I'm already pre-disappointed because we're not getting any cool free stuff beyond stickers, there are no pricing errors, the major releases don't have any good discounts, and Valve's special event sucks.
Let's see how well my predictions pan out for this year.
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I'm hoping to get a LED Steam Deck on sale, I think I saw on steamdb the historical low has been 20%. But putting the LCD Deck on sale earlier and at 15% has me wondering if the other Decks will go to 20% off or at all.
Likely wouldn't buy any games anyway, cause backlog, but we'll see what happens!
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I mean you can get the LCD deck at 20% certified refrubished direct from Valve (if it's in-stock). I think your historical low % is inaccurate for two reasons. I believe the 64 GB LCD was only 10% and the 512 GB LCD was 20% off. This is their first sale since having their price dropped permanently so you shouldn't expect the same % discount, even moreso on a physical good.
Double check my facts since I'm going off mostly memory.
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Hm, maybe the stats were buggy or I looked at the wrong thing. It’s not like each version of the Deck has its own page. I’m looking at the 1TB LED at either rate. I’m getting a major surgery later this year and won’t be able to sit at my desk for a while, so the Deck will be great. Hopefully at a discount!
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Wait, sorry, what is "LED" to you, I thought it was a typo for LCD. If you're forgetting the O in OLED, put it back lol. Adding a m.2 SSD is pretty easy and straight forward for both the LCD and OLED models (just take out the microsd!) so you can always go cheap with the 64. An anti-glare screen protector imo does a better job at both protecting the screen and doing anti-glare vs the anti-glare coating on the expensive Steam Decks, especially since the anti-glare coating is somewhat fragile.
Also just checked steamdb, I believe they all have their own separate price history.
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I did mean OLED, sorry. I guess I'll find out in a couple minutes!
I'll have to look into adding the m2, I was looking to get a microsd and expand that way, but I expect it to be a while before I fill up the initial space. But hey, if its easy and is a faster drive...
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Sad but also not totally unexpected, with the LCD going on sale last week. I'm not in a huge huge rush, if it goes on sale between now and my surgery, cool. If not, I'll just pick it up a couple weeks ahead of time.
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Steam made some improvements on the OLED I believe to make getting to the SSD easier than the original LCD model. Looking at it again, it may not be as easy as I thought since I'm pretty confident in my repairing ability so definitely take a look, decide if you're confident to do it yourself, and you can save some dough.
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One can always hope. For me, the Deck was a great purchase. I'm not using it much ATM, but I almost exclusively used it from the point where my preorder was fulfilled until a couple months ago.
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I’ve heard only good things, really. It’ll be great for travel and for when I’m bedridden later this year. I’m sure I won’t use it daily, but I definitely think I’ll get my moneys worth
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As a mom, who is constantly pulled away from gaming every 5 minutes, the Deck is fantastic. The power button is exceptionally consistent in pausing and resuming pretty much everything. I finally get to tackle my Steam backlog! (I have the upper tier LCD one with matte screen. Super handy for playing while waiting for school to let out. Highly recommend 10 Second Ninja X for the teensiest gaming times, if you like short platforming challenges.)
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As a mom, who is constantly pulled away from gaming every 5 minutes, the Deck is fantastic
I feel SO much empathy for you. You just described my life :D I should probably get a Deck one day.
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We also have a Nintendo Switch, which is great, but is always in high use. The Deck was a personal birthday present, and as such I get priority on it. Plus I can library share anything really interesting and just turn off Wi-Fi so we both can play. And we do co-op games on it, sometimes on the big screen. Battery is good enough for most game sessions to not even need a dock while on the TV, and I just plug it straight to the TV and charge after we're done.
Would recommend to any beleaguered gamer parents.
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That's a really good advice, and I fully meet the criterion beleaguered
Thank you very much
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity
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Pretty good, have yet to see a sale i didn't like!
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It says it starts today, it's today where i live and still no sales...
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11/10 look forward to the event not working for the first 2 days
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the only deal is pricing error,
i dont think i have seen any actual deal that isn't
1- available out of the summer sale almost on monthly basis
2- cheaper on 3rd party websites.
so i think everyone is just waiting for pricing errors now or games that will be delisted soon.
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I think the good ol' pricing errors doesn't happen anymore.
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I just saw Saliens skins in my steam inventory so I feel I'm totally not disappointed!
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I really like the fact that Summer Sale on Steam is 61% off for me https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/12726/SUMMER_SALE/
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I own more of those games than I would have thought. And IIRC, a lot of those were free at one point while Amazon Underground was still a thing. Definitely played a couple of those games on my Kindle Fire.
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0/10 satisfaction, but on Bandai, because they decided to start their own summer sale BEFORE Steam's, and it ends THE MOMMENT the Steam Sale starts.
Wich sucks...I had plans to adquire one game in particular from them but I wanted to compare other offers; it is "manipulation" to try to force you to buy their games without competition or before the competition shows up...and if you do not, you miss out on them during the real sale..
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"Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions - Ultimate Edition".
Since I added this game to my wishlist, I had notice they never put all editions on sale, they put the ones more likely to sell (base or the one with everything), and AS SOON as those end, they put the "Deluxe" on sale.
Its crazy how darn offten I get emails for this game by how much they spam the sales of each and every edittion individually at different times...
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That is pretty wild. Well, hopefully they extend their sale and with the proper edition.
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I appreciate it mate, but I'm expecting the Deluxe to be the one on the main sale, wich is pretty much a waste imo.
At this point I think I'm gonna pass on the game for this summer because I do want to see what other deals will be here; and the more Bandai keeps doing their own thing, the more I feel like I shouldn't "reward" them for this practice in this particular title.
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They used the exception in the rules. Usually 30 days countdown between sales, but not before the big seasonal sales. Max duration of a sale is two weeks. So in the end actually user friendly ... on the other side they haven't discounted Project Cars 3 for years (finally there is a sale now again, but only at Humble).
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While it can be seen as user friendly; it really felt very manipulative being forced to choose between the game and miss out on the major sale; or miss out on the game for the oportunity to judge the other deals BUT that game. But that's an interesting loophole for it, I am taking my time to check what else is on sale but Im most likely going to buy Captain Tsubasa myself.
Tho Project Cars 3 not getting a sale on Steam, is quiet odd; gives the impression they abandon it (even updating its price for sales and such).
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it has started to rain here in my location, so there will be 1 more month, most likely for summer to end.
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Nah, it has ended in India. Welcome to the 2 months of monsoon season. Enjoy your potholes and your pakodas :)
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I agree, but the heat wave will last for 1 more month, as it's raining in my place but even though the temperature are not soothing.
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As of now, I would say it's a 5/10 for me. I expect the disappointment to be through the roof once the sale starts. :D Actually... nah, I'm fairly certain I'll have the very same reaction I had last year (aka "meh") as discounts will probably be on par with what they were in 2023, so there most likely won't be any real pleasant surprise. It's ok though, I already have one hell of a backlog.
That being said, I'm probably going to pick up Wolcen if it goes for 90% off...
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Considering that right now I only see 3 non-owned non-"Steam is learning" non-"Profile Features Limited" that cost less than 1€ on https://steamdb.info/sales I'm really hoping that more of them will appear once the sale starts. I also have 110+ sets of event cards ready for crafting and hope to get to at least badge level 125.
Edit: All right, now that number of games is over 300.
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296 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by raydotn
So on scale of 0 to 10 how disappointed were you with Steam Summer Sale 2024?
And of course I have to post this before the sale... Free feel to reply also after sale started ;D
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