Fuck you, anti-vaxxers. And fuck you, dear government that de-facto does everything possible to persuade people not to trust Russian vaccines (it looks like Sputnik is an actually effective one, but of course, the official position is that it has no side effects whatsoever, and it leads to speculations; anyone who dares to speak publicly about, say, thrombosis can be legally persecuted for spreading misinformation about covid; needless to say, all this leads to lack of trust and insanely low tempo of vaccination). Basically, fuck everyone who contributes to missing group immunity here in Russia.

Some of you probably remember the moronically happy thread I created just two weeks ago. My father's assumed stroke turned out to be a harmless transient ischemic attack. Well, we are burying him tomorrow. During his five days in the first hospital he managed to catch covid. First symptoms appeared the day after his discharge, and the next day he was in a hospital again. Early in the morning on the 16th of July we received that awful call. He turned 66 five days before that.

I'm kinda anesthetized for now. I'm perfectly calm (except for that anger) and spend most of my time comforting my mother. Basically, I'm in denial so far. I guess, tomorrow I'll start feeling (or maybe not).

Actually, what I'm trying to say is this: take care of your parents and grandparents. Get vaccinated yourself and get them vaccinated (that is, unless they have some contraindications like my dad had, of course). Love them while it's possible, it can all end really abruptly.

Edit: sorry for not answering anyone personally, I read everything and appreciate all you comments, just don't have energy to answer you guys properly. Thank you all for your kind words!

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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My condolences for your loss

3 years ago

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Oh my god…. Sorry to hear that.

3 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss.

3 years ago

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Damn, brother, sorry to hear it. May your father rest in peace, and hopefully you find some peace for yourself.

I do wish people would take COVID more seriously, too. Had it a year ago in May, and it's no joke. Got vaccinated as soon as I possibly could, and I pester all my friends to do the same.

3 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss! Take a lot time for yourself please, that's hard. Just reading this makes me really sad :(

And yeah fuck covid, fuck pandemics, fuck antivaxxers and fuck people, who don't take it serious. This is, why we can't have nice things.

I'm really grateful, my government (Germany) took it mostly serious (ofc it could be way better), everyone in my circle and around me. Everyone is vaxxed i know. My parents getting the shots were such a relief.

One or two weeks after the second shots, they got some flu-ish stuff, fast testing turned negative, but i maybe think they got it and were good (because of vaccines). Tests false negative due shitty cutoffs and less replicating due vaccination.

And yes, it's a fucking tragedy that we will just let it spread, let it evolve and fuck everyone, which has contraindications to the vaccine :/

My condolences from my heart.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Ack, so sorry for your loss. I know our community's support is "small change" facing the situation you are going through, but please have our condolences, to you and your family.

And thanks for the message: to love our loved ones while possible, this is so important...

3 years ago

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

3 years ago

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I'm really sorry for your loss. No words can really alleviate your pain, but have my warm feelings.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I am so sorry, mate. I know not much we can do or say, but I wish you strength to go through it.

3 years ago

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The Rad Russian

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Yesterday,I missed my flight thanks to a postive PCR test.
I haven't seen my family for more than 3 years,and now there are no flights until September.
AlI want is to go home.I've been waiting a long time for that day, I'll keep waiting ...

3 years ago

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My condolences. That's terrible.

3 years ago

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sorry to hear this - please stay song and i'm always here to talk to if you need someone to talk to

3 years ago

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That's terrible, sorry for your loss

3 years ago

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russia is doing everything to not trust them
lately ?
attacking crimea and Ukraine
so no, no trust here

3 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss

3 years ago

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Im sorry for your father, take care mate.

3 years ago

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That's terrible, I´m so sorry for your loss.
My condolences to you and your family.
Take care of yourself!

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

3 years ago

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I'm really sorry...

I live with my parents in a small town. Me and my younger brother kept to ourselves, and we rarely left the house (even before covid). I lost him at the end of January because of covid, and the damn stupidity of others... It's also messed me up a bit as well.

I just wish that I would have acted like an asshole to my parents, or something. I really do. Maybe yelling at them like a lunatic would have made them listen to me about things. After covid reports were getting near our area, they still weren't taking me seriously about staying away from another brother and his family...

My friend also still comes over here and stands there telling me that covid is nothing but a super flu, that it's not a real problem because it hasn't killed as many people as the flu, and all of that nonsense. Not enough people are dying from it for it to be a concern to him, I guess. It just pisses me off..

I can't stand that nobody takes things seriously.... I lost my favorite person in the world because of it.

I fucking miss you, Tom...

3 years ago

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wow, so sorry for your loss... <3

3 years ago

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It sucks, heh..

Happy Cakeday to you, though. =)

3 years ago

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I am so sorry to hear that. My condolances.

3 years ago

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Your father seem like a good dad that dont deserved that ending. Im so sorry for you pal.

3 years ago

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