Like I already said! Im from Croatia, I understand most Slavenic languages (also a litte Russian) and Im pretty trustfull! So if you need me Im here!
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Well, yeah i like idea iam that eastern europe countires could be mods and watch those russians giveaways if they are fake or not but in other hand like creating a giveaway i think you must write cd-key before creating a giveaway, yeah its harsh but it will prevent from fake giveaways.
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My suggestion is:
To make 5 moderators that can flag a giveaway as suspicious.
1 flag - suspicious
2 flags - very suspicious
3 flags - giveaway deleted
So everybody would know what giveaway is real and what is not!
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Right, and if it is a legit giveaway? Also, it is a giveaway site not a police state! You have the chance to win a FREE game using VIRTUAL points that you are given through no effort on your own part... I mean I understand the frustration of the giveaway turning out to be a fake, but as far as I remember, your points are returned if that is the case. Also, the fake giver gets banned. So, other than the frustration, what is the biggie?
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It's all about gifts, about giving and receiveng. When you win a gift, you are pleased. When it turns out to be fake - you are frustrated. When you are frustrated - you are likely not in the mood to make gifts. So, more fakes - less real gifts. Of course i'm making this up, but this is not unlikely course of events.
Anyways, fake giveaways are against the rules, and any way to fewer them is okay even in exchange of couple of suspended legitimate gifts.
And note, I suppose suspending giveaways, not banning authors. If they are not guilty and are proud members of steamgifts they will understand the reason behind suspention and just make it again. If they are scamming schoolboys they will likely be tired and go away.
And about the points... They may be returned, but consider this:
You have 100 points, there are three 50 point giveaways of rare games you are interested in. You make a hard decision and pick two. They turn out to be fake. You get your points back, but the third giveaway is already finished. Frustration. =)
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Mods are fine, They actually are on at all hours of the day. Especially Cult, he never sleeps.
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How many moders do we have right now? Cult, Cg... any others? i can remember only them.
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Wont this problem be solved by banning the offenders and also banning the ones who invited them and cancel/void any invitations they have made? Assuming that people can only sign up anew with an invitation code
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37 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by deadmarsh
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44 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Calibr3
So, we got lots of fake giveaways recently, and most of them are from russian children. Not okay. But, since there are lots of good russians, banning the country or smth like that is not an option.
The problem with such giveaways is the time they are created - our US mods are probably sleeping when it's daytime in Russia. So, maybe, couple of mods from Russia or Eastern Europe should be picked - from those who are willing to take the responsibility and are good members of the community - with some limited rights, like suspending giveaways at max. Why? Well, first - they will be active at Russian daytime, and second - they know russian so they can identify scams easier when checking steam profiles.
Thus, at least some number of fake giveaway can be prevented.
Sorry if this was already suggested.
PS. Oops, deleted first topic bt accident.
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