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adding Kara and the main menu lady android from Detroit to the list!
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Morrigan and Lilith from Darkstalkers what can I say I dig succubi.
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Honoka is the hottest damn!! for sure it's also my favorite
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I do not know why this thread was necroed (perhaps because of the most attractive male video game character, but Miranda Lawson in ME2. She freaked me out in the beginning, because I had just watched the series Dexter in which one season the voice actor of Miranda Lawson (and she looks just like her, too) takes part in the series.
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You'd think I'd know not to necro threads due to having years and years of forum experience... xD
Miranda is a hottie! Your backstory is interesting, thanks for sharing the very specific anecdote. :D
I'd probably feel the same if I watched Dexter, lol. That show... Irks me.
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Now I want to play Persona. I think I've got a new girl crush. <3
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well in that case, all Personas are their own self contained story so you can start with whichever, but the ones that really matter are 3,4 and 5, 1 and 2 are like the ugly childs everyone forgot.
if you wanna play Persona 3, i recommend Persona 3 Portable, it has all the persona 3 content with the addition of a female main character, her story has the same beats as the male cannon character so you wont miss anything. P3P can be emulated with PPSSPP on almost any android Phone.
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Thank you for the heads-up! I'll check that out.
Also, that dancing video is great. I'm listening to Prince - 1999 and muted the video and it still seems to work really well. :D
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I'd recommend Persona 3 FES over its mobile counterpart because it has anime cutscenes, you can walk around in areas (portable is more menu oriented), characters are fully rendered (portable has 3d sprites), has better graphics (portable is obviously downgraded), and mainly because it includes an epilogue, exclusive to the FES version. The only thing the portable version has going for it is the option to play as a female character, which almost literally makes no difference at all and is arguably not cannon. Persona 3 FES is out for ps2 (and ps3), which can also be easily emulated nowadays.
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Aw, but I love playing as female characters. :( But anime cutscenes... ... I hate when games have different versions like this and there's not one version that has "everything."
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Well, if it's important to you, the mobile port is not all that bad. But, if it impacts you really wanting to play as a male or female character, the main character literally doesn't say a single word the entire game. He/she's not even voice acted. But he does have social interactions that will change depending if you're a male or female (with male and female npcs).
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Having done a bit more research, I think I'll pass on playing the female character anyway. I don't know what all it entails, but I want to be able to romantically social link Mitsuru which doesn't appear to be an option for a female character, if I'm understanding all of it correctly. Plus, not it'll be canon, so, yay?
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might be spoilers, but the male max connection with misturu is not to terribly different with the femc, just some lines on a conversation, if you like subtext then they might aswell be the same. :p
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I'm female and a lesbian at that, so I like being female characters and I like looking at female characters. lol
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That is, indeed, logical. Hope you pardon me for expecting you to be male, just a habit and some type of default mindset for the internet. :X
Hm... If I may, I'd like to ask something: I'll be sure to ask others in the future as well, but how does the balance or decision between self inserting vs liking a female protagonist work for you?
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No worries. I'm used to it.
I'm not sure I understand the question as written, but I'll just try to answer by accident with a rambling paragraph or two. ^^
Very rarely do I pattern the characters I make (in a game with character creation) after myself. More my ideals of what is beautiful. So, for example, I'm a brunette, but the vast majority of the characters I make are redheads. I can't help it. I'm in love with red hair. Of course, that's just appearance. For other aspects of the character, I tend to create something to match a backstory in my head.
When I do play games, I tend to lose myself in them. I'm the same way with films. For that time period, I feel like I am that character. There's exceptions of course. Final Fantasy games, with their large rosters of characters, I tend not to immerse myself as much. (Of course, that doesn't mean I don't love FF games. I'm a [J]RPG geek.) Although, my favorite characters are usually female. See: Celes, Rydia, Faris, Rikku, Rinoa, Lightning, Fran, etc.
When it comes to deciding whether I'll play a game, I first check to see if it's a game where I can create or customize my own character. If so, I check to see if a female option is available. If it's not, that's a huge strike for the game, so I may skip it altogether. For all other games, if it's something I'm not familiar with, I probably won't even give it a chance if there's not a female main character. For certain franchises, I'll make exceptions - I love Assassin's Creed, for example.
But, you know, if a game has a female protagonist, that doesn't mean I'll definitely like it or anything. I won a free physical copy of Darksiders III, and I'm trying to decide if I actually like the character enough to keep the game, or if I just want to try to resell it while the value is somewhat decent.
Not sure if that wall of text actually answers what you were asking, but I hate to leave a question hanging.
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No worries. I'm used to it.
wipes brow Phew!
Thanks for your rambling paragraphs! I'm used to getting rambling paragraph from gamer lesbians (not even joking) so it helps with conveying the message clearly. :D
It's interesting then, it sounds like you almost exclusively do play games where you can a) create your own character and b) immerse yourself within the game, not directly inserting yourself into the character but enough for you to get into the setting and narrative.
For me, I won't say "in contrary", I don't necessarily care about character customization that much, at least not in story-heavy games. Like, Mass Effect? Yeah I just use default Male Shepard, no two thoughts about it! I will admit it is a case-by-case type of thing, as ultimately I do like to role-play my own stuff where applicable, but in many games I'm just fine with playing with the given characters and don't care to change them up too much.
Like you (and most people), I do find it easier and more appropriate to play as my own gender; in games with a multitude of (playable) characters, I drift towards the cool/badass males as well, with gameplay mechanics playing a part as well.
Still, it's not a deal-breaker or anything, hence why I find your approach a bit odd; but on one hand gaming is what we make of it (so more power to you) and on the other you did say that you have exceptions.
Darksiders III is an interesting topic to bring up; it definitely saw some criticism due to Fury, as the character was changed in quite a few ways from the source material and people didn't like that. I'm not one to cry and blame the SJW boogeyman and I don't like unnecessarily sexualized designs, but the changes to her character stylistically, conceptually and in relation to gameplay are indeed perplexing, raising an eyebrow or two. That series is still good overall so I think you'd still enjoy it just as an action-adventure game enough to warrant keeping it!
And to bring it back to my question... My question was simple, stemming from a simple thought, not unlike the others that "we simple men" often have. :P
The thought was this: "If she is a girl... And the type of girl that likes other girls... When she plays a video game... How does she decide whether she wants to be the female protagonist or whether she likes the female protagonist?"
Again, a simple, silly thought. xD
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Oh! I get your question now. I'm sorry. It's the weekend, and I spend most of my week writing computer code, so I think my brain goes into Power Saver mode on the weekends. lol
I can definitely respect people who don't have the same opinions on gender/immersion in gaming as I do. Like I said, I even have exceptions. I've yet to play the Witcher series, but I'm actually really looking foward to it. Based on the games I enjoy, by all accounts I should really like it.
Another factor is probably that I have a Dungeons and Dragons background. I've gender-bent at the roleplaying table before, and I'd just get bored playing male characters. I probably played ... five? And I'd get bored and have to talk the DM into letting me swap out the character... aside from that time I was a Warforged. He was pretty damn cool.
I'm not even familiar with the (controversy?) around Fury. I haven't played any of the Darksiders games, although I'm really thinking of giving them a chance. I have a problem where if I want to play game number X where X is greater than 1 in a series, I feel compelled to play all games in the series up until that point... even when people tell me not to or that it's unnecessary.
To answer the original question, I think it depends on the time-period of the game. The more modern or sci-fi the game is, the more I tend to base the character on myself. My Fallout characters, Mass Effect, KotoR, etc... they all tend to be people with computer smarts, pistols (not that I own one, but that's my personal weapon of choice), and more rogue-based builds.
If I'm playing Dragon Age, though, I'm probably playing a hot chick that I want to see make-out with whatever female love interest is the hottest. XD I mean, I'll enjoy playing the game as her too, but it IS a different mindset.
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Oh! I get your question now. I'm sorry. It's the weekend, and I spend most of my week writing computer code, so I think my brain goes into Power Saver mode on the weekends. lol
No apologies needed! Yes, I can relate... Not the coding part (unfortunately?) but it is a taxing job and I just need some time to rest my mind... Hopefully this little vaycay will help.
Indeed, as I said, your approach is fair and as long as it works for you, that is all that matters. Oh, I'm sure you'll love Witcher 3! 1 and 2, eh, it depends... Gameplay is not as great, not even close, but the story and lore are there.
D&D? I'm jealous... I've read/listened/watched plenty but my actual experiences have been limited, I think about 6 sessions total. :/ I yearn to find a group to play with... Tho that is what I meant, I do like to role-play in a D&D-esque way, just not for all games I play.
And yeah, one of my planned characters (that will hopefully one day come to life) would be a female, so I did want to "genderbend" in that way... Tho I suppose that is inaccurate, since that character wouldn't be "me" in the slightest.
Eh it's best ignored, but, yeah, it's about her appearance mostly, as well as her combat style.
The games are good enough from everything I've seen and played, albeit I completely emphasize with your dilemma of having to play the previous entries first, even if others tell me that I really, really don't. xD
Some odd form of completionism, I think!
Ah, I see; so, it does depend on the setting and vibe... I like how modern & sci-fi is more role-play-y but fantasy? That's where you like the waifus. :D Interesting switch in mindset^^.
What about games that just have large rosters of characters but aren't story-based; say, fighting games or stuff like LoL or Overwatch?
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Well, unfortunately, it's been ages since I've had a D&D group. My little group disbanded years ago... and I'm a parent now, so it's hard to justify looking for a new group. Yay for adulthood.
Fighting games? I'll tend to play the female characters there too, as silly as that is. Xianghua, Batgirl, Cammy, etc. Smash Bros. is the exception there, I think. (Although if they add Toon Zelda to the roster some day, I'll kiss all other characters goodbye.)
I don't play a lot of competitive gaming... but I do play Overwatch, and my roster is almost exclusively the female characters. I WANTED to main Tracer, but I am one of the worst Tracers I've ever seen. I can't play her. I'll tend to play Ana, Orisa, Brigitte, Widowmaker, and Sombra. Haven't played Ashe enough yet to really decide how I feel about her. Although, when the co-op Junkenstein's Revenge comes around, I like to bust out Torbjorn if the group I find doesn't take him.
And then in MMOs and stuff, I'll tend to play the character I want to play rather than what's needed for an alliance/guild/etc, and so that ends up tending to be a female rogue.
I'm not sure how common it is to be this way, really. I think back even to Tony Hawk Pro Skater, and I had to choose the girl skaters. lmao
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Aww, sorry to hear that... Hopefully you'll find some D&D friends and some time to indulge in that.
Not sure what to say, er... All the best with parenthood? Hm, awkward... But may you strike the balance between your child and your D&D desires. :D
Nah, not silly; again, I almost exclusively play the males, it's pretty common. :D Doesn't help that many of the fighting game girls are, sexy sure but also oversexualized for my taste.
Smash? But you have top waifus there: Peach, Rosalina, Samus and Bayonetta. :D
Yeaaah, Trace is the postergirl (in many ways) but she is a difficult character for sure due to how squishy she is. The rest seem may be a bit easier, tho you just happened to omit the easiest (D.Va). But, I mean... C'mon... Who doesn't want to play a dorf engineer? :D
Sure, MMOs are supposed to be what you want them to be... Guilds come and go, your character experience is what matters. I just stucked to the aesthetically pleasing races (pleb Blood Elf player, guilty as charged) or the "cool" ones (Tauren comes to mind).
Speaking of: You mentioned the Warforged. I read about that race, they sound awesome, especially if you can think of a good character. :)
I mean, I think both prioritizing the gender you identify with as well as prioritizing the gender you are attracted to works, both are popular - I just imagine that the former is more common. Of course, in all of that you have situations where you choose gameplay and personality in disregard to gender.
For me I definitely always look for a mix of aesthetically pleasing male (as in: cool, badass, sleek) and cool gameplay.
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The smash fighters you named, I've never been that good with. :( Zelda is alright... and I guess Wii Fit Trainer is okay... but otherwise, I actually play male characters on it.... Captain Falcon, Metaknight, Sonic, Toon Link, and Bowser Jr.
I like D.Va well enough, but... her gameplay is just a little too simple for my taste. If I'm going to tank, Orisa's my girl.
So on games like that... let's call them roster games... do you tend to play the male characters yourself?
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Ah, fair enough. For fighting games you just need to find a style that suits you!
It is far too simple, yes. xD Just not fun in my opinion.
Yeah, definitely. I don't play, SC, Injustice or SF, but if I did I'd take some armored or similarly aesthetically pleasing dude. For example, I like Yoshimitsu and Raven in Tekken.
I don't play Smash and tbh there are few characters I'd like in terms of aesthetics... Probably Meta Knight.
I don't actually play OW either, but I did play Paladins and LoL - and there, indeed, I just so happen to gravitate to the male characters, albeit I don't "discriminate" if I find that someone has a fun gameplay style.
Like, if I played OW, I'd 99% play Reinhardt and Bastion first, although sooner or later I'd eventually try everyone.
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Alex Vega from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
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No need to thank me ;)
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Why not? She is not a child anymore...
Age: 15-17 ("Done Running")
I do believe 15-17 is still considered a child/minor in most modern societies.
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The average age of consent in most world first world countries is 16 though.
There is a difference between minor and child. A child cannot be charged as an adult, but a minor can in accordance to criminal law. A minor can enter into a legally binding contract (with caveats) but a child cannot.
But I get your point XD
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I was waiting for someone to come in and get all technical with my terminology :D
I do think we can both agree that 15-17 is too young to be a "woman" in the technical sense, as "woman" indicates the person is an adult human female, and the age of obtaining adulthood is 18 in most places.
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I do and I don't though. We let 16 year olds get driver's licenses, right? XD
I think they are 'adults', but young adults still in a sense I guess? We aren't talking biology or anything; just age of consent. ^^
Not old enough to vote, or join the military, or buy tobacco/alcohol/whatever- but old enough to drive and have sex. Sometimes I wonder who the hell makes these laws lol
I guess in the end it is all cultural but you try calling my 17 year old son a child and see where it gets you lol
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The age for getting a driver's license, age of consent, ect. is not related the age witch you are considered an adult.
This Wikipedia page might be of use:
You will see that there are a few exceptions, but the vast majority of countries have the age set at or above 18.
Also, if we aren't talking about biology, then legally your 17 year old son would still be a "child", unless he lives in one of those handful of countries where the age of majority is below 18:
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Right, I understand what you meant now, thanks for the link! =)
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and the age of obtaining adulthood is 18 in most places.
"Most places?" Perhaps, if we limit the discussion to so-called "Western" countries. If we look at the world as a whole, however, the reality is very different.
Actual "adulthood" is not magically achieved by reaching a particular age. Rather, it is a frame of mind adopted by each individual person when he or she is ready. It is entirely up to the individual, although his or her society will strongly influence how quickly he or she takes on the mantle of "adult." In "Western" societies, extended education (read: insulation from "real life") coupled with a tolerance of immature behavior (read: "low expectations") results in childlike behavior continuing indefinitely. In most other parts of the world, as soon as you hit adolescence, play-time is over and you are expected to behave like an adult. Failure to do so is decidedly perilous.
You could say that you were referring simply to legal definitions when you mention the age of eighteen, but those terms are used to represent the age at which a person can no longer be excused from prosecution due to mental or emotional immaturity. They are not intended to preclude actual maturity before a certain chronological age. Even in Western societies, there are those who have "adulthood" forced upon them relatively early in life, often due to taking on the role of adults who have been lost or killed. If you think like an adult, behave like an adult, and fulfill the responsibilities of an adult, you are considered an adult "in most places." Aging simply increases the likelihood you will do so.
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"Most places?" Perhaps, if we limit the discussion to so-called "Western" countries. If we look at the world as a whole, however, the reality is very different.
I'll just link this:
I was simply pointing out that Reqruiz was incorrect by saying that Clementine "is not a child anymore" and an "attractive woman", as
Merriam-Webster's definition of Woman is "an adult female person".
Merriam-Webster's definition of Adult/Adulthood is "fully developed and mature"
Looking at those words definitions, I would say it's safe to assume that none of these would be appropriate to use for a human that could be as young as 15. Sure, we could go around saying "Well she's independent and taking on the roles an adult would have, so she has reached adulthood", but I think it's silly to pretend she isn't still a kid.
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Sure, we could go around saying "Well she's independent and taking on the roles an adult would have, so she has reached adulthood", but I think it's silly to pretend she isn't still a kid.
As a person who has traveled a bit and seen young men and women making a living while caring for their homes and children, all while being less than 15 years old, I find it silly to call such people "kids." In their cultures, they are neither seen as "kids" nor treated as such. Then I come back to the U.S. where I have to deal with people over the age of fifty who behave like children. They are definitely not fully developed, nor mature. I could also point out that Webster's definition of "adult" (as quoted by you) does not cite a specific age, and is, in point of fact, rather vague, but I believe my argument to be irrelevant. Your experience has formed your point of view, and my experience has formed mine. We differ on what we consider an "adult" to be, but I can accept that.
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Yea, It's definetly going to be a a "agree to disagree" situation :P
Anyway, thanks for your moderating work, and Happy Holidays!
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Personally, I think it is silly to call them her a child at 17; 15 is obviously far more arguable, but I digress.
I see the whole 18 thing to be silly - they are plenty people at 21 or whatever that still seem completely immature and don't know what they want from life. 18 isn't a magical age where all or even most people "turn into adults". Further, the human brain actively develops until like 25 or whatever; so if such, what are we basing the "adult" age off of? Bodily maturity? If so, then what is the big difference between 16 and 18 and 20 and 22? It's a case-by-case thing, even, although there are obvious consistencies. What is true and what I do know is that the effects of puberty and hormonal changes settle by the age of 18, thus making 18-year-olds more stable and "adult" than their peers that are just a year or two younger; that still doesn't mean they have a mental, emotional and psychological development of an adult, far from it.
At the end of the day, I see it like this and I'm sure you'll agree: all of these laws exist for one reason, to protect young people from themselves and those that seek to use and abuse them. In that sense, it makes sense that there are numerous laws that see a 16-year-old as a "minor" and I support that. However, simply finding a 16-year-old physically attractive doesn't make one sick or indeed a "pedophile"; it's just important not to act upon those feelings/attractions.
To go back to the fictional example... Being a 20-something and getting into a romantic and/or sexual relationship with 15-17 yo Clementine in the context of the zombie apocalypse doesn't sound wrong to me, as she blatantly matured above her age due to the traumatizing setting and experiences. In normal real life though, no, it would be ill-advised as she would 99% not be ready for that and it would likely damage her for the future, it being far more suitable for her to date in her own age group. Just finding her to be attractive, tho, is IMO fair game in either scenario.
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That question had me browsing through the character images from previously played games, just make sure that I didn't forget someone.
It was a tough (cat-)fight between Tifa, Selan and Elly, but Elly won.
Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 (PC/PSX)
Selan from Lufia 2 (SNES)
Elly from Xenogears (PSX)
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Because you are you, and german :D And I really mean no offense, but forgetting that fact really makes it weird.
Talking about oneself is me, not I
It give is correctly "it gives", but I think you just mirror-translated "es gibt" which is "there is" in English
Sadly the "character from me that is transformed" is something I can't really figure out, mostly the "from me" part. You remain you in a game, if regardless of gender - so the from me to female is...weird.
Random gender changes are super rare in games and it's oddly specific so I guess you aren't talking about it. But then who turns into a female where? You make a female character as you want, in a character creator?
Sorry, I really don't mean anything wrong, I just have like half dozen question marks popping around my head because I can't figure out / decide what are you referring to :| and I'm curious.
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"...the most attractive video game character..." = i
At least when i am sleepy :-P
giveS .. right, forgot one letter (but it was still understandable).
Your mirror translated sentences confuse me.
It should be weird to think on me as a female game character....
and the hottest on earth to make that clear ... the long searched holy grail...
that was the core of this joke.... :-D
My humor is not every time soooo easy to understand when you know me only from a few online written sentences.
I hope you understand it now... if not in very short:
I am then hottest female game char WHEN/IF i were transformed into a fem game char (i am too sleepy for better english ... its after 2 AM here...)
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Pity that NOLF won't be ressurected. But why? Modern redefinition of old games has high chance to appear garbage. So let Contract JACK be the last strange and quite primitive NOLF in the world.
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I do hope that we get a proper NOLF reboot/remake or indeed sequel; this is an age of reboots and remakes, so there is a chance! A FPS game with a pretty female protagonist also sounds like a good choice for publishers.
Meanwhile, here I am sitting and hoping that Warcraft 3 Reforged is a huge, huge hit, solely for the hope that it will lead greedy EA to do the same with Red Alert or Generals. :)
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There is BIG problem with rights. As far I know - It's debatable thing, Night Dive Studios tried to take it, but they even can't release System Shock, which was in development for long time.
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89 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by herbesdeprovence
Just wondering who Steamgifts thinks are the most attractive video game characters!
See my companion thread for male characters.
Post the most attractive female video game character here! It can be from any game, across any system. Be sure to attach photos!
If the photo you attach is NSFW, please note that!
My vote/opinion is that Jill Valentine from Resident Evil is the most attractive female character.
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