want to see adult content? Yes, no?" I have "yes" since I am an adult. I would make sure my kids have "no"
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Yes, there is but that doesn't mean anything if the child has full access to the account. What @Matwyn said made sense with the Family option and since I do not use it, I do not know that function. Still its just a loose canon if I wanted to restrict till they are a certain age. Personally, I selected that option then unselect that option when I realised that the number of the games are growing increasingly. I'll simply ignore any games/dlcs including such titles that I am not interested in.
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Well, don't worry about it. But the time your kids know to to deselect the "adult" option, they would have already had access to all the porn on the internet.
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Hahaha, yeah probably, kids are smarter and given access to things earlier than we did growing up. As much as parents want to do their part, there's only so much they can do. That doesn't mean the parent cant play their part here in that manner, imo. :D
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In order to see such content on Steam, you have to 1) have a Steam account (13+ and an email required to make a Steam account), 2) pass an age check (not sure how old you have to be for that, 18+? 21+?), and 3) click that you're okay with seeing such content.
If you are a parent letting your child explore Steam (I'm not sure why you would do this in the first place, to be honest), don't let them do so while signed in to an adult account with the "view adult content" setting enabled.
By the time your child is old enough to bypass Steam's age check on their own, you will have a lot more to worry about than the contents of Steam and will need better tools to lock down the whole Internet.
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Hide DLC if you're missing the base game?
I don't see a problem there with such content and a lot of other people don't see it too.
I know a lot, me included, that like erotic content games for mature people
And the bigger part of them are females -as a funny thing- :o)
No one under the age of 16 is allowed to use this site.
And i am sure with 16 have the teens much more seen in the internet as a few drawings of hentai babes.
So the age "problem" can't be such a big one too.
Oh and the staff here kicks when people using the site and are under 16. I seen that at a user report made by me.
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This site is a bit like the Steam store in this regard: If you don't want to see all the porn, you'll have to hide it yourself.
Although, if the Steam API exposes it, this site probably should stop you from creating giveaways for games that are behind an age gate. That should help cover the site's "Piracy, pornography, and other material that may be inappropriate to a general audience should not be posted to the site." rule, excluding those lazy-ass asset flippers who can't even be bothered to flag their games as adult-only content.
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I don't see any problem even if you dislike nudity, since the picture for the GA doesn't show any nudity. And Steam warns you (even if you allow all content, at least for me) about mature content, and then have to confirm your legal age to view any nudity. Unless you strongly dislike the word "hentai"?
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Why does SG need a filter? In order to see any adult content hosted on Steam, you have to leave SG to go to Steam, log into your Steam account, pass an age check, and then state that you're okay with viewing such content. If you then see some adult content, that's entirely on you.
All you might see on SG is an ugly game banner, and there's a convenient hide button next to it so that you never have to see it again.
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So what exactly is the issue here? Are y'all those prude Americans who like blood, guns and fast food but go postal once too much skin is being shown?
Imbeciles. BL those games if you don't like 'em but don't try and talk down to people who enjoy those types of games.
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I never shitpost. I never start threads, but I read them and I comment now and then. I enjoy this community and giving away and winning games. But this really bothers me. I put in a ticket to find out what admin thinks of it - no response yet. So I just want to know what others think of it.
and this
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