13 years ago*

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What game did you want to give away ?

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

13 years ago

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No Origin games are allowed, with the exception of Battlefield 3.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

13 years ago

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Do not do this. You have to lock the serial number to an EA account. That serial is taken so your 'friend' will get a game they cannot play online, ever.

13 years ago

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His giveaway was for a key that was associated with his Steam account, but he hadn't redeemed it on Origin. So he figured he'd give the Origin "half" away, not realizing that that is not legal. He'd essentially be making 2 copies out of 1.

13 years ago

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One Does Not Simply post an Origin game in STEAMgifts (Besides Battlefield 3)

13 years ago

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Lock the thread >_>

13 years ago

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Thanks for skyrim

13 years ago

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My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my hopes in the human species. Prepare to die.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Thanks for skyrim

13 years ago

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Do not say thanks for . . . the nozzle.

13 years ago

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Thanks for skyrim

13 years ago

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Do not say thanks for . . . the nozzle.

13 years ago

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Do not say Do not say thanks for the nozzle.

Thanks for the nozzle, tho

13 years ago

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Thanks for Fortix !

13 years ago

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Do not say thanks for . . . the nozzle.

13 years ago

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Thanks for skyrim

13 years ago

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Do not say thanks for . . . the nozzle.

13 years ago

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Thanks for The Elder Scrolls V

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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. . . the nozzle.

13 years ago

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Next time submit a ticket to support.

13 years ago

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Because that is essentially piracy, that is why I removed it

13 years ago

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he just giveaway a crack?

13 years ago

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They give him a code to activate on both platforms. Each are meant for him only.

13 years ago

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You could argue that it's the same situation with any other code tho. And it wouldn't be the first time something like that happens.

13 years ago

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The reasons why some games are giveable and others aren't are pretty ridiculous imo for a site called steamgifts. As long as they aren't fake giveaways they shouldn't matter since in the end they will be given away through other means such as in steam gifts forums, puzzles, etc.

13 years ago

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Origin code . . . STEAMgifts. 'Nuff said.

13 years ago

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I was also encompassing other games that are steam redeemable through codes not just this particular giveaway, which does make sense since if it isn't steam redeemable.

13 years ago

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Disallowed keys are for games whose keys are known to have been exploited, hence illegal and liable to revocation at any time. I'm sure there are legitimate keys for them as well, but it's not feasible to check out every single one, so the only simple solution is to disallow them completely. So, people exploiting keys is why we can't have nice things. It sucks, but there's nothing else for it, I'm afraid.

13 years ago

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Thanks, but we like to err on the side of legality and morality

13 years ago

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Legality/morality in people giving games that they already have or don't want to others? Explain pls, I'd like to understand your pov as well.

13 years ago

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The copies are non transferable as per th licensing agreements

13 years ago

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The terms of use for these bundles sometimes state that all of the codes are supposed to be used by the same person. Ostensibly, if this rule isn't followed, all of the keys could be rendered invalid and anyone involved in the process of distributing them between multiple people (including Steamgifts) could be sued. It's never happened, but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't.

In theory.

13 years ago

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Ok so if I understand this right, basically if someone buys a bundle containing several keys (Be Mine, Indie Gala, etc.), they are to use all these keys only for themselves and not provide these to others. If I already have the game in my library, am I supposed to discard the key rather than giving it to someone else? Another question I have is if it is steamgifts policy to not be a middleman for such giveaways, isn't it also considered wrong for people to just give these keys away on steamgifts forum?

13 years ago

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Totally different. When you buy a bundle, you buy several different licenses for the games, and they are giftable (transferable). This is a case of someone receiving one non-transferable license and attempting to give someone else access with the same license.

13 years ago

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Ok I get your point on this particular giveaway regarding origin, but can someone explain to me regarding giveaways involving partially used bundles? For example if there are 5 keys to 5 different games in a bundle and someone decides to give away 1 or more (not all) of those keys from the bundle, why is that wrong?

13 years ago

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Bundles can typically be purchased for a dollar. Giving away the games individually credits them at their full value. By doing so, one would add, say, at least $30-$40 US to their giveaway values for their one dollar investment (often considerably more), essentially making it a way to inflate the value of one's giveaways. Basically it would be an exploit of the site.

13 years ago

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Do you get a prize or credit if you have more $ in your giveaway profile? If so, couldn't this be curtailed by having 0P for these specific giveaways?

13 years ago

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Well, there are no tangible benefits for having a high giveaway value, but it is regarded as something of a status symbol. People who give more are more highly respected, naturally. As far as changing the value of the giveaways, that would require making two different entries for the game, the normal and the bundle version, and then relying on people to pick the right one, which would be a nightmare due to people either misunderstanding or deliberately trying to inflate their value, so, again, the simplest solution is the one presently in place.

13 years ago

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Imo most people (not new to steam and bundles) would be able to see through such a person's fake giveaway value status. I personally wouldn't care if my giveaway status was in the negative since there's nothing of real value to be gained by having a higher status anyway. The only thing the present band-aid solution is accomplishing is having people with these extra keys to either discard them or give them away to forum ninjas. I actually gave some extra keys to people on my list since it was against steamgifts policy to have giveaways using partial bundle keys. What stopped me from giving it to more people on my list were the greedy ones that wanted all my extra keys and didn't want to play any of them. I'd rather create 0P giveaways of them to people who actually want them and not just for people interested in having large game libraries (I know some people on my list that are obsessed with having shit load of games in their library and never intend to play any of them). If a mod or admin would give this somewhat more stable solution more thought and implement it, I believe it would probably make this site better.

13 years ago

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Well, I don't obsess over value either, but it means a lot to some people, and when you stop and realize that one could hypothetically raise their value to over $1000 with a mere $20 investment, the problem becomes pretty obvious. As far as people getting the games who really want to play them, giveaways don't ensure that, either. Quite a lot of people enter giveaways for games they don't even want just to be entering and win something, in fact, as sad as that may be. People who want to give their keys to good homes aren't obligated to just throw them out on the forum, either. They can use any means they like. They can make puzzles, have a contest, give them to friends, or even give people wanting them an in-depth interview, or anything else they like. This is really MUCH less of a problem than you seem to think it is. The relatively small issue of bundle keys isn't a very big deal when taken in contrast to the overall quality of the site, or even when compared with the problems that the alternatives leave. As I said before, with two different versions of the giveaway, the site has no way of knowing which version you have, and it would be up to people's individual competence and honesty to ensure it worked at all, and people, quite frankly, just aren't that reliable or honest, generally.

13 years ago

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I can see your point that not everybody wants a certain game and that this site doesn't necessarily ensure that the person who wants the specific game will be getting it. I basically think that people who spend time on this site and enter certain games are more apt to play the game they entered and that this also won't be the case 100% of the time. On your other point regarding people's honesty on giveaways, is there any way to know that someone created a giveaway saying it was an inventory item or a key they bought from some other site, when it could in fact be a partially used bundle key, if the winner doesn't report it? Also going back to the fake points such games generate. There still happens to be giveaways involving games that weren't purchased. For example Dota 2, free games for being a member to some gaming site, etc. Your opinion on those?

13 years ago

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By that token, you could include everything that ever goes on sale on Steam. There are opportunities to get games at a discount or even free, but these are limited, as opposed to being able to buy as many bundles as you like. If you get a game for free due to a promotion, you can't typically get multiple copies. As for betas, it depends on whether they are open or closed. SMNC is an open beta. Anyone can get as many free copies as they like, so giveaways for it are not allowed. DotA 2 and CS:GO, for example, are closed betas and only a limited number of keys are given out, meaning they can't be exploited in the way SMNC can, so they are allowed. I'll be leaving soon, so I may not be around to reply to further posts, but if I'm not, I hope you're able to find the answers you seek, and that I've helped explain some of the more obscure details of the workings of this site.

13 years ago

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Good discussion. I can see and understand some of the partial bundle naysayers points in regards to fake point generation. Hopefully I've also provided some valid points on my end as well. Unfortunately I couldn't reply to your last window because it seems we've reached the max on replying to replies. Anyhow, glad I got a decent discussion rather than lame one liners like wut?, you make me laugh, or thanks for skyrim responses prevalent in forums. Have a good day man.

13 years ago

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Thanks! Still here for the moment, and yeah, it's not a perfect system, but it seems to be the one that makes the most people happy. Always glad to help someone when they have questions around here.

13 years ago

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"Imo most people (not new to steam and bundles) would be able to see through such a person's fake giveaway value status."
Not necessarily, keep in mind that private and group giveaways aren't listed in the public profile (Obvious example - mowen).

13 years ago

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Also, me.

13 years ago

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Ooh never thought about those. I guess I'm mainly speaking about people who see a high value giveaway status and see that all the games in their giveaways were games from bundles.

13 years ago

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The problem with the Origin/Steam situation is that ALL EA games are locked to an EA account. Sure you can 'download' the game on Steam or Origin, but if you want to play online you need an EA account. Since the key is locked to the EA account, you're SOL on Origin.

You are 'giving away' a key that is utterly useless and voilates the TOS

13 years ago

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I see, it's kind of like someone giving away a retail valve cd when the original purchaser has already activated the key on steam so basically the other person wouldn't be able to play the game anyway.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Deleted-6890963.