Link to Steam store. The bundle contains:

  • Shank
  • Shank 2
  • DeathSpank
  • DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
  • Warp
  • Gatling Gears
1 decade ago*

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what the ...

1 decade ago

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ah I wasn't thinking of this kind of bundle the price.. eh not worth it for me.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I already have Deathspank, Shank and Shank 2, so I'm not getting this one. However, I might pick up Warp and Deathspank: ToV separately. It's a shame this pack doesn't give you extra copies of the games you already own, but that was to be expected of Electronic Ass.

1 decade ago

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+1 for Electronic Ass

1 decade ago

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I was thinking the same thing. This would be a decent pickup if it gave giftables.

1 decade ago

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That's not EA that's the Steam Ass

1 decade ago

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Price of individual games: 29,94€
Bundle normal price: 59,94€
-70% = 17,98€


1 decade ago

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€17,98 is more then a good deal for those games, but i dunno, i've already spend to much money on games this month :P

1 decade ago

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Can probably get them for 85%+ off in summer

1 decade ago

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For some reason I had hope in this one, but it doesn't quite make the cut.

1 decade ago

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Wait, what exactly is EA's definition of indie? Games that sold hundreds of thousands rather than millions?

1 decade ago

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Games that were made by an indie developer. (Indie means independant) The fact that some of those games end up being distributed by EA doesn't mean they haven't been developped by an indie studio. Altough I have to admit it blurs the line a little bit.

1 decade ago

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Aaaaand, I can't access the bundle... f*ck this... :/

1 decade ago

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It's a little pricy for my taste.

1 decade ago

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Not the best deal i've seen in my life :/.

1 decade ago

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Alright, I've played a bit of Gatling Gears so far and it's fucking awesome. If you like twinstick shooters, you'll love this game.

1 decade ago

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nope, nope, nope.

1 decade ago

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Fuck that.

1 decade ago

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I define indie bundle as anything indie games bundled and only cost you around 5 or 10 bucks or less. Might buy something else with 20 usd.

1 decade ago

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not getting it

1 decade ago

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So ITT: People act like they know what indie and self-publishing means and knows if a game was self-published or not.

i didnt know EA funded The Orange Box

1 decade ago

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Just brought Warp separately from the bundle. Looks interesting.

1 decade ago

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did you believed? :D

1 decade ago

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I bought the bundle and got BF3 on Steam. Well worth it.

1 decade ago

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"3rd-party DRM: One or more products in this package may use the 3rd party DRM EA Access."

On "Indie"-Download games which already use DRM (Steam)? Really EA? Really?

1 decade ago

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still waiting shank 2 75% off

1 decade ago

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Not really sure the bundle is actually worth it, at least for me.

Maybe i'll get it to giveaway, but definetly not for me.

1 decade ago

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I don't get why they don't give you extra copies of the games you already own when the normal price of the bundle is the same as the sum of the prices of the games. So they made a bundle so consumers could save a bit more on sale if they don't own any of the games already and otherwise say 'fuck you, loyal customers who have bought some already'? Gee, awesome. :|

1 decade ago

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Damn you Gaben!

1 decade ago

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This is how I feel fairly often on Steam.

GOTY editions are the biggest offenders. If you own just the based game, even if you bought it at full price and supported the dev, you still have to buy it again, get no gift copy, and you end up paying the same amount as people who are getting the whole package that day.

There's few actual rewards for loyalty/early adoption, which is why I mostly don't do it anymore :P

1 decade ago

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Fortunately sometimes they do the "Upgrade to Deluxe/Ultimate edition" feature, but I agree that overall it's a pretty crappy system

1 decade ago

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Good Game but Bad Price

It's good if 10-12$

1 decade ago

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F U EA! Damn price of bundle. EA should rename from Electronic Arts to E__ Ass.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Azgrel.