I agree with something you said. I think the people who make consoles are forgetting one thing.
Microsoft and sony need to stop bragging about how better their console is. It's getting really old. Of course they are different companies, and they want to rule the game industry but come on... when I see how they make fun of each other simply to sell more, I have this feeling that they forgot who the consoles are made for.
A console isn't the best because it has the latest facebook/twitter connection and other shit like this. A console is great because it has nice performances and good games.
It's that simple.
Anyway, I don't feel too involved in this stupid consoles war because i'm a PC player and I won't change, but it saddens me to see how these companies are acting.
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Finally someone that actually answered the topic, props for you!
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Microsoft did a very very risky maneuver to gain lots of money, sony used this opportunity to retaliate.
If they wouldn't be fighting we'd have much shittier products due to no desire to improve your own console.
Sure, Microsoft doesn't really give a fuck about sells, the NSA is paying for the console, but Sony still has to get gamers to buy the console to make money, so the concept of fighting and improving the product is kinda not in place here.
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So... "The new generation is here" and "The console wars just got a re-boot", meanwhile the part it matter the most is just caught in the middle... Yes, I mean the games. I just don't get it, why fight over wich console is better or wich one has more cores or better gpu if the games for that console are not fun?! In the past years I've had the chance to buy the three consoles, Wii, Xbox 360 and a PS3, but, the games I had the most fun with are the ones for Wii, just because I can play with 4 more people at the same time with games that are just fun by themselves, so, why buy another 2 consoles just for sigle player games I can have on my laptop PC?
And I'm not from USA, I live in México, and here I must pay premium for new games... Some people always say the price is too high for new games and consoles, even games on Steam or GOG, or in other online stores. You think games are really expensive for you guys on the USA? I paid US$500 for a Deluxe set Wii U back on January, and no, it was not at my local Best Buy in México, there the price was over US$600, with no extras (ZombiU version was not even announced yet) and games are over US$75 each there too, even that Lego Undercover game that you can find for less than US$40 on Amazon it's priced over US$75 at almost any games store. Here in México games are a commodity, and some special editions or rare games are too hard to find or come at a much higher prices... Used games market? Yes, they exist, but most stores sell them at "Like new prices" compared to USA stores, and if you have the chance to find an individual who have that game you're looking for you must pray it's in mint condition or at least the disk or cartridge is. Ok, I wrote and whine too much about Wii and it's games...
Now, what about and Xbox and PS? Well, the prices are just as high as you can imagine... The official price for the new Xbox one here is $8,500 pesos, thats like US$660... And no, it's not from a "Mexican-equivalent-Ebay-reseller", it's the price from the official store, yes, the price from the official Microsoft store in México, and at that price I bet you lots of people will gladly pay for it. For PS4, well, I don't know the official price here yet, but comparing the price of PS3 at release ($7,500 pesos or US$580) I think it will be around the same or a little bit higher. For games? well, I think from US$75 to US$90 each will be regular, I've seen Wii U games at US$85 so for Xbox One and PS4 I'll expect higher price for games also.
So, prices are high here, and at that prices some one expect the games to be long, fun and entertaining to the point you shouldn't buy more than two or three, isn't it?... Well, no... (It's supposed-) Consoles are made to play games, the consoles are the sole reason "Console games" are made, "Game exclusives" are games made to an especific console that ensures people will feel attracted to them and to buy the consoles... But again... Are the battle of consoles really matter now if the games are just not fun anymore?... Which game was the last that made you buy a console just because you wanted to play THAT game?, now you really can't, at some point you know that a good game at some point will be ported, may be to other console or to other platform, and when ported most games add more features, so now THAT game will make you buy that other port to enjoy it at it's fullest, so... Where it's the exclusivity? In the way you play it only. Want games with gorgeous graphics and sound, with more game options, mods and multi-languages? Play it on PC. Want to play it with a simplified controller scheme with the chance to play it with a friend or friends on a big screen? Go for consoles.
Now, back to the Wii, I have over 30 games for it, original games, even when piracy is so commonly practiced here, so I can be considered as a nintendo fan boy and suporter... Also I'm a PC gamer, you can see how many games I have on Steam, also I have a few more on GOG and on My iTunes account for my Mac. I'm not rich, I'm just a gamer who likes games a lot, also I'm married and my wife supports my passion for games... That's why I just have one request to developers every where... Just make good and fun games, no matter the console or the plattaform, some one will play it and will like the game as is, even with the bugs and the faulty mechanics, but also... Make full games, forget DLC, don't get greedy, enjoy making games and you'll see people enjoying them. For gamers, well, just buy the console you like the most and support it and the games for it, don't need to whine soo much about prices and availability when in another countries the same games you get are priced twice or more and people still buy them gladly.
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