The same thing happened to a guy I was trading whit D:!
He told me all his HB gift links show as used :C
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the gift link was showes as used, so theres no way that you can see the key,
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Revealing a key or creating a gift link is exclusive to the other- once you've selected one, you no longer have the option to select the other. As such, once you create a gift link, you can no longer view the keys directly.
What the OP and Nab are describing is a situation where gift links have been activated, but when you click on them, they say someone has already claimed them [as it normally does following whenever someone puts their email into that next page].
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Yes, I'm the one who traded with him, I also have the exact same problem, all of my gift links I generated for trading are shown as used. I have already contacted Humblebundle Support yesterday but haven't received a response from them so far. I personally don't think that all of these links were stolen... Nabchanted also has some gift links but none of them are used. It's very unlikely that someone guesses all of these gift links from a few accounts only. I'm really curious about how this is going to be solved.
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Sorry it happened to you too, but it is nice to not be alone. Considering I have the two step authentication enabled, I just have a really hard time believing I was hacked, which really only left someone guessing the gift links. But in that case, I imagined it would have had to happen to a LOT of people.
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I'm really starting to believe that it's something on HumbleBundle's end, I personally don't have the two step authentification enabled but when hearing that it happened to you with it enabled it's just very unlikely that someone guessed gift links of a few people's accounts only. I'm looking forward to a response from Humblebundle, maybe they have any idea of what happened if they can see who did (not) access these links
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Must be a site malfunction. No reply can mean they are working on it. Guessing can't happen to may people same time now can it? I do not make gift links until I am absolutely ready on the moment to trade or gift. But if it is used up you should gate a message it is already used by someone else. if unclaimed a blank field for entering email id should present itself. So verify what state links are in.
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Don't hold your breath. When I've contacted HB, it's taken ~30 days to get a reply, and at that point they don't even have replacement keys. It's sad that I get better service from G2A.
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I just got reponses from Humblebundle and got all of my broken gift links back!
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So I have a question for you cause this just happened to me
Did you give them a list of all the compromised games? Since i got 114 of them I feel like theyd be scared off :D
i just mentioned a few and said there are quite a few more.
Also, were some of your links old? I got gift links dating back to early 2014 up to a few days ago.Wondering if those are replaceable.
And lastly, how long before they replied?
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the last time i contacted support, i got a reply within 24 hours
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Yeah I gave them a list with all the names of the games + the gift links and they were then asking me to say to which bundle some of these games belong to to make it easier for them to allocate them. (Just for the ones I could remember)
Not sure if I had some from 2014, but I had Lost Planet 3 from the first Capcom Bundle and Dead Space 2 from the Humble Origin 2 Bundle, which are pretty old. They replaced them.
It took a bit more than a week for them to initially respond, but we sent a few messages to each other in about 1-2 hours after that and it was super fast.
By the way, they gave me a tip, you can send the gift link to yourself and claim it afterwards and you will still have a link that you can share with someone else. I actually tried this out now and it's probably more secure since it's linked to the account.
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They're less generous in how far they're willing to bend on our behalf, their delays in response can occasionally notable, and they're still being weirdly self-destructive and silent on the whole unlisted region-restrictions issue.
But as far as 'resolving standard issues with professionalism and graciousness' goes, they're still top-notch. In any circumstance where you have a clearly well founded issue with your purchase, they're going to fix it. I've yet to hear anyone say they've changed in that regard, nor have I noticed a drop there.
Yes, they're lacking in some respects, but they're reliable where it counts, and they're for sure one of the best supports out there [even if the competition tends to not pose much of a challenge in that regard]. It just doesn't strike me as likely that they'd not approach this matter with their usual grace toward similar situations.
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Can you redeem keys? Try out the keys if they worked.
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yes, if u generate gift links but dont use, someone can get it with brute force, its hard but code have same amount of letters, so posible
2 years ago i even saw someone sell copies obtained this way
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I do not know how this is possible
but I googled and found the man, and he still does it, he even traded on steamgifts...
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Yeah, and generating the url attempts fast isn't the issue. It would still take roughly the same ammount of time to try them.
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just curious...why would you create links before you are going to use them ?
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Just to keep track of which ones I wanted to keep and which ones I did not. Ones I didn't click either way were undecided. I wasn't aware there was a risk in creating gift links, but now that I know, I'll never use the function again.
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I think the links can expire, so it doesnt inherently mean someone took them. Either way humble support should be able to help you and get you new codes, although it might take up to a week or two to get to your ticket. :)
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According to the last reply to this previous time the topic came up on Steamgifts, they never expire. Of course, that was 2 years ago, and Humble has changed pretty notably since then, so even if it was true then, it may not be now.
Hard to really say what the case is, given that most of us use our gift links right away. :P
That said, a google search revealed several threads made at different times over the past few years, all complaining about expired gift links [example]. So there does seem to be some possible consistency to the matter, regardless of the cause- so probably best to not leave gift links floating around unused.
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Doubt anyone actually brute forces gift links , do you know have many possibilities there are for 16 characters codes
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Rather than repeatedly entering passwords into a website, the hackers used a list of hashed passwords they managed to get online.
Should be much easier than trying urls on the humble website. Unless humble is hacked, I think it would take much much longer than 6 mins?
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No, unfortunately, it doesn't share that information. I imagine Humble Bundle might know though.
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Is it because YOU are logged into your HB account, and the site knows that you also are the person who created them, and are therefore ineligible (as you are warned when you create the gift link) to ever see the steam key?
Did you try in a different browser or device where you aren't logged in to HB?
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I doubt that is the case, as one of my gift links still works, one that I turned into a gift link only 12 hours ago. But I went ahead and logged out and retried some, they still say they've been used.
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This is wrong, you can in fact access your own gift links, I have already done that dozens of times just to check if they are still working before trades/giveaways
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I had a similar issue a few years ago but mine was spread across generated and ungenerated keys. Although this was several iterations of their redemption system ago so it was working differently I supose. Either way they simply generated new codes and links for everything that was gone and they seemed pretty chill about the fact that I wasn't sure on some and probably ended up with some extra keys.
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I guess that you can request HB to revoke all the gift keys. Good luck.
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I few days before I was about to make a trade and the HB gift link was used. I was very surprised because I am super tidy with my trades and links, so I thought that was an individual case, contacted support after that - still no answer.
Now I found out that the vast majority of my humblebundle gifts links have been used... Shocking, but it seems to be a general issue..
This topic should ring a bell for everyone to check their humblebundle gift links asap.
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Still don't understand why people create trade links specially when they are not gonna send it right away.
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The simple explanation is to have all your trading stuff gathered in one place / file in your computer, saving you time to search for each one separately, let alone having to remember its place, it's a matter of convenience.
Obviously if we could be aware of that possibility, we wouldn't be doing it.
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I find the Humble library very easy to manage and search, but to each their own.
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Weird, I created 5-6 giftlinks for my latest batch of giveaways, these lasted 1 week each, and the links were all good thank lord, so yeah, something fishy is going on.
Not sure HB support is going to do anything except they know it happened to lots of people aka aknowledge a bug or something, otherwise they'd just say you (and others) are trying to con 'em.
I do know they expire if you don't claim them soon, even keys do, tho most likely this isn't the case for every single one. Oh the secrecy! :P
Good luck sweetheart gamer
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Strange, I had a key from 2 years back and I still was able to get a working gift link and a key out of that link. Humble Bundle gift links are way more secure than Steam keys for example, which leads to another thing that some bot might have activated your Steam key, you can claim another key from Humble staff. They will be more than happy to deactivate (reclaim) the not working key and give you a new one. Current game owner will get a reclaim- message and if he haven't used Steam market for some time, also the account will become unverified for a period of time.
As easy as that. They do see from Developers systems for Steam which keys have been activated and when, what they don't see is who activated which keys. That's how they will be able to pinpoint unactivated keys from Tropico 4 to be deleted from the database (reclaimed).
Also if you check on the Humble gift links there are 16 numbers and/or letters. There's difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, which makes 26 lowercase + 26 uppercase letters + 10 numbers = 62 available characters for 16 characters long line, in which everything can repeat itself. If I'm correct it should be as easy as 62^16 choices = 5x10^28. (someone with better understanding in statistical mathematics may correct me)
Bots would be taking years to solve one gift link, in which time it'd probably be used already. It's like playing lottery, chances are less than that.
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Do you preemptively turn your Humble games into gift links? If so, why?
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Same thing happened to me couple of years ago. Support said that it was likely my account was compromised, although I personally doubt it, since only the gift links were used (prepared for future giveaways). All the other keys I had (15-20) that were not revealed were intact. Regardless, support restored what I was missing pretty fast.
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So I was getting ready to set up some giveaways here, and clicked a HB gift link just to be sure it wasn't used, however to my surprise, it was. I checked a few more, also used. I checked all 100+ of my gift links, even the most recent ones from the latest HBM, and they were all used. I highly doubt my account was hacked (I did change my password to be safe), as no one redeemed any of my unredeemed Steam keys (or turned into gift links to steal that way), the only thing taken were ones I turned into gift links. Is it possible to just get lucky and guess the links? Did this happen to anyone else? I have already written to support, no reply yet, though I'm not sure there's anything they can do anyway.
Edit: Finally got a real reply back today 9/22 - All of my compromised links were revoked from whoever redeemed them and returned to my library. Seems whoever did it had the foresight to be extra helpful and just redeem them all with the same email address. So for those of you in the same boat, it does take support awhile to get back to you, but when they do, they are very helpful.
And no, I won't make gift links anymore unless I'm immediately about to give it to someone.
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