Fuck you, anti-vaxxers. And fuck you, dear government that de-facto does everything possible to persuade people not to trust Russian vaccines (it looks like Sputnik is an actually effective one, but of course, the official position is that it has no side effects whatsoever, and it leads to speculations; anyone who dares to speak publicly about, say, thrombosis can be legally persecuted for spreading misinformation about covid; needless to say, all this leads to lack of trust and insanely low tempo of vaccination). Basically, fuck everyone who contributes to missing group immunity here in Russia.

Some of you probably remember the moronically happy thread I created just two weeks ago. My father's assumed stroke turned out to be a harmless transient ischemic attack. Well, we are burying him tomorrow. During his five days in the first hospital he managed to catch covid. First symptoms appeared the day after his discharge, and the next day he was in a hospital again. Early in the morning on the 16th of July we received that awful call. He turned 66 five days before that.

I'm kinda anesthetized for now. I'm perfectly calm (except for that anger) and spend most of my time comforting my mother. Basically, I'm in denial so far. I guess, tomorrow I'll start feeling (or maybe not).

Actually, what I'm trying to say is this: take care of your parents and grandparents. Get vaccinated yourself and get them vaccinated (that is, unless they have some contraindications like my dad had, of course). Love them while it's possible, it can all end really abruptly.

Edit: sorry for not answering anyone personally, I read everything and appreciate all you comments, just don't have energy to answer you guys properly. Thank you all for your kind words!

3 years ago*

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My deepest condolences

3 years ago

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My condolences.

3 years ago

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Wow, I'm sorry for your loss. I can't claim to know what you are going through, but you have my sympathy, condolences, and prayers.

3 years ago

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Sincere condolences to you and your mom... Take care of each other. Sorry that it happened so abruptly but he will live in your memories. May he rest in peace.

3 years ago

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Ты, видимо, данные опроса на каком-то политизированном сайте типа Медузы прочитал. По опыту моего общения с людьми, а я много с ними общаюсь, они не доверяют вакцине не потому, что не доверяют правительству, а потому, что необразованные и тупые. Я слышу этот бред про чипирование, про программу сокращения населения. Они не знают, как работает иммунитет. Они запугивают друг друга в Ватсап-чатах «страшными» симптомами после вакцины. Люди реально тупые в массе, не способны думать своей головой, не заботятся о себе, а об обществе не думают - тем более.

3 years ago

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I don't pretend to know how it is in Russia but there is vaccine hesitancy all over the world no matter how well received any vacc is (maybe lower hesitancy in places that forcibly vaccinate as many people as possible). It is unfortunate some people either don't understand the science and math behind it or don't care enough about others etc.

3 years ago

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Sorry for your loss. Can't blame you for being angry at antivaxxers - those idiots pisses me off too!

3 years ago

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So sorry for your loss, that's a really shitty thing to happen! Adding my voice to the chorus of condemnation of those actively, and consciously, enabling this virus to do the the damage it is doing.

3 years ago

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That's fucked up. I'm sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and your mum.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

3 years ago

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