I enjoyed Wolfenstein The New Order a lot. After suffering through the 10gb update (my internet is slow) I was treated to a well made game. It also had a well written story (some might not agree).
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Have to say, Desktop Dungeons. Very nice game, if you like puzzle games, RPG, roguelikes and (please don't run away) a little bit of math. Can't recommend this game enough.
Runs on a toaster, so everybody can play it.
For nostalgia's sake, I must say New n' Tasty. For Oddworld fans, and newcomers too. Pretty solid platformer with superb art and history
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The best game I played in 2015 would have to be Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin. Not to sure exactly how to answer why but I guess I liked the challenge and just loved the gameplay. For what is potentially an extremely frustrating game was actually not very frustrating for me. Sometimes I can get a bit frustrated with some easy games but I hardly got frustrated with Dark Souls.
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I couldn't name just one, played some great games in 2015. But my favorites were:
Ori and the Blind Forest: Simply perfect. Artwork is stunning; the controls are perfect and fluid; the soundtrack is phenomenal; and the story is beautiful!
Tales from the Borderlands: So far my favorite game from Telltale. I love the Borderlands universe, and feel that Tales was a great addition to it. Had a really good time with it, lots of laugh, the characters, the plot, the story and the musics are awesome! I would LOVE to see a Season 2!
I'm not a hardcore fan of the older titles, but had tons of fun with DmC: Devil May Cry. SSSensational!
Abe's Oddysee was one of my favorite games back on the PS1, gotta say that I enjoyed Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty. This remake was really well done!
And an honorable mention to Puppeteer for the PS3 owners. It's gorgeous!
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I'll agree with you on DmC. A lot of people seemed to be hating on it as long time fans just because of differences. I haven't played the older titles and had loads of fun with it. So whilst it may well be a terrible Devil May Cry game it's not a bad game in itself.
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Bump and thank you! I really enjoyed playing Tomb Raider (2013) in 2015! I think that was my favorite game of 2015! The game has a rich and engaging story, and the graphics are amazing (although I had to play the game on lower graphics settings because I have a low-end laptop). I also really appreciated how they made stealth a big part of the game. You could die pretty quickly if you charge into some of the battles. It helps to take out a few enemies from far away. I saw the trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider, and I fell in love. I can't wait for it to be released on Steam and play it! Hopefully I can upgrade my ancient desktop computer sometime in the near future!
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My favourite would be Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation. I played all 3 of games in the series which are available on Steam right now and that one basically took the first game's amazing sense of humor, characters and story, combined them with the second game's improved gameplay and build up on both while lacking most of the weaknesses that those games had individually. All in all an enjoyable experience and the cutscenes were so funny that I didn't skip any of them even all the way during my 3-rd playtrough. :D
Looking back at the year there were several other games that I played for the first time and really really liked: Wolfenstein: The New Order, The Talos Principle, Space Run, Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (I am totally not sneakily recommending all of those right now :P ); but Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 bubbles up in my memory the most.
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Whilst I have played a number of good games in 2015 there are three which really stood out for me
Space Run
I just found this to be one of those highly addictive just one more game games. Basically a tower defence game with a novel twist that you build the defences on a spacecraft travelling through space. The game play was well balanced with a great range of units to build and upgrade and I found I kept wanting to get the perfect 5/5 score so replayed many missions until I accomplished this.
In many ways I found some parts of Navpoint similar to Space Run and I assume the Navpoint team reused a few ideas in from Space Run (or maybe they are common features in these sort of real time games). Another highly addictive just one more game games. Its basically a real time strategy game with game play that again was well balanced for me.
Borderlands 2
Great storyline, which made me laugh out loud at times. Great gameplay, particularly the coop. I picked to play this game fairly randomly when myself and another mate were looking for a game to play together and were expecting to play Sword Coast Legends but the release was delayed so we just went down our Steam library games and Borderlands 2 was the first game we both had. Since then we had a memorable "lads" weekend where myself and four of my old friends from a group that met at polytechnic in the mid 1980s played this game into the early hours. The first time we had done this for many years and fairly impressive since some of the guys are in their 50s.
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Here's my "failed to pick just one" list:
I can wholeheartedly recommend all of them. Just beware, in case of the first two, it's better to avoid spoilers.
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"What was the best game you did play in 2015, and why did you like it so much?"
The answer has to be Sunless Sea. It's a pretty simple game, I think, but it has a style and ambiance which can't be beat. And it has so many little stories going on that you actually can replay it over and over as your characters die and you have to restart (it's a roguelike-ish). You really get into the Lovecraftian spirit when you play it--a review I read once said it is "Heart of Darkness written by HP Lovecraft", and have to agree.
I really should take it off of my steam wishlist because I have it on GOG.
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I love Fallen London, so I picked up Sunless Sea while it was in early access. It's a little hard to get into (or it was at the time), but I keep meaning to go back to it and give it another shot.
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Didn't play much new stuff last year.
Wolfenstein: The New Order was great. Even ignoring the game itself it was DLC free, multiplayer free and story based and we don't get enough of that. The Old Blood didn't pull me in as much though.
The Witcher 3 was by far the top of the list though. It looks spectacular and the attention to detail linking various quests together is spectacular too. Sure the sheer amount of side content was too much for some who found it mindlessly repetitive but it wasnt like that content had to be done.
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I'm not sure if I started playing it in 2015 or 2016, because it was around a week ago, maybe more. The game I'm talking about is hero siege. It is a hack n slash game with RPG elements. I should note that I have The Binding of Isaac and I love it. I was looking for a similar game for a long time and couldnt find it, until I found out about hero siege. It very much reminds me of The Binding of Isaac, but not so much to call it a copy. It can be played in singleplayer alone or 2 guys (one on mouse and keyboard, one on a controller). It also has a multiplayer which allows up to four people playing together. The game has lots of bugs and multiplayer need constant fixes, but the fact that THREE GUYS from finland made such an awesome game amazes me. This is one of the reasons I myself am practicing game making. I highly recommend the game to a fan of Binding of Isaac or another similar game.
Also, thanks for the giveaway OP, got that game on my wishlist about week or two now :)
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Well, I haven't played much in 2015 but I did start MGSV:TPP on 2015 and I think it's amazing as a game and the playability is just awesome. Everytime I start playing the game surprises me and overwhelms me in a good way as much as the first time ^__^
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Another guy who fails picking just one game.
Undertale was absolutely amazing, it's probably the only game in existence that I'm afraid of 100%ing.
MGSV, despite some flaws, was really great. Kidnapping Soviet soldiers with balloons is surprisingly amusing, and I like how fluently it runs on my hardware. Too bad the series has to end with Konami being assholes. And we will never get MGR2. ;_;
And one game that didn't come out in 2015 that I played that year, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Great plot, likable characters, nice battle system, pretty music, what more could you ask for? The sequel! :P
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I've got to go with warhammer 40k: Dawn of war. I didn't have time for many games in 2015 (Not in the sit-down-and-complete-a-game-in-a-few-weeks sense, I tried and got a good way through most of my wins from SG as well) and it's one of the few I finished. I absolutely loved the story and characters, and it's been a long time since I played a RTS, which were my bread and butter back in the day.It's fairly important for me to know that I will no longer allow HERESY in my household as well, so that's a plus.
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Life is Strange was a happy lucky inexpensive purchase. I broke "the rule" and picked it up as a preorder on Nuuvem before they started in on their region locks, and I'm very glad I did. I love well told stories with excellent music and characters in my games (which is why Grim Fandango is still my favorite game of all time), and LiS delivered on those points well enough that I've since purchased it at higher prices a few times to give away copies here.
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Thank you for a single cheap game giveaway :)
I don't play much, but I spent quite a lot of time on playing Fallout 4. I really like this one, although it was a bit boring at the beginning and picking up all the trash was forcing me to return to the storage over and over, which was very annoying :D I was thinking about playing F3 and New Vegas before / after that one, but now it seems they will have to wait for a longer while...
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Best game I played (and completed) in 2015 is Beyond 2 souls on PS3. I didn't expect to like it, but it was nice for a change to play a game more cinematic! The story was intriguing and fast paced.
Honorable mentions: Shadow of Mordor, Destiny, Castle Crashers, Metal Gear Rising Revengance (although the combat system was too fast paced for me)
Overall though 2015 was not a productive gaming year for me... I got roped into the Destiny grind for a few months!
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2016 has been a pretty good year for me so far. I've won four games, one off of my wishlist. Of course, this string of good luck makes me incredibly nervous, and I'm pretty sure I've lost my 1.0 ratio by now. So I should probably give something back.
Rather than vomit up one of the terrible bundles available right now, I've decided to give away one of my favorite games of 2015: Downwell. If you like fast paced rogue-lites like Spelunky, Nuclear Throne and Super House of Dead Ninjas, you'll probably like Downwell.
I know what you're thinking: Why make a thread for a single cheap game if I'm not even going to hide it behind some obtuse puzzle? Well, I wanted to try out SGTools. Here's the giveaway link. I tried to keep the requirements pretty low, just keeping out rule breakers and prodigious leechers. Let me know if I screwed anything up.
Bumps and thank yous are appreciated, but I'd prefer to get a discussion going. What was the best game you did play in 2015, and why did you like it so much? It doesn't necessarily have to be a game that came out in 2015, just as long as you played it for the first time last year. As usual, giving a thoughtful answer will get you on my whitelist. I for one really liked Undertale...maybe I should give that away instead. Maybe later...maybe for the whitelist.
(PS: I cleared my blacklist at the beginning of the year, so if you've managed to go 10 days without being totally obnoxious, you should be able to enter!)
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