Humble Overwhelmingly Positive Bundle

The power of positive bundling. Humble though we are, we're positive that fans will like these games. Why? Because every single one is rated "Overwhelmingly Positive" on Steam! Plus, proceeds support Direct Relief, which has an overwhelmingly positive rating of 100% on Charity Navigator. We're guessing it doesn't get much better than that (if we did our math right, that is)!

3 tiers, 7+ games total!

Bundle ends in 14 days!

Lowest BTA.... $5.88!

Tier 1: $1

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse 95% of 764 Reviews 1 $19.99
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 98% of 1,508 Reviews 1 $11.99
Pony Island 96% of 5,270 Reviews 0 $4.99

Tier 2: BTA

Day of the Tentacle Remastered 98% of 1,383 Reviews 1 $14.99
DEADBOLT 95% of 1,055 Reviews 0 $9.99
Bit Blaster XL 98% of 2,756 Reviews 0 $0.99
Refunct 95% of 3,298 Reviews 0 $2.99

Tier 3: $10

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action 98% of 2,530 Reviews 0 $14.99
N++ (NPLUSPLUS) 97% of 825 Reviews 0 $14.99

Retail: $95.91


  • Tier 1 = $5.55
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $9.89
  • Tier 1 + 2 + 3 = $39.87

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

8 years ago*

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Buying this delicious looking one??

View Results
Yesssssssss!!! NOM NOM THOSE GAMES! १✌◡✌५
Lovely games! But I got them already! (=゜ω゜)
Not my cup of tea, so no thanks!
Next week reveal is back?! ;o
I shall strongly consider this!

The bonus games are a bit weak, but it's not the end of the world; still a good bundle.

8 years ago

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Guess I'll leave it at T1

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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^^ I know the feeling. Happened to me as well before.. It does suck, but well.. :)

8 years ago

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uh god that made me laugh a bit :D

8 years ago

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So, one of the big secret reveals is a one-dollar game anyone can buy after selling a few cards on a sale? I am not sure why did they have to hold it back for a week; somehow I cannot imagine people will now flock to the BTA after learning they may get 3 dollars worth of stuff in it.

This is just strengthens my assumption of Humble putting little effort into the bundles over its store page, as the freshly-discounted store reveals are a ton more exciting than this reveal (and maybe the entire bundle too).

8 years ago

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I just hope this was the last we've seen from Bundles with week 2 unlocks.

8 years ago

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but Refunct is pretty nice.

8 years ago

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Well, it has to be as it is the entire theme of the bundle, no? :)

8 years ago

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true ^^

8 years ago

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I just think it's a sales trick I mean... People go "Awesome bundle (already happy at this point)", and even more added next week is the little bonus to grab it which makes many not think twice about it, if Humble sees that it works out well for them again I think we will start to see Humble bring back this.
Same thing with the pattern of Multiplayer games in the Monthly. :)

8 years ago

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so i've been trying to buy it with my paypal account but it keeps giving me this error, any idea why?

We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).

This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information.

8 years ago

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Is your credit card on your Paypal account confirmed? If it's not, on some stores you can buy, and in others can't.

Probably you won't get a solution here, so, contact their support.

8 years ago

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