Well, as a preference, I would prefer to see less references to actual serious religions. I don't mind fictional religions or non-serious religion references (like to the cult of Cthulhu, or whatever). Being a irreligious person living in the West (and even worse (worse in terms of the topic at hand), living in the U.S.A.), I feel bombarded with Christian ideas and perspectives in all the other forms of media (TV, movies, even books, etc.), mostly thanks to the combined power of a primarily Christian population and Christian hegemony. So it's real nice that most video games don't have these types of ideas and references incorporated into their stories/lore/whatever. I mean, I'm a big boy, and I can completely disengage myself from such references, but it's just more enjoyable if I don't have to deal with it in the first place :P
Now, fictional religions, especially in fantasy, are totally fine with me, even interesting since they embody the magical realism that most religious text are based upon. In this sense, if religions were real that would be cool (well if the gods were benevolent), seeing avatars duke it out in heavens, priest being able to cast bad ass spells, that's cool to visualize, imagine, and in the case of video games immerse yourself in that sort of world. But when it comes to the real world I firmly believe in physics (although I have to say, physics in video games is a force to behold as well :P)
I feel like I'm ranting and not making much sense, so I'll stop. I haven't played Party of Sin or Revelations but I think those both have religious undertones? Adam's Venture trilogy definitely has some and I have played that. It also seems like the Indiana Jones style games (Adam Venture's is under this category in subject matter, but ironically isn't a good example since the religious aspect seems to be more underlying than any other narrative) have religious themes too, and in that sense those games are okay since it's more of a infatuation with history and not so much the religion itself. Okay, shutting up for real now.
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Islam is the real and only religion, and no it´s not good if it showed in games astagferullah.
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you could produce great games containing the islam - probably war games with killing terrorist
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Bisst du witzig du pico, der islam ist frieden von grund auf wenn du so geblendet bisst und meinst mit den anderen mitlaufen zu müssen traurig. Wahre moslems schämen sich für terroristen und wollen nichts mit den zu tun haben
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And yet it has not thus far. The thread is 2 days old, and 338 posts deep, and so far it has remained more or less civil. I am rather impressed by the restraint exercised given the sensitive subject matter and the usual quality of discourse on the forums here.
Hopefully this will not jinx it at all.
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Sometimes i have a feeling i can also do crystal meth but then i think "hmmm better not"
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We can always go bald and learn some chemistry...
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Well, though I'm not of any religion, not even atheist (yes atheism is religion too, all that bitching about other religions and stuff, though as I said i'm not believer, I hate it), I really like the history and catechism of Christianity and I wouldn't mind explore it in games from some kind of non-dogmatic, purely objective (which ofc doesn't mean atheist) point of view.
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yes atheism is religion too
Internet points here for you sir. Sadly, atheism has turned into a religion with its own preachers and missioners. I would also enjoy a game as the one you are proposing. There's a lot of cool things in many passages of Holy Books (Bible, Corah, Shruti or whichever you choose)
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Agnosticism is really the only scientifically defensible position.
Very much agree that Atheism has many of the hallmarks of a religion, and includes many of religion's worst aspects. Its most vociferous evangelists are every bit as obnoxious as the worst cable TV bible-thumpers, with utter conviction that they are right, a desire to convert all peoples of the world to their way of thinking, an enthusiasm for belittling anyone who doesn't agree with them and downright scorn for anyone not of the same mindset.
If you remove faith in the unproven (either in the existence or non-existence of a deity) then all you are left with is agnosticism. For the record, I am not belittling religion. It's a subject that interests me a lot, as do many social phenomena.
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Ok, so bitching about something makes you the same as that something? So i can complain about politics and make myself a politician? complain about murderers and rapists and i become one? complain about all the greed and corruption in the world, and become the same? makes perfect sense...
I find it funny when 'agnostics' harp on about atheism being a religion, without knowing that if they don't believe in a god, they are atheists themselves. You can be both.
I take the stance of Agnostic Atheism, i don't know if there is a god, nor do i believe there is one. This stance makes no positive claims, and to me is the most intellectually honest position anyone can take.
There is no philosophy in that, there is no tenants or dogma, there is no tradition or worship, so please how does it qualify as a religion? I would love to hear what your definition of a 'religion' is... because Atheism is a religion like off is a TV channel.
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If you mean religion like it's used in the Assassin's Creed or Civilization games, sure. It's a factor, but it's not huge and it's obvious (if you aren't a news agency) that it isn't reality.
If you mean religion like Cult: Awakening of the Old Ones... that's just sort of awesome. Give me more of that.
If you mean religion in games that read like a Dan Brown novel... nope.
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Only if it gets consistently shat on and debased throughout the game. Especially if it's some kind of organized religion. A lot of the basic messages in most religions are quite alright (i.e the ten commandments, though I'd rather no one commanded me to do anything). Just not beyond that.
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Controversy is a double edged sword, and can sometimes turn the wind in favor, or bite you in the ass, that's mainly reliant on how the plot is handled and how religion is involved in the game itself.
That said, i don't mind if religion is involved or not in a game, it mainly relies on how the story develops and if religion actually has a place into the plot itself (Assassins Creed comes to mind), other than that, i have no beef with religion or lack thereof.
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If it makes sense in the lore of the game its cool.
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I'm ok with fictional religions in games. In fact, I do enjoy games with them, if they were done right.
Order of the Builder, The Keepers and Pagans from "Thief: The Dark Project" are excellent example.
Also, The Path of Virtues from Ultima universe was inspiring when I was a teenager.
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The Elder Scrolls games have a nice mixture of video game religion and it's effects in actual gameplay.
A video game of an existing real life religion? Well, maybe some elements could be borrowed from real life religions, but I might find it uncomfortable to see someone else's view of religion if it's not brought out in a comfortable way.
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I don't mind it at all, actually I enjoy games with religious concepts, they are quite interisting.
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Game companies tend not to make games with religious messages, or that address issues of transcendence and reality.
Would you like to have more games that gave you the opportunity to explore your religion, other religions, or to perhaps even have transcendent spiritual experiences?
Unwritten looks like a good example of the exploration of myth (not here used in a derogatory way), culture, and story-telling.
That might be a good example of how religion can be addressed in games, and make for a thought-provoking experience, though of course it is yet to be released.
Also I now would like to create a game of some sort that makes use of religious themes and questions. This thread has really inspired me.
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