The ultimate edition is region locked for some of us unlucky people. I already bought Dragon Age Origins vanilla last summer.
So my question, is Dragon Age vanilla + Awakening = Ultimate Edition? If not I probably will just proceed to buy the ultimate edition on Amazon.

Or I'll just play the game without any DLCs because I probably don't have that much time to play all the DLCs.

11 years ago*

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From my understanding not...

11 years ago

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Base game, Awakening, and "all nine content packs". The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep, Return to Ostagar, Feastday Gifts, The Darkspawn Chronicles, Feastday Pranks, Leliana's Song, The Golems of Amgarrak, and Witch Hunt

11 years ago

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As already stated, the Ultimate has additional content otherwise not available through Steam. You might be able to get them within Origin or as ingame purchases though. I'm not certain with the PC version.

11 years ago

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You can, but it is damn expensive when looking at the price of Bioware points and the price of each DLC.

11 years ago

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Ultimate edition is also authorized for literally all DLC available. The DLC that doesn't actually come included with the initial game can be redeemed on the Bioware social site and downloaded (in the case of preorder items and such) from the Dragon Age Wiki.

11 years ago

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Sounds like a real hassle. I guess I'll pass on the DLCs and focus on backlogs then.

11 years ago

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It was a little bit of a pain but not terrible. It's how I ended up doing it myself

As a side note, whether you go for the ultimate bundle for $8 or the ultimate edition for $7.49, what you get is well worth that kind of price. It's up to you how you want to handle-and how much hassle you want to go with-on the DLC.

11 years ago

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I think there are two editions. There is a dragon age ultimate edition and there is also a third party edition called dragon age ultimate bundle. According to bioware official website, the ultimate edition includes dragon origins and dragon age origins: awakening and 9 DLCs as extra bonus. But there are some store selling the ultimate bundle which includes the ultimate edition and dragon 2. I suggest you go with ultimate bundle instead of ultimate edition since the bundle gives you more if you don't mind using Origin. I got the ultimate bundle from GMG about 3 months ago for $8.00. Comparing with the ultimate edition on steam wich is $7.49, why not wait to see deals of ultimate bundle on GMG and gamestop.

edit: I just checked my Origin account. The ultimate bundle includes 1 of dragon age 2 DLCs: The black Emporium and also includes a mass effect 2 blood dragon armor from dragon age origin, no idea why but it seems funny and I am happy to see a little bonus there.

11 years ago

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That describes the DAO pre-order bonus pack (collector's edition). If i remember rightly, it included the Black Emporium and the ME2 armor.

11 years ago

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Ok, I'll write you a little text:

  • You probably can activate the key on Origin anyway
  • The Origin version is just a link to the DRM free version of the game (you can unistall Origin after downloading)
  • Steam will probably just give you the same
  • All DLCs can be bought from here (Login=your Origin account)
  • After buying you can download the DLCs from there
  • I believe promotional DLCs are free anyway, log in & check what you are missing and if its worth it
  • The DLCs are often bugged and don't show ingame, you may have to tell Windows to start the DA Content updater

I think you'd better go with the UE since it's cheap :P

11 years ago

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Here is link for promotional DLC's:

11 years ago

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hello, fine sirs.
The Ultimate Edition is blocked in my region too, I was wondering: how much does it cost on STEAM?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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so, it's usually 30 bucks, thanks!

11 years ago

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The Ultimate Edition is not quite Ultimate. Missing three DLC's:

1.Bergen's Honor, a massive helmet made out of dragonbone that provides a huge bonus to physical resistance.
2.Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes, a special tome that adds +3 attribute points when read.
3.Final Reason, a magical staff of immense power.

Those were available only in the Collector's Edition and the Digital Deluxe Edition. Basically, to have everything, you need to have one of those editions and the Ultimate Edition, preferably bought on the Origin.

The promo DLC's are free now, indeed, but the ones that were included in the CE (retail) and DD ( Origin exclusive edition) are not available for free, nor separate sale. You are probably better off buying DD, Awakening and the missing DLC's from Origin, if you want a truly complete edition. EA....

DD Edition contents:

The Dragon Age Origins Digital Deluxe Edition comes with:

Dragon Age: Origins game
Digital Soundtrack Soundtrack
Three pieces of exclusive in-game items ( the ones I've mentioned )
Single use code that unlocks The Stone Prisoner
Single use code that unlocks Warden's Keep
Single use code that unlocks Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2

The Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition includes:
Dragon Age: Origins, the original game delving into the secrets behind the Fifth Blight.
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, the expansion exploring the secrets of the Architect.
Blood Dragon Armor, a downloadable content for extra armor originally included for new purchases.
The Stone Prisoner, a downloadable content featuring Shale.
Warden's Keep, a downloadable content exploring the mysteries of Soldier's Peak.
Return to Ostagar, a downloadable content featuring a return to the site of the battle at Ostagar.
The Darkspawn Chronicles, a downloadable content featuring an alternate history which allows the player to play as darkspawn.
Leliana's Song, a downloadable content revealing Leliana's past.
The Golems of Amgarrak, a downloadable content that unlocks the secret of Amgarrak Thaig.
Witch Hunt, a downloadable content that explored the whereabouts of the witch Morrigan.
Feastday Pranks and Feastday Gifts, a downloadable content containing gifts for the party members in Dragon Age: Origins
Single use code that unlocks Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2

Should give you an idea about what you get.

11 years ago

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I had those on 360. Shame I no longer have the account. :(

11 years ago

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So from reading all this, I'm guessing the only DLC you'll miss out on even after getting the Ultimate Edition are just a few pieces of special armour?

11 years ago

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Dragon Age Ultimate Ed on Amzon is it an online code or what? it says DRM: Origin but the title says Download. I am not getting it, if I buy will I get a key to redeem on Origin?

11 years ago

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Ultimate Edition is the best/only choice if you want the full DA: O experience.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by BiskutMentega.