My personal experience in asking people about religion is don't.
But then again, I don' believe in it anyway so.....
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I hate these type of threads. It really brings the worst out of us as a community.
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This kind of thread just causes trouble. It might be a good idea to close it before it gets out of hand.
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this shouldnt be one of the first things you ask someone btw
my approach:
informal- Do you believe in anything at all?
formal- Don't ask, you probably aren't even friends let alone close ones
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This thread is pointless and possibly harmful.
(rabid atheists are no better than fanatic muslims or christians, atheism is a religion imo, and one of the worse ones)
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He refers to the fact that most of the Atheists use the subject in the same way a nutty religious person would, in example: "aaaarghhh your religion is so stupid there's no god and my point of view is the one absolutely correct, you're stupid and gullible". Now change "no god" "stupid" and "gullible" with "randomgod" "infedel" "heathen" and you get the point :)
The thread is full of examples as you can see ^^
I think everyone should just chill out D:
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Sigh.... I was replying to the "atheism is a religion imo"... & I've seen one too many people "assume things" without looking at the facts. Just because one individual says/does something doesn't mean the rest of "group/religion/etc" does it too.
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Let's see what atheists do:
Seems like any ordinary nutjob fanatic christian or muslim to me. Maybe it'll be time and atheists will burn religious people at stakes? I don't know, possible.
I am not religious, I don't follow a belief system. I also find many scientific explanations lacking/hard to believe (big bang lol) and I simply cannot accept it as an ultimate truth. Probably an atheist would say that I'm an idiot cuz' science 'n' shit!
Comments like "Religion is just a fight over who has the better imaginary friend." What is so scientific or professional about that? Why should I be convinced that religion is bogus based on such an insulting remark leading nowhere whatsoever?
Ask me if there's a God, if there's an after life or how the world came to be. I'll just simply say: I don't know, and I have yet to find anybody who does.
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Change "Let's see what atheists do:" to "Let's see what religious do:" & it's all the sames, It works both ways.
Yes there are some who take their personal beliefs to an extreme, but not all. So because I'm an atheist all I do is spend my time put down people & hating on religion? No.
"Just because there's one bad apple doesn't mean it has to spoil the bunch"
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What I mean by the "all the same" is, there will always be a few bad apples, one (or a few) individual(s) that give everyone a bad rap (stereotypes). I don't see lots of atheist shitting on (or "bombing") others because of their beliefs either.
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I don't mind people having different beliefs, as long as they don't try to shove it down my throat. But just because I don't believe in a divine being doesn't mean I should be all "OMG how can you believe that? Stop believing what I don't believe in, you're stupid for not thinking like I do".
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"Hello, my name is Jedi Master Koolio O'bama-Dre. Have you felt the Force?"
"Tiny human,my name is Sanguiniusguillemanferusslionelkhandorncoraxvulkan Spazzenmahreen. Have you been saved by the God-Emperor of Mankind?"
"Hail! M'name's Sonnlinor Durgan Grimbeard, 'ave ye been touched b'Moradin the Dwarf-Father?"
Glad to help!
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I'll just ignore the entry-level debates, fedorable hostilities, pseudo-didactic diatribes, and bullshit banalities above (and indubitably below) and answer your question, OP:
I can provide more if needed, but I believe that's enough for now and should be more than sufficient to spark worthwhile discussion between you and your interlocutor.
For the record, I am an agnostic apatheist. Basically, I hold no strong opinion about the existence of a higher power or god, though I am very skeptical and doubtful of those who do. I do not personally believe there is one, though only due to insufficient reason to believe there is. In other words, I suspend my belief because I do not know the answer, I doubt I could know the answer, and I do not believe I would be able to know that I know the answer even if I knew. I am open to discussing religion and theism objectively and without prejudice, but I won't shy away from criticizing it, just as I would criticize anything and everything else.
As a side note, I used to be a devout Baptist Christian, then a Christian apologist, then a philosophical theist, and finally an agnostic deist before reaching my current state of spiritual (non)belief.
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ok then, as a christian that stopped praying and crap like that i must say that people attached to religions and "close their ears" to any other religion or believes are lucky
because a lot of people that don't believe in god also don't believe that there is a "meaning of life" which is half way to depression, i have family that don't understand my non-believes for "god" YET as their religion says to "respect the next" (or something like that) they never tried to "convert me back" and accepted, mostly because it's not that much of a deal nowadays...
anyway a religious person has always a more healthy mind while people like you and me can't see any point in this god damn over-populated rock
yet as i am staying neutral here i can also say religion supports a lot racism and discrimination (some more then the others) a few hundred years ago christians did witch-hunt, slavery, public decapitations, sexism, etc... so the current christian is something that was updated to avoid priests and other religious people to get pissed and go all rampage on everything
my current religion is "i do what i want to get back", if someone is happy i will not ruin the moment with a bad new, if someone is sad i will try to make him the day with a silly face, if someone has problems i will listen, discuss my opinion yet respect his choices
of course nothing of this applies on the internet c:
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I don't believe that the corollary of irreligiosity is existential absurdism and depression. Of course, abandoning one's religious beliefs (or being exposed to religion when one is irreligious) will almost certainly trigger an existential crisis, but I considered existential crises to be indicators of a working and thinking mind. If one does not undergo an existential crisis after examining or reconsidering one's views about such a fundamental aspect of the human condition, I would seriously question whether the person in question ever really did examine or reconsider their views.
Meaning, purpose, and value can be found in life even without religion. It can be difficult and unsettling at times, since an irreligious life typically requires some degree of suspension in belief, if only momentarily. It can also be troublesome because realizing the absence of any divine order or direction in the world can fundamentally alter how one perceives it. Without any teleological end, any creative beginning, or any guided now, how could one determine what is moral or good or virtuous? How could one qualify life and its meaning and purpose, or quantify the significance of our existence?
Religion provides a sense of stability and absolutism that many find comforting, but one must wonder whether this comfort is legitimate or even moral. What if that comfort is illusory, and one's complacency and contentment is born not from the veracity of one's beliefs, but its intensity? That can be a very disturbing thought for many, that there is no objective and absolute standard by which reality can be measured and valuated. If there is no god, no absolute and ultimate representative of goodness and virtue, how could one determine the goodness or virtue of anything? The lack of stability, the suspension of certainty, and the relativity of morality and meaning that ensues can be scary for some people. That's why even some philosophers have turned to constructing static axiological systems to give meaning and guidance to their life: they claim they base it in reason (which may be true), but they often fail to realize that they are simply fashioning another, artificial god to follow.
Religion is a powerful tool because it provides stability, certainty, and guidance in life, irrespective of whether its illusory or not. That's why religion is so popular. Irreligion and irreligiosity is a formidable path to take, and many shy away not only because of its counter-intuitive nature and uncommon status in society; but also because of its uncertainty as a path, and moreover its uncertainty as the best path to take. It takes either a foolhardy fool, a raving madman, or a saintly sage to endeavor on such a path, the path least taken.
I feel I should point out, however, that it is the religious, and not the religion itself, who are to blame for the crimes and injustices committed in the name of religion. However powerful and seductive a tool religion can be, and no matter how convenient or expedient it can be to blame it for the actions of its adherents, it is ultimately the decision of the religious to follow or forsake the teachings of their religion, and whether to commit a crime or abstain from the activity. Regardless of whether the topic is the Crusades or the Crucifixion, the beheadings of infidels or besmirching of interlocutors, the racism of radicals or excommunication by extremists: it is ultimately the choice of the religious to behave in the manner he or she does. Their religion may serve as an impetus and influence, or merely an excuse, but it is ultimately the burden of the adherent to determine whether the teachings of that to which he or she adheres is worthy of adherence.
Religion is a difficult and complex topic for anyone to discuss. It takes a critical and discerning eye to see religion for what it is and the religious for who they are. The problem is that many can't differentiate between the two, and even when they can there is no certainty as to which party is the better.
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do you discuss about religion often? that's a very strong opinion xP
honestly i ALWAYS avoid this topic because there's ALWAYS someone that will disagree so much that will become aggressive and rude just to prove their point of view, most times i know what they are trying to say but they can never say it in words because it would make less sence like "i believe in god because he created this world" or "i pray to the lord because he is watching for me"
i have family passing through a bad time with hospitals and as far as he can he goes to a "witch", not sure if is just in my country or not but it says that those people can provide "divine help" yet there are other type of "witches" that can wish you bad luck in life, health, money or even offer your soul to the devil to the demon
my sister only says that the witch that provides divine help always know everything, i can only see that women as someone always talking about other people's life and (i forgot to say) this witch always take money for each visit and the person i talked about having a bad time is not very financially blessed (so that you can see how paranoid my country is :P)
i'm not a very blessed person myself, i never had a normal life and i can't avoid going other way so there no reason to believe in a god/person that will help me somehow and honestly none of my friends or family can help either (seriously, they don't give a crap, yet most would becomed pissed at me for not trying to help them, even when they know that there's not much i can do), i'm still living in my parents house because my country is currently in crisis and there's almost no 25 years or less people that can find a job now and my dad is trying to piss me off everyday to get the fuck out of his house and go live under the bridge so that he could have more money for beer and cigarettes and probably kill my mother without i even know about it , he does not see me as his sun but has a pain in the ass since i was born, just so that you could see my brother passed out because of hypotension (i googled this not sure if this is the correct way to say it xD), he was hit in his head and it was bleeding pretty bad but my aunt was close there so she come and sent a call to my father, he just said "fucking puch him until he wakes up"
as you can see there's absolutely no reason to believe in a god and i don't intend to believe in such thing but i know that i would be much happier if i was religious because i would know that something was gonna change to better, unfortunately it would never happen but still i respect who does believe in god/s
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I'm surprised this hasn't been closed yet.
As for a question, a nice little quote from Jordan Maxwell, "The more you begin to investigate, what we think we understand, where we came from, what we think we're doing, the more you begin to see we've been lied to. We've been lied to by every institution. What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution is the only one that has never been touched?"
The most interesting thing to know in my opinion, is why.
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Some religions have been here on the earth and revealed somethings that even scientists came to a thousand years later such as the Earth is Round, many achievements in science were actually discovered my Relgious scientists such as HCL Acid made by Jabir Bin Hayan, etc.. People these days just wanna do whatever they want, they've become alot more selfish and don't wanna acknowledge that there is also something that religion has always been here since before even their Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand parents were in shape of Sperms on this earth..
Its quite easy to discard something without researching it for yourself...Love how today people blame all problems on religion, use it as a scapegoat for Humanity's utter and disgusting crimes against themselves...
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Certainly, as said it being used as a 'scapegoat' for humans to commit crimes such as Daesh(ISIS without any Islamic meaning) are doing, what they're doing is the total 180 of what the religion actually says...but in this day and age who does research about stuff..if you can kill a human being otherthan on the battlefield as your enemy, you're doomed to hell and who commits such a crime against an innocent human being actually commits a crime against ALL of humanity..thats what Islam says...there's no justification what they're currently doing..
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Religion revealed that earth is round: proof please
Hydrochloric/Muriatic acid was not made by jabir, he was a great scientist nonetheless, but so was Isaac Newton, and both were Creationists and Alchemists
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We can't give you questions to ask about someone's religion, because we don't know what you want to know from them.
The moment you work out what you want to know from them, you have your questions right there, making our input really kinda pointless. :V
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