Just got a PS3 (I know, I know, it's almost 2016! It was a gift). Which game should I play first?
I also got Diablo 3 (including expansion), but we've been playing that one non-stop for a few days already. We don't really have money to spend on games right now, and those three should last us a while, especially since we both have so much Steam backlog :p
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wow, that is quite some list of games, I wouldn't even list most of these myself as I know I would never get around to finishing some of them (the games being too grindy, and me owning too many games to play). if you need help with any of the co-op ones just PM me.
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Yeah, as I was making the list I thought to myself, some of these may never get done. I'm just hoping that having them in a list like this (in public) makes me more likely to work on them, rather than (ahem) pouring stupid hours into adventure capitalist as I have been. I'll definitely message you when I get to the co-op ones!
Now, off to knock out some more Dragon Age: Inquisition (:
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I've been "playing" a lot of Adventure Capitalist, too, lol.
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I'll see if I can get a copy with my store credit somewhere :3 Thanks!
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Red Dead Redemption is definitely a must!
And don't skip The Last Of Us. God, can't recommend this game enough :)
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Is that one also on steam? I prefer steam tbh. Someone at the coffee shop yesterday recommended me Dark Souls.
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No, they are both on PS3. The Last Of Us is so good that it got remastered for PS4. Both games are some of my favorite console titles. If you can get your hands on second hand copy or if get get discounted on PS Store during a sale, don't think too much, do it :) Oh, there is also Heavy Rain from creators of Fahrenheit. Another console must.
Dark Souls is hardcore in it's purest form. And by saying hardcore I mean nail bitingly, teeth grindingly hardcore. The title even says Prepare To Die Edition. And it means it. Well, it is not actually that hard if you dedicate yourself to it, learn the tactics against each opponent, remember their timings, but I never had enough patience and usually ended up rage quitting. Read some reviews and watch a bit of gameplay before making a decision, it is definitely not for everyone.
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You have an "awful" list there for getting 100 %s. A lot of them are insanely grind based atleast from the first impression since I don't have most of them. Others are pretty skill based. Well, from the ones I actually have:
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Yeah, I may not ever get to some of these, especially borderlands...I just don't really care for it. I don't mind grinding though, some of my torchlight achievements are purely grinding.
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To expand on my previous reply comment.... MAGICKA. Magicka. That damn game. I'm in the same spot of not trying since getting the laptop, and I bought the laptop in 2012. All my old save files are on my desktop (purchased in 2010, upgraded a little bit, still not a great gaming rig but it's what I have). The lag was TERRIBLE before. So I'm not entirely psyched to try again. But I loved the snark in the game!
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Oh god. Secret of the magic crystals. This game makes me want to cry and yet I am sure I will finish it. Just a little more grinding to upgrade everything then it's the slow monotonous grind to breed a level 5 horse of each type so each can get their respective crystals. In general it has a clear appeal to young kids but I can't imagine most kids would take the time needed to reach the actual end game.
I also totally agree with your notes on AdVenture Capitalist. I deleted it out of my library after they added all the new achievements. I only wish I could delete it out of my profile. I'm so embarrassed by those 83 hours on record.
I can sympathize with you on Faerie Solitaire. I had gotten all the way to letter S in Lyne an then fried my old computer. I have to get all the way back there again before I can finally finish the alphabet.
I just leave Universe Sandbox running in the background most of the time. I'll get that one year achievement eventually.
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Ugh yes those dang horses. WHY. I tried to think if I would play it when I was a kid, and I think I would just be bored.
I'm at 103 hours for AdVenture Capitalist. I'm not ashamed.
For Universe Sandbox, I adapted a script I found so that I can get the startup achievements. Once that's done I'll just leave it running.
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It's one of my all time favorite games! I got most of the achievements just from playing, only had to grind out a couple. Only downside is I have less incentive to play now...I still love the game, but having completed all achievements and storyline...I was hoping 5 would be better, but I think it was a huge step backwards for the series.
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Yeah, it's awesome!
And yes, the achievements were pretty easy to get, except for "Expert" that one took a while..
I'm still planning on trying out some challenges in the future but I had to try other games after 100%ing it because it was all that I played for a while :v and I have Tropico 5 in my library but I haven't played it yet, it seemed not bad though Except for THEY CHANGED PENULTIMO'S VOICE-ACTOR :@, why did it feel like a step backwards for the series?
Some people even say that Tropico 4 was a disappointment because it's really similar to Tropico 3 but I have only played Tropico 4 so meh.. :v
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Well for starters YEAH they got rid of all the excellent voice actors ):
I say it felt like a step back for a number of reasons. The gameplay seems overly simplistic, and trying to figure out where buildings etc are is extremely frustrating since they're not as intuitive as they were in 4. The graphics aren't as fun, in my opinion. And most importantly, the multiplayer is garbage. It's impossible to play a map with a friend without getting mad at each other for taking up too much space, the only available resources, etc. Which is extremely frustrating given I was SO excited about the multiplayer option. I expected it to be more like multi in the civ series. I had a long conversation about the other failings of it with my best friend, but this was ages ago and I can't remember most of it. The big conclusion we came to was that we hoped it would combine the best things from T4 and Civ5, and instead in combined the worst of the two.
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I don't really mind a bad multiplayer, and yeah I saw that the farms take a LOT more space than in T4 where there used to be just random fields spawning around the farm-house.
T5's graphics are kinda better than T4's but yes, they aren't as fun as T4's...
By the way, what do you do in multiplayer? is it won by taking over the whole island?
I also didn't like the new research system much, but I still have to play it to see how bad the situation is.
RIP the real Penultimo...
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WELL, I wish I could tell you more about multiplayer, but it always crashes after about 30 minutes. I've tried with different computers, playing with different people, etc. Haven't been able to finish a damn game.
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That's bad indeed, just like the multiplayer for the Stronghold series.
But Tropico 4 was good enough as a singleplayer game only, and if T5 managed to have an as good as/better singlepayer campaigns than T4 while having a shitty and unstable multiplayer feature, then it's fine by me! :v
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It's definitely worth playing, but I wouldn't pay full price for it.
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Fallout: New Vegas 1% - -
Guess you gave up on it pretty quick :) You'll have to at least play it three times to get all the achievements, so consider it more of a long-term project. Actually the Gun Runners achievements might take a fourth playthrough if you don't plan them carefully.
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I didn't give up on that one, my computer did :p I haven't played it since I got the new laptop, I'm hoping it runs well on that since it didn't agree with my desktop.
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Costume quest is the 2nd game I did 100%. As I remember just finish the game and you will get 100% besides the ramp thing, idk i forgot GL with achievements
EDIT: I jist noticed you have scribblenauts unlimited. You just have to finish all quest and you will get 100% on that one
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I already knocked out the ramp one too. I really liked that game, just haven't gotten back to it in a while.
re: scribblenauts, my progress all got wiped ): same story, just haven't gotten back to it again. I bought unmasked recently too, so once I finish unlimited I'll start that one and add it to the list.
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Good luck!
Plants Vs Zombies, Costume Quest, Fallout NV, Terraria and The Walking Dead should be pretty easy to 100%. Some may be a bit time consuming. :)
There's a great guide on "easy 100%".
I don't know if it will be any good for you though. Includes a lot of F2P games.
Tropico 5 isn't as fun? That's a shame. Maybe if they do a GOTY version a couple of years down the line it might be.
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Yes, see this regarding tropico 5.
PVZ I just have grindy ones left I think, and a couple of the minigames that I find extremely difficult. I know costume quest and walking dead are mostly storyline achieves, so it's just about getting back to them. Fallout NV will depend on if my laptop runs it, and Terraria is so far super fun with the additional content, since I started from scratch to do the achieves. I had basically beat it years ago.
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Could probably look up video guides for those trickier achievements in PvZ (or any game really). I seem to remember doing it for one of the achievements but I can't remember which one.
Terraria is just one of those games, the new expansions always seem to make it worth another run. Those fishing achievements though... good luck. :)
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I want to help you getting the L4D2's achievements because I need help too xD
But... It's kinda hard since it'll be laggy
Hmm I guess congratz for your 2 perfect games
Also Borderlands 2 is much more "funner" than the 1st one, especially with friends
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I've heard the second is better! I'll have to try it. A friend bought it for me a while back.
I'd be down for trying L4D2 (:
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I didn't realize you had one up, I haven't done puzzles in a long time /: I'll check it out!
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Costume Quest, Faerie Solitaire, and Scribblenauts Unlimited are all pretty easy and fun. The only problem with Faerie Solitaire is the RNG involved in the egg drops. I recommend starting Scribblenauts Unlimited again. It's one of those games where screwing up is possibly more fun than getting it right.
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Hey, if you like to 100% games, take a look at 100pals. We're very active on the group's discord server and help each other to 100% games.
Feel free to join if you feel like it :)
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I get that, and I definitely spend more time playing games just to play them than to get the achievements. This was more a way to convince myself to branch out and try new games, and it's worked wonderfully.
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Yeah, that's why I hadn't updated it in two years :p and it's far from every game I have or have played, just ones I'm interested in enough to want to 100%, or ones that would be funny to finish
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Bump! ๐ ๐
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4 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by JustAlexxx
I'm going to start a thread to encourage me to get to 100% on as many games as I can. I'm going to try to make a GA whenever I finish one! Many will likely be bundle games, but not all of them. :) For some, I may make the GA link a puzzle instead of a straight link.
So far, I have completed 2 games. I'm listing below the ones I'm actively working on. If you have any suggestions for games to try next, I'd love to hear them!
Update August 10, 2018
In two years I've only finished a few more, but that's still more than enough to update this thread and make some new giveaways! I've basically been MIA from SG due to a ton of personal stuff. Hello again! I have a couple others finished, but don't have any more games to give away just now, so those will be coming later.
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