I actually like Origin. Easy to navigate, interface that's understandable..... Uplay, is a bit of a mess, but I still use it.
I might use the Bethesda launcher for Doom Eternal but Epic, never!
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Hate Epic Games Store? well, given that I tried to login to my account and two weeks later they finally send me an email alerting me of failed attempts to login, shows that their support system is amazing. Why should I hate a child for having special needs?
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I've had that happen twice already, where they email me saying I am locked out of my account due to someone trying to log in too many times with the incorrect password.
I had to enable 2FA for a platform I've never actually played a game on ...
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Good old 2FA:
Bank: We offer 2FA as option.
E-mail: We offer 2FA as option.
Valve: USE 2FA OR WE MAKE TRADING AND MARKET SO UNBEARABLE IT MIGHT ASWELL NOT EXIST. Yes, your 10cent digital items definitely NEED better protection forced than your bankaccount.
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Valve made progress... I can now sell one per day without delay. Baby steps Valve, baby steps
(But since it sold my a 4.5 euro foil and I invested that in games it's a win-win for me)
I still think it's rather odd they force it while literally everything more important to me than an online itemlibrary allows me to "no thanks". Or maybe I'm just jelly it takes away from my free steambucks to spend on games.
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Well, if you ever want to dissuade me from using Epic that does a far better job than "They're evil, exclusives!" ;)
I've never heard of being permanently locked out from too many uses on anything that isn't super financial-related like a PIN-code. Or phones (but they got PUKs). That's crazy!
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And that's why it should be available as option, right?
The important part being option. I got no issue with the option, I got with Valve treating my inventory as somehow more important than my freaking bank account.
Options are always good.
(EDIT: Kinda see the irony now of "options is good" in a topic about bribing for store exclusivity XD)
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But in 10 years of using it I never experienced that. And maybe I will one day eat those words, but really, at that point I care more for my 4,500 games than the inventory. Which wont be 2FA'ed since I don't have a smartphone.
My GF does and during the sale I went to get her cards for her and sale items, and because SGMA was so annoying she just produced "backup" codes for me to subserve the SGMA during that period. I mean... do I really want to add that pain to myself too?
(Completely random addition I just checked my Steam activity list and so many people jumping on the buy Exodus banwagon. I guess that's one way to bypass "never pre-order". This may actually give them a ton of money through Steam from leaving Steam. Just seems funny.)
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But in 10 years of using it I never experienced that.
I was pointing out that I was required to enable 2FA on Epic just to log in (after I jumped through hoops for 20 minutes between their site and emails), and that you don't need 2FA at all to log in to Steam. (edit: I needed a 2FA code on Epic to bypass the cooldown and reset my password because someone else tried to log into my account too many times).
I used Steam as the example because you'd be pissed if you had to have 2FA just to log in if you're already upset you need 2FA to sell your trading cards faster.
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I can tell you I'm already not overly fond of Epic for the experience. Two days after installing the client, and I'd already been locked out of my account twice. Now I have to have 2FA enabled so it doesn't happen again (and to be honest, I'm not even sure that will prevent being locked out - it just worked for me as a bypass to the process).
Even the developer in that video I linked admitted his own account was hacked and someone spent $100 on V-Bucks.
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You are luck! I logged on just to discover someone linked hes ms account to my account, the guy even tryed to change the password, next thing i know the email i used to log suffered for 1 week a lot of missed log ins from europe and malasya... i had to link my ms account because the guy got a 2nd forced link 2 weeks later and only by remove him and link my ms acc i solved the trouble...
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wow, in my case i'm asking support to remove my "broken" 2FA and NOT A SINGLE DAMN given
only BOT asking if for opinion (of course rated 1 star)
thankfully i still have logged on account on other PC that i manage to remove it, so fuk em 100x....
btw how come for a store that has only few games there's so many hacking attempt? it's not like most people gonna really buy anything (as of yet)
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your table is a real eyeopener.
take out friend list and chat from epic client and it will perfectly suit my real needs.
edit: i.e. run games. added because somebody could take this as sarcasm, while i'm pretty serious.
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Honestly Epic is pulling some terrible moves and using some bad business practices. So I’m not going to use them or buy games that go exclusively to them and I’m voting with my wallet by boycotting them. Steam and Blizzard and Origin all definitely have their problems but I think this is a new level of low by far. They can keep their Fortnite and their shady buying out rights to games and I won’t be supporting devs and publishers that fall for their shiny candy money either because then they can have whatever percent of my $0.
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If they want to have exclusives, then they are more than welcome to strike deals for some upcoming titles, I'm totally ok with games flying past my radar. But, and it's a big BUT, bribing publishers to pull already announced games from Steam and only publish them on Epic is nothing short of parasitic. These games gained publicity via Steam, using its reach and bandwidth to promote themselves, and now they are dumping both the store and the fans (or: expects the fans to follow like a flock of sheep to the "greener pasture"). That is not okay in my book, both from business and consumer point of view.
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I PLAY GAMES - NOT LAUNCHERS. If there is no other way to play game, I buy it where its available. I
ve bought Forza Horizon 3 and 4 in Windows Store because of its exclusive to that marketplace. Ignoring developers because they abandoned steam is stupid.
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no way i'm hating anybody. and epic less. they gave me for free the one and only pc game i'm actually playing (i.e. subnautica)
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I think Epic Games Store is going to fail. If you have to bribe developers to delist their games from Steam (Metro Exodus as case in point), you're not gonna make it far. Also, how are they going to bribe consumers to come to their platform? People have hundreds and thousands of games on Steam. Getting them to another store front that doesn't allow reviewing of games or game forums is going to be nearly impossible. Store exclusives don't mean people are gonna flock to another store, for the most part it means they're gonna just buy other games.
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Tbh, i want Epic Games to kinda establish a decent store. Why? Because it's a much needed competition for VALVe.
I just don't think buying out franchises to release Epic Store exclusive is the right way to go about it.
And i also don't think that it will be fruitful in the long run, people got used to Steam and if it's not of equal service, i don't see the point in using it.
There is a long way to go for Epic.
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So... You're asking me to hate something for what reason exactly ? Just to hate on stuff ?
That seems like a waste of energy to me.
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I hate it, and they are owned by tencente and make me hate them even more
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