Most liked Stealth game
i like all thief but i miss tenchu on pc,aragami is nice too,first splinter cell too,thank for giveaway
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Thief is the predecessor of Dishonored and System Shock is for Prey (2017). Arkane did not even try to attempt to veil this, their tongues are pretty much all over those old games as they try to make something modern of them through sheer (sometimes a bit blindly zealous) worship.
I would not say Thief is a predecessor to Deus Ex, at least not in the sense most gamers use this world, considering the same guy made both. ^.^
I am a bit disappointed the ratio rule isn't 0.451 though. :D
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I always loved stealth games in general, from Thief to Hitman, Commands, Deus Ex and so on... Though I haven't played some of them, like Thief II among many. I have played DS multiple times, and after finally playing the first one I understand why people hate it so much, but despite that I still love it; yes DS is inferior to its predecessor(s), but it's a good game nonetheless and I still prefer it to that weird sequel\reboot\dishonoredwannabe which is the fourth one (which is still a decent game I have yet to complete). And hopefully one day I'll manage to play T2.
I came across Shadwen few sales ago, read some reviews and I think I can deal with its problems. I don't mind playing more aggressively, and the I like the art style. Styx games are on my whishlist but I have more important games yet to play.
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I love Stealth games. They're very addictive actually. So much so that I try sneaking up in just any game now and that doesn't always get good results to say the least.
Even games with mild stealth elements like Satellite Reign and Mr Shifty gets my heart going.
Buuut gasp I have never played the Thief games. I just never got around to it back when they were out (I was playing mostly adventure and RPG games) and I just let them slip through the cracks. Boo to me.
Thanks for the chance
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That's like me now. I fell in love with Stealth in Dishonored, have been taking a stealth approach whenever possible in other games (like Wolfenstein: The New Order), but have never actually played the Thief games.
Will have to remedy that once I find the secret to infinite free time.
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I've played through all of Garrett's adventures.
The first one was great overall, though I dislike a scheme of control and art-style of some enemies. Too bad that we didn't get a remaster on 20th anniversry - darmmm you, Square Enix!
The second one was very fluid in terms of represented missions. But graphics almost didn't change beside of main setting (steampunk over medieval). Add to this a poor ending - and this is not my favourite.
The third one was a victim of console-oriented gaming in early 2000's. It load new zone every 5 mins, I guess. Also I got my savegame corrupted after 17 hours near the end (on Steam version). Only art and sound designs saves the day. Oh, and, of couse, Shalebridge level.
I've also played some games like new Deus Ex (1), Dishonored (1), all of Splinter Cells and Thi4f. After that I can name only one game that looks and feels like real Thief.
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Basically linking the store page for myself to check it out ;)
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Check out The Dark Mod if you haven't tried it yet. It's a community made and a totally free game that is a spiritual successor to the Thief series.
It got dynamic lighting and physics but because of its engine it suffers because of low fps a bit.
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Thief may be my favorite game of all time. Stealth is my #1 game mechanic, and while many games attempt to implement it, they seem unwilling to commit to it, and make you also have to fight people or give you enough gadgets to make you god-like. Thief does it right from start to finish. You're never weak, and you are absolutely the aggressor in the game, but you have to rely on your stealth to progress. Even the end boss is defeated using pure stealth. I thought the new reboot/remake game was good, but had some weird flaws. I can't say enough good things about The Dark Mod.
As far as other games that people may enjoy, and haven't been mentioned already, Alpha Protocol is good, although I would compare it more to Deus Ex than Thief.
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Agreed, I think Alpha Protocol could have been an awesome stealth game. Unfortunately, they kind of ruined it with the stupid forced action (like the incredibly annoying helicopter part or the universally hated boss battles). I would still recommend the game because the stealth was truly good and the dialogue choices were implemented so well, it's just worth noting how poorly they handled the "optional" action element.
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Oh yes, I very much love stealth games and the original Thief games are easily my favourites (though I admit, I didn't like Deadly Shadows as much as Gold or Metal Age). And for all the bad reviews it had, the "new" Thief (2014) is actually good as well 👍
I will often try the stealthy approach even in games that don't fully support it, like for example many RPGs where you can be some kind of a thief or a rogue, but the stealth is laughably useless because you are meant to fight the monsters. Fun times :D
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Noooo, why didn't you include Thief II in the poll, that's my favorite stealth game :(
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I played Thief I and II several times, and many, many (some of them really cool and professional!) fan missions. Deadly Shadows was a bit of a let down, since it did not have the depth of the old Thieves. Thief was kind of dull, I could not relate to the protagonist and actually never finished it. I bought Styx but did not yet find the time to install and play. Shadwen I did not know yet - might be a good pointer? :)
What I loved with these games (and mostly with the old ones) was the fact that you could not kill anyone. I was happy to stand in the shadow and watch the pattern some guards crossed an alleyway for minutes without moving. And I think it's much more realistic if your game is over when you are detected. Fighting against guards is deadly and should be avoided at all cost. The only unrealistic thing in those old games was that the guards forgot about you so quickly.
Even today I like 3D shooters more where you can avoid enemys rather than go forward brute force. Open world games are the best.
Ah, and Thief Gold was my very first GA on Steamgifts. :)
And btw, did you know that playing on hardest difficulty there was actually more content in the game?
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Refering to the Giant level? In Thief Gold?
Actually never played the gold version.
Yah the "forgetting" is always a problem - where is the Skyrim Meme`?. From the feeling in T1/2 they search longer for you and from the modding I know, once alerted they are more sensitive after.
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I'm not familiar with the thief series, but I tried to stay stealthy and steal stuff in other games.
Especially in classics like "Divine Divinity" where you had to get really creative to reach the wanted items without someone seeing you.
Some other games are more forgiving. I like the attitude "if no one lived to tell about the crime, it didn't happen" xD
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I'm more into Dishonored than Thief, played both and managed to finish the first one in stealth. I tried deus ex human revolution (one that was free on ps plus) and I kind of gave up trying to use stealth there. So in general, like some of the answers of this thread, I don't really like stealth games, but I do enjoy that listed type.
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I always hated stealth sequences in games before I played Dishonored, then I realized that I loved stealth, I just hate poorly done, insta-fail stealth. Since then, I've been taking a stealth approach in every game that I can - Wolfeinstein, Assassin's Creed, etc.
I have not played any of the Thief games, however. I hope to remedy that someday.
Are there any specific mods you recommend for first time Thief / System Shock playthroughs?
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Really enjoyed Dishonored as stealth as well together with no ability use - excluding teleportation.
Some might argue that teleporting is not true stealthing - I look it more from the other perspective, it can be very frustrating and Dishonored gives an option that encourages even less hard core players to try it.
Always good to minimize the frustrating part.
Dishonored also had very good stealth missions/mini games in the DLC which were really challenging. The one were you have to 'learn' about your target and then kill only it - no alarms, no other harm.
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I enjoy stealth games a lot though I certainly want a quick save/load (else might just drop them).. Never got into Thief or Dishonored series but enjoyed a lot Deus Ex HR/MD , Shadwen(once you get the hang of how Lily's AI work) and 1st Styx(read that 2nd game got bosses so yet to give it a proper go).
Alpha Protocol, Shadow of Mordor/War and AssCreed Origins(currently being played) certainly got enjoyable stealth mechanics imo. Though SoM/SoW and ACO feel more enjoyable to kill half of the ppl stealth and then finish off the rest in a big melee just to make use of all of your toys.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and claim Payday 2 as my favorite current stealth game.
Yes, most likely someone will trigger an alarm and it becomes a run and gun fest. Yes, the mechanisms strongly push toward a "loud" approach. But if you can get a good team together, most heists can be stealthed, and it just feels right to finish a heist without anyone noticing.
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always wanted to play any of them, have them wishlisted, the idea that you can completely sneaky your way to levels is really attractive to me.
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I loved Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. Few times have I been as immersed in a game as when I played Chaos Theory at 3 AM with all the lights turned off.
I'm not into Thief, but thanks for the giveaways.
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I didn't realize that I like stealth in general before I played Styx. Well, I've played Thief4, Dishonored (both parts, in stealth style), even AC I always play with minimum combat, but if anyone asked me then: "Do you like stealth games?" I'd answer "Errrr... I don't know". But Styx was smth different. Something that I liked more :) shame on me, I've never played Thief series (thief4 doesn't count), although I always knew that I should, and after Styx, I know that I definitely must. Maybe someday.. I must not lose hope :D
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Best bit of stealth combat I've encountered is still the Mr Freeze fight in Batman: Arkham City. The whole series is fun to play as stealthily as possible, even if they don't allow for full stealth runs.
Invisible Inc. proves that turn-based stealth definitely is possible
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I for myself can say I love the Thief series - especially I,II, T2X - nearly official addon well only like for that one but I want to include the link somewhere well haven't finished Part IV yet, feels a bit different and I really miss fundamental and fanatical religions in it.
Since a few years I myself are a part of the modding community of Thief 2 and the amount of great Fan Missions especially Mission X by team CoSaS is just amazing. take this as a link to the active community as well
For people who can read&understand Russion is also the #2 address (maybe you would argue it as the #1^^) for all other with Google Translator is probably the best source for Patches, Mods, Fan Mission(?), Art... out there!
HD Patches and even Patches to the engine buy a secret person/team? give these 20 year old games even today a modern look.
Those who don't know the game
Thief & System Shock are probably the predecessor or games like Bio Shock, Deus Ex and Dishonored and probably Stealth games in general as well. Some even have the same minds behind the games!
About the pool.
I know there are more stealth games or specifically games which offer that option like Dishonored, Deus Ex and many more... but excluded these, as the optional 'cruel' factor is often chosen as the main option.
As the principals are very similar, count both Styx Games and Thief I & II together ;)
What noteworthy games did I miss?
As these two games are currently on sale I must make giveaways for them^^ -> even much more in Playing Appreciated
And for the main reason you are here, giveaways:
Interested in the game?
I prefer buying it on as as far as I know the core patches there are directly included and maintained by our community.
Also very worth notable The Dark Mod
-> check out Rzehooj's comment
A community driven stand alone Game/Mod with modern engine.
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