Has anyone ever experienced members not at least saying thank you when applying for a giveaway
Yes, Someone won my giveaway (caster), But i lost a bet before so i had to gave it to my friend........ So i contacted that if he wanted Blockstorm instead.... he refused and wanted caster still, I tried everthing but he still refuse it. and he marked it as Not received, i understand that he didnt receive it but i tried my best to make him happy (In my opinion is Blockstorm a better game then Caster but whatever)
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My giveaway would be removed if he accepted it so I asked if he was OK with it, so i could give him blockstorm as a thank you
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That's not a leecher, that's a user that thinks about the rules, if he would mark caster as received and not having it in the library, it would have get him suspended. :)
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I did my best to let the giveaway removed this was the answer :
Hello MonkeyyMan.
We cannot delete the giveaway without the winner agreeing to this. If you ask him and he agrees to delete this giveaway, please ask him to post on the giveaway page to mention his confirmation or you could post here a screenshot of chat/email and then we can proceed. You could upload it on imgur.
I Did what he asked but He didnt agree with it even if I gave him blcokstorm :)
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But comeone, i expained him nicely what happened and offered him blockstorm, so he would agree with it, I know i cant force him but its actualy rlly mean
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and he nicely refused your offer which is his right. Unless he went full rage rant "fuck you man, suck on this not received fucker!" he did nothing wrong and was not ungrateful. Because to be ungrateful he'd have to have something to be grafeful for in the first place. And what would that be? Being grateful foir not receiving game you hoped for because you won it and getting a free worthless key instead?
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Yessss i know its his choice... But imo ungratefull if I offer another game, I didnt had the money for Caster and still dont, the only thing i can offer is blockstorm.... But he already has put it on not received so my bad
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but like I and some other folks said as well - Blockstorm was avaiable for free, actually it was free 2-3 times, so sadly for you it's not worth shiet nowadays.
So he won a game that was worth something, you didn't deliver, offered him a free game and when he refused he's ungrateful? So if for example (will exaggerate here just to prove a point ;p) I won GTA V and creator couldn't deliver and offered me Fortix instead and I refused am I ungrateful?
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If you didn't have the money to buy Caster, why did you create the giveaway in the first place?
To be honest, if I had won your giveaway I would have said NO to you too.
After all, he entered a giveaway for Caster, not Blockstorm.
It's like winning a giveaway for GTA V and the creator offering Saints Row instead. (Both great games!)
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Every question asked has at least three possible answers, right? One of those answers is "No". In this case, you seem to be saying that "No" is not an acceptable answer.
So correct me if I didn't get the sequence of events = you posted a GA for a game, gave the game to someone else (not the winner of the GA) and now cannot understand why the winner of your posted GA won't accept a different (and offered for free on the interwebz) game.
Personally, I'm not sure why you are continuing to argue your faulty logic here :-p If you pose a question to someone, no matter how nicely you pose it, "No" is a viable response. You are just refusing to accept a viable response to your question since it isn't the response you wanted to hear.
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+1 to this, this may be the best reply I have ever seen on this forum to someone who just isn't getting it.
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Would have been in your winner situation, I would have agree to the delete giveaway AND tell you to keep your gift. However, it's his right to refuse both situations: he probably felt scammed or like you were trying to buy him. You tried to fix your mistake, it didn't work, it's life.
Saying that his behavior is mean is however too strong. I would say that it's sad that he didn't give you a chance but it's life.
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He was really mean to me when i nicely told him...
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Suck it up and don't call people mean without reason, as zelghadis told you, he didn't do anything wrong. It's your fault for betting, which means only one who was mean was you, to yourself. If somebody asked you nicely to do something you don't want or need, would you accept, if you have no reason to ?
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Still - you were the person who broke the rules so why should he be like "Oh no big deal man - I won the gift but you gave it to someone else - no biggie! Sure give me whatever you got - even some game that was free for anyone with an IndieGala account. Hey, I'll let you slide cause you're totally not a scammer or anything and cause you asked so very nicely. Let's be BFF's :-)".
Seriously, try this shoe on the other foot - if you entered and won a game you really wanted, would you be happy to accept a game that was free? I think not - amiright? You'd do exactly what he did - refuse and mark it not received. This is exactly what the SG rules state.
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Well, even if he was mean by replying to you, remember something: you put him in a situation that he didn't asked. He probably felt cheated. And being mean to you is probably his way to cope with that feeling. Offering Blockstorm has probably reinforced that feeling.
Back to topic, he wasn't ungrateful. You didn't deliver the game after all. And refusing a game that was free isn't ungrateful. It's called "playing by the rules". You just have now to put that behind you, stop thinking that the guy was mean or ungrateful when he was in a situation he never asked because you made a mistake and learn from it: don't bet games you're putting in a giveaway.
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it's kind of sad that you keep trying to justify your own wrongdoing and can't see the situation from the winner's point of view.
you made a specific promise (to the potential winner as well as the community), and you didn't deliver.
the winner had every right to turn down your alternative offering as none of that was specified beforehand. you need to re-evaluate what the circumstances were and stop calling him ungrateful.
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Blockstorm was given away for free, when you create a giveaway for a game make sure that you provide the game. When I had a giveaway winner tell me their key wasn't working, (can't remember which game it was for) I went ahead and bought him another copy of the SAME game, not a different one.
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Hahahah, that would be in your favor, not his favor, because u wouldn't get punished for an obvious mistake, you could've deleted the giveaway when you got rid of that game you were giving away, but instead you wanted to fool a user that has no fault, you deserve to have bad rep on your profile, that's all I got to say about you, you tell us bad words about a user, but you did the mistake in this shit, man, sorry, but you seem to have a bad character, blame others for your fault, that's really not nice, you should grow up and take responsabilities as they are.
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I'm pretty sure you missed the point of that facepalm. With threads like this all you are doing is adding yourself to yet more blacklists. You were in the wrong, end of story really. Take it on the chin, move on and in the future don't break the rules or encourage others to do so.
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I never said i was wrong.... And I dont mind the blacklists really... and Ill try to do my best to follow the rules.... My fault
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My giveaway would be removed if he accepted it so I asked if he was OK with it, so i could give him blockstorm as a thank you, I asked him nicely if he would agree with it so my giveaway would be removed... and i woudl gvie him another game
he didnt do it, SO YES DOH its ungratefull and mean
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It was ungratefull, mean.... If I asked you nicely if you agreed with it and i would give u another game... Would you SERIOUSLY refuse it, ITS MEANS i didnt do it with purpose.....
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Wouldn't it have been a lot easier to have just given blockstorm to your friend and caster to the winner...?
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Why should someone be "grateful" for a situation that happened because you didn't give them what you agreed to give them?
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My giveaway would be removed if he accepted it so I asked if he was OK with it, so i could give him blockstorm as a thank you, I asked him nicely if he would agree with it so my giveaway would be removed... and i woudl gvie him another game
he didnt do it, SO YES DOH its ungratefull and mean
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But refusing the game so he can agree with it is ungratefull, you also dont have to thank someone if hes giving a giveaway :)
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Well, think of it this way. I made a giveaway about a game you wished for, and you entered and won. But then the GA OP said to swap for another game because he'll delete the giveaway now. Your maybe one time good chance to win your game is now lost. Would you take the game you wouldn't want? Well, at least if leeching is not your only presence on SG.
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Why should you want Caster, it really does suckblocksotmr is so much better
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Let's see...
Hmmm taking all of those in calculation he wasn't being ungrateful you're just being a prick.
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3) Noone wants caster... yet you lost it in a bet to someone who wanted it?
You had 7 days (you said you got blockstorm a day later) to get a copy of caster and if nobody wants it that means everyone would gladly get rid of it so you'd get it in a cheap trade.
4) I didn't say you got it for free... I'm saying the game was given away for free before.
5) Not accepting your bribe still doesn't make him ungrateful and there's a saying about excuses that I probably shouldn't quote here :)
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3) it was a bet about games no specific kind of game.... and 3 thats true but didnt think about that one, 4) I wasnt aware that it was free.. 5) If your a normal person, and I ask you nicely about what happened, its weird to refuse isnt it....... thats just mean
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Nope... you keep making it worse and worse. So you could have given any 3 games in that bet... yet you chose to give the game you made a giveaway for here. And besides I would refuse your offer also if you told me "Oh I lost the game you wanted in a bet... here have this random thing instead and don't give me the bad rep I deserve"
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What did I miss? I've been reading everything I'm not sure what you're trying to point out?
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that i didnt had any more games on that point..........
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Well then why did you bet for 3 games when you only had 2 games to bet? (since 1 was supposed to be for this giveaway)
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not everyone or everything will go in your favor (every time). you may think that it's a trivial matter and he shouldn't insist on refusing the offer. there are many different people in the world.
there's a saying that "customers are always right". not every time you can go up to the store for "issues" and get things resolved in your favor,
company have policies and people have principles. you can't argue your way out of it.
just like betting or gambling, not every time you will win.
it's just your luck that the person who won your giveaway doesn't accept your offer.
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You should have asked him for permission to delete the giveaway..
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Which i did.......... The giveaway would have been removed if he agreed with it, and as thank iw ould give him blockstorm.... its atleast what u can do to just agree with it
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Yet you claim above you bought Blockstorm (when you were told it was free), and you claim you got blockstorm the day after. I'm sorry, was that just you being caught in your own BS?
yes, yes it was. welcome to my blacklist...having read everything here you are quite a tosser, aren't you ?
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Hmm it seems you're already on my blacklist. I have no clue why but it's not an easy thing to do. That's why I don't bother tagging people I blacklist. Anyway... after reading this garbage I realize that indeed I shouldn't even bother remembering why someone is on my blacklist because I'm right to do it. Thanks for confirming that.
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why are you even responding then, probably im blacklisted cuz i made an topic about refunding games
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The reason I'm responding is at the end of my comment. It's me thanking you for confirming my practices.
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Lol... blockstorm has been a free game... -.- its normal
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Well, the giveaway did say caster. So you were wrong there. And just block your friend for a week or so and they might forget about it haha
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Ah, another name to be added to my slow-growing blacklist.
If you do a GA about Caster, you should give out Caster. Plain and simple. If you for some reason, be it losing a bet, or losing your entire Steam account, can't provide the game, you must accept the consequences of failing to provide the game. It is completely within the winners right to refuse compensation in terms of other game. It is also completely within the winners right to not delete the giveaway, until you provide him with the correct game.
Again, it is the winner's right to demand the correct game. You are the one that is breaking the rules here. My advice : Maybe try offering something better? Blatantly stating that you prefer Blockstorm to Caster is a moot point, because it is up to the winners preference to choose his game, not yours.
Also, if you do plan to give out something, don't put it on a bet or something. If you want to bet a particular game, just delete the GA, and put it back on if you won the bet or something.
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What did I miss?
Everybody has stated that you are the one who is wrong, yet you kept up saying that you are the "right" one and the winner is the one that is "ungrateful". Everybody has given the logical reason to reject your offers, yet you kept saying that the winner is ungrateful because he/she failed to accept your offer (which in fact, is illegal, and also a bad deal, trading a not-free game with a free game).
I am not blacklisting you for different opinion, I am blacklisting you because I think your self-righteous attitude will not bode well with the community, and to be exact, will not bode well with my values. You are the one who is mistaken. You are the one who is wrong. You are the one who is breaking the rule. Accept that.
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You were wrong to offer him something else in exchange like that. The next time you want to give some kind of substitution, have the winner agree to deleting the giveaway, then delete the giveaway, and THEN offer him/her some other game.
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Mite sound like an asshole here, but if I dont get a game from them personally (not from a code like most) I ether forget or just dont bother to say thanks, for the reason, well im lazy and it takes time to say thanks for every gift entered or won. (300 point say that can be from 10 to 50 thank yous)
I also feel like its spammy
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Of course you don't know.
Not counting that he has purchased the game to gift to someone or after purchasing has decided to gift it to someone ....
It takes time to thank someone for gifting you something???? You didn't deserve to win 11 games and you won't win any from me. Awful attitude!!! Won't use adjectives to you, everyone can imagine them.
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Dude, I don't thank sometimes because I do feel a bit awkward thinking "what if people don't trend to thank after winning here?", "What if it is considered spam?", "what if the winner reads it and thinks it is sarcasm or being nice just to see if I can get another (begging)?"
I do think the measure of giving levels in SteamGifts is already in place so that the winner doesn't feel like he's throwing money at a bottomless bag.
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I dislike thanks. I give away junk games that I don't want and in return I don't want a spammed inbox. I do however enjoy someone taking the time to actually write something original. To me the thanks are generic spam but different tastes I suppose.
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^^ Tomorrow is my birthday, a pity I will spend all day traveling in car. Also gFunk will be stealing everyone's points with his party so probably Monday will do mine and you will profit being on mine too :)
I'm sorry I do a lot of mistakes writing from the mobile, which is how I'm mainly here, lately. I think I fixed most of them now.
PS: don't say happy birthday before ;) oh well 00:07 already :D yay!!!!
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I guess if you feel that way go for it. I know what they do, and I do appreciate it I never said i didn't. Again like i said, I dont spendmuch time on this site, this is actually my first fourms ive been too here.
Etherway, If I get it from them from steam. I give my thanks, but again i dont want to spam every giveaway i enter.
and unlike some people here, I was willing to work with one of my winnings.
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it can be spammy if you just put "thanks" or the same message in every GA, but you can do variations or just reply to what the description says/asks.
it's not much considering people are giving away stuff. not required of course, but it's nice.
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I agree, I only say "Thank you" now if I win the giveaway.
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This. It's safer not to saying thanks nowadays, but that doesn't mean a person isn't grateful for a giveaway.
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What? Not saying thanks after you have won is safer? During, maybe, but after? Explain it to me, I'm curious.
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That doesn't justify not thanking someone, this would only mean you're paranoid.
Seriously. Thanking someone is only dangerous if you do the same exact comment over and over again, put some effort into it and make it look like an actual human being wrote it and not a bot.
But after a giveaway? Definitely thank people, they can't read your mind and think "Oh, mh, but this doesn't mean he's not grateful. He's just being safe."
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Maybe I'm a little paranoid, but if I have a chance to say thanks I try to do this more directly, through steam, if it is possible.
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It is safer to read GA descriptions maybe? If contributor says "don't post thanks" you don't, if he doesn't you do? just saying... I know... so much hassle - paying 1sec extra attention to a person who paid his own monies for game you want to win...
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People really use bots on SG to spend their 300P which's mostly not even enough daily(At least for an indie collector as myself) if you want to go public anyways? xD On my first days I only did public giveaways since I didn't know the existence of puzzles and forums at all. So I would usually check in the morning, spend my 300P, and check again before bed when I had around another 200 or so, lol.
It's really easy to spend it so I don't get why people would need bots for that. :P
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yes they do - heck there's been even an addon anounced on forums that was "automatically spending all your points to enter GAs" - after a big outrage topic got closed but addon is still avaiable...
Also a lot of fuckers use multiple accounts - especially when there's good enough free weekend you're able to create shitload of SG accounts for free - then you just use bot on all of them to enter all GAs. Ofc you have small chance, but there's still a chance for a free games and even if chances to win are 0.01% per GA with 10 bots it's already 0.1%, 50 bots it's 0.5% - and that's much higher than fair user entering just from one account...
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:( I can't believe that people would go to such lengths to try to get a free game.
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oh you don't even know the "lengths" :D: I've seen a twitch chat GA once - I don't remember what the word to enter was but lets say it was potato - so - GA happening, ~120 users are online watching stream, !potato command gets revealed, and suddenly over 40 users says !ptoato instaed of !potato in the same second :D: someone was running a multiaccount bot and wrote in a misspelled command :D: turned out at least 1/3 of the viewers were bots :D:
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Why?????????? that is just stupid and crazy doesn't anyone want respect anymore
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If you create a lot of giveaways you get a ton of comments and some feel that the "Thanks" comments just spam their inbox and they might miss some comments.
I don't really care if someone posts a comment on my giveaway.
I do appreciate it if the winner at least posts a "Thank you" though.
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I don't blacklist for things like this, but I do ask people to not write "thanks" in the description. When you have several GAs active at once, your inbox can really get flooded quickly, and it becomes a hassle to sort out the things that you want to read/care about/want to reply to. This is an even bigger issue when you're actually having a conversation with someone, and it just gets buried, so you don't notice that the person has replied to you.
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When I had multiple public giveaways running I got 7 thank yous in a row from the same user with not even 3 seconds inbetween the comments on each GA. And this was no isolated case.
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It's not only the use of bots or being generic and uncreative with their thankful comments but also that they enter everything no matter how different the games are.
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Interesting approach. I decided to experiment with it in this GA:
Let's see how it goes...
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Actually 4. It didn't feel right blacklisting a user with 8:24 ratio of won/sent games, and I'm still debating whether to blacklist another user with +101/-0 trade feedback. I might want to trade with him/her in the future, not sure if it would make sense to blacklist them for not reading the rules of a giveaway. Thoughts?
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not a horrid idea (if checked manually), but not super effective when used on a +level GA ;o
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I wouldn't expect much conversation with people in level 0 public giveaways. A lot of them are bots. I really only expect people to comment if I specifically ask to do so in the description of the giveaway. Also, thanking the gifter is a must for me.
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I'll send some hair of some winners and you do your magic, alright? :)
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There is no excuse i put in the description to comment below
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A good way to generate more comments is to narrow it down to a topic you may want to talk about. I think a lot of people get that group mentality ("oh someone else will comment below, why should I have to") when there's nothing really to get any conversations started.
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I will never forget those two words that a winner said to me... "Key now!"
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That's no reason for a reroll unfortunately, but it should be.
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Had several occasions where I've been told that this is an option, but seriously, noone except me would know why this giveaway is marked as not received. This would have been more punishing for me than for the winner.
But mark my words: If I ever have a giveaway marked as not received in my profile in the future, you know why. :D
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Thanks. Knowing this makes me more confident for the next time a dickhead comes along.
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Well, speaking by the rules... -At this point, you'll surely mark me as a guy who ONLY tries to workaround rules, but regardless- You could give him the gift at the end of 7 day limit, mwahaha!
Also, what's the fun if you take the rules only by their first meanings?!
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Yeah I would wait until the very last minute to give him the key...imagine them squirm as they wait anxiously. Or, give them a duplicate key and then pretend to not know what is happening, and after a week give them the real key.
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Ah, good times and we still have our weekly all-time low threads. That's progress!
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As I posted elsewhere yesterday, a winner whined about not getting his gift within a couple of hours of the closing time (I was at work) - so I rushed back and online to get it done asap, and it's now 21 hours later and he hasn't redeemed it... lol!
Of my 12 giveaways so far, I've had 4 thankyou's.
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protip - whenever I get a ungrateful bastard calling me names and demanding his win RIGHT NOW!!!(tm) - I just wait with sending it until it's 6days 23 hours after GA ended :D: And even better - if he takes revenge by marking as not received (happens sometimes) - report missuse of GA feedback and get his ass maybe even permabanned :D:
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Wow, how long does it take support to perma-ban? I thought that they would have changed the feedback to "received" once they realize that they got the game..
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Yeah, but I don't really care about that, to be honest.
No need to thank me for giving you a bundle key, although I appreciate your appreciation. I always say thanks, I hope I haven't forgotten to do so sometime.
If I give you a nice non-bundle-game though, yes, I expect you to thank me, tbh.
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Ingrates are the least of my annoyances here TBH. The worst are those running scams who falsely claim that the key you sent them was already activated, when it definitely wasn't, just so you give them another game after they quietly sell, trade, or regift the first one off. Be careful out there, is all I can say.
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i haven't found anyone ungrateful with my GAs, at least they haven't told me the gift was crap or demanded to be send immediately.
i don't really expect thank you comments aftert it's finished but some people have added me to say that, posted in the GA or dropped a line in my steam wall.
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All the time.
But personally I feel saying "thank you" just for entering is silly. Just like saying "good luck all". And every other phrase like that. Obviously only whatever number of copies are being given away is the number of people that will win. I'd much rather personally thank the creator when I win. I reply to emails if they're sent, otherwise since some people don't like being added and it brings up the whole "should I delete them or not, when is it appropriate" issue and all that, which again, I think is silly, I just comment once I win since they added the notifications.
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I had situation once, my winner tought SG is a scam, I tried to add him on steam to informing him about game, he keept ignoring me and after blocked :D
I really didnt want to reroll because it was to damn funny. So I found after 4-5 friends one had him mutual, he added me and was like, look I dont want to be scammed and hacked, please leave me alone. (10 days passed)
Hey hey wait dude... please take your game,
What game wtf are you trying to do ... :D
Took me 45 minutes to convince him to enter sg and accept gift :D
And he was like ooo WTF this is real... someone is really giving out games :) ahaha
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It's hard to keep a conversation nowadays after winning a game. Back when I started going to this site 2 years ago, I'd win a game and the person would add me on steam and hand me the game and would see how I was happy about it and I'd thank him for it.
Then it was sent by email, a key to the game and I just sent back an email that said "Sweet, thanks a lot for the giveaway".
Now it's like... why bother with anything, I win, the key appears on won page, I mark it as received and that's my thanks. Sometimes I go on the giveaway and leave a comment saying thanks, but really, it feels empty and pointless to leave a thanks there, especially considering that when I enter that giveaway, there's already like 20 thanks from people thanking the person for the chance to win the game. There's no good way to thank the giveaway creator anymore and really most giveaway creators are looking to increase their level, so the biggest thanks is just marking their giveaway as received and giving them their points.
That said, I never got thanked for my giveaways since the system changed and lets you just give keys without any sort of interaction(email, steam) and I don't care either, I'm fine with that.
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I'm new to steamgifts and find it very weird that thanking someone when you enter a giveaway is 'wrong'. I've felt guilty when I haven't (even if they've said not to/don't bother) as its an expression of gratitude to someone who has gone out of their way to make a community member happy. I get that if you do lots of giveaways it might get boring/fill your inbox but how many members are there that would be negatively affected?
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of course! I meant my case - where I don't say "please no thanks comments" in my GAs. If someone does say it I can totally understand it and I fully respect it. I can imagine that for example if I was heavilly into trading I wouldn't want thanks on my GAs :>
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Then I pray those people to not make any threads on forums. I saw 100+ in my notification bar already for the threads I comments and created. I don't really mind the little thank you messages, what minds me most is however people not redeeming their gifts and that gift icon stuck there, waiting.
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My mother taught me manners and that habit is difficult to break so unless the GA creator specifically asks for "No Thank-you's to be posted", I always do - but yeah, recently I've got the same sense of uncertainty about spamming with a thank-you... sigh :-(
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Yeah, I've seen quite a few ungrateful people out there. Some people seem to get angry for not winning everything, or for not being let into specific GAs, treating it like it's their "right" to win the games that they want. It's up to each and everyone to decide who they want to give their games to, and what games they want to give away, and people who demand to be let into specific GAs are just acting like spoiled brats.
But the worst people I've seen are the ones who actually attack people for doing GAs. I've had it happen to me, and it just makes me not want to give away games (in public GAs).
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I literally have had one of my winners insult me - because the game he won was "a piece of shit" adn "why did I even bother creating GA for such a shit that nobody wants" and when I asked that if he don't like it why did he enter I was called an "idiot" because "there are not enough good games to enter" and "why the fuck wold he waste his points if there are not good enough ga,es to spend them on"...
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nope but I have another story about that particular guy :D: actualy that particular guy was the sole reason I requested Blacklist in SGv1 (when you had to run blacklist through support). I made a puzzle and he couldn't solve it. He demanded a hint or an answer to specific question because "it was broken" - as over 10 ppl solved it already I refused. He added me and tried to harass me to give him an answer. I refused. What did he do? Went to my Steam Profile and saw I just started playing Telltale's "The Walking Dead" so he wrote a comment on my profile:
"FUCK YOUR PUZZLES!! Oh I see you just started TWD? Then let me tell you something: NIGGER DIES! FUCK YOU!"
Basically he spoiled me the major plot twist of story-driven game he's seen I was playing just because I refused to give him answer to my puzzles...
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29 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
256 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by shad0wk
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24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
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270 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Riku1
51 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Ingrid88
82 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Timelya
103 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by pb1
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112 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by cheeki7
16 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by dDenVill
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