Reapplying for the group.
Joined years ago, but I'm not sure if I even participated.
First giveaways are going to be - unsure at the order:
FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water
Days Gone
The Legend of the Heroes - Some of the games from that collection
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
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Sorry for the late reply - I've been really sick for the last few days.
You were a member from February to April 2018.
If it has any interest for you: you created 10 giveaways, participated in a few dozen, and won 3 games.
So you were pretty active in the short time you were a member :)
Regarding the games you suggested, as your "new member fist giveaway":
I'm not sure what you mean by "The Legend of the Heroes" games.
But in regards to the other games, your safest bet would be
Spider-Man: Miles Morales (47 entries for last giveaway)
after that Days Gone (21 entries last giveaway)
and lastly FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water (no giveaways in the group, but on wishlist of 17 people)
So feel free to choose whatever game you feel comfortable with.
I sent you a group invite.
As a returning user, the rules are somewhat simpler.
I'm reminding you that the "Joining GA" needs to be created within 48 hours of re-joining, and that it needs to last at least 7 days.
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Hey Tadako,
Sorry for the late reply - I've been really sick for the last few days.
You do qualify to apply, if that's what you're asking..
In order to apply to join the group you need to follow the instructions (on the post on top of this page)
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Hey Tadako,
Looks like Kraken Academy!! only got 2 entries last time it was given away in the group - so it's not a good choice for your "new member's first giveaway".
You can see instructions on how to check giveaway entries, and examples of giveaways that passed 12 entries recently, in the top post.
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Probably because it is doubtful that it would get the required entries.
You can still try it I suppose.
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The number of points required to enter a giveaway is based on the list price of the corresponding Steam game in the US region
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Hey Massulan,
Sorry for the late reply - I've been really sick for the last few days.
You are eligible to apply, if that's what you're asking..
In order to apply to join the group you need to follow the instructions (on the post on top of this page)
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Hey Massulan,
Borderlands 2 GOTY only got 1 entry last time it was given away in the group.
Project CARS only got 2 entries last time it was given away in the group.
So both are not a good choice for your "new member's first giveaway".
You can see instructions on how to check giveaway entries, and examples of giveaways that passed 12 entries recently, in the top post.
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Hey quantum35,
It looks like the last time you gave a game away on SteamGifts was 3 years ago.
And prior to that - 6 years ago.
I would like to see you more active on SteamGifts before I can pass judgement on your eligibility to join this group.
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Hey maniquetil,
You've created your account a year ago, but it looks like you've only started being active in SteamGifts in the past 2 weeks.
I would like to see a longer participation history from you, before deciding if you may apply to the group.
I suggest you stay active on SteamGifts, and contact me again 2 months from now.
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• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
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I mostly have a few questions, so say you join the group and you decide to take a break in the middle of a month, would you remove yourself from giveaways you entered until you come back. And let's say you do your open to sll regions giveaway for your entry requirement, there after can you still do region locked giveaways for your monthly giveaway requirement or must each monthly required giveaway be open to all regions. And yes I saw that DLCs cannot count as monthly but what if it's an expansion for a very popular game, for example the season pass for far cry 5 or borderlands 3. These might seem like silly questions but I just want to know what I'm getting into if I decide to try join in the future.
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say you join the group and you decide to take a break in the middle of a month, would you remove yourself from giveaways you entered until you come back.
That's not how it works.
"Take a break" mechanism is meant to allow people to step away from SteamGifts for a prolonged periods of time, without being kicked from the group.
For example, you have exams coming up, and you can't touch the computer for 2 months. Or you have a child on the way, and need to step away for 4-5 months.
When you need to "take a break", you simply don't enter any giveaways that month - and you're not expected to create a monthly.
If you've started a month, and you're entering giveaways - this means you're active that month, and you should already have created your monthly giveaway.
And let's say you do your open to sll regions giveaway for your entry requirement, there after can you still do region locked giveaways for your monthly giveaway requirement or must each monthly required giveaway be open to all regions.
Each monthly giveaway needs to be non-region locked. (You can exclude 1-2 countries, because there are some such games. But not a giveaway that's only limited to a country or a region).
For your extra giveaways, you can have region-locked giveaways as well.
And yes I saw that DLCs cannot count as monthly but what if it's an expansion for a very popular game, for example the season pass for far cry 5 or borderlands 3.
If the giveaway is very popular, it can pass by the "popularity exception" rule.
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Please note that "Will You Snail?" only got 12 group entries last time it was given away.
So there is a chance it will not get enough entries this time around, and you will need to create a new giveaway (which will prolong your group trial period).
Is this acceptable to you?
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I understand that there must be a minimum of 12 participants and so if there are only 11 I will have to do another ^^.
But that's why I wanted to audit it before launching my giveways and so if I think I found another game it will be another one and not "Will You Snail?"
The important thing is that I manage to have an exclusive game with minimum 12 participation. but if I can't find another one I'll go for "Will You Snail?"
But yes, I understand that you need a minimum of 12 participants and that if there are not enough, you have to do another one of 7 days. I'm ok with that.
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If by "needs of the group" you mean the group wishlist, you can check that even before joining.
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How to join:
(✔)Read all the group rules (especially the "new members rules"), understand them (if anything is unclear - ask me), and be willing to follow them. Full group rules can be found here.
(✔)See that you comply with all the general rules. if you don't, I won't add you to the group, so there's no point applying.
(✔)Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway".
(we are already friends on steam) I (Mdk25) will add you as a friend on Steam (so I can communicate with you)
( )I will invite you to the group
(✔)Group recruitment window is from the 1st to the 20th of each month.
(✔)• At least Level 3 on SteamGifts
(i don't sur)• Have given away "QGG Monthly"-quality games in the past
(✔)• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
(✔)• For users below level 5: User must have a positive Real CV ratio (Check ratio here) OR Positive SteamGifts won/sent ratio
(✔)• Clean slate at SteamRep (
(✔)• Steam profile has to be public
(✔)• Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.
Please read these rules carefully, and only apply if you're sure you can follow them.
• New members need to create a giveaway in 48h upon receiving an invite to the group
• New members first giveaway must be a QGG group-exclusive giveaway
• New members first giveaway must last at least 7 days
• New members CANNOT enter any group giveaways until their first giveaway is finished. (Finished = marked as received by the winner)
• New members first giveaway must have at least 12 entries when it's finished. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway cannot be region locked
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
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But when you write things like
I wanted to audit it before launching my giveways and so if I think I found another game it will be another one and not "Will You Snail?"
That doesn't exactly sit well with
Leave a message in this thread with the name of the game you're planning for your "new member first giveaway".
If you plan your first giveaway to be "Will You Snail?" - let me know.
If you plan your first giveaway to be something else - let me know that.
But you can't join and then start deciding what your "first giveaway" is going to be.
First you need to definitively decide what your "first giveaway" is going to be, and then you'll be invited to join the group.
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Hello! Would love to join and was thinking of Mr Prepper or A Juggler's Tale for my first :)
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Hey drabspirit,
Please ready (and follow) the joining instructions:
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Hello, would it be possible for me to join? I'd giveaway Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! as the first game as it does seem to meet the requirements
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My bad, thought it'd be popular so I didn't bother to check, I can do Citizen Sleeper, Patchquest or Swine HD Remaster
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You can use the link given above to check the number of entries a game got the times it was given away in the group before.
Definitely really useful in deciding which game to create a GA for.
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Thanks, but I already checked the 3 games I have listed with this tool. Citizen Sleeper was given multiple times before, but other 2 weren't so I thought I'd just give all 3 away if allowed
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you can also check the group wishlist but remember that not everyone enters even if the game is on their wishlist because some people are not active or don't want the game so much
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Citizen Sleeper has only received 4 entries last time it was given away in the group.
Patch Quest got only 2 entries last time it was given away in the group.
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster got 0 entries last time it was given away in the group.
When checking games, please use their Steam names, in order to be able to find them.
Patchquest -> Patch Quest
Swine HD Remaster -> S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
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Okay, Eastward should be fine then? Or The Pedestrian, it's wishlisted 24 times although last giveaway didn't get many entries
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Requesting to join. My first giveaway will be GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst.
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Continuing our conversation from Steam chat:
How about Dark Souls 3?
or Risk of Rain 2?
Both should be ok (Risk of Rain 2 the better choice).
Group invite sent.
Please don't forget to create your first GA within 48 hours, and that you cannot enter any group GAs (at all) until your first GA ends and is marked as received.
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Hey Mhango,
Sorry for late reply.
Devil May Cry 5 is a good choice for a first giveaway.
However, looking at your profile - i have some concerns:
I see you're not very active on SteamGifts.
Your last giveaways were in the last couple of weeks.
But before that, you last posted giveaways 5 months ago.
And before that, your last giveaway was 5 years ago.
I need to warn you - that QGG is an active group.
All members are expected to create (at least) a monthly giveaway every month.
Is that something you think you will be able to do, from now on?
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I can see where you are coming from, but personally, I do not think my SG history is concerning or out of the ordinary for an average user - I was pretty active for 2-3ish years on SG / ST from 2016-2018 and later took a long hiatus from gaming for college/can't play the games I want on a subpar PC or laptop anyways. Recently got back into gaming with a fresh PC and gave away old keys I find intermittently and am browsing what new games there are. I find that I am now less and less interested in some bundles than I used to be, hence looking at groups as I now enjoy gifting more so than trading. So, all of that is to reassure you and say that I did read your post and would not have posted if I couldn't host monthly GAs.
Tl;dr - yes
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Our group name is also a statement of purpose. We strive to create an environment where all our members can have access to Quality Game Giveaways and a proper chance to win them.
It is a simple aim, or at least, it should be. Since the conception of the group, roughly 6 years have passed and time has shown us that while a goal might appear simple and direct, it will still require a proper structure for it to work. This means that our group rules came into shape after countless revisions and discussions, and while there is always room for flexibility and change, the most important thing is that they are there for good reason: to make things as fair as possible for everyone and ensure that only those who want the same things stay in the same group.
So if you.... to give back and enjoy quality games giveaways, this is the group for you. for your games to be played and play the games you win, this can be the group for you.
Here are some giveaways that got 12+ entries in our group in the last month (you can see the top 10 from previous months here)
UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves Collection
SteamWorld Heist II
Hogwarts Legacy
Shadows of Doubt
Crysis 3 Remastered
Closer the Distance
Crysis Remastered
Buckshot Roulette
Overboard! (2 copies)
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer
The Pedestrian (2 copies)
The Invincible (2 copies)
DeathSprint 66 (2 copies)
Persona 4 Golden (4 copies)
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
STAR WARS: Dark Forces Remaster (2 copies)
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (3 copies)
QGG Main Group
QGG Special Game Group - HardCore - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual - Game ended. Next Special Summer game in December
QGG Special Game Group - Casual- DeprecatedQGG High Tier Group- DeprecatedHow to join:
Group recruitment window is from the 1st to the 20th of each month.
• At least Level 3 on SteamGifts
• Have given away "QGG Monthly"-quality games in the past
• If you're new to SteamGifts, you need to be a member for at least 3 months, and be a member of at least one other closed group (a group where you need approval to join).
• For users below level 5: User must have a positive Real CV ratio (Check ratio here) OR Positive SteamGifts won/sent ratio
• Clean slate at SteamRep (
• Steam profile has to be public
• Multiple or unredeemed wins within the last year - are forbidden.
Please read these rules carefully, and only apply if you're sure you can follow them.
• New members need to create a giveaway in 48h upon receiving an invite to the group
• New members first giveaway must be a QGG group-exclusive giveaway
• New members first giveaway must last at least 7 days
• New members CANNOT enter any group giveaways until their first giveaway is finished. (Finished = marked as received by the winner)
• New members first giveaway must have at least 12 entries when it's finished. To check how many entries individual games received in QGG giveaways - see insturctions at the bottom.
• New members first giveaway counts as the monthly giveaway of the month he joined
• New members first giveaway cannot be region locked
• New members first giveaway must have at least 10P value, and one of the following:
(I recommend using the tool provided below, to checking how many entries it got last time this game was given away in the group, to prevent the situation where your first giveaway doesn't get enough entries, and you're forced to create a new one to replace it and wait another week)
For full list of rules, see our group rules page
Rules still unclear? Check here
How to check how many entries a game received when it was given away in QGG:
A word of advice: This is not one of those groups where nobody really checks what you do, so you can do whatever and nobody will care. This group is more similar to "Actually Playing Games" or "Playing Appreciated" where there are strict rules, and everyone needs to follow them to the T. If you're more a free spirit, who just wants to give some games and win some games, and not to think about it too much - this is not the group for you!
A word of advice #2: If you're thinking of joining the group, and entering as many giveaways as possible until you're kicked from the group - please don't!
Many have tried. All have failed. Our group management tool allows me to see exactly which GAs each member joins, and as soon as I detect new members trying this, this person is kicked from the group and blacklisted by all members.
Management of this group is done using the SGMT tool. All checks and verifications (new user, monthly, GA quality, etc.) are fully automatic.
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