I wish i could say the same,i hate Steam and i hate digital,but i lose on both grounds as most games go through steam or uplay or others.i prefer DRM Free with no stupid client that for the most part is useless to me.
I just prefer a client with voice chat and a way to easily connect with friends,i could do without the market,the community and other stuff i rarely use.If anything for me i would say it still temps me to pirate just to by pass needing Steam.
Though i love gaming to much to give it up that easy so i deal with Steam and digital to enjoy my love for games.
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True but i still would not feel right doing it,and it still actually illegal to do that,and i also feel i should not have to do that for a product i bought,things can be DRM free if they want,the problem is they some how think that DRM stops piracy and some how magically makes them more money and force them to buy said product and it does not,they just will pirate something else.
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Yeah i got Witcher 3 from them,but sadly most newer games are not on there and i do not see that changing anytime soon.I think it is good that more are joining like Saint Row 3 and i think more will.I also think it will be mostly older games that have been out awhile and they made what they are going to make for the most part on other platforms.
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Actually they have a lot of newly released games. There are also a lot missing. Those missing are the ones that will not release a DRM free game for the most part.
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Well that is kinda what i meant was you most likely will never see like Far Cry,Fallout,COD on the site
They do have a lot nice indie games though and older stuff and some newer stuff
Just not enough for me to use it itself,but that is alright that just how things go sometimes lol
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I find Steam quite convenient (ex. game patches/updates delivered to you automatically and efficiently) and affordable (read: Summer/Autumn/Winter/Daily/Weekly/Publisher Sales). I would not have been able to afford most of the (AAA) games I have if not for Steam (and yes, Humble Bundle, too).
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Same here. And the sales... makes me think like I'm taking advantage of them. Only bought 3 games out of the sale: CS:GO (my first steam game, created steam id only to play CS:GO - at least was that the idea), GTA V (the kind of game you gotta go with the hype, you cannot wait for the price to go low - even because it wont get low any soon) and H1Z1 (good and fair price and I was instantly hooked by it, even tho I had never played any survival game before - it was one of my best Steam purchases).
I registered on Steam last september and now I have 30+ games, some f2p but a lot of awesome sale deals of games I always wanted to play but never cared enough to buy it, so some I had cracked before Steam and now I have an original Steam copy of them. Makes me feel good about myself. :)
My goal is to have an original copy of every awesome game I never bought. I was always a gamer since a kid, but only now I started to understand all the work devs put into the games.
Unfortunately some of them are not on Steam and the devs don't care enough about making promotions, but I have so many awesome games owned that I don't even want to crack a game anymore. I kinda got addicted to... actually buying games.
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I think steam is very successful. I'm curious how far they intend to go with adding movies on the platform.
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I think Steam is big enough as it is. They don't need movies.
And besides, think of all of the additional bandwidth demands on their servers slowing down your downloads.
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same. I've spent more on steam and gaming than I have in the years prior that.
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Many reasons, but in short convenience - and supporting the creators.
Im very erratic with my gaming; I rarely play a game from start to end, i easily wanna play something else, with steam i install/uninstall then in a breeze; No fiddling with wich version to download, patchs, cracks, viruses... that and im HD is always full no matter how i upgrade it, downloading huge games to later have to uncompress then... no, not anymore.
And updates. And screenshots. And cards, yeah.
I won't lie, i still get games from other venues, but i only check then. My wallet can't grab all i want, so the dubious choices i pirate- and if i like then i uninstall and wait for a sale. Yeah. Castlevania Mirror of fate is one of the latest examples, i played almost half of it and said 'fuck this', uninstalled and grabbed it on the latest sale. I want to know how time i took to beat it, and have it showing as well...
Its sad when i look at some games on my library ive beaten with pirated version; Theres almost no playtime with braid or bastion for example(i beaten it twice before buying)...
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+1 the only thing that didn't change is the consumption of the media > 90% of all games acquired never "consumed" (played)
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The only reason i ever pirate a game is BECAUSE of steam honestly. Their strict desire to have me pay for a game that THEY will in turn own, rather than myself, is not something I'm spending money on. So all steam-exclusives are pirate-worthy to me.
All my money goes to Gamersgate and GoG. Especially due to how amazing GoG's holiday sales are. Best of the best.
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I have nearing 200 games on steam (none of which I paid for. All gifts and won). A few hundred delivered via email (old school). 30 or so on origin. Maybe 20 on Uplay, 10 on Desura, and a few hundred more on GoG. Personally I never saw the perks to cluttering a single library with all of my games, so the "steam came first and all my games are here" reasoning never really made too much sense to me. I don't blame people for it, and I can understand it to an extent. It's convenience i suppose, but to me it feels the opposite. having so many games cluttered in one space? Makes it hard for me to find my games =P. So I'm a huge fan of desktop icons to keep the games important to me within easy reach.
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I still pirate games. But now for some reason i always want to have the game i pirated on steam... maybe im starting to feel guilty for pirating all these years
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Yeah, Steam made the most efficient step in fighting the piracy, and made it without any fight, with a carrot and not a stick.
Piracy still do a good job, because we still lack of official possibilty of "try before buy" - i think, it will be a good nex step if there will be a possibility to play any game without buying it for some short period of time (like 1-6 hours depending of a game). It even works somehow now (new refunding steam rule) but this is not the same.
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I only use windows defender. Every time I've owned another antivirus it's been a hindrance. Lots of false positives.
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Usually the paid services have more support and effort put into them, though.
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Malwarebytes' is an anti-malware program. You need both anti-virus and anti-malware on your computer.
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No not really. Just an antivirus is fine; heck with some precautions or alternative security programs you could go without an antivirus as well.
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If you came to that conclusion, then you are a moron. I did not say that because he used incorrect grammar that his statement was wrong. That would have been a logical fallacy.
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Malwarebytes is not an antivirus though, just offers it as an option. It is actually a sometimes recommended software to use alongside antiviruses.
And I have tried all free AVs. They are all terrible, but the amount of their sucking can vary a lot. That 5 EUR/month I pay for my yearly AV is worth a lot more than it costs.
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Windows is not a free upgrade for pirates Microsoft made a statement on that and confirmed it.
Though Malware Bytes is a good program and the only one i use,i do not even bother with windows bit defender just the firewall.I think they are doing this in hopes they will like it enough to continue to use it with paying,or it is to try and flush out all the bad keys floating around and hope they get this key and they can invalidate the non legit ones a lot easier.
Though piracy is not to blame for bad game sales,piracy has been around since games have been around,the only thing that has changed is the ease of access to such stuff.Piracy in most cases is a moral issue and those who chose to do it ignore the moral fact that it is wrong.
Money is not the reason to pirate imo there is no good excuse to pirate.
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Still not a valid point but what is done is done,and i am not here to tell you what you can and can not do.
You said you pirated because there was no other way because is was way to expensive,either way does not change the fact that does not justify downloading what you had no right to download.
I was just trying to say that if you can not afford it,you just do not get it,they have a saying,you can not pay you,you should not play.
In the end do not worry i am not going to hate you or blacklist or anything because you have,i am just saying in the end i still do not think there is any excuse for piracy,those who make up an excuse imo do it to try justify why they did it,when no matter how they try in the end it still wrong,
I also understand why some might do it say like for really bad DRM or just no longer available and sometimes not for sale in there country/region,but still the same out come from me i still think it is wrong but i get why some might.
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Big difference between stealing cars and game piracy. Stealing a car makes it unusable to its owner. If I could magically duplicate the car while doing no harm to the owner, sure. Then again around here a car is pretty much a necessity (no mass transit).
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Piracy is a HORRIBLE crime against humanity. It's basically on the same level as mass murder.
Patrick King, 15 years for piracy: https://torrentfreak.com/riaa-celebrates-15-year-jail-sentence-for-movie-and-music-pirate-121112/
Anders Breivik , 21 years for killing 77 people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik
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On one hand, Norwegian law doesn't have bigger punishment - it's 21 years with possibility to add more if he'll still be considered threat to society. If he'd done this is USA, he'd get like 500 years or even more, or simple poison-to-the-veins, depending in which state he'd be judged.
On the other hand - Patrick wasn't just pirating, he was also selling and living off it. If you were a producer of anything (books, food, kinky-toys) you wouldn't have problem with me going to your store, copying it and then selling it?
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Probably yes, but that's self-preservation... you don't die if you don't play.
: )
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While all of this is great and all, why not focus on the fact that yet another game has referenced Skyrim for its size when it wasn't even that big?
Anywho, I'm currently using Kaspersky and it's... Meh.
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I think I used Avast! before. It seems like every open-world rpg references Skyrim's size. I was under the impression that Daggerfall was the biggest by a huge margin in that series.
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Daggerfall was, in a sense, randomly generated, with exception to the specifically designed dungeons and cities. I'm not sure if all of the city locations are randomly generated or not but cities like Daggerfall are the same each time.
Skyrim, however, is really not that big. It's pretty decent but it's not BIG big. The biggest issue is that movement speed, especially on a horse, is hindered by stamina and the actual speed you move at when not sprinting. To say the least, you generally move slowly. Also, not all of Skyrim has interactive and useful locations e.g. the crashed boats which are effectively useless except for a couple of reasons.
I tried to use Avast! once but... I don't get it. I don't know why but I just don't get it. It seems very hindered, the free version that is.
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Its a point of, you give someone something and make them feel not icky about it they might give back? I know some people have no moral compass.
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I'll never understand the ridiculous DRM they put on games. Ubisoft had some really bad ones, but they eased up. Uplay is pretty terrible, but DRM usually just hurts paying customers, because eventually it gets cracked, even Denuvo. I remember when I would buy games and it would be normal to get a no-cd crack for it. For the longest time I thought the games actually needed to read off the disk but most of the time it was just drm.
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LOL, how big of them.
Why no one mentioned that they will no longer offer lifetime license. Now you have to renew your Premium license every 12 months. Lifetime -> 1 year, it's such a small price increase, only like 8000% nobody would care anyways, right?
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Like some where abusing Microsoft and selling keys through there subscriptions which meant a life time key well life time of the OS.Now they expire when your subscription expires,as people would sell the max keys they where allowed,quit paying the fees and everyone kept there windows keys.
Though we could go on and on about other Companies that pull this BS like all those who buy Apple and get shafted by having to pay for updates of the OS,IOS stop support on older devices to force you to buy new devices.
How are they any different from pretty much every other company that is trying to max profits?
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So i use the product and you dislike what they did and i like the product and will continue to use it and do not have issue with paying yearly and you do,that some how makes me the bad person??
I was merely trying to show they are not the only ones that have done this and will not be the last,you tried to make it like they are the first and the most evil for doing it,i was merely pointing to others that do the same shit to max profits.
So if me liking a product and continue to use it makes me a milking cow then what the hell are you?After all you use Steam who milks everyone for fees and other stuff to max profits and puts in trade locks and so on.So go on continue to be there milking cow
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I pay as much as I see fit. The distributor or creator can ask for as much as he likes, but in the end he will get only what the clients will pay him.
My post was mainly about ridiculous price increase and how it's being hushed (because not everyone knows this software, so there are people who are not aware of it). But the developer is trying to make it about their generousity for pirates and bull crap like that. And you apparently don't have any problem with that, and tell us that maximizing income is a normal thing. But it's not.
I have a business of my own and I don't milk my customers, and I didn't create it to make fortune. I did it to provide services I felt were needed by my community. All my prices were set to be reasonable and as low as possible. I'm perfectly happy going by bus to my work and not living in a 5000 square villa. And if I had one and knew I got it for money earned by ripping off customers I would feel like shit.
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You're not alone. There are millions of other people who don't agree with distributors and vote with their wallets. Many people just don't execute their power because they are blinded by the marketing, peer pressure, no resolve or whatever other reason.
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I mostly buy games only when they're in a big sale though. But if I want to play a game I'm not gonna not buy it just because the retail price is 60€ or 70€. I agree that entertainment products are not essential and even that ideally a happier life can be had without them. But in my current situation, I lack resolve and a substitute.
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...And what about the majority that doesn't care? The only reason video game prices for AAA's are going up is because people keep paying the rising prices. For those who realize how it works, you either hold a grudge and don't pay up or you pay up unless you get a sale price. At the same time, I expect that the economy is changing rapidly too, as it always does.
If you want to try and change things, go ahead. I'd certainly follow you if it was successful. Otherwise, I'm not going to have the mentality that me, as one person without a following, could change how it is. That's absurd. You either pay or you don't. In the end, it's more about you either have or you don't have. The market isn't going to change in a day. In a few years, if the majority of people started boycotting the ridiculous rising prices(I think it's at 60-70 average now), prices may drop but then what's the point? You'll probably have moved on by then.
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If I that feel the price is too high I don't pay. Same for my friends (most of them anyways). If I really want something, but it's too expensive in my opinion, I wait for a sale, seek a cheaper substitute or simply don't buy. Products provided by entertainment industry are not essiential to our existence. You can live a happy life without them. Maybe even happier. Unfortunatelly there are many who doesn't care, as you said, hence the ridiculous price tags on many products.
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Fair enough. I tend to only buy games during sales unless it's a decent price. $20 is about my maximum since your average game seems to have only a decent amount of content.
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I don't know about Malwarebytes, but Windows 10 is not offered for free to pirates, neither is The Witcher 3 if it is about running it through the client as Steam already allows anything to run through the "Non-Steam Game" option.
"Piracy" is not stealing, but it is one of the bogeymen the suits hide behind.
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I am still not sure how Piracy is not theft,and do not get me that crap about it is not depriving anyone of a physical item.You have not right to use the code/assets without permission and if you download it without permission you do not have the right to use it.
I guess if i take something and nobody sees me it is not theft either,because nobody seen me take it.They do not notice it missing so they are not deprived of something they do not know is gone.
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They are losing money though because they did not get paid for that copy,this thing with they did not lose money so it is not stealing is just an excuse to make piracy some like it is not stealing,because people got it in there mind that stealing means you actually have to take a physical object or item from someone
You make a patent to protect your product so nobody else can make it,but if someone copies your idea it is stealing,yet there was no money and never was.so the way you think means nobody stole anything.
Also it is illegal to make copies so in fact it is stealing.It is even stamped on every console disc.If is is not stealing it would not be illegal.They could not shut sites down for piracy and so on,if it was not stealing and breaking copyright laws.
My point is if it was not stealing it would not be illegal and hence they could not charge you with copyright theft.
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They are not loosing any money, because most of the people who used pirated keys would never buy this software! If it would be impossible to obtain the pirated key they would just seek othe free solution or give up. You won't force people to buy products simply by making piracy impossible, illegal and such.
And there are many things made illegal because of someone's say so. Killing is illegal. Why? In nature animals kill each other all the time. It's perfectly natural. Stealing is illegal. Why - animals and plants steal food every day. Building a house without a permit is illegal - why, Earth is not someone's property, people didn't create this planet - it's everyone's.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't support developers, but your logic is flawed, like MIAA's or MPAA's. They also think that all pirates would magically buy products, if the pirating was not possible. But it's not true and never will be. So you can't steal something that never existed.
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So your definition of thievery is "using something you don't have the right to?". Can't you see how broken that definition is? A lot of things would be thievery by that definition (and are not).
Thievery implies, by definition, you're depraving something from someone. If no one notices it's still thievery, but no one will tell the police so you'll be fine :P
In any case, in most western countries copyright infringement (AKA piracy) has a much higher penalty than robbery, which doesn't make sense.
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I was being sarcastic with that,but i guess you did not notice that that either way i should knowing better to share my opinion,as i knew it would not end well
I am not trying to start fights or anything just trying to share i think it is illegal and it is wrong and there is no way to justify it,it would be no different then i make a cd,give a demo to a friend he shares it with the whole world,nobody buys my music because they got an illegal copy,but according to what they said it is not stealing i did not get paid and since it not stealing i am SOL
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In terms of digital copies, you're not stealing but instead depriving them of one possible sale. No, that's not theft. The equivalent would be me taking a PS4, that can be copied digitally for purposes of relevance, from my friend. I haven't stolen the PS4, they have just lost a possible sale.
Even in the case of being 'given' the game aka getting a download file from someone else is relevant in this case since the giving of the copy isn't directly stealing money or any copies themselves. As Boro666 said, it isn't stealing because there is no money and there never was. Since a digital copy can be y'know copied, which costs absolutely zero money to do (unless you count electricity but then you're just being a smart ass), nothing is being stolen or taken away.
Anyways, I'm just going to be repeating the same thing over and over so the general point is that : You can't steal what isn't there and you can't deprive what isn't available ('stealing sales').
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You should watch the movie Flash of Genius. You'll see that your definition of what is stealing is wrong.
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Oh, but luller, a movie is the most trustworthy source of word definitions!
Whether not people like it, depriving a sale isn't stealing. It's depriving a sale which isn't stealing since, y'know, you aren't taking anything away. As I said, digital copies are unlimited. They aren't made out of anything. I could literally copy the download files from, for example, GOG and distribute them. I just 'made' several copies of a game via the install files. It's that easy. The same could be said for emulators and CD-rips, otherwise known as ROMS.
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It's a movie about the car industry stealing an invention from a man. The car industry used your definition and they lost in court.
It's a true story.
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That... Is a very different story. First off, I'm assuming the invention isn't patented / copyrighted / whatever else. Secondly, stealing a physical object is different from stealing a digital object (which is not limited and so does not steal the actual product which cost money in materials to create). Both of those are also different from stealing an idea.
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Sorry. It's not different. Stealing is taking something that doesn't belong to you.
It's easy for you to say it's not since what you're taking is something you want but don't want to pay for. You'll just justify it however you want.
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Lolwut? I don't pirate, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about, you ignorant little person. That's the lowest you can go when you assume something and it just makes you look silly.
As I said, stealing an idea isn't the same thing as stealing an object and a physical object is not the same thing as a digital object. If the movie includes them making money off of an invention that they OWN then yes, it's stealing. The same if I were to make my own 'Pepsi' and sell it because Pepsi is trademarked and not by me so I do not own the rights to it.
You never clarified on what the movie is about and what occurs in the movie. I don't have the spare time to watch a movie, so I am forced to assume.
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Straight up: do you work for the ESA or BSA or similar? You seem to take this all very personally is all; it's not healthy.
Ah, I see your answer above, so I can see where you're coming from, nevermind.
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Semantics. People shouldn't be allowed to twist words and meanings, particulary in cases like this where it also carries an negative associations. "Stealing", "pirates", "thief". How to forget "You wouldn't download a car!".
From your post: "[to] take something", "[for] something [to be] gone", and on another set of ideas: "[to not] have [the] right", and "[to] use without permission". When someone copies computer data, without deleting or otherwise removing that data from its origin, it cannot be called "to take away" and it cannot be said that the data "is gone". "Rights" and "permission" can be a lot harder to discuss, but it should be made clear that it is up to every individual to honor any agreements.
Some claim that harm is being exerted upon them by people not buying access to indefinitely-copyable digital data AND by those people accessing or storing said data. I find it hard to believe they are getting harmed by a situation where an individual is using their computer, in their home, and for personal or private tasks that do not have consequences or effects on anybody else. It seems that if those people pay then no "harm" is done, so when looking at it the only option we are left with for it to make sense is that what these people are actually claiming is to be harmed by other people NOT BUYING ACCESS TO DIGITAL DATA; and if that is the case it doesn't matter if they are accessing the data, "illegaly" or not.
Somehow some people claim that you (anyone really) listening to a tape recording of some sound emitted by the radio (or a concert, the street, or just wherever), in your home by yourself, is harming them, and that you must pay them and do the listening in a certain manner as determined by them lest you are susceptible to penalties and punishment in behalf of them.
If you are going after anyone, it better be after the people making money off your work, not after the guy in his basement that didn't do anything but use his computer, internet service, and electricity that he pays for already, heck, maybe he even has a job too, picks up puppies from the street and goes to church. But hey! Every shekel I don't gain is a sheckel I lose right :^).
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Nope that basically the issue. You would need to pirate the premium version of the software to get the 12 months free premium.
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That's why I think there is a bigger problem. I think they are assigning keys to paying customers and the keys could be invalid since a key generator ended up stealing that key. Basically they are applying a bandaid to another problem. If they give the pirates their own personal key, they won't make trouble for support in having to replace invalid keys. It's just speculation on my part. To answer your question, yes it does encourage piracy to some degree.
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Basically, you obtain a key from the net/download a keygen and turn your software to Premium. Then I guess there's an option in the software to choose how it is that you're Premium. If you choose 'I’m not sure where I got my key, or I downloaded it from the Internet' you'll get a legit key.
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It's pretty easy to prove it is stealing, all you need is to look up definitions of the word steal.
"to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force:"
"to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment."
Both sound like piracy to me, stealing is all about how you obtained something not about how it hurts the person you took it from. But does it even matter if stealing is the right word? It's still just as wrong no matter what you call it.
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I can say after getting a job and having better income I don't pirate as much. When I do, It's often to see if I'll like a game before I have to buy it. This is lessened even more recently by Steam's refund policy, So I don't lose either way and I can stop breaking the law too!
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it's a pricing problem, anyone arguing it's not should sack all his marketing department and use saved up money on their wages to reduce own prices!
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The pirated key will be flagged as invalid after a program update. You will be forced to either use the free version, enter a valid key, or follow the instructions on how to make your pirated key valid. The updates are issued in waves over the course of a couple of days so if you haven't received a notification yet then you should be soon. I got mine this morning.
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I got a notification this morning that said MBAM needed an update. After the update completed and my computer rebooted a message popped up saying that my key was invalid. I have been using a cracked version of MBAM for a couple of years so this came as no surprise to me after they announced the amnesty program. All I had to do was click the button that says "I’m not sure where I got my key, or I downloaded it from the Internet " and it activated immediately to the Pro version and had 394 days remaining on the license. I can live with that. MBAM has saved me many times from hosing my PC. I will be buying it when this license expires.
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I use "cracked games" just for testing purposes, I won't pay for a EA game anymore ( srly, 25€ [yeah Euro] for 1 EA game which will never be released? no thanks... )
There are so many EA games out there, and they just wanna have our money, if they got enough they just remove the game and what now? Yeah.. So, sorry @ all "real" indie dev's out there :)
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The best way to fight piracy is offering something better than it. Steam and GoG have done a pretty good job, also Spotify in the music world...
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This. The most efficient way to combat piracy is to provide a service or experience that piracy cannot.
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Made a lot of people stop downloading mp3s after giving it a try. You can use it for free (there will be some advertising) or pay a quarterly suscrption ($3usd more or less if i'm not mistaken). Pros: Listen whatever you want, make playlists, the system recommends new music based on the artists and genres you like, you can even listen music ofline, you cand add friends and share recommendations etc. Cons: There are some artists wich are not yet on the platform.
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1) No, you don pay for albums or songs individually. You pay for the suscription and then have full acces to all the catalogue (in free mode too, but as I said, there are some advertisings)
2) Hmmm you will have to try this out for yourself. I once used the service on a shitty office PC and it went well despite the small bandwith.
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They weren't giving it away for free, they were allowing people who pirated the game for free to add it to galaxy.
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I've slowly bought software that I used but I'm still not paying $25 a year on an "additional" A/V software.
Note the "additional" word part there. I see malwarebytes as a program that cleans a computer that is mismanaged/cluttered/dirty.
if you already have a very good A/V as your first line of defense, I.E: Kaspersky, Eset. Then you don't need malwarebytes.
If they made the pricing as, let's say $100 for premium forever, then maybe I'll consider it since I do use malwarebytes to clean PCs when someone wants me to do a check up on their PCs.
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my grand-father was thinking the same way about '' free life time upgrade'', so he bought few software, until he found all of them ''bankrupted'' and changed their name and still offer the same product, but because its not the ''same company'', the life time upgrade is void so think twice before you buy a ''free lifetime upgrade''
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3 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by Mhol1071
41 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by ClapperMonkey
Malwarebytes is offering a free 12 month premium key to pirates. No matter how you acquire their premium software, you can get your own key valued around $30. It sounds like they have run into a problem where pirates are generating legitimate keys that might later be assigned to a paid customer and not work. The program information is here. This is not the first time companies have offered amnesty to pirates.
Windows 10 is a free upgrade to pirates, and the very successful game Witcher 3 reached out to pirates, even allowing them to add the game to their gog galaxy client without having purchased it.I have no opinion either way, but I'm interested how others feel about it. Should companies be fighting piracy or accepting it? Gabe Newell is quoted as saying "Piracy is a service problem, not a pricing problem". At least with gaming, I think several companies like Ubisoft and EA have been responsible for a rise. It feels like you can't get a complete game unless you preorder from 7 different retailers to get all the preorder bonuses. Pirates get them all in one package. Sorry in advance for this topic, I know it may seem like I'm beating a dead horse.
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