Is this sentence false?
T-thanks, I like y-you too <3 :0
Good job with that game, though ;)
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It's a small stupid little thing looking back, but it was a "wow" moment, especially for my 16-yo self. I was playing UT '99 (against bots since no net at the time, plus I never play MP, ever), and was sniping from the top of the tower on CTF-Face. Enemy sniper hit me and that resulted in taking a step forward and starting to fall from the tower. I was still zoomed in and just fired off a shot, yet it managed to headshot a random opponent before I hit the ground.
Otherwise… I 100%'d Bad Rats.
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played 2h long map in Killing Floor, made it to the boss wave, the whole team died, 2 ppl crashed and my last shot killed the Boss and we won xD p.s. channel is not mine but our server admin:)
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Decapitatioooooooooooooooooooooooon in Brutal Legend! xD
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I like how you do, Brutal Legend was the shit, Jack Black really did his magic on that game.
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The tower fights were the real shit though. Too hard for me. ;_;
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I stop the mongol invasion head on in Medieval 1 as the turk by throwing everything i got at them , ..... believe me, it harder than it sound
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My Sim became the president:
plot twist my Sim was called hillary clinton
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If I start out in Khazaria, I'm the dominant power by around 1000 AD, and depending on how diligently I work, can have the whole world conquered long before 1200 AD.
With some clever manuevering, I get set up in a way that keeps the empire intact from then on.
It's actually quite boring now
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I usually stop from time to time that I forgot about the rules of title passing. I'm still trying to make a Lombard King happen. Other random Achievements I have I got by accident lmao.
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Oh... I heard about people playing a Fearie only party in W8, but this is something new.
I rebuyed Wizardry 6, 7, 8 during the last GOG-sale , since then I think about a playthrough with one same party.
(Never did play the previous parts 1-5, since they were not available for my computer system these days)
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Wizardry 1 is basically the first cRPG / first dungeon crawler. Simple yet addictive. 2, 3 and 5 are basically the same with new maps and completely skippable
4 is the most difficult RPG ever created. Good luck getting out of the first room; I barely made it past the first level.
I played a faerie ninja solo in Wiz 7 long before 8 came out; best weapon in the game is only available for that character (but good luck obtaining it). I didn't have 6 at the time, but Years later I did the same for the whole trilogy.
Wizardry 7 is still the best RPG I ever played, even if it does have some issues that modern players might not be willing to put up with. I still haven't seen another game that changes the way it does (the hunt for the "map" pieces)
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I completely agree with you on Wiz 7. Best RPG ever, and I feel it is the best game ever. I spent soooooo much time playing it when I was in high school. Those were the days. I obtained that weapon, killed a rat for it who was a bad mofo... and I had a faerie mage in my party. I was tempted to convert to a ninja just to use it. Mad respect for beating the trilogy with a one character party. That had to be hard.
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Second badass moment in wizardry 2: Knight of Diamonds.
Got lost in the dark for hours. ran through all my spells. 5 party members killed. 6th one just kept going and going and going. finally figured how to get out, and gained 47 levels at the inn
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I massively nuked Brasil (+20 nukes) because they attacked Jerusalem
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I stole the baron and then got a penta kill as nami in League of Legends.
Another one that comes to mind is playing an fps where hordes of mobs spawn and my whole team (besides me) died within 5 seconds of the last round. I ended up miraculously winning us the game after kiting like a madman. :D
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gg, FPS games have epic end of round winning kill moments. If only i could get my hands on one ;D
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Uhm today a rusky comrade teamkilled me twice for some reasons™ :C
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Playing Warcraft 3 and beating the human empire with the orc race(in a skirmish match) in under 5 minutes of game time against hard bots XD
OR if were talking about cool stuff done ingame I'd say the scene in saints row the third where you climb into a army tank and reverse out of a exploding plane and have to shoot down other tanks and falling people WHILE YOU ARE IN A FALLING TANK ! Awesome!
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Awesome, both examples. Might have to buy Saints row the third now! ;)
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You should definitely get it , its like GTA but with a good sense of humor and co-op , Last time I played it I was basically the hulk (green and muscly) and wearing a gimp suit chasing my friend around and slapping him with a big ass floppy purple dildo bat, its hilarious XD especially when your parents walk in and are like "wtf" XD
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Welp, another thing to add to my console wants list! ;D
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Showed a crazed zealot and general menace to society who's boss. Yep, that showed him.
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Dishonored Birgmoire Witches DLC on hardest difficulty, going for kills. Fought 4 or 5 witches who each take multiple hits to kill, can summon an arc of flying shadow knives that will somewhat home on you, root you with plants, blink away or startle you with their screams. Your main movement ability, Blink is different from the one in base game, because it has a shorter range, but stops time when you use it. I really would have liked myself from the outside, because I just went on straight on the enemies, killed one (?) with granade, blinked up in the air to bait the daggers, then back to the ground to dodge them and attack one at the time... It was pretty chaotic, and I really didn't think I could make it, but after 25-30 seconds of constant running, stabbing, blinking, using crossbow with normal and incendary shots I killed the whole group of enemies, who otherwise take 80% of my hp with a single attack. It's a little weird that whole Dishonored is stealth-oriented, yet my best moment in it was combat-based :)
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Dishonored is just plain badass, I have yet to get the 100% hang of it, but I at least can three star the Back Alley Brawl DLC on a first try :)
Great work!
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when i robbed a jewelry store in gta v and when i killed 5 gangsters while jumping from second floor in max payne 3
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Victoria Revolutions - conquered whole Europa and colonized america with Prussia.
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My most genius badass move in a game - which I remember and have a screenshot of - is this moment in JC2.
Mission: steal "this" car and drive it to "that" destination while being chased by an army with guns blazing.
Solution: attach car to chopper and drop it off at destination - avoiding the bullet hell and traffic.
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For those moments you just want to share to the world, from 360 across the map no scopes to just living a Mark Watney adventure in Osiris: New Dawn.
Come and share, videos are welcome! Positive attitudes are the only requirements :>
And maybe the trick I like gets a free game... ;)
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