If you have between 20-30 years like me, you probably played a bunch of strategy games. The early 90s was the golden age of the genre. Games like AoE, Warcraft, Warhammer, HoMM, Civ, etc would came out every year with big campaigns. Any 90s kid probably spent hundred of hours playing those titles and their scenarios (dota, asymmetrical 4x1s and TDs just to name a few) online.

I was talking to a friend that looking at the strategy tag on steam right now is just sad. A bunch of titles that although great have no resemblance to strategy at all, like the thousand of management/simulation games included. The real strategy games are old/hd remakes or new indie titles that could hit mainstream status.

With that said, in 2016 CIV 6 was the top game by revenue. Paradox got 5 games in the top 100 most sold game on steam. Starcraft and TW: Warhammer sold really well, AoE2HD had thousands of people playing every day and to top it all of, in 2017 for the first time in I don't even know how many year, 2 AAA RTS (DoW3/Halo Wars 2) will be released!

One of my new year's resolution is to play more strategy games and get more people to do the same. Therefore, I'll be doing some strategy games giveaways! I'm not sure for how long nor how many. Don't expect any CIV6 copies, I'm not that rich. xD

To start, here's a copy of one of my favorite games of all time. I spent countless hours playing this game.(I actually prefer the GOG + HD patch version instead of this HD remake on steam, but we're on steamgifts and no GOGgifts yet).

I'd also like to find more people to play those games. If you want to play more of those kind of games, let's get together to do some multiplayer matches! (should I put this thread on the let's play together category?)

Ok, after some encouragement, I've decided to create a group focused on strategy games, so we can play together, share news and create GAs for strategy games. Tell me if you want an invite!

LVL 1 - HoMM 3 HD

TL,DR: Strategy games GAs! 1 GA/month. January GA ending in less than a week. Let's see if we can break a 1000 entries for a strategy game!

8 years ago*

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Favorite kind of strategy game?

View Results
Real Time Strategy (Age of Empires, Warcraft...)
4X (GalCiv, Master of Orion...)
Real Time Tatics (Warhammer: Dark Omen, World In Conflict...)
Turn-Base Strategy ( CIV, HoMM...)
Turn-Based Tatics (X-COM, Jagged Alliance...)
Grand Strategy (EU4, CK2...)
Management Strategy ( Knights and Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom, Constructor...)

This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I'd high five you right now if I could. Also you did play Lost Constellation right?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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What?! it seems like I downloaded longest night from itch.io but totally forgot about it!

8 years ago

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RPG is largely the same way. Every other game gets at least one of these two just because it includes the most minor elements possible.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Personally I don't like strategy games, but in fact I loved Civilization 5 and HoMM 4

8 years ago

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Thanks from another strategy enthusiast!

8 years ago

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Happy fellow-factory day!

8 years ago

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Happy day to you, too, although you are much older than me right now... ;D

8 years ago

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Being young is better than being old though right? ;)

8 years ago

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But you have more experience, though!

8 years ago

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I'm not quite sure how much benefit remembering how SG used to be 4 years ago will be to me, but true

8 years ago

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happy cakky

8 years ago

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Thanks Silverio :)

8 years ago

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happy cakeday fellow strategy enthusiast!

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday

8 years ago

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Happy cake day, enjoy your strategy games and your human tanks xP

8 years ago

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happy caky

8 years ago

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No love for the Total War series?

I played a ton of Rome Total War and Civ 4 & 5 when I was a kid, those were the main strategy games which I played. More recently I've played a bit of XCOM which I enjoyed

8 years ago

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TW falls in the turn based category, I believe.

8 years ago

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I dunno, it's a mix of turn-based and RTS because of the battles

8 years ago

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Considering the fact that the entirety of the TW Campaign can be finished without a single battle aka auto-resolve, so I'd place it in the turn based category.

8 years ago

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But the live battles are the best part!

8 years ago

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depends on which game. Rome and Rome II have fantastic battles. Medieval I and II are much better auto-resolving every fight.

8 years ago

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I actually hardly played Medieval II, I was pretty dedicated to the Roman way.

Might explain my affinity for the battles.

8 years ago

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I still think Rome I and Medieval II are the best in the series especially with the Kingdoms expansion

8 years ago

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It's hard to categorize TW games because they have both turn-based system + real time battles. But I love them! Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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They deserve their own category in my eyes. And thank you!

8 years ago

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I also forgot other categories like Mobas and TDs, but I can't edit polls T_T

8 years ago

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Total War Strategy Games or TWSG for short!

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Total War! Rome TW is my favorite game and being an owner of the CD, I've dropped 6k+ hours on SP alone - not even with the expansion.I don't play on steam because it's a more buggy version. I should also like to play Grand Strategy like EUIV and CKII, and am just waiting for a good sale on the entire game+dlc collection.

8 years ago

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I grow up on strategy games. Love them all :)

8 years ago

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I remember getting a demo of HoMM 3, it was the first turn based game I really enjoyed, which prompted me to purchase it. Apparently that was about 18 years ago ... eek!

8 years ago

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bump! :)

8 years ago

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I have simple brain so I'm bad at the strategies, but I like them all the same.

Also, bump! :)

8 years ago

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4x and turned based for me.

8 years ago

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my vote. 4x are mostly turn based

8 years ago

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Thanks so much for this. The GA too, but more so the thread.

The HoMM series is such an incredible cornerstone. I played II, III and V to death. IV was weak and unfortunately VI is just a travesty. So I haven't even bothered to check VII.

Love Paradox games (my Steam account doesn't reflect that, as I played easily over 1000 hours before they entered Steam), starting with EU I.

The same goes for the Civ series. I was invited to Switzerland as a speaker on a political tour when Civ I came out. The guy I crashed at showed me this strange gem and went off to sleep. I played through the whole night and was totally wasted the other day when I had to speak in front of an audience. :)

Etc. etc. I feel the urge to go on about all the games mentioned above. But who cares, right?! :D

8 years ago

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I started paradox games on EU2 and it's wonderful to play EU4 now and see how much it evolved. I also hated most HoMM games after the third one. They made such an amazing game that I simply cannot understand how they could fail so hard and so many times after that.

8 years ago

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HoMM III was a real masterpiece, which is probably why many people didn't warm up to V, but I think it was a worthy entry.

Have you played the WoG (Wake of Gods) mod for HoMM III? What a mammoth of a mod!

I want to go back to EU IV, but Paradox keeps releasing essential expansions... causing me to hold off indefinitely... :(

8 years ago

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I don't think I ever heard about WoG. I'll take a look.
The last really essential expansion to EU4 was Common sense. I still don't have both Rights of Man nor Mare Nostrum and I'm playing just fine. The free patch has improved a lot of stuff. I do intend to buy RoM asap.

8 years ago

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HoMM III WOG. It sometimes feels like overkill, but it's a very impressive feat overall.

8 years ago

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I'm 20 and I've enjoyed many, many hours of AoE II, still have the collector's edition disc, installed it on my current pc, but haven't played it since. In fact, I've never tried AoE 1, and I also still have AoE 3 almost unplayed. At some point my mentality changed, I guess, but I'll be sure to play them all soon

8 years ago

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HoMM 3 is to this day one of the greatest games ever created and will forever be one of my fondest childhood games. :)

8 years ago

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It may come from my chess love, I have always been a turn based strategy and tactics lover.

Promising news for the Intelligent Systems fans waiting for another Advance Wars or classic Fire Emblem, the Starbound developer works on it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Where's most or all of the above?

8 years ago

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Wargame Red Dragon Master Race

8 years ago

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Isn't Civ also a 4X game? I am not sure if I agree fully with the poll.
I played strategy games since the mid/late 90s (Warcraft, Starcraft, HoMM2, Settlers, AoE, C&C, Civ, ...)

8 years ago

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Poll is just for fun. I missed a bunch of subgenres + a "All of them" category. Civ has 4x elements, but is more a TBS. Many games share subgenres like TW games are a mix of TBS+RTS

8 years ago

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I believe my pic speaks for itself

8 years ago

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Yes, I do ;>. First game I've ever played on PC (besides Doom) actually was Dune 2.

8 years ago

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I'm a bit older than you are, OP, and my early exposure to strategy games was all turn based. Mostly that's because computers didn't have the power to compete with a human in real time. In fact, I remember playing chess against a commodore and it taking half an hour or more to figure out the next move. I do recall the early days of the RTS games, such as Warcraft and Command & Conquer, but I have always preferred turn based, likely because that is what I got used to. The Jagged Alliance and X-Com series are my favorites... although I do love me some Total War.

8 years ago

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Bump. One of my favourite genres for sure. Loved me some AoE2 in my early teens, played countless hours. First game I played competitive online aswell. Thanks for the GA, L4stM.

8 years ago

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Never played HoMM, but I like turn-base strategy, so I probably should try it once

8 years ago

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HoMM, Age of Wonders and Disciples took a huge part of my study years. Also as Starcraft, Warcraft and some others.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by LastM.